Exemplo n.º 1
 def registerAllSubtypes(self, baseType, alias=None):
   Registers all inheritors of the baseType as types by classname for this entity.
   @ In, baseType, object, base class type (e.g. Sampler.Sampler)
   @ In, alias, dict, optional, alias names to use for registration names as {"ObjectName": "AliasName"}
   @ Out, None
     if alias is None:
         alias = {}
     for obj in utils.getAllSubclasses(baseType):
         name = alias.get(obj.__name__, obj.__name__)
         self.registerType(name, obj)
Exemplo n.º 2
from DataObjects.PointSet import PointSet
from DataObjects.HistorySet import HistorySet
## [ Add new class here ]
## Alternatively, to fully automate this file:
# from DataObjects import *
 Interface Dictionary (factory) (private)
# This machinery will automatically populate the "knownTypes" given the
# imports defined above.
__base = 'Data'
__interFaceDict = {}

for classObj in utils.getAllSubclasses(eval(__base)):
    __interFaceDict[classObj.__name__] = classObj

def knownTypes():
    Returns a list of strings that define the types of instantiable objects for
    this base factory.
    @ In, None
    @ Out, knownTypes, list, the known types
    return __interFaceDict.keys()

def returnInstance(Type, caller):