def __init__(self, path_info, mode='circular'): self.path_info = path_info self.coordinates = self.path_info['coords'] # dll of nodes, where node is a wrapper object 'Coord' for named tuple Coordinates self.nodes = [Coord(item, self.coordinates[idx - 1] if idx >= 1 else None, self.coordinates[idx + 1] if idx < len(self.coordinates) - 1 else None) for idx, item in enumerate(self.coordinates)] self.elevation = grouper(self.coordinates, 2) self.distance = grouper(self.path_info['distance'], 2) self.lat_distance = grouper(self.path_info['latDistance'], 2) self.lon_distance = grouper(self.path_info['lonDistance'], 2) self.idx = -1 self.mode = mode
async def lang_list_callback_handler( query: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: typing.Dict[str, str], user: UserRepository, _: dict, ): btn_list = [] inline_keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) for lang in Lang: lang_id = lang.value if (lang_id is None): continue btn_list.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( language_map[], id=lang_id, ), ), ) for i in grouper(2, btn_list): inline_keyboard_markup.row(*i) await query.message.edit_text(_['choose_lang'], reply_markup=inline_keyboard_markup) await query.answer()
async def currency_callback_handler( query: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: typing.Dict[str, str], user: UserRepository, _: dict, ): currency_list = await user.get_available_currency() user_currency = await user.get_user_currency( inline_keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) buttons = [] for curr in currency_list: enabled = "❌" if ( == user_currency.currency_id): enabled = "✅" buttons.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{enabled} {curr.currency_code}",, != user_currency.currency_id), ), ) for b_row in grouper(2, buttons): inline_keyboard_markup.row(*b_row) await query.message.edit_text(_['curr_list'], reply_markup=inline_keyboard_markup) await query.answer()
async def handle(self, message: types.Message, user: UserRepository, _: dict): """ Conversation's entry point """ await user.create(, int(DEFAULT_LANG.value)) keyboard_markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2, resize_keyboard=True) btns_text = (_['cabinet'], _['faq']) keyboard_markup.row(*(types.KeyboardButton(text) for text in btns_text)) btns_text = [_['setting']] #, _['feedback_button'] keyboard_markup.row(*(types.KeyboardButton(text) for text in btns_text)) await message.answer(_['hello'], reply_markup=keyboard_markup) btn_list = [] inline_keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) for lang in Lang: lang_id = lang.value if (lang_id is None): continue btn_list.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( language_map[],, ), ), ) for i in grouper(2, btn_list): inline_keyboard_markup.row(*i) await message.answer(_['choose_lang'], reply_markup=inline_keyboard_markup) await user.add_notification_setting(, True) await user.add_notification_payouts_setting(, True) await user.add_user_coin(, Coin.Bitcoin.value, True) await user.add_user_coin(, Coin.BitcoinHash.value, False) await user.add_user_coin(, Coin.BitcoinSV.value, False) await user.add_user_coin(, Coin.Ethereum.value, False) await user.add_user_coin(, Coin.EthereumClassic.value, False) await user.add_user_coin(, Coin.Litecoin.value, False) await user.add_user_coin(, Coin.Dash.value, False) await user.add_user_currency(, DEFAULT_CURRENCY)
async def finance_callback_handler( query: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: typing.Dict[str, str], user: UserRepository, _: LangHolder, ): account_id = callback_data["id"] page = int(callback_data["page"]) keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) account = next( (acc for acc in await user.get_accounts( if str(acc.account_id) == account_id), None, ) if (account is None): return await reply_to_account_not_found(query.message, _) btn_list = [] for coin in await user.get_account_coins(, account_id): if coin.is_active: btn_list.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{Coin(coin.coin_id).name}", id=account_id, type=coin.coin_id, action="payouts", page=page, ), ), ) for i in grouper(2, btn_list): keyboard_markup.add(*i) keyboard_markup.add( types.InlineKeyboardButton( _['back_to_account_button'],, type="account", action='open'), ), ) await query.message.edit_text( _["finance_choose_coin"], reply_markup=keyboard_markup, ) await query.answer()
async def change_coin_enabled_setting_coins_for_account( query: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: typing.Dict[str, str], user: UserRepository, _: dict, ): coin_id = callback_data["id"] is_active = callback_data['action'] == 'on' await user.change_coin_enabled(, coin_id, is_active) await user.change_account_coin_enabled(, coin_id, is_active) keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) btn_list = [] for coin in await user.get_coins(, ): if coin.is_enabled: btn_list.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{Coin(coin.coin_id).name} ✅",, action="off"), ), ) else: btn_list.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{Coin(coin.coin_id).name} ❌",, action="on"), ), ) for i in grouper(2, btn_list): keyboard_markup.add(*i) ''' keyboard_markup.add( types.InlineKeyboardButton( _['back_to_account_button'],, type="account", action='open'), ), ) ''' await query.message.edit_text( _["coin_list_descr"], reply_markup=keyboard_markup, ) await query.answer(_['coin_enabled'] if is_active else _['coin_disabled'])
async def change_coins_for_account_callback_handler( query: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: typing.Dict[str, str], user: UserRepository, _: dict, ): keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) btn_list = [] for coin in await user.get_coins(, ): if coin.is_enabled: btn_list.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{Coin(coin.coin_id).name} ✅",, action="off"), ), ) else: btn_list.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{Coin(coin.coin_id).name} ❌",, action="on"), ), ) for i in grouper(2, btn_list): keyboard_markup.add(*i) '''keyboard_markup.add( types.InlineKeyboardButton( _["back_to_account_list_button"], id="_", type="menu", action="main_menu" ), ), )''' await query.message.edit_text( _["coin_list_descr"], reply_markup=keyboard_markup, ) await query.answer()
def get_key_center_estimates( score:, measures_window_size: int = 64) -> analyzer = music21.analysis.discrete.BellmanBudge() wa = music21.analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(score, analyzer) solutions, color = wa.analyze(measures_window_size, 'overlap') part_key_centers = solutions = [ music21.note.Note(music21.pitch.Pitch(midi=tuple_pitch[0].midi)) for tuple_pitch in solutions ] solutions_beats = _assign_key_centers(solutions, measures_window_size) solutions_measures = utils.grouper(4, solutions_beats) solutions_measures_21 = [] for solution_measure in solutions_measures: measure = for i_solution, name_solution in enumerate(list(solution_measure)): note_beat = music21.note.Note( pitch=music21.pitch.Pitch(name=name_solution, octave=4)) note_beat.duration = music21.duration.Duration(quarterLength=1) measure.insert(i_solution, note_beat) solutions_measures_21.append(measure) for measure in solutions_measures_21: part_key_centers.append(measure) return part_key_centers
def push_stops_to_ckan(stops_list, is_cp, resource_id): """ Pushes OST's GTFS Stops to CKAN Datastore in chunks of five """ geolocators = [] geolocator_index = 0 geolocators.append(GoogleV3()) geolocators.append(Nominatim()) # Needed variables for the places' description agency_name = CP_NAME if is_cp else CARRIS_NAME transport = TRAIN if is_cp else BUS agency_url = CP_URL if is_cp else CARRIS_URL print '\n- Started importing stops from {}'.format(agency_name) api = get_ckan_api( ckan_host=CKAN_HOST, ckan_type='datastore', ckan_action='create', # 'upsert', ) geolocator = geolocators[geolocator_index] for stop_group in grouper(stops_list, 5): stop_places = [] belem_tuple = (u'Santa Maria de Belém', u'São Francisco Xavier') for stop in stop_group: location = None is_able_to_continue = False if stop: place = {} coords = ( stop['point']['coordinates'][1], stop['point']['coordinates'][0], ) coords_str = ','.join((str(coords[1]), str(coords[0]))) api_url = get_ost_api( api=OST_API_MAIN_URL, model_name='whereat', api_key=OST_API_KEY, params={'coords': coords_str}, ) # Get the parish/neighbourhood from OST whereat = requests.get(api_url) if whereat.status_code == 200: whereat = json.loads(whereat.content) else: whereat = {} parish = whereat.get('parish', {}) municipality = whereat.get('municipality', {}) # Get the Address from coordinates with GoogleMaps API while is_able_to_continue is False: try: location = geolocator.reverse( coords, exactly_one=True, timeout=60, ) is_able_to_continue = True except GeocoderTimedOut as e: print '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GeocoderTimedOut\n', e location = None print 'Moving on...\n\n' except GeocoderQuotaExceeded as e: print '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GeocoderQuotaExceeded\n', e geolocator_index += 1 if geolocator_index < len(geolocators): geolocator = geolocators[geolocator_index] debug = 'Trying a new geocoder: {}...\n\n' print debug.format(type(geolocator).__name__) else: geolocator_index = 0 geolocator = geolocators[geolocator_index] break except GeocoderServiceError as e: print '\n\n>>>>>>>> Geocoder Service Error:', e time.sleep(30) place_name = capwords(stop['stop_name']) body = PLACE_BODY.format( agency_name, transport, place_name.encode('utf-8'), ) # Create a JSON list to be written to file place['field_poi_id'] = stop['id'] place['field_title'] = place_name place['field_category_places'] = TRANSPORTATION_CATEGORY place['field_body'] = body place['field_photographs'] = "" place['field_website'] = agency_url place['field_email'] = "" place['field_phone'] = "" place['field_location_latitude'] = coords[0] place['field_location_longitude'] = coords[1] if parish: neighbourhood = parish.get('name', '') if neighbourhood in belem_tuple: neighbourhood = 'Belém' place['field_neighbourhood'] = neighbourhood else: place['field_neighbourhood'] = '' if location: address = location.address address = address.replace('&', 'E').replace(';', ' ') place['field_location_address_first_line'] = address else: input_str = '\"No Location for {}. Please enter it: \"'['say', input_str]) input_str = input_str.format(coords) address = raw_input(input_str) print 'You entered', address address = address.replace('&', 'E').replace(';', ' ') place['field_location_address_first_line'] = address place['field_location_address_second_line'] = '' if municipality: municipality_name = municipality.get('name', '') place['field_location_city'] = municipality_name else: place['field_location_city'] = '' place['field_location_country'] = 'Portugal' place['resource_id'] = resource_id stop_places.append(place) records = { 'resource_id': resource_id, 'primary_key': ['field_poi_id'], 'indexes': ['field_poi_id'], 'records': stop_places, 'force': True, } # print records response = api, data=json.dumps(records), headers=CKAN_AUTH, ) print "\n", response.content.encode('utf-8', 'replace'), "\n" if response.status_code != 200: print "\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR" print records
async def black_list_info_callback_handler( query: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: typing.Dict[str, str], user: UserRepository, _: dict, logger: logging.Logger, state: FSMContext, ): account_id = callback_data["id"] coin_id = callback_data['type'] action = callback_data['action'] page = int(callback_data['page']) if (action != '_'): async with state.proxy() as data: worker_id = data.get('workers_unique', {}).get(action, None) if (worker_id): is_blacklisted = await user.toggle_worker_blacklist(, worker_id) await query.answer(_['worker_blacklisted' if is_blacklisted else 'worker_not_blacklisted'].format( worker=worker_id, )) else: logger.warning( f'worker_id was null {data.get("workers_unique")}') await query.answer( 'If you see this message please contact with support', show_alert=True) keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) blacklisted_workers = [ w.worker_id for w in await user.get_blacklisted_workers( ] workers = None async with EmcdClient(account_id, logger) as client: workers = await client.get_workers(coin_id) if (workers is None): await query.answer() logger.warning('workers is none') return buttons = [] buttons_workers = [] if (page > 1): buttons.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( _["prev_button"],, page=page - 1, type=coin_id, action="_"), ), ) workers_normalized = workers.get_all_workers(0, ) if (workers_normalized): buttons.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{page}/{ceil(len(workers_normalized) / PER_PAGE_BLACK_LIST)}", callback_data="do_nothing"), ) async with state.proxy() as data: data['workers_unique'] = generate_unique_workers_dict( workers_normalized) for worker in workers_normalized[(page - 1) * PER_PAGE_BLACK_LIST:page * PER_PAGE_BLACK_LIST]: buttons_workers.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( worker.worker + (_["blacklist_pointer"] if worker.worker in blacklisted_workers else ""), id=account_id, page=page, type=coin_id, action=worker.hash_name()), ), ) if (len(workers_normalized) > page * PER_PAGE_BLACK_LIST): buttons.append( types.InlineKeyboardButton( _["next_button"],, page=page + 1, type=coin_id, action="_"), ), ) for w_row in grouper(2, buttons_workers): keyboard_markup.row(*w_row) keyboard_markup.row(*buttons) coins = [ coin for coin in await user.get_account_coins(, account_id) if coin.is_active ] if (len(coins) == 1 ): #in case if enabled only one coin we treat them as default keyboard_markup.row( types.InlineKeyboardButton( _["cabinet"], id=account_id, type="account", action="open", ), ), ) else: keyboard_markup.row( types.InlineKeyboardButton( _["back_to_workers_blacklist"], id=account_id, page=page, type=SELECT_COIN_CB, action="_", ), ), ) await query.message.edit_text( _['worker_blacklist_descr'].format( b_count=len(blacklisted_workers), pointer=_["blacklist_pointer"], ), reply_markup=keyboard_markup, ) await query.answer()