Exemplo n.º 1
def handler(event, context):
    # get the api key
    meraki_api_key = secrets_manager.get_secret_value(

    # setup a session
    session = requests.Session()
    session.headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key': meraki_api_key
    # get the org id
    url = 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v0/organizations'
    result = session.get(url)
    organizationId = result.json()[0]['id']

    # get the networks associated with this org
    url = f'https://api.meraki.com/api/v0/organizations/{organizationId}/networks'
    result = session.get(url)
    networks = result.json()
    last_run_time = utcnow().isoformat()
    records_retrieved = False
    per_page = 1000
    # Meraki has 'productTypes': ['appliance', 'camera', 'switch', 'wireless']
    # what event/product types do we want?
    event_set = set(MERAKI_PRODUCT_TYPES.split(","))

    for network in networks:
        network_id = network["id"]
        # get events since last time we ran (default an hour ago)
        start_after = get_parameter('/meraki-events/lastquerytime',
                                    (utcnow() -
        # reformat date string to what Meraki likes
        # Z instead of +00:00
        start_after = '{}'.format(start_after.replace('+00:00', 'Z'))
        logger.info(f"Looking for records since: {start_after}")

        product_set = set(network["productTypes"])
        # if it's not wireless, move on
        for event_type in event_set.intersection(product_set):
            next_page = True
            while next_page:
                url = f'https://api.meraki.com/api/v0/networks/{network_id}/events?productType={event_type}&perPage={per_page}&startingAfter={start_after}'
                result = session.get(url)
                events = result.json()['events']
                start_after = result.json()['pageEndAt']
                if len(events) == 0:
                    next_page = False
                        f"sending: {len(events)} meraki records to firehose")
                    records_retrieved = True

    # sometimes activity log lags behind realtime
    # so regardless of the time we request, there won't be records available until later
    # only move the time forward if we received records.
    if records_retrieved:
        put_parameter('/meraki-events/lastquerytime', last_run_time)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def onMessage(self, message, metadata):
        # our target shell
        event_shell = {
            "utctimestamp": utcnow().isoformat(),
            "severity": "INFO",
            "summary": "UNKNOWN",
            "category": "UNKNOWN",
            "source": "UNKNOWN",
            "tags": [],
            "plugins": [],
            "details": {},
        # maybe the shell elements are already there?
        event_set = set(enum_keys(event_shell))
        message_set = set(enum_keys(message))
        if not event_set.issubset(message_set):
            # we have work to do
            # merge the dicts letting any message values win
            # if the message lacks any keys, our shell values win
            message = merge(event_shell, message)

        # move any non shell keys to 'details'
        for item in message_set:
            # enum_keys traverses sub dicts, we only move the top level
            # so check if the key is note a core element
            # present in the top level and move it to details
            if item not in event_shell and item in message:
                message["details"][item] = message.get(item)
                del message[item]

        return (message, metadata)
Exemplo n.º 3
def expire_sequence_alerts(db):
    # iterate inflight sequence alerts
    # for any that are past their expiration date
    # remove the inflight entry
    inflight_alerts = db["inflight_alerts"]
    alerts = db.inflight_alerts.find({}).sort("utcepoch", pymongo.DESCENDING)
    for alert in alerts:
        if toUTC(alert["expiration"]) < utcnow():
            inflight_alerts.delete_one({"_id": alert["_id"]})
Exemplo n.º 4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('default', interval=5)
        print 'updating scheduled jobs'
        now = dates.utcnow()
        self.current_jobs = []

        for job_info in settings.REPEATING_JOBS:
            self.schedule_job(now, scheduler, job_info)
Exemplo n.º 5
def determine_deadman_trigger(alert_params, events):
    """Given a deadman alert's params and a set of events (or lack thereof)
    determine if it should fire and resolve summary/snippets, etc

    Largely the same as a threshold alert, except this accounts
    for a lack of events (altogether missing, or below a count) as the trigger
    counts = mostCommon(events, alert_params["aggregation_key"])
    if not events:
        # deadman alerts are built to notice
        # when expected events are missing
        # but it means we have no events to pass on
        # make a meta event for the fact that events are missing
        events = []
        meta_event = {
            "utctimestamp": utcnow().isoformat(),
            "severity": "INFO",
            "summary": "Expected event not found",
            "category": "deadman",
            "source": "deadman",
            "tags": ["deadman"],
            "plugins": [],
            "details": {},

    if not counts:
        # make up a metadata count
        counts = [(alert_params["aggregation_key"], 0)]

    for i in counts:
        # lack of events, or event count below the threshold is a trigger
        if i[1] <= alert_params["threshold"]:
            alert = alert_params
            alert["triggered"] = True
            # set the summary via chevron/mustache template
            # with the alert plus metadata
            metadata = {"metadata": {"value": i[0], "count": i[1]}}
            alert = merge(alert, metadata)
            # limit events to those matching the aggregation_key value
            # so the alert only gets events that match the count mostCommon results
            alert["events"] = []
            for event in events:
                dotted_event = DotDict(event)
                if i[0] == dotted_event.get(alert_params["aggregation_key"]):
            alert["summary"] = chevron.render(alert["summary"], alert)
            # walk the alert events for any requested event snippets
            for event in alert["events"][:alert_params["event_sample_count"]]:
                alert["summary"] += " " + chevron.render(
                    alert_params["event_snippet"], event)
            yield alert
Exemplo n.º 6
def validate_outlook_token_lifetime(payload):
    if 'nbf' not in payload:
        raise APIException('Missing valid from date')

    if 'exp' not in payload:
        raise APIException('Missing valid to date')

    valid_from_epoch = payload['nbf']
    valid_until_epoch = payload['exp']

    valid_from_datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(valid_from_epoch).replace(
    valid_until_datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(

    # 5 miinute padding to accomodate time difference b/t server & client
    padding = timedelta(minutes=5)

    if valid_from_datetime - utcnow() > padding:
        raise APIException('Token not yet valid')

    if utcnow() - valid_until_datetime > padding:
        raise APIException('Token expired')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_expire_sequence_alerts(self, mongo_connection):
        # setup
        db = mongo_connection.test_alerta
        inflight_alerts = db["inflight_alerts"]
        assert inflight_alerts.count_documents({}) == 0
        # create an expired sequence alert, and see if the routine removes it
        offset = pd.Timedelta("7 days").to_pytimedelta()
        last_week = utcnow() - offset
        alert_shell = {"utctimestamp": last_week.isoformat(), "lifespan": "1 day"}
        alert_shell = get_sequence_alert_shell(alert_shell)
        # print(alert_shell)
        save_inflight_alert(db, alert_shell)
        assert inflight_alerts.count_documents({}) == 1
        assert inflight_alerts.count_documents({}) == 0

        # tear down
        assert inflight_alerts.count_documents({}) == 0
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_sequence_alert_shell(alert_params):
    default dict for a sequence alert
    alert = {
        "alert_name": alert_params.get("alert_name", "unnamed"),
        "alert_type": alert_params.get("alert_type", "sequence"),
        "utctimestamp": alert_params.get("utctimestamp",
        "lifespan": alert_params.get("lifespan", "3 days"),
        "severity": alert_params.get("severity", "INFO"),
        "summary": alert_params.get("summary", "sequence alert!"),
        "debug": alert_params.get("debug", True),
        "slots": alert_params.get("slots", []),
    # calculate expiration in date format
    offset = pd.Timedelta(alert["lifespan"]).to_pytimedelta()
    alert["expiration"] = alert_params.get(
        "expiration", (toUTC(alert["utctimestamp"]) + offset).isoformat())

    return merge(alert_params, alert)
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_deadman_alert_shell(alert_params):
    default dict for a deadman alert
    alert = {
        "alert_name": alert_params.get("alert_name", "unnamed"),
        "alert_type": alert_params.get("alert_type", "deadman"),
        "utctimestamp": utcnow().isoformat(),
        "severity": alert_params.get("severity", "INFO"),
        "summary": alert_params.get("summary", "deadman alert!"),
        "event_snippet": alert_params.get("event_snippet", ""),
        "event_sample_count": alert_params.get("event_sample_count", 0),
        "category": alert_params.get("category", "deadman"),
        "tags": alert_params.get("tags", ["deadman"]),
        "threshold": alert_params.get("threshold", 0),
        "aggregation_key": alert_params.get("aggregation_key", "none"),
        "criteria": alert_params.get("criteria", ""),
        "debug": alert_params.get("debug", True),
        "events": [],
    return merge(alert_params, alert)
def handler(event, context):
    EVENTS_V1 = '/siem/v1/events'
    ALERTS_V1 = '/siem/v1/alerts'


        "Event::Endpoint::UpdateFailure", "Event::Endpoint::UpdateSuccess",
        "Event::Endpoint::SavDisabled", "Event::Endpoint::SavEnabled",

    exclude_types = ','.join(["%s" % t for t in NOISY_EVENTTYPES])
    exclude_types = 'exclude_types=' + exclude_types

    sophos_api_key = secrets_manager.get_secret_value(
    sophos_basic_auth_string = secrets_manager.get_secret_value(
    url = "https://api1.central.sophos.com/gateway"
    last_run_time = utcnow().isoformat()
    records_retrieved = False
    # setup a session
    session = requests.Session()
    session.headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'X-Locale': 'en',
        'Authorization': f'Basic {sophos_basic_auth_string}',
        'x-api-key': sophos_api_key

    # figure out the last time we checked for records
    since = get_parameter('/sophos-events/lastquerytime',
                          (utcnow() - timedelta(hours=12)).isoformat())
    # 'since' should be an iso formatted utc string
    # sophos wants epoch
    since = int(calendar.timegm((toUTC(since).timetuple())))

    params = {'limit': 1000, 'from_date': since}
    for endpoint in ENDPOINTS:
        if 'cursor' in params:
            # rm any cursor left over from the last endpoint
            del params['cursor']
        next_page = True
        while next_page:
            # figure out ending URL like
            # https://api1.central.sophos.com/gateway/siem/v1/events?limit=1000&from_date=1584374987&exclude_types=Event::Endpoint::UpdateFailure,Event::Endpoint::UpdateSuccess,Event::Endpoint::SavDisabled,Event::Endpoint::SavEnabled,Event::Endpoint::Enc::DiskEncryptionStatusChanged
            args = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()] + [
            events_request_url = '%s%s?%s' % (url, endpoint, args)
            response = session.get(events_request_url)
            result = response.json()
            events = result['items']
            if events:
                    f"sending: {len(events)} sophos records to firehose")
                records_retrieved = True

            if not result['has_more']:
                next_page = False
            params['cursor'] = result['next_cursor']

    # sometimes activity log lags behind realtime
    # so regardless of the time we request, there won't be records available until later
    # only move the time forward if we received records.
    if records_retrieved:
        put_parameter('/sophos-events/lastquerytime', last_run_time)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def setup_schedule(self, scheduler):
        now = dates.utcnow()

        for job_info in settings.REPEATING_JOBS:
            self.schedule_job(now, scheduler, job_info)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_save_resolved_sequence_alert(self, mongo_connection):
        # sequence alerts are just a series of alerts
        # which should all be resolved (in order) before the alert
        # is created
        # the alerts are carried in 'slots' in the
        # sequence alert, all slots full of events and the alert fires.

        # setup
        db = mongo_connection.test_alerta
        inflight_alerts = db["inflight_alerts"]
        alerts = db["alerts"]
        assert alerts.count_documents({}) == 0
        assert inflight_alerts.count_documents({}) == 0
        # create an fulfilled sequence alert, and see if
        # it triggers an alert creation
        alert_shell = {"utctimestamp": utcnow().isoformat(), "lifespan": "7 day"}
        alert_shell = get_sequence_alert_shell(alert_shell)
        # create some events that satisfy the sequence
        # root user with no mfa
        events = []
        for file in glob.glob("./tests/samples/sample_cloudtrail_login_no_mfa.json"):
            events += json.load(open(file))
        assert len(events) > 0
        # a summary that will get resolved by the events in the slots
        ] = "{{slots.0.events.0.eventname}} by {{slots.0.events.0.useridentity.type}} {{metadata.count}} mfa:{{slots.0.events.0.additionaleventdata.mfaused}}"

        alert_shell["slots"] = []
        # make a slot of threshold alert + events that trigger it
        alert_slot = get_threshold_alert_shell({})
        ] = "{{eventname}}/{{responseelements.consolelogin}} mfa:{{additionaleventdata.mfaused}} from {{sourceipaddress}}"
        alert_slot["aggregation_key"] = "additionaleventdata.mfaused"
        alert_slot["events"] = events

        # since we are injecting alerts instead of querying athena
        # resolve the slot threshold alert manually
        for alert in determine_threshold_trigger(alert_slot, events):
            # did the snippet get resolved?
            assert "ConsoleLogin/Success" in alert["summary"]
            # did events get copied into the resulting alert?
            assert len(alert["events"]) > 0
            # add this resolved threshold alert as a slot in the sequence alert
        # save this inflight sequence alert
        save_inflight_alert(db, alert_shell)
        assert inflight_alerts.count_documents({}) == 1
        # run the routine resolving sequence alerts: create_sequence_alerts
        # assert there is a new alert created
        assert alerts.count_documents({}) == 1
        for alert in alerts.find({}):
            logger.info(f"found db alert: {alert['summary']}")
            # ensure the summary description was
            # resolved correctly by chevron
            assert "ConsoleLogin by Root" in alert["summary"]
            # ensure event snippets are preseved
            assert "ConsoleLogin/Success" in alert["slots"][0]["summary"]
            logger.info(f"found slot in sequence: {alert['slots'][0]['summary']}")
        # assert the inflight alert is removed
        assert inflight_alerts.count_documents({}) == 0