Exemplo n.º 1
def _find_peak(siginfo):
    Obtains an estimation of the peak situation of a QRS complex, from the
    energy interval that forms the base evidence, a fragment of signal evidence,
    a reference time point, and the interval of valid points for the peak.
    dist = lambda p : 1.0 + 2.0 * abs(p - C.QRS_BANN_DMAX)/ms2sp(150)
    dist = np.vectorize(dist)
    peak = None
    #For each lead, the peak will be the maximum deviation point wrt the
    #baseline, and applying the distance function just defined. We give more
    #importance to the first leads, as they supposedly have more quality.
    for _, sig, points, baseline, _ in siginfo:
        if len(points) < 3:
        peaks = points[sig_meas.get_peaks(sig[points])]
        if len(peaks) == 0:
        peakscore = abs(sig[peaks]-baseline)/dist(peaks)
        lpeak = peaks[peakscore.argmax()]
        if peak is None:
            peak = lpeak
        elif abs(peak-lpeak) <= C.TMARGIN:
            peak = lpeak if lpeak < peak else peak
    return peak
Exemplo n.º 2
def delineate_qrs(siginfo):
    Performs the multi-lead delineation of a QRS complex enclosed in a
    specific time interval, returning an instance of the QRS class.

        List-like structure containing all the necessary information of the
        ECG signal in the searching time interval. Each entry in this list
        is assumed to be a tuple of the **LeadInfo** class, and the list is
        assumed to be ordered by the quality of the signal in each lead.

        QRS object with all the attributes properly set. If the delineation
        cannot be performed, an InconsistencyError is raised.
    qrs = QRS()
    #Peak point estimation.
    peak = _find_peak(siginfo)
    verify(peak is not None)
    #QRS start and end estimation
    #For each lead, we first check if it is a paced beat, whose delineation
    #process is different. In case of failure, we perform common delineation.
    limits = OrderedDict()
    for lead, sig, points, baseline, _ in siginfo:
        endpoints = _paced_qrs_delineation(sig, points, peak, baseline)
        if endpoints is None:
            endpoints = _qrs_delineation(sig, points, peak)
            if endpoints is None:
            limits[lead] = (False, endpoints)
            limits[lead] = (True, endpoints)
    #Now we combine the limits in all leads.
    start, end = _combine_limits(limits, siginfo, peak)
    verify(start is not None and end > start)
    #QRS waveform extraction for each lead.
    for lead, sig, points, baseline, _ in siginfo:
        #We constrain the area delineated so far.
        sig = sig[start:end+1]
        points = points[np.logical_and(points >= start,
                                       points <= end)] - start
        if len(points) == 0:
        if points[0] != 0:
            points = np.insert(points, 0, 0)
        if points[-1] != len(sig) - 1:
            points = np.append(points, len(sig) - 1)
        if len(points) < 3:
        #We define a distance function to evaluate the peaks
        dist = (lambda p : 1.0 + 2.0 * abs(start + p - C.QRS_BANN_DMAX)
        dist = np.vectorize(dist)
        #We get the peak for this lead
        pks = points[sig_meas.get_peaks(sig[points])]
        if len(pks) == 0:
        peakscore = abs(sig[pks]-baseline)/dist(pks)
        peak = pks[peakscore.argmax()]
        #Now we get the shape of the QRS complex in this lead.
        shape = None
        #If there is a pace detection in this lead
        if lead in limits and limits[lead][0]:
            endpoints = limits[lead][1]
            shape = _get_paced_qrs_shape(sig, points,
                                     endpoints.start - start,
            if shape is None:
                limits[lead] = (False, endpoints)
        if shape is None:
            shape = _get_qrs_shape(sig, points, peak, baseline)
        if shape is None:
        qrs.shape[lead] = shape
    #There must be a recognizable QRS waveform in at least one lead.
    #The detected shapes may constrain the delineation area.
    llim = min(qrs.shape[lead].waves[0].l for lead in qrs.shape)
    if llim > 0:
        start = start + llim
        for lead in qrs.shape:
    ulim = max(qrs.shape[lead].waves[-1].r for lead in qrs.shape)
    if ulim < end-start:
        end = start + ulim
    #The definitive peak is assigned to the first relevant wave
    #(each QRS shapeform has a specific peak point.)
    peak = start + min(s.waves[_reference_wave(s)].m
                                               for s in qrs.shape.itervalues())
    #Segmentation points set
    qrs.paced = any(v[0] for v in limits.itervalues())
    qrs.start, qrs.peak, qrs.end = start, peak, end
    #Amplitude conditions (between 0.5mV and 6.5 mV in at least one
    #lead or an identified pattern in most leads).
    verify(len(qrs.shape) > len(siginfo)/2.0 or
        C.QRS_MIN_AMP <= max(s.amplitude for s in qrs.shape.itervalues())
                                                              <= C.QRS_MAX_AMP)
    return qrs