def load_cache(self): """ load the cache file if exists or create the cache file """ cache = os.path.join( self.dataroot, 'cache_%s_%d.db' % (self.mode, self.video_len * self.every_nth)) if cache is not None and os.path.exists(cache): # load the cache with open(cache, 'rb') as f: self.lines, self.lengths, self.actor_set, self.action_set = pickle.load( f) else: # build the cache file self.lines, self.lengths, self.actor_set, self.action_set = self.build_dataset( ) makedir(self.textroot) text_file = os.path.join( self.textroot, '%s_list_%d.txt' % (self.mode, self.video_len * self.every_nth)) with open(text_file, 'w+') as f: f.writelines(self.lines) if cache is not None: with open(cache, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((self.lines, self.lengths, self.actor_set, self.action_set), f) self.cumsum = np.cumsum([0] + self.lengths) print("Total number of frames {}".format(np.sum(self.lengths)))
def save_batch(self, current_iter, names=None, start_idx=0): """ save the batch for the generation conditioned on the first frame :param current_iter: int, the current iteration :param names: the name of videos where the first frame is from :param start_idx: int, the start index of the current batch :return: output_dir: the path of the output folder """ output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'evaluation', str(current_iter)) makedir(output_dir) video = self.video_x_p.cpu().data.numpy().transpose((0, 2, 1, 3, 4)) self.save_video(video, output_dir, self.categories.cpu().data.numpy(), self.actors.cpu().data.numpy(), names=names, start_idx=start_idx) return output_dir
def full_test(self, cls_id, batch_size, video_len, current_iter, var_name, start_idx=0, is_eval=False, rm_npy=False, get_seq=False, get_mask=False): """ :param cls_id: int, the action index at test :param batch_size: int :param video_len: int, the desired length of the video :param current_iter: int, the current iteration so far :param var_name: str, the variable name for saving or tensorboard visualizing :param start_idx: int, the start index of the current batch :param is_eval: bool, specify when evaluating :param rm_npy: bool, specify to remove all npy files in the output folder :param get_seq: bool, specify to save the video sequence :param get_mask: bool, specify to visualize the mask :return: output_dir: str, the output path """ # create the category matrix for the test class cat = cls_id * np.ones((batch_size,)).astype('int') if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.categories = Variable(torch.from_numpy(cat)).cuda() else: self.categories = Variable(torch.from_numpy(cat)) # generate the video with size [batch_size, video_len, c, h, w] torch.set_grad_enabled(False) video, masks = self.networks['generator'].full_test(self.categories, video_len+2) torch.set_grad_enabled(True) # heat up the generator for two steps video = video[:, 2:] # create the output directory if is_eval: output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'evaluation', str(current_iter)) else: output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'validation', str(current_iter)) makedir(output_dir) # remove the existing npy files if rm_npy: os.system('rm %s' % os.path.join(output_dir, '*.npy')) # save original output to npy file # video_np [batch_size, video_len, c, h, w] video_np = video.cpu().data.numpy().clip(-1, 1) self.save_video(video_np, output_dir, self.categories, start_idx=start_idx) # saving to tensorboard during the validation if not is_eval: # save to tensorboard # [batch_size, video_len, c, h, w] video = torch.clamp((video.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) + 1)/2, 0, 1) self.writer.add_video(var_name, video, current_iter) # save the video sequences to the output folder if get_seq: video_seqs = ((video_np.transpose(0, 1, 3, 4, 2) + 1)/2 * 255).astype('uint8') video_seqs = np.concatenate(np.split(video_seqs, video_len, axis=1), axis=3).squeeze() img_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'imgs') makedir(img_dir) for v_idx, seq in enumerate(video_seqs): filename = os.path.join(img_dir, '%s_%03d.png' % (var_name, start_idx + v_idx)) cv2.imwrite(filename, seq[:, :, ::-1]) # save masks to the output folder if get_mask: mask_8 = [] mask_16 = [] mask_32 = [] mask_64 = [] for frame_mask in masks: if self.layers >= 4: mask_8.append(frame_mask[0].cpu().numpy().squeeze().clip(0, 1)) if self.layers >= 3: mask_16.append(frame_mask[1].cpu().numpy().squeeze().clip(0, 1)) if self.layers >= 2: mask_32.append(frame_mask[2].cpu().numpy().squeeze().clip(0, 1)) if self.layers >= 1: mask_64.append(frame_mask[3].cpu().numpy().squeeze().clip(0, 1)) if self.layers >= 4: mask_8 = np.concatenate(mask_8[2:], axis=2) if self.layers >= 3: mask_16 = np.concatenate(mask_16[2:], axis=2) if self.layers >= 2: mask_32 = np.concatenate(mask_32[2:], axis=2) if self.layers >= 1: mask_64 = np.concatenate(mask_64[2:], axis=2) mask_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'masks') makedir(mask_dir) for v_idx in range(batch_size): if self.layers >= 4: filename = os.path.join(mask_dir, '%s_%03d_mask_8.png' % (var_name, start_idx + v_idx)) cv2.imwrite(filename, (mask_8[v_idx] * 255).astype('uint8')) if self.layers >= 3: filename = os.path.join(mask_dir, '%s_%03d_mask_16.png' % (var_name, start_idx + v_idx)) cv2.imwrite(filename, (mask_16[v_idx] * 255).astype('uint8')) if self.layers >= 2: filename = os.path.join(mask_dir, '%s_%03d_mask_32.png' % (var_name, start_idx + v_idx)) cv2.imwrite(filename, (mask_32[v_idx] * 255).astype('uint8')) if self.layers >= 1: filename = os.path.join(mask_dir, '%s_%03d_mask_64.png' % (var_name, start_idx + v_idx)) cv2.imwrite(filename, (mask_64[v_idx] * 255).astype('uint8')) return output_dir
def main(): # ******************************************************************** # ****************** create folders and print options **************** # ******************************************************************** opt, gen_args = TestOptions().parse() makedir(opt.output_dir) makedir(opt.log_dir) listopt(opt) with open(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'test_opt.txt'), 'w+') as f: listopt(opt, f) # ******************************************************************** # ******************** Prepare the dataloaders *********************** # ******************************************************************** image_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), lambda x: x[:opt.n_channels, ::], transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ]) video_transforms = functools.partial(video_transform, image_transform=image_transforms) if opt.dataset == 'Weizmann': valset = WeizmannDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test', mini_clip=opt.miniclip) elif opt.dataset == 'MUG': valset = MUGDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.dataset == 'SynAction': valset = SynActionDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, False, 'Test') else: raise NotImplementedError('%s dataset is not supported' % opt.dataset) # get the validate dataloader video_valset = VideoDataset(valset, opt.video_length, every_nth=opt.every_nth, transform=video_transforms) video_val_loader = DataLoader(video_valset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, drop_last=False, num_workers=2, shuffle=False) # ******************************************************************** # ********************Create the environment ************************* # ******************************************************************** gen_args['num_categories'] = len(valset.action_set) if opt.model == 'SGVAN': environ = SGVAN(gen_args, opt.checkpoint_dir, opt.log_dir, opt.output_dir, opt.video_length, valset.action_set, valset.actor_set, is_eval=True) elif opt.model == 'TwoStreamVAN': environ = TwoStreamVAN(gen_args, opt.checkpoint_dir, opt.log_dir, opt.output_dir, opt.video_length, valset.action_set, valset.actor_set, is_eval=True) else: raise ValueError('Model %s is not implemented' % opt.mode) current_iter = environ.load(opt.which_iter, is_eval=True) environ.eval() # ******************************************************************** # *************************** Full test **************************** # ******************************************************************** rm_npy = True result_file = os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'results.txt') for idx, cls_name in enumerate(valset.action_set): for c in range(10): prefix = 'none_%s' % cls_name if opt.model == 'SGVAN': output_dir = environ.full_test(idx, 90, opt.video_length, current_iter, var_name=prefix, start_idx=c * 90, is_eval=True, rm_npy=rm_npy) elif opt.model == 'TwoStreamVAN': output_dir = environ.full_test(idx, 90, opt.video_length, current_iter, start_idx=c * 90, var_name=prefix, is_eval=True, rm_npy=rm_npy, get_seq=opt.get_seq, get_mask=opt.get_mask) else: raise ValueError('Model %s is not implemented' % opt.model) rm_npy = False full_metrics = eval(opt, output_dir) with open(result_file, 'a') as f: f.writelines(print_dict(full_metrics, 'full_metric') + '\n') # ******************************************************************** # ************************ Conditional Test ************************* # ******************************************************************** # # provide the first frame for c in tqdm.tqdm(range(opt.val_num)): for idx, batch in enumerate(video_val_loader): environ.set_inputs(batch) environ.video_forward(eplison=0, ae_mode='mean', is_eval=True) names = batch['names'] output_dir = environ.save_batch(current_iter, names=names, start_idx=c) metrics = eval(opt, output_dir, data_is_actor=True) print(full_metrics) print(metrics) with open(result_file, 'a') as f: f.writelines(print_dict(metrics, 'avg_metric') + '\n')
def __init__(self, dataroot, textroot, video_len, image_size, every_nth, crop, mode="Train", mini_clip=False): """ Prepare for the data list :param dataroot: str, the path for the stored data :param textroot: str, the path to write the data list :param video_len: int, the length of the generated video :param image_size: int, the spatial size of the image :param every_nth: int, the frequency to sample frames :param crop: bool, true if random cropping :param mode: ['Train', 'Test'] :param mini_clip: bool, specify if the origin video is divided into mini-clips """ print( # parse the args self.dataroot = dataroot self.textroot = textroot self.video_len = video_len self.every_nth = every_nth self.crop = crop self.mode = mode self.action_set = [ 'bend', 'jack', 'pjump', 'wave1', 'wave2', 'jump', 'run', 'side', 'skip', 'walk' ] self.actor_set = [ 'daria', 'denis', 'eli', 'ido', 'ira', 'lena', 'lyova', 'moshe', 'shahar' ] self.image_size = image_size self.mini_clip = mini_clip # get the cache name if mini_clip: cache = os.path.join( self.dataroot, 'cache_mini_%s_%d.db' % (mode, video_len * every_nth)) else: cache = os.path.join( self.dataroot, 'cache_%s_%d.db' % (mode, video_len * every_nth)) # read the cache file or build the cache file if cache is not None and os.path.exists(cache): # read the cache file with open(cache, 'rb') as f: self.lines, self.lengths = pickle.load(f) else: # build the list self.lines, self.lengths = self.build_dataset() # write the readable text file makedir(textroot) if mini_clip: text_file = os.path.join( textroot, 'miniclip_%s_list_%d.txt' % (mode, video_len * every_nth)) else: text_file = os.path.join( textroot, '%s_list_%d.txt' % (mode, video_len * every_nth)) with open(text_file, 'w+') as f: f.writelines(self.lines) # write the cache file if cache is not None: with open(cache, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((self.lines, self.lengths), f) # get the total frames self.cumsum = np.cumsum([0] + self.lengths) print("Total number of frames {}".format(np.sum(self.lengths)))
def eval(eval_args=None, output_dir=None, data_is_actor=False): # ******************************************************************** # ****************** create folders and print options **************** # ******************************************************************** if eval_args is None: opt = TestOptions().parse() # make up all dirs and print options listopt(opt) makedir(opt.log_dir) with open(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'test_options.txt'), 'w+') as f: listopt(opt, f) else: opt = make_opt(eval_args, output_dir, data_is_actor) # ******************************************************************** # ******************** Prepare the dataloaders *********************** # ******************************************************************** print('define image and video transformation') # get the dataloader image_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), lambda x: x[:opt.n_channels, ::], transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ]) video_transforms = functools.partial(video_transform, image_transform=image_transforms) if opt.dataset == 'Generated_video': if opt.test_dataset == 'Weizmann': test_dataset = WeizmannDataset(opt.test_dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.test_dataset == 'MUG': test_dataset = MUGDataset(opt.test_dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.test_dataset == 'SynAction': test_dataset = SynActionDataset(opt.test_dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, False, 'Test') else: raise NotImplementedError('%s is not implemented' % opt.dataset) action_set = test_dataset.action_set actor_set = test_dataset.actor_set valset = GeneratedDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.data_is_actor, actor_set, action_set) video_valset = valset else: if opt.dataset == 'Weizmann': print('create the video dataloader') # dataset, val_dataset = None, None valset = WeizmannDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.dataset == 'MUG': valset = MUGDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.dataset == 'MUG2': trainset = MUGDataset_2(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, opt.crop, 'Train') print(trainset.action_set) valset = MUGDataset_2(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') print(valset.action_set) elif opt.dataset == 'SynAction': valset = SynActionDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, False, 'Test') else: raise NotImplementedError('%s is not implemented' % opt.dataset) video_valset = VideoDataset(valset, opt.video_length, every_nth=opt.every_nth, transform=video_transforms) action_set = valset.action_set actor_set = valset.actor_set video_val_loader = DataLoader(video_valset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, drop_last=False, num_workers=2, shuffle=False) # ******************************************************************** # ******************** Create the Environment ************************ # ******************************************************************** # calculate the number of classes if opt.model_is_actor: num_class = len(action_set) * len(actor_set) else: num_class = len(action_set) print('create the environment') # build the training environment environ = Classifier_Environ(opt.n_channels, num_class, opt.log_dir, opt.checkpoint_dir, 1, opt.ndf) iter, _ = environ.load('latest', path=opt.ckpt_path) print('using iter %d' % iter) environ.eval() loss, gt_cat, pred_dist = [], [], [] for idx, batch in enumerate(video_val_loader): if opt.data_is_actor and opt.model_is_actor: batch['categories'] = batch['categories'] + batch['actors'] * len( action_set) environ.set_inputs(batch) tmp_loss, tmp_gt, tmp_pred = environ.val() loss.append(tmp_loss) gt_cat.append(tmp_gt) pred_dist.append(tmp_pred) # get accuracy,intra_E, inter_E, class_intra_E pred_dist = np.concatenate(pred_dist, axis=0) pred_cat = np.argmax(pred_dist, axis=-1) gt_cat = np.concatenate(gt_cat) if opt.model_is_actor: pred_cat = pred_cat % len(action_set) if opt.data_is_actor: gt_cat = gt_cat % len(action_set) I_score, intra_E, inter_E, class_intra_E = quant(pred_dist, action_set) acc = float(len(gt_cat) - np.count_nonzero(pred_cat != gt_cat)) / len(gt_cat) * 100 print('acc: %.3f%%, I_score: %.3f, intra_E: %.3f, inter_E: %.3f' % (acc, I_score, intra_E, inter_E)) print('class intra-E', class_intra_E) print(action_set) metrics = { 'acc': acc, 'I_score': I_score, 'intra_E': intra_E, 'inter_E': inter_E } return metrics
def main(): torch.set_num_threads(1) # ******************************************************************** # ****************** create folders and print options **************** # ******************************************************************** opt, gen_args, dis_args, loss_weights = TrainOptions().parse() makedir(opt.checkpoint_dir) makedir(opt.log_dir) makedir(opt.output_dir) listopt(opt) with open(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'train_opt.txt'), 'w+') as f: listopt(opt, f) # ******************************************************************** # ******************** Prepare the dataloaders *********************** # ******************************************************************** image_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), lambda x: x[:opt.n_channels, ::], transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ]) video_transforms = functools.partial(video_transform, image_transform=image_transforms) if opt.dataset == 'Weizmann': trainset = WeizmannDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, opt.crop, 'Train', mini_clip=opt.miniclip) valset = WeizmannDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test', mini_clip=opt.miniclip) elif opt.dataset == 'MUG': trainset = MUGDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, opt.crop, 'Train') valset = MUGDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.dataset == 'SynAction': trainset = SynActionDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.crop, 'Train') valset = SynActionDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, False, 'Test') else: raise NotImplementedError('%s dataset is not supported' % opt.dataset) # get the validate dataloader video_trainset = VideoDataset(trainset, opt.video_length, every_nth=opt.every_nth, transform=video_transforms) video_train_loader = DataLoader(video_trainset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, drop_last=True, num_workers=2, shuffle=True) video_valset = VideoDataset(valset, opt.video_length, every_nth=opt.every_nth, transform=video_transforms) video_val_loader = DataLoader(video_valset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, drop_last=True, num_workers=2, shuffle=False) # ******************************************************************** # ********************Create the environment ************************* # ******************************************************************** gen_args['num_categories'] = len(trainset.action_set) dis_args['num_categories'] = len(trainset.action_set) if opt.model == 'SGVAN': environ = SGVAN(gen_args, opt.checkpoint_dir, opt.log_dir, opt.output_dir, opt.video_length, trainset.action_set, trainset.actor_set, is_eval=False, dis_args=dis_args, loss_weights=loss_weights, pretrain_iters=opt.pretrain_iters) elif opt.model == 'TwoStreamVAN': environ = TwoStreamVAN(gen_args, opt.checkpoint_dir, opt.log_dir, opt.output_dir, opt.video_length, trainset.action_set, trainset.actor_set, is_eval=False, dis_args=dis_args, loss_weights=loss_weights, pretrain_iters=opt.pretrain_iters) else: raise ValueError('Model %s is not implemented' % opt.mode) current_iter = 0 if opt.resume: current_iter = environ.load(opt.which_iter) else: environ.weight_init() environ.train() # ******************************************************************** # ******************** Set the training ratio ************************ # ******************************************************************** # content vs motion cont_scheduler = Scheduler(opt.cont_ratio_start, opt.cont_ratio_end, opt.cont_ratio_iter_start + opt.pretrain_iters, opt.cont_ratio_iter_end + opt.pretrain_iters, mode='linear') # easier vs harder motion m_img_scheduler = Scheduler(opt.motion_ratio_start, opt.motion_ratio_end, opt.motion_ratio_iter_start + opt.pretrain_iters, opt.motion_ratio_iter_end + opt.pretrain_iters, mode='linear') # ******************************************************************** # *************************** Training ***************************** # ******************************************************************** recons_c, pred_c, vid_c = 0, 0, 0 video_enumerator = enumerate(video_train_loader) while current_iter < opt.total_iters: start_time = time.time() current_iter += 1 batch_idx, batch = next(video_enumerator) environ.set_inputs(batch) if current_iter < opt.pretrain_iters: # ********************** Pre-train the Content Stream ************** environ.optimize_recons_pretrain_parameters(current_iter) # print loss to the screen and save intermediate results to tensorboard if current_iter % opt.print_freq == 0: environ.print_loss(current_iter, start_time) environ.visual_batch(current_iter, name='%s_current_batch' % environ.task) # validation if current_iter % opt.val_freq == 0: environ.eval() # validation of the content generation for idx, batch in enumerate(video_val_loader): environ.set_inputs(batch) environ.reconstruct_forward(ae_mode='mean', is_eval=True) if idx == 0: environ.visual_batch(current_iter, name='val_recons') # save the current checkpoint'latest', current_iter) environ.train() else: # ********************* Jointly train the Content & Motion ************* ep1 = cont_scheduler.get_value(current_iter) ep2 = m_img_scheduler.get_value(current_iter) recons = (random.random() > ep1) img_level = (random.random() > ep2) if recons: # content training recons_c += 1 environ.optimize_recons_parameters(current_iter) else: if img_level: # easier motion training pred_c += 1 environ.optimize_pred_parameters() else: # harder motion training vid_c += 1 environ.optimize_vid_parameters(current_iter) # print loss to the screen and save intermediate results to tensorboard if current_iter % opt.print_freq == 0: environ.print_loss(current_iter, start_time) environ.visual_batch(current_iter, name='%s_current_batch' % environ.task) print('recons: %d, pred: %d, vid: %d' % (recons_c, pred_c, vid_c)) recons_c, pred_c, vid_c = 0, 0, 0 # validation and save checkpoint if current_iter % opt.val_freq == 0: environ.eval() for idx, batch in enumerate(video_val_loader): environ.set_inputs(batch) # content stream validation environ.reconstruct_forward(ae_mode='mean', is_eval=True) if idx == 0: environ.visual_batch(current_iter, name='val_recons') # easier motion stream validation environ.predict_forward(ae_mode='mean', is_eval=True) if idx == 0: environ.visual_batch(current_iter, name='val_pred') # harder motion stream validation environ.video_forward(eplison=0, ae_mode='mean', is_eval=True) if idx == 0: environ.visual_batch(current_iter, name='val_video') # generate videos for different class for idx, cls_name in enumerate(valset.action_set): environ.get_category(cls_id=idx) output_dir = environ.full_test(idx, 32, 10, current_iter, cls_name) metrics = eval(opt, output_dir) environ.print_loss(current_iter, start_time, metrics) # remove the generated video rm_cmd = 'rm -r %s' % output_dir os.system(rm_cmd) # save the latest checkpoint'latest', current_iter) environ.train() # save the checkpoint if current_iter % opt.save_freq == 0:, current_iter) # get a new enumerator if batch_idx == len(video_train_loader) - 1: video_enumerator = enumerate(video_train_loader)
def main(): # ************************************************************ # ************** create folders and print options ************ # ************************************************************ opt = TrainOptions().parse() listopt(opt) print('create the directories') makedir(opt.checkpoint_dir) makedir(opt.log_dir) with open(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'train_options.txt'), 'w+') as f: listopt(opt, f) # ******************************************************************** # ******************** Prepare the dataloaders *********************** # ******************************************************************** print('define image and video transformation') # get the dataloader image_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), lambda x: x[:opt.n_channels, ::], transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ]) video_transforms = functools.partial(video_transform, image_transform=image_transforms) print('create the video dataloader') if opt.dataset == 'Weizmann': trainset = WeizmannDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, opt.crop, 'Train') valset = WeizmannDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.dataset == 'MUG': trainset = MUGDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, opt.crop, 'Train') valset = MUGDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') elif opt.dataset == 'MUG2': trainset = MUGDataset_2(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, opt.crop, 'Train') print(trainset.action_set) valset = MUGDataset_2(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.every_nth, False, 'Test') print(valset.action_set) elif opt.dataset == 'SynAction': trainset = SynActionDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, opt.crop, 'Train') valset = SynActionDataset(opt.dataroot, opt.textroot, opt.video_length, opt.image_size, False, 'Test') else: raise NotImplementedError('%s is not implemented' % opt.dataset) # get the validate dataloader video_trainset = VideoDataset(trainset, opt.video_length, every_nth=opt.every_nth, transform=video_transforms) video_train_loader = DataLoader(video_trainset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, drop_last=True, num_workers=2, shuffle=True) video_valset = VideoDataset(valset, opt.video_length, every_nth=opt.every_nth, transform=video_transforms) video_val_loader = DataLoader(video_valset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, drop_last=False, num_workers=2, shuffle=False) # ******************************************************************** # ******************** Create the Environment ************************ # ******************************************************************** # calculate the number of classes if opt.model_is_actor: num_class = len(trainset.action_set) * len(trainset.actor_set) else: num_class = len(trainset.action_set) print('create the environment') environ = Classifier_Environ(opt.n_channels, num_class, opt.log_dir, opt.checkpoint_dir,, opt.ndf) current_iter = 0 # load the checkpoints if opt.resume: current_iter, = environ.load(opt.which_iter) else: environ.weight_init() # ******************************************************************** # *************************** Training ***************************** # ******************************************************************** action_set = trainset.action_set max_acc, max_I_score, best_iter = 0, 0, 0 print('begin training') video_enumerator = enumerate(video_train_loader) while current_iter < opt.total_iters: start_time = time.time() environ.train() current_iter += 1 batch_idx, batch = next(video_enumerator) # modify the gt category if the model needs to distinguish actors if opt.data_is_actor: batch['categories'] = batch['categories'] + batch['actors'] * len(action_set) environ.set_inputs(batch) environ.optimize() # print losses if current_iter % opt.print_freq == 0: environ.print_loss(current_iter, start_time) # validation if current_iter % opt.val_freq == 0: environ.eval() loss, gt_cat, pred_dist = [], [], [] # go through the validation set for idx, batch in enumerate(video_val_loader): environ.set_inputs(batch) if opt.data_is_actor: batch['categories'] = batch['categories'] + batch['actors'] * len(action_set) tmp_loss, tmp_gt, tmp_pred = environ.val() loss.append(tmp_loss) gt_cat.append(tmp_gt) pred_dist.append(tmp_pred) pred_dist = np.concatenate(pred_dist, axis=0) pred_cat = np.argmax(pred_dist, axis=-1) gt_cat = np.concatenate(gt_cat) # calculate the metrics I_score, intra_E, inter_E, class_intra_E = quant(pred_dist, trainset.action_set) acc = float(len(gt_cat) - np.count_nonzero(pred_cat != gt_cat))/len(gt_cat) * 100 loss = {'val_loss': np.mean(loss), 'acc': acc, 'I_score': I_score, 'intra_E': intra_E, 'inter_E': inter_E} environ.print_loss(current_iter, start_time, loss=loss) # save the checkpoint if the current gives the best performance if acc >= max_acc and I_score >= max_I_score: max_acc = acc max_I_score = I_score'best', current_iter) best_iter = current_iter print('max_I_score: %.3f, max_acc: %.3f, best iter: %d' % (max_I_score, max_acc, best_iter)), current_iter) # save the current iteration if current_iter % opt.save_freq == 0:'latest', current_iter) # adjust the learning rate if batch_idx == len(video_train_loader) - 1: video_enumerator = enumerate(video_train_loader) = * opt.decay environ.adjust_learning_rate(
import subprocess from utils import util config = util.Config('config.json') sl = util.check_system()['sl'] video = util.VideoParams(config) config.duration = '60' original = f'..{sl}original' yuv_forders_10s = f'..{sl}yuv-10s' yuv_forders_60s = f'..{sl}yuv-full' util.makedir(f'{yuv_forders_10s}') util.makedir(f'{yuv_forders_60s}') scale = config.scale fps = config.fps for name in config.videos_list: start_time = config.videos_list[name]['time'] out_name = f'{name}_{scale}_{fps}.yuv' in_name = f'{original}{sl}{name}.mp4' par_in = f'-y -hide_banner -v quiet -ss {start_time} -i {in_name}' par_out_10s = f'-t 10 -r {fps} -vf scale={scale} -map 0:0 ..{sl}yuv-10s{sl}{out_name}' command = f'ffmpeg {par_in} {par_out_10s}' print(command), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) par_out_60s = f'-t 60 -r {fps} -vf scale={scale} -map 0:0 ..{sl}yuv-full{sl}{out_name}'
import os import glob from utils.util import makedir import pdb phrase_list = [ 'clapping', 'waving', 'pick fruit', 'kick soccerball', 'wheelbarrow', 'stall soccerball', 'baseball step', 'rifle side', 'kneeing', 'jazz dancing', 'walking', 'running', 'jump', 'kick', 'hook', 'cheering while', 'goalkeeper catch', 'throw', 'climb' ] root = '/Users/sunxm/Downloads/mixamo/' files = glob.glob(os.path.join(root, '*')) output_path = '/Users/sunxm/Documents/mixamo/rough_pick/' makedir(output_path) for file_path in files: file_name = file_path.split('/')[-1] for phrase in phrase_list: words = phrase.split() flag = True for word in words: if word not in file_name.lower(): flag = False break if flag: # pdb.set_trace() # tokens = file_path.split() file_path = file_path.replace(' ', '\ ') file_path = file_path.replace('(', '\(')