def main(args):
    # clear param store

    # setup MNIST data loaders
    # train_loader, test_loader
    train_loader, test_loader = setup_data_loaders(MNIST,

    # setup the VAE
    vae = VAE(use_cuda=args.cuda)

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_args = {"lr": args.learning_rate}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_args)

    # setup the inference algorithm
    elbo = JitTrace_ELBO() if args.jit else Trace_ELBO()
    svi = SVI(vae.model,, optimizer, loss=elbo)

    # setup visdom for visualization
    if args.visdom_flag:
        vis = visdom.Visdom()

    train_elbo = []
    test_elbo = []
    # training loop
    for epoch in range(args.num_epochs):
        # initialize loss accumulator
        epoch_loss = 0.
        # do a training epoch over each mini-batch x returned
        # by the data loader
        for x, _ in train_loader:
            # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
            if args.cuda:
                x = x.cuda()
            # do ELBO gradient and accumulate loss
            epoch_loss += svi.step(x)

        # report training diagnostics
        normalizer_train = len(train_loader.dataset)
        total_epoch_loss_train = epoch_loss / normalizer_train
        print("[epoch %03d]  average training loss: %.4f" %
              (epoch, total_epoch_loss_train))

        if epoch % args.test_frequency == 0:
            # initialize loss accumulator
            test_loss = 0.
            # compute the loss over the entire test set
            for i, (x, _) in enumerate(test_loader):
                # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
                if args.cuda:
                    x = x.cuda()
                # compute ELBO estimate and accumulate loss
                test_loss += svi.evaluate_loss(x)

                # pick three random test images from the first mini-batch and
                # visualize how well we're reconstructing them
                if i == 0:
                    if args.visdom_flag:
                        plot_vae_samples(vae, vis)
                        reco_indices = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0], 3)
                        for index in reco_indices:
                            test_img = x[index, :]
                            reco_img = vae.reconstruct_img(test_img)
                                28, 28).detach().cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'test image'})
                                28, 28).detach().cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'reconstructed image'})

            # report test diagnostics
            normalizer_test = len(test_loader.dataset)
            total_epoch_loss_test = test_loss / normalizer_test
            print("[epoch %03d]  average test loss: %.4f" %
                  (epoch, total_epoch_loss_test))

        if epoch == args.tsne_iter:
            mnist_test_tsne(vae=vae, test_loader=test_loader)
            plot_llk(np.array(train_elbo), np.array(test_elbo))

    return vae
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args):
    run inference for SS-VAE
    :param args: arguments for SS-VAE
    :return: None
    if args.seed is not None:

    # batch_size: number of images (and labels) to be considered in a batch
    ss_vae = SSVAE(z_dim=args.z_dim,

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_params = {"lr": args.learning_rate, "betas": (args.beta_1, 0.999)}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_params)

    # set up the loss(es) for inference. wrapping the guide in config_enumerate builds the loss as a sum
    # by enumerating each class label for the sampled discrete categorical distribution in the model
    guide_enum = config_enumerate(guide, args.enum_discrete, expand=True)
    elbo = (JitTraceEnum_ELBO if args.jit else TraceEnum_ELBO)(max_plate_nesting=1)
    loss_basic = SVI(model, guide_enum, optimizer, loss=elbo)

    # build a list of all losses considered
    losses = [loss_basic]

    # aux_loss: whether to use the auxiliary loss from NIPS 14 paper (Kingma et al)
    if args.aux_loss:
        elbo = JitTrace_ELBO() if args.jit else Trace_ELBO()
        loss_aux = SVI(ss_vae.model_classify, ss_vae.guide_classify, optimizer, loss=elbo)

        # setup the logger if a filename is provided
        logger = open(args.logfile, "w") if args.logfile else None

        data_loaders = setup_data_loaders(MNISTCached, args.cuda, args.batch_size, sup_num=args.sup_num)

        # how often would a supervised batch be encountered during inference
        # e.g. if sup_num is 3000, we would have every 16th = int(50000/3000) batch supervised
        # until we have traversed through the all supervised batches
        periodic_interval_batches = int(MNISTCached.train_data_size / (1.0 * args.sup_num))

        # number of unsupervised examples
        unsup_num = MNISTCached.train_data_size - args.sup_num

        # initializing local variables to maintain the best validation accuracy
        # seen across epochs over the supervised training set
        # and the corresponding testing set and the state of the networks
        best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc = 0.0, 0.0

        # WL: added. =====
        print_and_log(logger, args)
        print_and_log(logger, "\nepoch\t"+"elbo(sup)\t"+"elbo(unsup)\t"+"time(sec)")
        times = [time.time()]
        # ================

        # run inference for a certain number of epochs
        for i in range(0, args.num_epochs):

            # get the losses for an epoch
            epoch_losses_sup, epoch_losses_unsup = \
                run_inference_for_epoch(data_loaders, losses, periodic_interval_batches)

            # compute average epoch losses i.e. losses per example
            avg_epoch_losses_sup = map(lambda v: v / args.sup_num, epoch_losses_sup)
            avg_epoch_losses_unsup = map(lambda v: v / unsup_num, epoch_losses_unsup)

            # store the loss and validation/testing accuracies in the logfile
            # WL: edited. =====
            # str_loss_sup = " ".join(map(str, avg_epoch_losses_sup))
            # str_loss_unsup = " ".join(map(str, avg_epoch_losses_unsup))

            # str_print = "{} epoch: avg losses {}".format(i, "{} {}".format(str_loss_sup, str_loss_unsup))
            str_elbo_sup = " ".join(map(lambda v: f"{-v:.4f}", avg_epoch_losses_sup))
            str_elbo_unsup = " ".join(map(lambda v: f"{-v:.4f}", avg_epoch_losses_unsup))
            str_print = f"{i:06d}\t"\
            # =================

            validation_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["valid"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
            # WL: commented. =====
            # str_print += " validation accuracy {}".format(validation_accuracy)
            # ====================

            # this test accuracy is only for logging, this is not used
            # to make any decisions during training
            test_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["test"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
            # WL: commented. =====
            # str_print += " test accuracy {}".format(test_accuracy)
            # ====================

            # update the best validation accuracy and the corresponding
            # testing accuracy and the state of the parent module (including the networks)
            if best_valid_acc < validation_accuracy:
                best_valid_acc = validation_accuracy
                corresponding_test_acc = test_accuracy

            print_and_log(logger, str_print)

        final_test_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["test"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
        # WL: commented. =====
        # print_and_log(logger, "best validation accuracy {} corresponding testing accuracy {} "
        #               "last testing accuracy {}".format(best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc, final_test_accuracy))
        # ====================

        # close the logger file object if we opened it earlier
        if args.logfile:
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="parse args")
                        help='number of training epochs')
                        help='how often we evaluate the test set')
                        help='learning rate')
                        help='beta1 adam hyperparameter')
                        help='whether to use cuda')
                        help='Whether plotting in visdom is desired')
                        help='epoch when tsne visualization runs')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # setup MNIST data loaders
    # train_loader, test_loader
    train_loader, test_loader = setup_data_loaders(MNIST,

    # setup the VAE
    vae = VAE(use_cuda=args.cuda)

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_args = {"lr": args.learning_rate}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_args)

    # setup the inference algorithm
    svi = SVI(vae.model,, optimizer, loss="ELBO")

    # setup visdom for visualization
    if args.visdom_flag:
        vis = visdom.Visdom()

    train_elbo = []
    test_elbo = []
    # training loop
    for epoch in range(args.num_epochs):
        # initialize loss accumulator
        epoch_loss = 0.
        # do a training epoch over each mini-batch x returned
        # by the data loader
        for _, (x, _) in enumerate(train_loader):
            # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
            if args.cuda:
                x = x.cuda()
            # wrap the mini-batch in a PyTorch Variable
            x = Variable(x)
            # do ELBO gradient and accumulate loss
            epoch_loss += svi.step(x)

        # report training diagnostics
        normalizer_train = len(train_loader.dataset)
        total_epoch_loss_train = epoch_loss / normalizer_train
        print("[epoch %03d]  average training loss: %.4f" %
              (epoch, total_epoch_loss_train))

        if epoch % args.test_frequency == 0:
            # initialize loss accumulator
            test_loss = 0.
            # compute the loss over the entire test set
            for i, (x, _) in enumerate(test_loader):
                # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
                if args.cuda:
                    x = x.cuda()
                # wrap the mini-batch in a PyTorch Variable
                x = Variable(x)
                # compute ELBO estimate and accumulate loss
                test_loss += svi.evaluate_loss(x)

                # pick three random test images from the first mini-batch and
                # visualize how well we're reconstructing them
                if i == 0:
                    if args.visdom_flag:
                        plot_vae_samples(vae, vis)
                        reco_indices = np.random.randint(0, x.size(0), 3)
                        for index in reco_indices:
                            test_img = x[index, :]
                            reco_img = vae.reconstruct_img(test_img)
                                28, 28).data.cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'test image'})
                                28, 28).data.cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'reconstructed image'})

            # report test diagnostics
            normalizer_test = len(test_loader.dataset)
            total_epoch_loss_test = test_loss / normalizer_test
            print("[epoch %03d]  average test loss: %.4f" %
                  (epoch, total_epoch_loss_test))

        if epoch == args.tsne_iter:
            mnist_test_tsne(vae=vae, test_loader=test_loader)
            plot_llk(np.array(train_elbo), np.array(test_elbo))

    return vae
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_inference_ss_vae(args):
    run inference for SS-VAE
    :param args: arguments for SS-VAE
    :return: None
    if args.use_cuda:

    if args.seed is not None:
        set_seed(args.seed, args.use_cuda)

    viz = None
    if args.visualize:
        from visdom import Visdom
        viz = Visdom()

    # batch_size: number of images (and labels) to be considered in a batch
    ss_vae = SSVAE(z_dim=args.z_dim,

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_params = {"lr": args.learning_rate, "betas": (args.beta_1, 0.999)}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_params)

    # set up the loss(es) for inference setting the enum_discrete parameter builds the loss as a sum
    # by enumerating each class label for the sampled discrete categorical distribution in the model
    loss_basic = SVI(ss_vae.model,, optimizer, loss="ELBO", enum_discrete=args.enum_discrete)

    # build a list of all losses considered
    losses = [loss_basic]

    # aux_loss: whether to use the auxiliary loss from NIPS 14 paper (Kingma et al)
    if args.aux_loss:
        loss_aux = SVI(ss_vae.model_classify, ss_vae.guide_classify, optimizer, loss="ELBO")

        # setup the logger if a filename is provided
        logger = None if args.logfile is None else open(args.logfile, "w")

        data_loaders = setup_data_loaders(MNISTCached, args.use_cuda, args.batch_size, sup_num=args.sup_num)

        # how often would a supervised batch be encountered during inference
        # e.g. if sup_num is 3000, we would have every 16th = int(50000/3000) batch supervised
        # until we have traversed through the all supervised batches
        periodic_interval_batches = int(MNISTCached.train_data_size / (1.0 * args.sup_num))

        # number of unsupervised examples
        unsup_num = MNISTCached.train_data_size - args.sup_num

        # initializing local variables to maintain the best validation accuracy
        # seen across epochs over the supervised training set
        # and the corresponding testing set and the state of the networks
        best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc = 0.0, 0.0

        # run inference for a certain number of epochs
        for i in range(0, args.num_epochs):

            # get the losses for an epoch
            epoch_losses_sup, epoch_losses_unsup = \
                run_inference_for_epoch(data_loaders, losses, periodic_interval_batches)

            # compute average epoch losses i.e. losses per example
            avg_epoch_losses_sup = map(lambda v: v / args.sup_num, epoch_losses_sup)
            avg_epoch_losses_unsup = map(lambda v: v / unsup_num, epoch_losses_unsup)

            # store the loss and validation/testing accuracies in the logfile
            str_loss_sup = " ".join(map(str, avg_epoch_losses_sup))
            str_loss_unsup = " ".join(map(str, avg_epoch_losses_unsup))

            str_print = "{} epoch: avg losses {}".format(i, "{} {}".format(str_loss_sup, str_loss_unsup))

            validation_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["valid"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
            str_print += " validation accuracy {}".format(validation_accuracy)

            # this test accuracy is only for logging, this is not used
            # to make any decisions during training
            test_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["test"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
            str_print += " test accuracy {}".format(test_accuracy)

            # update the best validation accuracy and the corresponding
            # testing accuracy and the state of the parent module (including the networks)
            if best_valid_acc < validation_accuracy:
                best_valid_acc = validation_accuracy
                corresponding_test_acc = test_accuracy

            print_and_log(logger, str_print)

        final_test_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["test"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
        print_and_log(logger, "best validation accuracy {} corresponding testing accuracy {} "
                      "last testing accuracy {}".format(best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc, final_test_accuracy))

        # visualize the conditional samples
        visualize(ss_vae, viz, data_loaders["test"])
        # close the logger file object if we opened it earlier
        if args.logfile is not None:
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    # parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="parse args")
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--num-epochs', default=101, type=int, help='number of training epochs')
    parser.add_argument('-tf', '--test-frequency', default=5, type=int, help='how often we evaluate the test set')
    parser.add_argument('-lr', '--learning-rate', default=1.0e-3, type=float, help='learning rate')
    parser.add_argument('-b1', '--beta1', default=0.95, type=float, help='beta1 adam hyperparameter')
    parser.add_argument('--cuda', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to use cuda')
    parser.add_argument('-visdom', '--visdom_flag', default=False, help='Whether plotting in visdom is desired')
    parser.add_argument('-i-tsne', '--tsne_iter', default=100, type=int, help='epoch when tsne visualization runs')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # setup MNIST data loaders
    # train_loader, test_loader
    train_loader, test_loader = setup_data_loaders(MNIST, use_cuda=args.cuda, batch_size=256)

    # setup the VAE
    vae = VAE(use_cuda=args.cuda)

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_args = {"lr": args.learning_rate}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_args)

    # setup the inference algorithm
    svi = SVI(vae.model,, optimizer, loss="ELBO")

    # setup visdom for visualization
    if args.visdom_flag:
        vis = visdom.Visdom()

    train_elbo = []
    test_elbo = []
    # training loop
    for epoch in range(args.num_epochs):
        # initialize loss accumulator
        epoch_loss = 0.
        # do a training epoch over each mini-batch x returned
        # by the data loader
        for _, (x, _) in enumerate(train_loader):
            # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
            if args.cuda:
                x = x.cuda()
            # wrap the mini-batch in a PyTorch Variable
            x = Variable(x)
            # do ELBO gradient and accumulate loss
            epoch_loss += svi.step(x)

        # report training diagnostics
        normalizer_train = len(train_loader.dataset)
        total_epoch_loss_train = epoch_loss / normalizer_train
        print("[epoch %03d]  average training loss: %.4f" % (epoch, total_epoch_loss_train))

        if epoch % args.test_frequency == 0:
            # initialize loss accumulator
            test_loss = 0.
            # compute the loss over the entire test set
            for i, (x, _) in enumerate(test_loader):
                # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
                if args.cuda:
                    x = x.cuda()
                # wrap the mini-batch in a PyTorch Variable
                x = Variable(x)
                # compute ELBO estimate and accumulate loss
                test_loss += svi.evaluate_loss(x)

                # pick three random test images from the first mini-batch and
                # visualize how well we're reconstructing them
                if i == 0:
                    if args.visdom_flag:
                        plot_vae_samples(vae, vis)
                        reco_indices = np.random.randint(0, x.size(0), 3)
                        for index in reco_indices:
                            test_img = x[index, :]
                            reco_img = vae.reconstruct_img(test_img)
                            vis.image(test_img.contiguous().view(28, 28).data.cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'test image'})
                            vis.image(reco_img.contiguous().view(28, 28).data.cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'reconstructed image'})

            # report test diagnostics
            normalizer_test = len(test_loader.dataset)
            total_epoch_loss_test = test_loss / normalizer_test
            print("[epoch %03d]  average test loss: %.4f" % (epoch, total_epoch_loss_test))

        if epoch == args.tsne_iter:
            mnist_test_tsne(vae=vae, test_loader=test_loader)
            plot_llk(np.array(train_elbo), np.array(test_elbo))

    return vae
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_inference_ss_vae(args):
    run inference for SS-VAE
    :param args: arguments for SS-VAE
    :return: None
    if args.use_cuda:

    if args.seed is not None:
        set_seed(args.seed, args.use_cuda)

    viz = None
    if args.visualize:
        from visdom import Visdom
        viz = Visdom()

    # batch_size: number of images (and labels) to be considered in a batch
    ss_vae = SSVAE(z_dim=args.z_dim,

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_params = {"lr": args.learning_rate, "betas": (args.beta_1, 0.999)}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_params)

    # set up the loss(es) for inference setting the enum_discrete parameter builds the loss as a sum
    # by enumerating each class label for the sampled discrete categorical distribution in the model
    loss_basic = SVI(ss_vae.model,, optimizer, loss="ELBO", enum_discrete=args.enum_discrete)

    # build a list of all losses considered
    losses = [loss_basic]

    # aux_loss: whether to use the auxiliary loss from NIPS 14 paper (Kingma et al)
    if args.aux_loss:
        loss_aux = SVI(ss_vae.model_classify, ss_vae.guide_classify, optimizer, loss="ELBO")

        # setup the logger if a filename is provided
        logger = None if args.logfile is None else open(args.logfile, "w")

        data_loaders = setup_data_loaders(MNISTCached, args.use_cuda, args.batch_size, sup_num=args.sup_num)

        # how often would a supervised batch be encountered during inference
        # e.g. if sup_num is 3000, we would have every 16th = int(50000/3000) batch supervised
        # until we have traversed through the all supervised batches
        periodic_interval_batches = int(MNISTCached.train_data_size / (1.0 * args.sup_num))

        # number of unsupervised examples
        unsup_num = MNISTCached.train_data_size - args.sup_num

        # initializing local variables to maintain the best validation accuracy
        # seen across epochs over the supervised training set
        # and the corresponding testing set and the state of the networks
        best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc = 0.0, 0.0

        # run inference for a certain number of epochs
        for i in range(0, args.num_epochs):

            # get the losses for an epoch
            epoch_losses_sup, epoch_losses_unsup = \
                run_inference_for_epoch(data_loaders, losses, periodic_interval_batches)

            # compute average epoch losses i.e. losses per example
            avg_epoch_losses_sup = map(lambda v: v / args.sup_num, epoch_losses_sup)
            avg_epoch_losses_unsup = map(lambda v: v / unsup_num, epoch_losses_unsup)

            # store the loss and validation/testing accuracies in the logfile
            str_loss_sup = " ".join(map(str, avg_epoch_losses_sup))
            str_loss_unsup = " ".join(map(str, avg_epoch_losses_unsup))

            str_print = "{} epoch: avg losses {}".format(i, "{} {}".format(str_loss_sup, str_loss_unsup))

            validation_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["valid"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
            str_print += " validation accuracy {}".format(validation_accuracy)

            # this test accuracy is only for logging, this is not used
            # to make any decisions during training
            test_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["test"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
            str_print += " test accuracy {}".format(test_accuracy)

            # update the best validation accuracy and the corresponding
            # testing accuracy and the state of the parent module (including the networks)
            if best_valid_acc < validation_accuracy:
                best_valid_acc = validation_accuracy
                corresponding_test_acc = test_accuracy

            print_and_log(logger, str_print)

        final_test_accuracy = get_accuracy(data_loaders["test"], ss_vae.classifier, args.batch_size)
        print_and_log(logger, "best validation accuracy {} corresponding testing accuracy {} "
                      "last testing accuracy {}".format(best_valid_acc, corresponding_test_acc, final_test_accuracy))

        # visualize the conditional samples
        visualize(ss_vae, viz, data_loaders["test"])
        # close the logger file object if we opened it earlier
        if args.logfile is not None:
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: Projeto: lewisKit/pyro
def main(args):
    # setup MNIST data loaders
    # train_loader, test_loader
    train_loader, test_loader = setup_data_loaders(MNIST, use_cuda=args.cuda, batch_size=256)

    # setup the VAE
    vae = VAE(use_cuda=args.cuda)

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_args = {"lr": args.learning_rate}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_args)

    # setup the inference algorithm
    svi = SVI(vae.model,, optimizer, loss=Trace_ELBO())

    # setup visdom for visualization
    if args.visdom_flag:
        vis = visdom.Visdom()

    train_elbo = []
    test_elbo = []
    # training loop
    for epoch in range(args.num_epochs):
        # initialize loss accumulator
        epoch_loss = 0.
        # do a training epoch over each mini-batch x returned
        # by the data loader
        for _, (x, _) in enumerate(train_loader):
            # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
            if args.cuda:
                x = x.cuda()
            # do ELBO gradient and accumulate loss
            epoch_loss += svi.step(x)

        # report training diagnostics
        normalizer_train = len(train_loader.dataset)
        total_epoch_loss_train = epoch_loss / normalizer_train
        print("[epoch %03d]  average training loss: %.4f" % (epoch, total_epoch_loss_train))

        if epoch % args.test_frequency == 0:
            # initialize loss accumulator
            test_loss = 0.
            # compute the loss over the entire test set
            for i, (x, _) in enumerate(test_loader):
                # if on GPU put mini-batch into CUDA memory
                if args.cuda:
                    x = x.cuda()
                # compute ELBO estimate and accumulate loss
                test_loss += svi.evaluate_loss(x)

                # pick three random test images from the first mini-batch and
                # visualize how well we're reconstructing them
                if i == 0:
                    if args.visdom_flag:
                        plot_vae_samples(vae, vis)
                        reco_indices = np.random.randint(0, x.size(0), 3)
                        for index in reco_indices:
                            test_img = x[index, :]
                            reco_img = vae.reconstruct_img(test_img)
                            vis.image(test_img.reshape(28, 28).detach().cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'test image'})
                            vis.image(reco_img.reshape(28, 28).detach().cpu().numpy(),
                                      opts={'caption': 'reconstructed image'})

            # report test diagnostics
            normalizer_test = len(test_loader.dataset)
            total_epoch_loss_test = test_loss / normalizer_test
            print("[epoch %03d]  average test loss: %.4f" % (epoch, total_epoch_loss_test))

        if epoch == args.tsne_iter:
            mnist_test_tsne(vae=vae, test_loader=test_loader)
            plot_llk(np.array(train_elbo), np.array(test_elbo))

    return vae