Exemplo n.º 1
def form_upload(request, username):
    class DoXmlFormUpload():
        def __init__(self, xml_file, user):
            self.xml_file = xml_file
            self.user = user

        def publish(self):
            return publish_xml_form(self.xml_file, self.user)

    form_user = get_object_or_404(User, username=username)
    profile, created = \
    authenticator = HttpDigestAuthenticator()
    if not authenticator.authenticate(request):
        return authenticator.build_challenge_response()
    if form_user != request.user:
        return HttpResponseForbidden(
            _(u"Not allowed to upload form[s] to %(user)s account." %
              {'user': form_user}))
    if request.method == 'HEAD':
        response = OpenRosaResponse(status=204)
        response['Location'] = request.build_absolute_uri().replace(
            request.get_full_path(), '/%s/formUpload' % form_user.username)
        return response
    xform_def = request.FILES.get('form_def_file', None)
    content = u""
    if isinstance(xform_def, File):
        do_form_upload = DoXmlFormUpload(xform_def, form_user)
        dd = publish_form(do_form_upload.publish)
        status = 201
        if isinstance(dd, XForm):
            content = _(u"%s successfully published." % dd.id_string)
            content = dd['text']
            if isinstance(content, Exception):
                content = content.message
                status = 500
                status = 400
    return OpenRosaResponse(content, status=status)
Exemplo n.º 2
def submission(request, username=None):
    if username and username.lower() != 'crowdforms':
        formlist_user = get_object_or_404(User, username=username.lower())
        profile, created = \

        if profile.require_auth:
            authenticator = HttpDigestAuthenticator()
            if not authenticator.authenticate(request):
                return authenticator.build_challenge_response()
    if request.method == 'HEAD':
        response = OpenRosaResponse(status=204)
        if username:
            response['Location'] = request.build_absolute_uri().replace(
                request.get_full_path(), '/%s/submission' % username)
            response['Location'] = request.build_absolute_uri().replace(
                request.get_full_path(), '/submission')
        return response
    context = RequestContext(request)
    xml_file_list = []
    media_files = []
    html_response = False
    # request.FILES is a django.utils.datastructures.MultiValueDict
    # for each key we have a list of values
        xml_file_list = request.FILES.pop("xml_submission_file", [])
        if len(xml_file_list) != 1:
            return OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(
                _(u"There should be a single XML submission file."))
        # save this XML file and media files as attachments
        media_files = request.FILES.values()

        # get uuid from post request
        uuid = request.POST.get('uuid')
        # response as html if posting with a UUID
        if not username and uuid:
            html_response = True
            instance = create_instance(username,
        except InstanceInvalidUserError:
            return OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(_(u"Username or ID required."))
        except IsNotCrowdformError:
            return OpenRosaResponseNotAllowed(
                _(u"Sorry but the crowd form you submitted to is closed."))
        except InstanceEmptyError:
            return OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(
                _(u"Received empty submission. No instance was created"))
        except FormInactiveError:
            return OpenRosaResponseNotAllowed(_(u"Form is not active"))
        except XForm.DoesNotExist:
            return OpenRosaResponseNotFound(
                _(u"Form does not exist on this account"))
        except ExpatError:
            return OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(_(u"Improperly formatted XML."))
        except DuplicateInstance:
            response = OpenRosaResponse(_(u"Duplicate submission"))
            response.status_code = 202
            response['Location'] = request.build_absolute_uri(request.path)
            return response
        except PermissionDenied, e:
            return OpenRosaResponseNotAllowed(e.message)
        except Exception, e: