Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(recommender):
        # Put root project dir in a constant
        ROOT_PROJECT_PATH = os.path.dirname(
        # Open up target_playlists file
        target_playlists_file = open(
            os.path.join(ROOT_PROJECT_PATH, "data/target_playlists.csv"), "r")

        # Helper contains methods to convert URM in CSR
        helper = Helper()
        URM_CSR = helper.convert_URM_data_to_csr()

        # Start recommendation

        # Instantiate a new submission file
        target_playlists = list(target_playlists_file)[1:]  # Eliminate header
        recommendation_matrix_file_to_submit = open(
                         "data/recommendation_matrix_to_submit.csv"), "w")
        for playlist in tqdm(target_playlists):
            songs_recommended = recommender.recommend(int(playlist))
            songs_recommended = " ".join(str(x) for x in songs_recommended)
            playlist = playlist.replace("\n",
                                        "")  # remove \n from playlist file
            recommendation_matrix_file_to_submit.write(playlist + "," +
                                                       songs_recommended +
class Evaluator:
    def __init__(self, split_size=0.8):
        self.helper = Helper()
        self.URM_data = self.helper.URM_data  # Matrix containing full original training data
        self.URM_test = pd.DataFrame(columns=["playlist_id", "track_id"
                                              ])  # Matrix containing test data
        self.URM_train = None  # Matrix containing reduced training data, at the beginning it is equal to the test data (then it will be removed)
        self.target_playlists_test = None  # New list of playlists for which MAP will be computed
        self.split_size = split_size  # Percentage of training set that will be kept for training purposes (1-split_size is the size of the test set)

    def split_data_randomly(self):
        # Instantiate an array containing the playlists to be put in new target_playlist_file
        playlists_list = np.asarray(list(self.URM_data.playlist_id))
        URM_csr = self.helper.convert_URM_data_to_csr()
        # Will contain target playlist ids of the test file
        self.target_playlists_test = np.empty(shape=playlists_list.shape)
        # Group by the URM just to have faster search
        grouped_by_playlist_URM = self.URM_data.groupby(
            'playlist_id', as_index=True).apply(lambda x: list(x['track_id']))
        # Number of tuples of the test set, used for the upper bound over the counter
        test_dimensions = len(playlists_list) * (1 - self.split_size)
        for count in tqdm(range(int(test_dimensions))):
            tracks_less_than_10 = True
            # Don't consider items with less than 10 elements (would not be good for testing since Kaggle evaluates with MAP10)
            while tracks_less_than_10:
                # Choose a random index between 0 and the length of URM's number of playlists
                random_index_to_be_put_in_test = randint(
                    len(playlists_list) - 1)
                candidate_playlist = playlists_list[
                # If there the playlist has fewer than 10 songs, we have to discard it
                if len(URM_csr[candidate_playlist].indices
                       ) >= NUMBER_OF_TRACKS_TEST_FILE:
                    # Append random playlist to playlist test set
                    self.target_playlists_test[count] = playlists_list[
                    # np array containing all the tracks contained in a selected playlist
                    track_list_10 = np.asarray(
                    # Keep just 10 tracks for each playlist
                    playlist_tracks_list = track_list_10[:
                    # Create a tuple to be appended in URM_test matrix and append it
                    URM_test_tuple = pd.DataFrame({
                        "track_id": [str(playlist_tracks_list)]
                    self.URM_test = self.URM_test.append(URM_test_tuple,
                    # Exit while loop
                    tracks_less_than_10 = False

        # Format data of test_data.csv correctly and save it
        self.URM_test["track_id"] = self.URM_test["track_id"].str.strip(' []')
        self.URM_test["track_id"] = self.URM_test["track_id"].replace(
            '\s+', ' ', regex=True)

        print("URM_test created, now creating URM_train")
        self.target_playlists_test = np.asarray(list(
        self.URM_train = self.URM_data
        for playlist in tqdm(self.target_playlists_test):
            #print(self.URM_data.loc[self.URM_data["playlist_id"] != playlist])
            self.URM_train = self.URM_train.loc[~(
                self.URM_train["playlist_id"] == playlist)]

        target_playlists_new_csv_file = open(
            os.path.join(ROOT_PROJECT_PATH, "data/target_playlists_test.csv"),
        for playlist in tqdm(self.target_playlists_test):
            target_playlists_new_csv_file.write(str(int(playlist)) + "\n")