def getLastVisitTime(request, siteid): ''' @function: get the last time of whether usr and ip visit the site, and usr first @paras: siteid - the, unique identification the site @returns: True or False boolean ''' if 'usr' in request.COOKIES: visitSetList = Visit.objects.filter(user__username=request.COOKIES['usr'], site__id=siteid).order_by('-visitTime')[:1] else: visitSetList = Visit.objects.filter(host=getIP(request), site__id=siteid).order_by('-visitTime')[:1] if visitSetList.count() == 0: return None, 0 else: lvt = visitSetList.values('visitTime')[0]['visitTime'] interval = Site.objects.get(id=siteid).interval # lt = interval - int(( - lvt).total_seconds())/60 # refer: # total_seconds is New in version 2.7. # so we can use 'td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6' which equals to total_seconds td = ( - lvt) lt = interval - int((td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10 ** 6) / 10 ** 6) / 60 lt = lt if lt >= 0 else 0 return lvt, lt
def verify(request): verify_url = '' _wallet = request.COOKIES['wa'] _recaptcha_challenge_field = request.POST.get('recaptcha_challenge_field', '') _recaptcha_response_field = request.POST.get('recaptcha_response_field', '') data = {'privatekey': '6LfWhe0SAAAAAEkkiS0DD2w0u2xWA1gxpvFGt7YP', 'remoteip': getIP(request), 'challenge': _recaptcha_challenge_field, 'response': _recaptcha_response_field} re =, data) reDict = {'wallet': _wallet, 'tips': True, 'success': u'true' in re.text} return render_to_response('freebtc/verify.html', reDict)
def getFavFlag(request, siteid): ''' @function: get the flag of whether usr and ip favorite the, and usr first @paras: sited - the, unique identification the table @returns: True or False boolean ''' if 'usr' in request.COOKIES: return Favorite.objects.filter(user__username=request.COOKIES['usr'], site__id=siteid).count() != 0 else: return Favorite.objects.filter(host=getIP(request), site__id=siteid).count() != 0
def getLikeFlag(request, siteid, _flag): ''' @function: get the flag of whether usr and ip liked the site, and usr first @paras: siteid - the, unique identification the site _flag - Like:True, Unlike:False @returns: True or False boolean ''' if 'usr' in request.COOKIES: return Like.objects.filter(user__username=request.COOKIES['usr'], flag=_flag, site__id=siteid).count() != 0 else: return Like.objects.filter(host=getIP(request), flag=_flag, site__id=siteid).count() != 0
def proof(request, siteid): verify_url = '' _proof = request.POST.get('proof', '') robots = False if _proof == '': print 'Just get Proofs!!!' else: _recaptcha_challenge_field = request.POST.get('recaptcha_challenge_field', '') _recaptcha_response_field = request.POST.get('recaptcha_response_field', '') data = {'privatekey': '6LfWhe0SAAAAAEkkiS0DD2w0u2xWA1gxpvFGt7YP', 'remoteip': getIP(request), 'challenge': _recaptcha_challenge_field, 'response': _recaptcha_response_field} re =, data) if u'true' in re.text: s = Site.objects.get(id=siteid) s.siteProofNum = s.siteProofNum + 1 Proof.objects.create(site_id=siteid, proofContent=_proof) else: robots = True print robots reDict = dict(robots=robots, **getEvaluateDict(request, siteid)) return render_to_response('freebtc123/evaluate.html', reDict)
def submitsite(request): verify_url = '' _name = request.POST.get('name', '') _description = request.POST.get('description', '') _url = request.POST.get('url', '') robots = False if _url == '': pass else: _recaptcha_challenge_field = request.POST.get('recaptcha_challenge_field', '') _recaptcha_response_field = request.POST.get('recaptcha_response_field', '') data = {'privatekey': '6LfWhe0SAAAAAEkkiS0DD2w0u2xWA1gxpvFGt7YP', 'remoteip': getIP(request), 'challenge': _recaptcha_challenge_field, 'response': _recaptcha_response_field} re =, data) if u'true' in re.text: csySet = Classify.objects.get(nav__navName='submitsite') Site.objects.create(siteName=_name, siteDescription=_description, siteUrl=_url, else: robots = True reDict = {'nav': getNav(request), 'csysite': getCsySite(request, 'submitsite', 1), 'usr': getUsr(request), 'wallet': getWallet(request), 'robots': robots} return render_to_response('freebtc123/submitsite.html', reDict)