Exemplo n.º 1
def validate(val_loader, net, criterion, optim, curr_epoch, writer):
    Runs the validation loop after each training epoch
    val_loader: Data loader for validation
    net: thet network
    criterion: loss fn
    optimizer: optimizer
    curr_epoch: current epoch
    writer: tensorboard writer
    return: val_avg for step function if required

    val_loss = AverageMeter()
    iou_acc = 0
    dump_images = []

    for val_idx, data in enumerate(val_loader):
        inputs, gt_image, img_names = data
        assert len(inputs.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image.size()) == 3
        assert inputs.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]

        batch_pixel_size = inputs.size(0) * inputs.size(2) * inputs.size(3)
        inputs, gt_cuda = inputs.cuda(), gt_image.cuda()

        with torch.no_grad():
            output = net(inputs)  # output = (1, 19, 713, 713)

        assert output.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]
        assert output.size()[1] == args.dataset_cls.num_classes

        val_loss.update(criterion(output, gt_cuda).item(), batch_pixel_size)
        predictions = output.data.max(1)[1].cpu()

        # Logging
        if val_idx % 20 == 0:
            if args.local_rank == 0:
                logging.info("validating: %d / %d", val_idx + 1, len(val_loader))
        if val_idx > 10 and args.test_mode:

        # Image Dumps
        if val_idx < 10:
            dump_images.append([gt_image, predictions, img_names])

        iou_acc += fast_hist(predictions.numpy().flatten(), gt_image.numpy().flatten(),
        del output, val_idx, data

    if args.apex:
        iou_acc_tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(iou_acc)
        torch.distributed.all_reduce(iou_acc_tensor, op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)
        iou_acc = iou_acc_tensor.cpu().numpy()

    if args.local_rank == 0:
        evaluate_eval(args, net, optim, val_loss, iou_acc, dump_images,
                      writer, curr_epoch, args.dataset_cls)

    return val_loss.avg
Exemplo n.º 2
def validate(val_loader, net, criterion, optim, scheduler, curr_epoch, curr_iter):
    Runs the validation loop after each training epoch
    val_loader: Data loader for validation
    net: thet network
    criterion: loss fn
    optimizer: optimizer
    curr_epoch: current epoch
    return: val_avg for step function if required

    val_loss = AverageMeter()
    iou_acc = 0
    error_acc = 0

    for val_idx, data in enumerate(val_loader):
        inputs, gts = data = data
        assert len(inputs.size()) == 4 and len(gts.size()) == 3
        assert inputs.size()[2:] == gts.size()[1:]

        batch_pixel_size = inputs.size(0) * inputs.size(2) * inputs.size(3)
        inputs, gts = inputs.cuda(), gts.cuda()

        with torch.no_grad():
            output = net(inputs)
        del inputs
        assert output.size()[2:] == gts.size()[1:]
        assert output.size()[1] == args.num_classes
        val_loss.update(criterion(output, gts).item(), batch_pixel_size)

        predictions = output.data.max(1)[1].cpu()
        # Logging
        if val_idx % 20 == 0:
            logging.info("validating: %d / %d", val_idx + 1, len(val_loader))
        iou_acc += fast_hist(predictions.numpy().flatten(), gts.cpu().numpy().flatten(),
        del gts, output, val_idx, data

    per_cls_iou = evaluate_eval(args, net, optim, scheduler, val_loss, iou_acc, curr_epoch, args.dataset, curr_iter)
    return val_loss.avg, per_cls_iou
Exemplo n.º 3
    def inf(self, imgs, img_names, gt, inference, net, scales, pbar, base_img):

        # Run inference

        self.img_name = img_names[0]
        col_img_name = '{}/{}_color.png'.format(self.rgb_path, self.img_name)
        pred_img_name = '{}/{}.png'.format(self.pred_path, self.img_name)
        diff_img_name = '{}/{}_diff.png'.format(self.diff_path, self.img_name)
        compose_img_name = '{}/{}_compose.png'.format(self.compose_path,
        to_pil = transforms.ToPILImage()
        if self.inference_mode == 'pooling':
            img = imgs
            pool_base_img = to_pil(base_img[0])
            img = to_pil(imgs[0])
        prediction_pre_argmax_collection = inference(net, img, scales)

        if self.inference_mode == 'pooling':
            prediction = prediction_pre_argmax_collection
            prediction = np.concatenate(prediction, axis=0)[0]
            prediction_pre_argmax = np.mean(prediction_pre_argmax_collection,
            prediction = np.argmax(prediction_pre_argmax, axis=0)

        if args.dataset == 'kitti' and args.split == 'test':
            origin_h, origin_w = 375, 1242
            pred_pil = Image.fromarray(prediction.astype('uint8'))
            pred_pil = pred_pil.resize((origin_w, origin_h), Image.NEAREST)
            small_img = img.copy()
            small_img = small_img.resize((origin_w, origin_h), Image.BICUBIC)
            prediction = np.array(pred_pil)

        if self.metrics:  #可以以这个参数控制不进行MIoU的计算
            self.hist += fast_hist(prediction.flatten(),
            iou = round(np.nanmean(per_class_iu(self.hist)) * 100, 2)
            pbar.set_description("Mean IOU: %s" % (str(iou)))

        # Dump Images
        if self.write_image:

            if self.inference_mode == 'pooling':
                img = pool_base_img

            colorized = self.dataset_cls.colorize_mask(prediction)
            if args.dataset == 'kitti' and args.split == 'test':
                blend = Image.blend(small_img.convert("RGBA"),
                                    colorized.convert("RGBA"), 0.5)
                blend = Image.blend(img.convert("RGBA"),
                                    colorized.convert("RGBA"), 0.5)

            if gt is not None and args.split != 'test':
                gt = gt[0].cpu().numpy()
                # only write diff image if gt is valid
                diff = (prediction != gt)
                diff[gt == 255] = 0
                diffimg = Image.fromarray(diff.astype('uint8') * 255)

            label_out = np.zeros_like(prediction)
            for label_id, train_id in self.dataset_cls.id_to_trainid.items():
                label_out[np.where(prediction == train_id)] = label_id
            cv2.imwrite(pred_img_name, label_out)  #这里将会转换成label_id
Exemplo n.º 4
def validate(val_loader, dataset, net, criterion, optim, scheduler, curr_epoch, writer, curr_iter, save_pth=True):
    Runs the validation loop after each training epoch
    val_loader: Data loader for validation
    dataset: dataset name (str)
    net: thet network
    criterion: loss fn
    optimizer: optimizer
    curr_epoch: current epoch
    writer: tensorboard writer
    return: val_avg for step function if required

    val_loss = AverageMeter()
    iou_acc = 0
    error_acc = 0
    dump_images = []

    for val_idx, data in enumerate(val_loader):
        # input        = torch.Size([1, 3, 713, 713])
        # gt_image           = torch.Size([1, 713, 713])
        inputs, gt_image, img_names, _ = data

        if len(inputs.shape) == 5:
            B, D, C, H, W = inputs.shape
            inputs = inputs.view(-1, C, H, W)
            gt_image = gt_image.view(-1, 1, H, W)

        assert len(inputs.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image.size()) == 3
        assert inputs.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]

        batch_pixel_size = inputs.size(0) * inputs.size(2) * inputs.size(3)
        inputs, gt_cuda = inputs.cuda(), gt_image.cuda()

        with torch.no_grad():
            if args.use_wtloss:
                output, f_cor_arr = net(inputs, visualize=True)
                output = net(inputs)

        del inputs

        assert output.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]
        assert output.size()[1] == datasets.num_classes

        val_loss.update(criterion(output, gt_cuda).item(), batch_pixel_size)

        del gt_cuda

        # Collect data from different GPU to a single GPU since
        # encoding.parallel.criterionparallel function calculates distributed loss
        # functions
        predictions = output.data.max(1)[1].cpu()

        # Logging
        if val_idx % 20 == 0:
            if args.local_rank == 0:
                logging.info("validating: %d / %d", val_idx + 1, len(val_loader))
        if val_idx > 10 and args.test_mode:

        # Image Dumps
        if val_idx < 10:
            dump_images.append([gt_image, predictions, img_names])

        iou_acc += fast_hist(predictions.numpy().flatten(), gt_image.numpy().flatten(),
        del output, val_idx, data

    iou_acc_tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(iou_acc)
    torch.distributed.all_reduce(iou_acc_tensor, op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)
    iou_acc = iou_acc_tensor.cpu().numpy()

    if args.local_rank == 0:
        evaluate_eval(args, net, optim, scheduler, val_loss, iou_acc, dump_images,
                    writer, curr_epoch, dataset, None, curr_iter, save_pth=save_pth)

    return val_loss.avg
Exemplo n.º 5
def validate(val_loader, net, criterion, optimizer, curr_epoch, writer):
    Runs the validation loop after each training epoch
    val_loader: Data loader for validation
    net: thet network
    criterion: loss fn
    optimizer: optimizer
    curr_epoch: current epoch 
    writer: tensorboard writer
    val_loss = AverageMeter()
    mf_score = AverageMeter()
    IOU_acc = 0
    dump_images = []
    heatmap_images = []
    for vi, data in enumerate(val_loader):
        input, mask, edge, img_names = data
        assert len(input.size()) == 4 and len(mask.size()) == 3
        assert input.size()[2:] == mask.size()[1:]
        h, w = mask.size()[1:]

        batch_pixel_size = input.size(0) * input.size(2) * input.size(3)
        input, mask_cuda, edge_cuda = input.cuda(), mask.cuda(), edge.cuda()

        with torch.no_grad():
            seg_out, edge_out = net(input)  # output = (1, 19, 713, 713)

        if args.joint_edgeseg_loss:
            loss_dict = criterion((seg_out, edge_out), (mask_cuda, edge_cuda))
            val_loss.update(sum(loss_dict.values()).item(), batch_pixel_size)
                criterion(seg_out, mask_cuda).item(), batch_pixel_size)

        # Collect data from different GPU to a single GPU since
        # encoding.parallel.criterionparallel function calculates distributed loss
        # functions

        seg_predictions = seg_out.data.max(1)[1].cpu()
        edge_predictions = edge_out.max(1)[0].cpu()

        if vi % 20 == 0:
            if args.local_rank == 0:
                logging.info('validating: %d / %d' % (vi + 1, len(val_loader)))
        if vi > 10 and args.test_mode:
        _edge = edge.max(1)[0]

        #Image Dumps
        if vi < 10:
            dump_images.append([mask, seg_predictions, img_names])
            heatmap_images.append([_edge, edge_predictions, img_names])

        IOU_acc += fast_hist(seg_predictions.numpy().flatten(),

        del seg_out, edge_out, vi, data

    if args.local_rank == 0:
        evaluate_eval(args, net, optimizer, val_loss, mf_score, IOU_acc,
                      dump_images, heatmap_images, writer, curr_epoch,

    return val_loss.avg
Exemplo n.º 6
def evaluate(val_loader, net):
    Runs the evaluation loop and prints F score
    val_loader: Data loader for validation
    net: thet network
    # 0.0005   13.0 it/sec
    # 0.001875 4.80 it/sec
    # 0.00375  1.70 it/sec
    # 0.005    1.03 it/sec
    thresh = 0.0001

    mf_score1 = AverageMeter()
    mf_pc_score1 = AverageMeter()
    ap_score1 = AverageMeter()
    ap_pc_score1 = AverageMeter()
    IOU_acc = 0
    Fpc = np.zeros((args.dataset_cls.num_classes))
    Fc = np.zeros((args.dataset_cls.num_classes))
    for vi, data in enumerate(val_loader):
        input, mask, edge, img_names = data
        assert len(input.size()) == 4 and len(mask.size()) == 3
        assert input.size()[2:] == mask.size()[1:]
        h, w = mask.size()[1:]

        batch_pixel_size = input.size(0) * input.size(2) * input.size(3)
        input, mask_cuda, edge_cuda = input.cuda(), mask.cuda(), edge.cuda()

        with torch.no_grad():
            seg_out, edge_out = net(input)

        seg_predictions = seg_out.data.max(1)[1].cpu()
        edge_predictions = edge_out.max(1)[0].cpu()

        logging.info('evaluating: %d / %d' % (vi + 1, len(val_loader)))
        _Fpc, _Fc = eval_mask_boundary(seg_predictions.numpy(), mask.numpy(), args.dataset_cls.num_classes, bound_th=float(thresh))
        Fc += _Fc
        Fpc += _Fpc
        logging.info('F_Score: ' + str(np.sum(Fpc/Fc)/args.dataset_cls.num_classes))

        IOU_acc += fast_hist(seg_predictions.numpy().flatten(),

        del seg_out, edge_out, vi, data

    acc = np.diag(IOU_acc).sum() / IOU_acc.sum()
    acc_cls = np.diag(IOU_acc) / IOU_acc.sum(axis=1)
    acc_cls = np.nanmean(acc_cls)
    iu = np.diag(IOU_acc) / (IOU_acc.sum(axis=1) + IOU_acc.sum(axis=0) -
    freq = IOU_acc.sum(axis=1) / IOU_acc.sum()
    mean_iu = np.nanmean(iu)
    fwavacc = (freq[freq > 0] * iu[freq > 0]).sum()

    #logging.info('F_Score: ' + str(np.sum(Fpc/Fc)/args.dataset_cls.num_classes))
    #logging.info('F_Score (Classwise): ' + str(Fpc/Fc))
    results = {
        "mean_iu": mean_iu,
        "acc": acc,
        "acc_cls": acc_cls,
        "fwavacc": fwavacc

    return results
Exemplo n.º 7
def eval_minibatch(data, net, criterion, val_loss, calc_metrics, args,
    Evaluate a single minibatch of images.
     * calculate metrics
     * dump images

    There are two primary multi-scale inference types:
      1. 'MSCALE', or in-model multi-scale: where the multi-scale iteration loop is
         handled within the model itself (see networks/mscale.py -> nscale_forward())
      2. 'multi_scale_inference', where we use Averaging to combine scales

    scales = [args.default_scale]
    if args.multi_scale_inference:
        scales.extend([float(x) for x in args.extra_scales.split(',')])
        if val_idx == 0:
                f'Using multi-scale inference (AVGPOOL) with scales {scales}')

    # input    = torch.Size([1, 3, h, w])
    # gt_image = torch.Size([1, h, w])
    images, gt_image, img_names, scale_float = data
    assert len(images.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image.size()) == 3
    assert images.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]
    batch_pixel_size = images.size(0) * images.size(2) * images.size(3)
    input_size = images.size(2), images.size(3)

    if args.do_flip:
        # By ending with flip=0, we insure that the images that are dumped
        # out correspond to the unflipped versions. A bit hacky.
        flips = [1, 0]
        flips = [0]

    with torch.no_grad():
        output = 0.0

        for flip in flips:
            for scale in scales:
                if flip == 1:
                    inputs = flip_tensor(images, 3)
                    inputs = images

                infer_size = [round(sz * scale) for sz in input_size]

                if scale != 1.0:
                    inputs = resize_tensor(inputs, infer_size)

                inputs = {'images': inputs, 'gts': gt_image}
                inputs = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in inputs.items()}

                # Expected Model outputs:
                #   required:
                #     'pred'  the network prediction, shape (1, 19, h, w)
                #   optional:
                #     'pred_*' - multi-scale predictions from mscale model
                #     'attn_*' - multi-scale attentions from mscale model
                output_dict = net(inputs)

                _pred = output_dict['pred']

                # save AVGPOOL style multi-scale output for visualizing
                if not cfg.MODEL.MSCALE:
                    scale_name = fmt_scale('pred', scale)
                    output_dict[scale_name] = _pred

                # resize tensor down to 1.0x scale in order to combine
                # with other scales of prediction
                if scale != 1.0:
                    _pred = resize_tensor(_pred, input_size)

                if flip == 1:
                    output = output + flip_tensor(_pred, 3)
                    output = output + _pred

    output = output / len(scales) / len(flips)
    assert_msg = 'output_size {} gt_cuda size {}'
    gt_cuda = gt_image.cuda()
    assert_msg = assert_msg.format(output.size()[2:], gt_cuda.size()[1:])
    assert output.size()[2:] == gt_cuda.size()[1:], assert_msg
    assert output.size()[1] == cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES, assert_msg

    # Update loss and scoring datastructure
    if calc_metrics:
            criterion(output, gt_image.cuda()).item(), batch_pixel_size)

    output_data = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1).cpu().data
    max_probs, predictions = output_data.max(1)

    # Assemble assets to visualize
    assets = {}
    for item in output_dict:
        if 'attn_' in item:
            assets[item] = output_dict[item]
        if 'pred_' in item:
            smax = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output_dict[item], dim=1)
            _, pred = smax.data.max(1)
            assets[item] = pred.cpu().numpy()

    predictions = predictions.numpy()
    assets['predictions'] = predictions
    assets['prob_mask'] = max_probs
    if calc_metrics:
        assets['err_mask'] = calc_err_mask_all(predictions, gt_image.numpy(),

    _iou_acc = fast_hist(predictions.flatten(),
                         gt_image.numpy().flatten(), cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES)

    return assets, _iou_acc
Exemplo n.º 8
    def inf(self, imgs, img_names, gt, inference, net, scales, pbar, base_img,

        # Run inference

        self.img_name = img_names[0]
        col_img_name = '{}/{}_color.png'.format(self.rgb_path, self.img_name)
        pred_img_name = '{}/{}.png'.format(self.pred_path, self.img_name)
        diff_img_name = '{}/{}_diff.png'.format(self.diff_path, self.img_name)
        compose_img_name = '{}/{}_compose.png'.format(self.compose_path,
        to_pil = transforms.ToPILImage()
        if self.inference_mode == 'pooling':
            img = imgs
            pool_base_img = to_pil(base_img[0])
            img = to_pil(imgs[0])
        prediction_pre_argmax_collection = inference(net, img, scales, pos)
        # print(len(prediction_pre_argmax_collection))
        # print(prediction_pre_argmax_collection[0].shape)

        if self.inference_mode == 'pooling':
            prediction = prediction_pre_argmax_collection
            prediction = np.concatenate(prediction, axis=0)
            prediction_pre_argmax = np.mean(prediction_pre_argmax_collection,
            prediction = np.argmax(prediction_pre_argmax, axis=0)

        if self.metrics:
            self.hist += fast_hist(prediction.flatten(),
            iou_w = round(np.nanmean(per_class_iu(self.hist)) * 100, 2)
            # acc_w = np.diag(self.hist).sum() / self.hist.sum()

            H, W = prediction.shape
            pred_split = np.split(prediction,
                                  [H // 4, (H // 4) * 2, (H // 4) * 3],
            gt_split = np.split(gt.cpu().numpy(),
                                [H // 4, (H // 4) * 2, (H // 4) * 3],
            self.hist_up += fast_hist(pred_split[0].flatten(),
            iou_u = round(np.nanmean(per_class_iu(self.hist_up)) * 100, 2)
            # acc_u = np.diag(self.hist_up).sum() / self.hist_up.sum()

            self.hist_mid1 += fast_hist(pred_split[1].flatten(),
            iou_m1 = round(np.nanmean(per_class_iu(self.hist_mid1)) * 100, 2)
            # acc_m1 = np.diag(self.hist_mid1).sum() / self.hist_mid1.sum()

            self.hist_mid2 += fast_hist(pred_split[2].flatten(),
            iou_m2 = round(np.nanmean(per_class_iu(self.hist_mid2)) * 100, 2)
            # acc_m2 = np.diag(self.hist_mid2).sum() / self.hist_mid2.sum()

            self.hist_down += fast_hist(pred_split[3].flatten(),
            iou_d = round(np.nanmean(per_class_iu(self.hist_down)) * 100, 2)
            # acc_d = np.diag(self.hist_down).sum() / self.hist_down.sum()

                "Mean IOU (Whole,Up,Mid1,Mid2,DOWN): %s %s %s %s %s" %
                (str(iou_w), str(iou_u), str(iou_m1), str(iou_m2), str(iou_d)))
            # pbar.set_description("ACC (Whole,Up,Mid,DOWN): %s %s %s %s" % (str(acc_w), str(acc_u), str(acc_m), str(acc_d)))

        # Dump Images
        if self.write_image:

            if self.inference_mode == 'pooling':
                img = pool_base_img

            colorized = self.dataset_cls.colorize_mask(prediction)
            blend = Image.blend(img.convert("RGBA"), colorized.convert("RGBA"),

            if gt is not None:
                gt = gt[0].cpu().numpy()
                # only write diff image if gt is valid
                diff = (prediction != gt)
                diff[gt == 255] = 0
                diffimg = Image.fromarray(diff.astype('uint8') * 255)

            label_out = np.zeros_like(prediction)
            for label_id, train_id in self.dataset_cls.id_to_trainid.items():
                label_out[np.where(prediction == train_id)] = label_id
            cv2.imwrite(pred_img_name, label_out)
def validate(val_loader, net, criterion1, criterion2, optim, curr_epoch,
    Runs the validation loop after each training epoch
    val_loader: Data loader for validation
    net: thet network
    criterion: loss fn
    optimizer: optimizer
    curr_epoch: current epoch
    writer: tensorboard writer
    return: val_avg for step function if required

    val_loss1 = AverageMeter()
    val_loss2 = AverageMeter()
    iou_acc1 = 0
    iou_acc2 = 0
    dump_images = []

    for val_idx, data in enumerate(val_loader):
        inputs1, gt_image1, img_names1, inputs2, gt_image2, img_names2 = data
        assert len(inputs1.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image1.size()) == 3
        assert inputs1.size()[2:] == gt_image1.size()[1:]
        assert len(inputs2.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image2.size()) == 3
        assert inputs2.size()[2:] == gt_image2.size()[1:]

        batch_pixel_size1 = inputs1.size(0) * inputs1.size(2) * inputs1.size(3)
        batch_pixel_size2 = inputs2.size(0) * inputs2.size(2) * inputs2.size(3)
        inputs1, gt_cuda1 = inputs1.cuda(), gt_image1.cuda()
        inputs2, gt_cuda2 = inputs2.cuda(), gt_image2.cuda()

        with torch.no_grad():
            output1 = net(inputs1,
                          task='semantic')  # output = (1, 19, 713, 713)
            output2 = net(inputs2,
                          task='traversability')  # output = (1, 19, 713, 713)

        assert output1.size()[2:] == gt_image1.size()[1:]
        assert output1.size()[1] == args.dataset_cls.num_classes1
        assert output2.size()[2:] == gt_image2.size()[1:]
        assert output2.size()[1] == args.dataset_cls.num_classes2

            criterion1(output1, gt_cuda1).item(), batch_pixel_size1)
            criterion2(output2, gt_cuda2).item(), batch_pixel_size2)
        predictions1 = output1.data.max(1)[1].cpu()
        predictions2 = output2.data.max(1)[1].cpu()

        # Logging
        if val_idx % 20 == 0:
            if args.local_rank == 0:
                logging.info("validating: %d / %d", val_idx + 1,
        if val_idx > 10 and args.test_mode:

        # Image Dumps

#        if val_idx < 30:
#            dump_images.append([gt_image, predictions1, predictions2, img_names])

        iou_acc1 += fast_hist(predictions1.numpy().flatten(),
        iou_acc2 += fast_hist(predictions2.numpy().flatten(),
        del output1, output2, val_idx, data

    if args.apex:
        iou_acc_tensor1 = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(iou_acc1)
        iou_acc1 = iou_acc_tensor1.cpu().numpy()
        iou_acc_tensor2 = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(iou_acc2)
        iou_acc2 = iou_acc_tensor2.cpu().numpy()

    if args.local_rank == 0:
        evaluate_eval(args, net, optim, val_loss1, val_loss2, iou_acc1,
                      iou_acc2, dump_images, writer, curr_epoch,

    return val_loss1.avg
def eval_minibatch(data, net, criterion, val_loss, calc_metrics, args,
    Evaluate a single minibatch of images.
     * calculate metrics
     * dump images

    There are two primary multi-scale inference types:
      1. 'MSCALE', or in-model multi-scale: where the multi-scale iteration loop is
         handled within the model itself (see networks/mscale.py -> nscale_forward())
      2. 'multi_scale_inference', where we use Averaging to combine scales

    scales = [args.default_scale]
    if args.multi_scale_inference:
        scales.extend([float(x) for x in args.extra_scales.split(',')])
        if val_idx == 0:
                f'Using multi-scale inference (AVGPOOL) with scales {scales}')

    # input    = torch.Size([1, 3, h, w])
    # gt_image = torch.Size([1, h, w])
    ori_images, gt_image, img_names, scale_float = data
    if len(gt_image.size()) == 4:
        # if input is the image, we construct zero gt for the image. (This should only happen for test mode, where there is no gt.)
        gt_image = gt_image.new_zeros(gt_image.size()[:-1])
    assert len(ori_images.size()) == 4 and len(gt_image.size()) == 3
    assert ori_images.size()[2:] == gt_image.size()[1:]

    batch_pixel_size = ori_images.size(0) * ori_images.size(
        2) * ori_images.size(3)
    input_size = ori_images.size(2), ori_images.size(3)

    if args.do_flip:
        # By ending with flip=0, we insure that the images that are dumped
        # out correspond to the unflipped versions. A bit hacky.
        flips = [1, 0]
        flips = [0]

    #TODO add to config.
    max_crop_size = (args.crop_size[0], args.crop_size[1])
    m_h, m_w = max_crop_size
    crop_overlaps = (args.crop_overlap[0], args.crop_overlap[1])
    h_sp, w_sp = max_crop_size[0] - crop_overlaps[0], max_crop_size[
        1] - crop_overlaps[1]
    assert h_sp > 0 and w_sp > 0, "crop size should be larger than crop overlaps."

    output = 0.0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for flip in flips:
            for scale in scales:
                if flip == 1:
                    inputs = flip_tensor(ori_images, 3)
                    inputs = ori_images

                infer_size = [round(sz * scale) for sz in input_size]

                if scale != 1.0:
                    inputs = resize_tensor(inputs, infer_size)

                n, c, h, w = inputs.size(0), inputs.size(1), inputs.size(
                    2), inputs.size(3)

                if crop_overlaps[0] > 0:
                    h_n = (h - max_crop_size[0] - 1) // h_sp + 2
                    h_n = (h - 1) // max_crop_size[0] + 1
                if crop_overlaps[1] > 0:
                    w_n = (w - max_crop_size[1] - 1) // w_sp + 2
                    w_n = (w - 1) // max_crop_size[1] + 1
                if h_n > 1 and crop_overlaps[0] == 0:
                    h_sp = (h - max_crop_size[0]) // (h_n - 1)
                if w_n > 1 and crop_overlaps[1] == 0:
                    w_sp = (w - max_crop_size[1]) // (w_n - 1)

                full_output_dict = None
                weights = None
                for i in range(h_n):
                    for j in range(w_n):

                        if i != h_n - 1 and j != w_n - 1:
                            h0, h1 = [i * h_sp, i * h_sp + m_h]
                            w0, w1 = [j * w_sp, j * w_sp + m_w]
                        elif i != h_n - 1 and j == w_n - 1:
                            h0, h1 = [i * h_sp, i * h_sp + m_h]
                            w0, w1 = [w - m_w, w]
                        elif i == h_n - 1 and j != w_n - 1:
                            h0, h1 = [h - m_h, h]
                            w0, w1 = [j * w_sp, j * w_sp + m_w]
                            h0, h1 = [h - m_h, h]
                            w0, w1 = [w - m_w, w]

                        temp_inputs = inputs[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1]
                        temp_gt_image = gt_image[:, h0:h1, w0:w1]
                        temp_inputs = {
                            'images': temp_inputs,
                            'gts': temp_gt_image
                        temp_inputs = {
                            k: v.cuda()
                            for k, v in temp_inputs.items()

                        # Expected Model outputs:
                        #   required:
                        #     'pred'  the network prediction, shape (1, 19, h, w)
                        #   optional:
                        #     'pred_*' - multi-scale predictions from mscale model
                        #     'attn_*' - multi-scale attentions from mscale model
                        output_dict = net(temp_inputs)
                        _pred = output_dict['pred']
                        if full_output_dict is None:
                            full_output_dict = {}
                            weights = _pred.new_zeros((n, 1, h, w))
                            for k, v in output_dict.items():
                                #TODO need to finish the rest of the keys?
                                if k != 'pred':
                                full_output_dict[k] = v.new_zeros(
                                    *(v.shape[:-2]), h, w)

                        weights[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1] += _pred.new_ones(1)
                        for k, v in output_dict.items():
                            # TODO need to finish the rest of the keys?
                            if k != 'pred':
                            full_output_dict[k][:, :, h0:h1,
                                                w0:w1] += output_dict[k]

                for k, v in full_output_dict.items():
                    full_output_dict[k] = v / weights
                _pred = full_output_dict['pred']
                # save AVGPOOL style multi-scale output for visualizing
                if not cfg.MODEL.MSCALE:
                    scale_name = fmt_scale('pred', scale)
                    output_dict[scale_name] = _pred

                # resize tensor down to 1.0x scale in order to combine
                # with other scales of prediction
                if scale != 1.0:
                    _pred = resize_tensor(_pred, input_size)

                if flip == 1:
                    output = output + flip_tensor(_pred, 3)
                    output = output + _pred

    output = output / len(scales) / len(flips)
    assert_msg = 'output_size {} gt_cuda size {}'
    gt_cuda = gt_image.cuda()
    assert_msg = assert_msg.format(output.size()[2:], gt_cuda.size()[1:])
    assert output.size()[2:] == gt_cuda.size()[1:], assert_msg
    assert output.size()[1] == cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES, assert_msg

    # Update loss and scoring datastructure
    if calc_metrics:
            criterion(output, gt_image.cuda()).item(), batch_pixel_size)

    output_data = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1).cpu().data
    max_probs, predictions = output_data.max(1)

    # Assemble assets to visualize
    assets = {}
    for item in output_dict:
        if 'attn_' in item:
            assets[item] = output_dict[item]
        if 'pred_' in item:
            smax = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output_dict[item], dim=1)
            _, pred = smax.data.max(1)
            assets[item] = pred.cpu().numpy()

    predictions = predictions.numpy()
    assets['predictions'] = predictions
    assets['prob_mask'] = max_probs
    if calc_metrics:
        assets['err_mask'] = calc_err_mask_all(predictions, gt_image.numpy(),

    _iou_acc = fast_hist(predictions.flatten(),
                         gt_image.numpy().flatten(), cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES)

    return assets, _iou_acc
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    if args.dataset=='robotic_instrument':
        from datasets.robotic_instrument import get_testloader, RoboticInstrument
        if args.task=='binary':
            num_classes = 2
        elif args.task=='parts':
            num_classes = 5
        elif args.task=='type':
            num_classes = 8
        dataset = RoboticInstrument(args.task, 'test')
        test_loader = get_testloader(args.task, batch_size=args.batch_size)
        net_param = {"class_num"   : num_classes,
                     "in_chns"     : 3,
                     "bilinear"    : True,
                     "feature_chns": [16, 32, 64, 128, 256],
                     "dropout"     : [0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]}
    elif args.dataset=='covid19_lesion':
        from datasets.covid19_lesion import get_testloader, Covid19Dataset
        dataset = Covid19Dataset(args.task, 'test')
        test_loader = get_testloader(args.task, batch_size=args.batch_size)
        num_classes = 2
        net_param = {"class_num"   : num_classes,
                     "in_chns"     : 1,
                     "bilinear"    : True,
                     "feature_chns": [16, 32, 64, 128, 256],
                     "dropout"     : [0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]}
        raise NotImplementedError('The dataset is not supported.')
    net = COPLENet(net_param).cuda()
    optimizer.load_weights(net, None, None, args.snapshot, False)    

    hist = 0
    predictions = []
    groundtruths = []
    for test_idx, data in enumerate(test_loader):
        inputs, gts = data 
        assert len(inputs.size()) == 4 and len(gts.size()) == 3
        assert inputs.size()[2:] == gts.size()[1:]
        inputs, gts = inputs.cuda(), gts.cuda()
        with torch.no_grad():
            output = net(inputs)
        del inputs
        assert output.size()[2:] == gts.size()[1:]
        assert output.size()[1] == num_classes
        prediction = output.data.max(1)[1].cpu()
        hist += fast_hist(prediction.numpy().flatten(), gts.cpu().numpy().flatten(),
        del gts, output, test_idx, data
    predictions = np.concatenate(predictions, axis=0)
    groundtruths = np.concatenate(groundtruths, axis=0)
    if args.dump_imgs:
        assert len(dataset)==predictions.shape[0]
        dump_dir = './dump_' + args.dataset + '_' + args.task + '_' + args.method
        os.makedirs(dump_dir, exist_ok=True)
        for i in range(len(dataset)):
            img = skimage.io.imread(dataset.img_paths[i])
            if len(img.shape)==2:
                img = np.stack((img, img, img), axis=2)
            img = skimage.transform.resize(img, (224,336))
            cm = np.argmax(predictions[i,:,:,:], axis=0)
            color_cm = add_color(cm)
            color_cm = skimage.transform.resize(color_cm, (224,336))
            gt = np.asarray(groundtruths[i,:,:], np.uint8)
            color_gt = add_color(gt)
            color_gt = skimage.transform.resize(color_gt, (224,336))
            blend_pred = 0.5 * img + 0.5 * color_cm
            blend_gt = 0.5 * img + 0.5 * color_gt
            blend_pred = np.asarray(blend_pred*255, np.uint8)
            blend_gt = np.asarray(blend_gt*255, np.uint8)
            #skimage.io.imsave(os.path.join(dump_dir, 'img_{:03d}.png'.format(i)), img)
            skimage.io.imsave(os.path.join(dump_dir, 'pred_{:03d}.png'.format(i)), blend_pred)
            skimage.io.imsave(os.path.join(dump_dir, 'gt_{:03d}.png'.format(i)), blend_gt)
            if i > 20:
    acc = np.diag(hist).sum() / hist.sum()
    acc_cls = np.diag(hist) / hist.sum(axis=1)
    iou = np.diag(hist) / (hist.sum(axis=1) + hist.sum(axis=0) - np.diag(hist))    
    id2cat = {i: i for i in range(len(iou))}
    iou_false_positive = hist.sum(axis=1) - np.diag(hist)
    iou_false_negative = hist.sum(axis=0) - np.diag(hist)
    iou_true_positive = np.diag(hist)

    print('label_id      label    IoU    Precision Recall TP       FP      FN      Pixel Acc.')
    for idx, i in enumerate(iou):
        idx_string = "{:2d}".format(idx)
        class_name = "{:>13}".format(id2cat[idx]) if idx in id2cat else ''
        iou_string = '{:5.1f}'.format(i * 100)
        total_pixels = hist.sum()
        tp = '{:5.1f}'.format(100 * iou_true_positive[idx] / total_pixels)
        fp = '{:5.1f}'.format(100 * iou_false_positive[idx] / total_pixels)
        fn = '{:5.1f}'.format(100 * iou_false_negative[idx] / total_pixels)
        precision = '{:5.1f}'.format(
            iou_true_positive[idx] / (iou_true_positive[idx] + iou_false_positive[idx]))
        recall = '{:5.1f}'.format(
            iou_true_positive[idx] / (iou_true_positive[idx] + iou_false_negative[idx]))
        pixel_acc = '{:5.1f}'.format(100*acc_cls[idx])
        print('{}    {}   {}  {}     {}  {}   {}   {}   {}'.format(
            idx_string, class_name, iou_string, precision, recall, tp, fp, fn, pixel_acc))