Exemplo n.º 1
def dump_results(args, scanrefer, data, config):
    dump_dir = os.path.join(CONF.PATH.BASE, args.folder, "vis")
    os.makedirs(dump_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # from inputs
    ids = data['scan_idx'].detach().cpu().numpy()
    point_clouds = data['point_clouds'].cpu().numpy()
    test_point_clouds = data["test_point_clouds"].cpu().numpy()  # one object
    batch_size = point_clouds.shape[0]

    pcl_color = data["pcl_color"].detach().cpu().numpy()
    test_pcl_color = data["test_pcl_color"].detach().cpu().numpy()
    if args.use_color:
        pcl_color = (pcl_color * 256 + MEAN_COLOR_RGB).astype(np.int64)
        test_pcl_color = (test_pcl_color * 256 + MEAN_COLOR_RGB).astype(

    for i in range(batch_size):
        # basic info
        idx = ids[i]
        scene_id = scanrefer[idx]["scene_id"]
        object_id = scanrefer[idx]["object_id"]
        object_name = scanrefer[idx]["object_name"]
        ann_id = scanrefer[idx]["ann_id"]

        # scene_output
        scene_dump_dir = os.path.join(dump_dir, scene_id)
        # if not os.path.exists(scene_dump_dir):
        os.makedirs(scene_dump_dir, exist_ok=True)

        # # Dump the original scene point clouds
        # mesh = align_mesh(scene_id)
        # mesh.write(os.path.join(scene_dump_dir, 'mesh.ply'))

        print("pcl_color[i] in pc.ply", pcl_color[i])
        point_clouds = point_clouds[i]  #[:200]
        pcl_color = pcl_color[i]  #[:200]
        test_point_clouds = test_point_clouds[i]
        test_pcl_color = test_pcl_color[i]
        jitter_idx = random.random() * 0.45 + 0.8

        write_ply_rgb(point_clouds, pcl_color,
                      os.path.join(scene_dump_dir, 'pc_full.ply'))
        write_ply_rgb(test_point_clouds, test_pcl_color,
                      os.path.join(scene_dump_dir, 'pc_full_obj.ply'))
        write_ply_rgb(test_point_clouds * jitter_idx, test_pcl_color,
                      os.path.join(scene_dump_dir, 'pc_full_obj2.ply'))

        # write_ply_rgb(point_clouds[i], pcl_color[i], os.path.join(scene_dump_dir, 'pc.ply'))
Exemplo n.º 2
def dump_results(args, scanrefer, data, config):
    dump_dir = os.path.join(CONF.PATH.OUTPUT, args.folder, "vis")
    os.makedirs(dump_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # from inputs
    ids = data['scan_idx'].detach().cpu().numpy()
    point_clouds = data['point_clouds'].cpu().numpy()
    batch_size = point_clouds.shape[0]

    pcl_color = data["pcl_color"].detach().cpu().numpy()
    if args.use_color:
        pcl_color = (pcl_color * 256 + MEAN_COLOR_RGB).astype(np.int64)

    # from network outputs
    # detection
    pred_objectness = torch.argmax(data['objectness_scores'],
    pred_center = data['center'].detach().cpu().numpy()  # (B,K,3)
    pred_heading_class = torch.argmax(data['heading_scores'],
                                      -1)  # B,num_proposal
    pred_heading_residual = torch.gather(
        data['heading_residuals'], 2,
        pred_heading_class.unsqueeze(-1))  # B,num_proposal,1
    pred_heading_class = pred_heading_class.detach().cpu().numpy(
    )  # B,num_proposal
    pred_heading_residual = pred_heading_residual.squeeze(
        2).detach().cpu().numpy()  # B,num_proposal
    pred_size_class = torch.argmax(data['size_scores'], -1)  # B,num_proposal
    pred_size_residual = torch.gather(
        data['size_residuals'], 2,
            1, 1, 1, 3))  # B,num_proposal,1,3
    pred_size_residual = pred_size_residual.squeeze(
        2).detach().cpu().numpy()  # B,num_proposal,3
    # reference
    pred_ref_scores = data["cluster_ref"].detach().cpu().numpy()
    pred_ref_scores_softmax = F.softmax(
        data["cluster_ref"] *
        torch.argmax(data['objectness_scores'], 2).float() * data['pred_mask'],
    # post-processing
    nms_masks = data['pred_mask'].detach().cpu().numpy()  # B,num_proposal

    # ground truth
    gt_center = data['center_label'].cpu().numpy()  # (B,MAX_NUM_OBJ,3)
    gt_heading_class = data['heading_class_label'].cpu().numpy()  # B,K2
    gt_heading_residual = data['heading_residual_label'].cpu().numpy()  # B,K2
    gt_size_class = data['size_class_label'].cpu().numpy()  # B,K2
    gt_size_residual = data['size_residual_label'].cpu().numpy()  # B,K2,3
    # reference
    gt_ref_labels = data["ref_box_label"].detach().cpu().numpy()

    for i in range(batch_size):
        # basic info
        idx = ids[i]
        scene_id = scanrefer[idx]["scene_id"]
        object_id = scanrefer[idx]["object_id"]
        object_name = scanrefer[idx]["object_name"]
        ann_id = scanrefer[idx]["ann_id"]

        # scene_output
        scene_dump_dir = os.path.join(dump_dir, scene_id)
        if not os.path.exists(scene_dump_dir):

            # # Dump the original scene point clouds
            mesh = align_mesh(scene_id)
            mesh.write(os.path.join(scene_dump_dir, 'mesh.ply'))

            write_ply_rgb(point_clouds[i], pcl_color[i],
                          os.path.join(scene_dump_dir, 'pc.ply'))

        # filter out the valid ground truth reference box
        assert gt_ref_labels[i].shape[0] == gt_center[i].shape[0]
        gt_ref_idx = np.argmax(gt_ref_labels[i], 0)

        # visualize the gt reference box
        # NOTE: for each object there should be only one gt reference box
        object_dump_dir = os.path.join(
            dump_dir, scene_id, "gt_{}_{}.ply".format(object_id, object_name))
        gt_obb = config.param2obb(gt_center[i, gt_ref_idx,
                                            0:3], gt_heading_class[i,
                                  gt_heading_residual[i, gt_ref_idx],
                                  gt_size_class[i, gt_ref_idx],
                                  gt_size_residual[i, gt_ref_idx])
        gt_bbox = get_3d_box(gt_obb[3:6], gt_obb[6], gt_obb[0:3])

        if not os.path.exists(object_dump_dir):
                gt_obb, 0,
                             'gt_{}_{}.ply'.format(object_id, object_name)))

        # find the valid reference prediction
        pred_masks = nms_masks[i] * pred_objectness[i] == 1
        assert pred_ref_scores[i].shape[0] == pred_center[i].shape[0]
        pred_ref_idx = np.argmax(pred_ref_scores[i] * pred_masks, 0)
        assigned_gt = torch.gather(
            data["ref_box_label"], 1,

        # visualize the predicted reference box
        pred_obb = config.param2obb(pred_center[i, pred_ref_idx, 0:3],
                                    pred_heading_class[i, pred_ref_idx],
                                    pred_heading_residual[i, pred_ref_idx],
                                    pred_size_class[i, pred_ref_idx],
                                    pred_size_residual[i, pred_ref_idx])
        pred_bbox = get_3d_box(pred_obb[3:6], pred_obb[6], pred_obb[0:3])
        iou = box3d_iou(gt_bbox, pred_bbox)

            pred_obb, 1,
                scene_dump_dir, 'pred_{}_{}_{}_{:.5f}_{:.5f}.ply'.format(
                    object_id, object_name, ann_id,
                    pred_ref_scores_softmax[i, pred_ref_idx], iou)))
Exemplo n.º 3
def write_bbox(bbox, mode, output_file):
    bbox: (cx, cy, cz, lx, ly, lz, r), center and length in three axis, the last is the rotation
    output_file: string

    def create_cylinder_mesh(radius, p0, p1, stacks=10, slices=10):
        import math

        def compute_length_vec3(vec3):
            return math.sqrt(vec3[0]*vec3[0] + vec3[1]*vec3[1] + vec3[2]*vec3[2])
        def rotation(axis, angle):
            rot = np.eye(4)
            c = np.cos(-angle)
            s = np.sin(-angle)
            t = 1.0 - c
            axis /= compute_length_vec3(axis)
            x = axis[0]
            y = axis[1]
            z = axis[2]
            rot[0,0] = 1 + t*(x*x-1)
            rot[0,1] = z*s+t*x*y
            rot[0,2] = -y*s+t*x*z
            rot[1,0] = -z*s+t*x*y
            rot[1,1] = 1+t*(y*y-1)
            rot[1,2] = x*s+t*y*z
            rot[2,0] = y*s+t*x*z
            rot[2,1] = -x*s+t*y*z
            rot[2,2] = 1+t*(z*z-1)
            return rot

        verts = []
        indices = []
        diff = (p1 - p0).astype(np.float32)
        height = compute_length_vec3(diff)
        for i in range(stacks+1):
            for i2 in range(slices):
                theta = i2 * 2.0 * math.pi / slices
                pos = np.array([radius*math.cos(theta), radius*math.sin(theta), height*i/stacks])
        for i in range(stacks):
            for i2 in range(slices):
                i2p1 = math.fmod(i2 + 1, slices)
                indices.append( np.array([(i + 1)*slices + i2, i*slices + i2, i*slices + i2p1], dtype=np.uint32) )
                indices.append( np.array([(i + 1)*slices + i2, i*slices + i2p1, (i + 1)*slices + i2p1], dtype=np.uint32) )
        transform = np.eye(4)
        va = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float32)
        vb = diff
        vb /= compute_length_vec3(vb)
        axis = np.cross(vb, va)
        angle = np.arccos(np.clip(np.dot(va, vb), -1, 1))
        if angle != 0:
            if compute_length_vec3(axis) == 0:
                dotx = va[0]
                if (math.fabs(dotx) != 1.0):
                    axis = np.array([1,0,0]) - dotx * va
                    axis = np.array([0,1,0]) - va[1] * va
                axis /= compute_length_vec3(axis)
            transform = rotation(axis, -angle)
        transform[:3,3] += p0
        verts = [np.dot(transform, np.array([v[0], v[1], v[2], 1.0])) for v in verts]
        verts = [np.array([v[0], v[1], v[2]]) / v[3] for v in verts]
        return verts, indices

    def get_bbox_edges(bbox_min, bbox_max):
        def get_bbox_verts(bbox_min, bbox_max):
            verts = [
                np.array([bbox_min[0], bbox_min[1], bbox_min[2]]),
                np.array([bbox_max[0], bbox_min[1], bbox_min[2]]),
                np.array([bbox_max[0], bbox_max[1], bbox_min[2]]),
                np.array([bbox_min[0], bbox_max[1], bbox_min[2]]),

                np.array([bbox_min[0], bbox_min[1], bbox_max[2]]),
                np.array([bbox_max[0], bbox_min[1], bbox_max[2]]),
                np.array([bbox_max[0], bbox_max[1], bbox_max[2]]),
                np.array([bbox_min[0], bbox_max[1], bbox_max[2]])
            return verts

        box_verts = get_bbox_verts(bbox_min, bbox_max)
        edges = [
            (box_verts[0], box_verts[1]),
            (box_verts[1], box_verts[2]),
            (box_verts[2], box_verts[3]),
            (box_verts[3], box_verts[0]),

            (box_verts[4], box_verts[5]),
            (box_verts[5], box_verts[6]),
            (box_verts[6], box_verts[7]),
            (box_verts[7], box_verts[4]),

            (box_verts[0], box_verts[4]),
            (box_verts[1], box_verts[5]),
            (box_verts[2], box_verts[6]),
            (box_verts[3], box_verts[7])
        return edges

    def get_bbox_corners(bbox):
        centers, lengths = bbox[:3], bbox[3:6]
        xmin, xmax = centers[0] - lengths[0] / 2, centers[0] + lengths[0] / 2
        ymin, ymax = centers[1] - lengths[1] / 2, centers[1] + lengths[1] / 2
        zmin, zmax = centers[2] - lengths[2] / 2, centers[2] + lengths[2] / 2
        corners = []
        corners.append(np.array([xmax, ymax, zmax]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners.append(np.array([xmax, ymax, zmin]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners.append(np.array([xmin, ymax, zmin]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners.append(np.array([xmin, ymax, zmax]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners.append(np.array([xmax, ymin, zmax]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners.append(np.array([xmax, ymin, zmin]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners.append(np.array([xmin, ymin, zmin]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners.append(np.array([xmin, ymin, zmax]).reshape(1, 3))
        corners = np.concatenate(corners, axis=0) # 8 x 3

        return corners

    radius = 0.03
    offset = [0,0,0]
    verts = []
    indices = []
    colors = []
    corners = get_bbox_corners(bbox)

    box_min = np.min(corners, axis=0)
    box_max = np.max(corners, axis=0)
    palette = {
        0: [0, 255, 0], # gt
        1: [0, 0, 255]  # pred
    chosen_color = palette[mode]
    edges = get_bbox_edges(box_min, box_max)
    for k in range(len(edges)):
        cyl_verts, cyl_ind = create_cylinder_mesh(radius, edges[k][0], edges[k][1])
        cur_num_verts = len(verts)
        cyl_color = [[c / 255 for c in chosen_color] for _ in cyl_verts]
        cyl_verts = [x + offset for x in cyl_verts]
        cyl_ind = [x + cur_num_verts for x in cyl_ind]

    # print("in scenes color", colors)
    write_ply_rgb(np.array(verts), np.array(colors), output_file)