Exemplo n.º 1
def report(lng, lat):

    Prints to screen interesting information about the 5 earthquakes nearest
     to a given geocoordinate point

    What it expects:
    lng (number) - a longitude coordinate
    lat (number) - a latitude coordinate

    What it does:
    Calls filtrate(lng, lat) to get 5 closest records (as a list of dictionaries)

    Then it prints some kind of human-readable output. Note that this is
    different from filtrate() itself, which does not print anything
    but instead returns a list of dictionaries

    What it returns:
    Nothing. This is just for printing to screen for human readability
     as a warmup to producing
     the same kind of data in more attractive HTML format.
    user_pt = (lng, lat)
    quakes = filtrate(lng, lat)

    for q in quakes:
        quake_pt = (float(q['longitude']), float(q['latitude']))
        distance = round(haversine(user_pt, quake_pt), 1)
        quake_url =  USGS_QUAKE_EVENT_BASEURL + q['id']
        infotxt = NARRATIVE_INFO_TEMPLATE.format(date=q['time'],
Exemplo n.º 2
def publish(location):
    What it expects:
    `location` is a string, representing some kind of human-readable
      geographical location

    `published_path` is a string representing a URL or filepath that
      the webbrowser can open.

    What it does:
    Geocodes the location string.
    Then uses filtrate() to get the most relevant earthquakes
    Then produces HTML data that displays that data
    What it returns:
    A giant HTML string that can be written to file and opened as a webpage.
    user_location = geocode(location)
    quakes = filtrate(user_location['longitude'], user_location['latitude'])

    #### let's make a big string of HTML
    giant_html_string = ""

    ##### Make the top of the page

    ##### Let's make a map, starting with the user
    gmarkers = []
    user_latlngstr = str(user_location['latitude']) + ',' + str(user_location['longitude'])
    user_marker = google_map_marker(user_latlngstr, color="0x00FF44", label='U')

    for xid, quake in enumerate(quakes):
        latlngstr = str(quake['latitude']) + ',' + str(quake['longitude'])
        marker = google_map_marker(latlngstr, color="red", label=str(xid + 1))

    bigmap_url = google_static_map_url(markers=gmarkers,

    giant_html_string += html_head(quake_count=len(quakes),

    ##### Now add each quake as a "row"
    for q in quakes:
        latlngstr = "%s,%s" % (q['latitude'], q['longitude'])

        # each row has a bit of narrative text
        qdistance = haversine((q['longitude'], q['latitude']),
                              (user_location['longitude'], user_location['latitude']))
        qdistance = round(qdistance, 1) # make it prettier
        narrative_html = html_narrative(time=friendly_timestamp(q['time']),

        # give each quake its own little map
        gmarkers = [user_marker, latlngstr]
        gmap_url = google_static_map_url(markers=gmarkers, size="500x300" )

        # For each quake/row, just throw it onto the giant_html_string
        giant_html_string += html_row(
    ##### Now slap on the tail of the HTML
    giant_html_string += html_tail()

    ##### ...and we're done
    return giant_html_string
        # but since the user is using our simple text interface
        # we can just serialize it as text and
        # print it to screen
        serialized_results = json.dumps(georesult, indent=4)

    elif command == 'filtrate':
        # because input() ALWAYS takes what it is given and turns it
        # into text, we have to typecast it to float before sending it
        # to filtrate()
        print("Enter longitude: ")
        lng = float(input())
        print("Enter latitude: ")
        lat = float(input())

        results = filtrate(lng, lat)
        # turn it into proper text
        serialized_results = json.dumps(results, indent=2)
        # print to screen...nothing else to do

    elif command == 'report':
        user_location = input(bolden("What is your current location/address? "))
        georesult = geocode(user_location)
        # if there is a valid, 'status' is "OK"; else it is None
        if georesult['status']:
            lng = georesult['longitude']
            lat = georesult['latitude']
            report(lng, lat)
            bprint("Your location", location, "did not return any results.")