Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_substract_list_logic(self):
        test performance and result
        l1 = [5, 7, 11, 11, 11, 12, 13]
        l2 = [7, 8, 11]
        res = substract_list(l1, l2)

        self.assertEqual(res, [5, 11, 11, 12, 13])

        l1 = [5]
        l2 = [5]
        res = substract_list(l1, l2)

        self.assertEqual(res, [])
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: ansal/darg
    def owns_segments(self, segments, security):
        check if shareholder owns all those segments either as share

        does not check any kind of options. use owns_options_segments for this

        logger.info('checking if {} owns {}'.format(self, segments))

        if isinstance(segments, str):
            segments = string_list_to_json(segments)
            logger.info('converted string to json')

        logger.info('getting current segments...')
        segments_owning = inflate_segments(
        failed_segments = []

        logger.info('calculating segments not owning...')
        # shareholder does not own this
        failed_segments = substract_list(inflate_segments(segments),

        logger.info('check segment ownership done')

        return (len(failed_segments) == 0, deflate_segments(failed_segments),
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_substract_list_performance(self):
        test performance and result
        l1 = range(0, 10000000)
        l2 = range(0, 1000000)
        t0 = time.clock()
        res = substract_list(l1, l2)
        t1 = time.clock()
        delta = t1 - t0
        print("substract list took {0:.4f} seconds.".format(delta))

        self.assertEqual(res, range(1000000, 10000000))
        if delta > 0.3:
                'BUILD performance error: test_substract_list_performance',
                extra={'delta': delta})
        self.assertLess(delta, 0.5)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: ansal/darg
    def current_segments(self, security, date=None):
        returns deflated segments which are owned by this shareholder.
        includes segments blocked for options.
        logger.info('current items: starting')
        date = date or datetime.datetime.now()

        # all pos before date
        qs_bought = self.buyer.filter(bought_at__lte=date)
        qs_sold = self.seller.filter(bought_at__lte=date)

        qs_bought = qs_bought.filter(security=security)
        qs_sold = qs_sold.filter(security=security)

        logger.info('current items: qs done')
        # -- flat list of bought items
        segments_bought = qs_bought.values_list('number_segments', flat=True)
        # flatten, unsorted with duplicates
        segments_bought = [
            segment for sublist in segments_bought for segment in sublist

        # flat list of sold segments
        segments_sold = qs_sold.values_list('number_segments', flat=True)
        segments_sold = [
            segment for sublist in segments_sold for segment in sublist
        logger.info('current items: flat lists done. inflating...')

        segments_owning = []

        # inflate to have int only
        segments_bought = inflate_segments(segments_bought)
        segments_sold = inflate_segments(segments_sold)
        logger.info('current items: iterating through bought segments...')

        segments_owning = substract_list(segments_bought, segments_sold)
        logger.info('current items: finished')
        return deflate_segments(segments_owning)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def is_valid(self, raise_exception=False):
        validate cross data relations

        logger.info('position create validation...')

        res = super(PositionSerializer, self).is_valid(raise_exception)

        initial_data = self.initial_data
        security = initial_data.get('security')
        user = self.context.get("request").user
        company = user.operator_set.all()[0].company

        if security and Security.objects.get(
                company=company, title=security.get('title')).track_numbers:

            logger.info('validation: prepare data...')
            security = Security.objects.get(id=security['pk'])
            if (isinstance(initial_data.get('number_segments'), str) or
                    isinstance(initial_data.get('number_segments'), unicode)):
                segments = string_list_to_json(
                segments = initial_data.get('number_segments')
            # if we have seller (non capital increase)
            if initial_data.get('seller'):
                logger.info('validation: get seller segments...')
                seller = Shareholder.objects.get(
                owning, failed_segments, owned_segments = seller.owns_segments(
                    segments, security)
                    'validation: seller segs {} for security {} done'.format(
                        segments, security))

            # we need number_segments if this is a security with .track_numbers
            if not segments:
                raise serializers.ValidationError({
                    [_('Invalid security numbers segments.')]

            # segments must be owned by seller
            elif initial_data.get('seller') and not owning:
                raise serializers.ValidationError({
                    'number_segments': [
                        _('Segments "{}" must be owned by seller "{}". '
                          'Available are {}').format(failed_segments,

            # validate segment count == share count
            elif (security.count_in_segments(segments) !=
                logger.info('validation: checking count...')
                raise serializers.ValidationError({
                    'count': [
                        _('Number of shares in segments ({}) '
                          'does not match count {}').format(

            # segment must not be used by option plan
            logger.info('validation: option plan validation...')
            inflated_segments = inflate_segments(segments)
            oplan_segments = inflate_segments(
            if substract_list(inflated_segments,
                              oplan_segments) != inflated_segments:
                raise serializers.ValidationError({
                    'number_segments': [
                        _('Segment {} is blocked for options and cannot be'
                          ' transfered to a shareholder.').format(segments)

        return res