def create_optimizer(params, lr, optim_type, optim_eps, optim_a1, optim_a2, lam, verbose): optim_params = [{ 'params': [v for k, v in sorted(params.items()) if v.requires_grad] }] if optim_type == RMSprop_str: alpha = optim_a1 if optim_a1 > 0 else 0.99 # pyTorch's default eps = optim_eps if optim_eps > 0 else 1e-8 # pyTorch's default msg = 'Creating RMSprop optimizer with lr=' + str(lr) + ', lam=' + str( lam) + ', alpha=' + str(alpha) + ', eps=' + str(eps) optim = RMSprop(optim_params, lr, weight_decay=lam, alpha=alpha, eps=eps) elif optim_type == Adam_str: # NOTE: not tested. eps = optim_eps if optim_eps > 0 else 1e-8 # pyTorch's default a1 = optim_a1 if optim_a1 > 0 else 0.9 # pyTorch's default a2 = optim_a2 if optim_a2 > 0 else 0.999 # pyTorch's default msg = 'Creating Adam optimizer with lr=%s, lam=%s, eps=%s, betas=(%s,%s)' % ( str(lr), str(lam), str(eps), str(a1), str(a2)) optim = Adam(optim_params, lr, betas=(a1, a2), eps=eps, weight_decay=lam) else: raise ValueError('Unknown optim_type: %s' % optim_type) if verbose: timeLog(msg) optim.zero_grad() return optim
def cfggan(opt, d_config, g_config, z_gen, loader, d_loss=d_loss_dflt, g_loss=g_loss_dflt): check_opt_(opt) write_real(opt, loader) optim_config = OptimConfig(opt) ddg = DDG(opt, d_config, g_config, z_gen, optim_config) ddg.initialize_G(g_loss, opt.cfg_N) #--- xICFG iterator = None for stage in range(opt.num_stages): timeLog('xICFG stage %d -----------------' % (stage + 1)) iterator, diff = ddg.icfg(loader, iterator, d_loss, opt.cfg_U) if opt.diff_max > 0 and abs(diff) > opt.diff_max and stage >= 2000: timeLog('Stopping as |D(real)-D(gen)| exceeded ' + str(opt.diff_max) + '.') break if is_time_to_save(opt, stage): save_ddg(opt, ddg, stage) if is_time_to_generate(opt, stage): generate(opt, ddg, stage) ddg.approximate(g_loss, opt.cfg_N)
def initialize_G(self, g_loss, cfg_N): timeLog('DDG::initialize_G ... Initializing tilde(G) ... ') z = self.z_gen(1) g_out = self.g_net(cast(z), self.g_params, False) img_dim = g_out.view(g_out.size(0), -1).size(1) batch_size = self.optim_config.x_batch_size z_dim = self.z_gen(1).size(1) params = {'proj.w': normal_(torch.Tensor(z_dim, img_dim), std=0.01)} params['proj.w'].requires_grad = True num_gened = 0 fakes = torch.Tensor(cfg_N, img_dim) zs = torch.Tensor(cfg_N, z_dim) with torch.no_grad(): while num_gened < cfg_N: num = min(batch_size, cfg_N - num_gened) z = self.z_gen(num) fake =, params['proj.w']) fakes[num_gened:num_gened + num] = fake zs[num_gened:num_gened + num] = z num_gened += num to_pm1(fakes) # -> [-1,1] sz = [cfg_N] + list(g_out.size())[1:] dataset = TensorDataset(zs, fakes.view(sz)) loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=torch.cuda.is_available()) self._approximate(loader, g_loss)
def icfg(self, loader, iter, d_loss, cfg_U): timeLog('DDG::icfg ... ICFG with cfg_U=%d' % cfg_U) self.check_trainability() t_inc = 1 if self.verbose else 5 is_train = True for t in range(self.num_D()): sum_real = sum_fake = count = 0 for upd in range(cfg_U): sample, iter = get_next(loader, iter) num = sample[0].size(0) fake = self.generate(num, t=t) d_out_real = self.d_net(cast(sample[0]), self.d_params, is_train) d_out_fake = self.d_net(cast(fake), self.d_params, is_train) loss = d_loss(d_out_real, d_out_fake) loss.backward() self.d_optimizer.step() self.d_optimizer.zero_grad() with torch.no_grad(): sum_real += float(d_out_real.sum()) sum_fake += float(d_out_fake.sum()) count += num self.store_d_params(t) if t_inc > 0 and ((t + 1) % t_inc == 0 or t == self.num_D() - 1): logging(' t=%d: real,%s, fake,%s ' % (t + 1, sum_real / count, sum_fake / count)) raise_if_nan(sum_real) raise_if_nan(sum_fake) return iter, (sum_real - sum_fake) / count
def save(self, opt, path): timeLog('Saving: ' + path + ' ... ') dict(d_params_list=self.d_params_list, d_params=self.d_params, g_params=self.g_params, cfg_eta=self.cfg_eta, opt=opt), path)
def write_real(opt, loader): timeLog('write_real: ... ') dir = 'real' if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) real, _ = get_next(loader, None) real = real[0] num = min(10, real.size(0)) nm = dir + os.path.sep + opt.dataset + '-%dc' % num write_image(real[0:num], nm + '.jpg', nrow=5)
def approximate(self, g_loss, cfg_N): timeLog('DDG::approximate ... cfg_N=%d' % cfg_N) batch_size = self.optim_config.x_batch_size target_fakes, zs = self.generate(cfg_N, do_return_z=True, batch_size=batch_size) dataset = TensorDataset(zs, target_fakes) loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=torch.cuda.is_available()) self._approximate(loader, g_loss)
def get_ds(dataset, dataroot, is_train, do_download, do_augment): tr = get_tr(dataset, is_train, do_augment) if dataset == 'SVHN': if is_train: train_ds = datasets.SVHN(dataroot, split='train', transform=tr, download=do_download) extra_ds = datasets.SVHN(dataroot, split='extra', transform=tr, download=do_download) return ConcatDataset([train_ds, extra_ds]) else: return datasets.SVHN(dataroot, split='test', transform=tr, download=do_download) elif dataset == 'MNIST': return getattr(datasets, dataset)(dataroot, train=is_train, transform=tr, download=do_download) elif dataset.startswith('lsun_') and dataset.endswith('64'): nm = dataset[len('lsun_'):len(dataset) - len('64')] + ('_train' if is_train else '_val') if nm.startswith('brlr'): indexes = list(range(1300000)) if is_train else list( range(1300000, 1315802)) return gen_lsun_balanced(dataroot, ['bedroom_train', 'living_room_train'], tr, indexes) elif nm.startswith('twbg'): indexes = list(range(700000)) if is_train else list( range(700000, 708264)) return gen_lsun_balanced(dataroot, ['tower_train', 'bridge_train'], tr, indexes) else: timeLog('Loading LSUN %s ...' % nm) return datasets.LSUN(dataroot, classes=[nm], transform=tr) else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset: %s ...' % dataset)
def generate(opt, ddg, stage=''): if not opt.gen or opt.num_gen <= 0: return timeLog('Generating %d ... ' % opt.num_gen) stg = '-stg%05d' % (stage + 1) if isinstance(stage, int) else str(stage) dir = os.path.dirname(opt.gen) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) fake = ddg.generate(opt.num_gen) if opt.gen_nrow > 0: nm = opt.gen + '%s-%dc' % (stg, opt.num_gen ) # 'c' for collage or collection write_image(fake, nm + '.jpg', nrow=opt.gen_nrow) else: for i in range(opt.num_gen): nm = opt.gen + ('%s-%d' % (stg, i)) write_image(fake[i], nm + '.jpg') timeLog('Done with generating %d ... ' % opt.num_gen)
def _approximate(self, loader, g_loss): if self.verbose: timeLog('DDG::_approximate using %d data points ...' % len(loader.dataset)) self.check_trainability() with torch.no_grad(): g_params = clone_params(self.g_params, do_copy_requires_grad=True) optimizer = self.optim_config.create_optimizer(g_params) mtr_loss = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() last_loss_mean = 99999999 is_train = True for epoch in range(self.optim_config.cfg_x_epo): for sample in loader: z = cast(sample[0]) target_fake = cast(sample[1]) fake = self.g_net(z, g_params, is_train) loss = g_loss(fake, target_fake) mtr_loss.add(float(loss)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() loss_mean = mtr_loss.value()[0] if self.verbose: logging('%d ... %s ... ' % (epoch, str(loss_mean))) if loss_mean > last_loss_mean: self.optim_config.reduce_lr_(optimizer) raise_if_nan(loss_mean) last_loss_mean = loss_mean mtr_loss.reset() copy_params(src=g_params, dst=self.g_params)
def change_lr_(optimizer, lr, verbose=False): if verbose: timeLog('Setting lr to ' + str(lr) + ' in place ...') for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr
def main(): parser = ArgParser_HelpWithDefaults( description='cfggan_gen', formatter_class=argparse.MetavarTypeHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1, help='Random seed.') parser.add_argument('--gen', type=str, required=True, help='Pathname for writing generated images.') parser.add_argument('--saved', type=str, required=True, help='Pathname for the saved model.') parser.add_argument('--num_gen', type=int, default=40, help='Number of images to be generated.') parser.add_argument( '--gen_nrow', type=int, default=8, help= 'Number of images in each row when making a collage. -1: No collage.') gen_opt = parser.parse_args() show_args(gen_opt, ['seed', 'gen', 'saved', 'num_gen']) torch.manual_seed(gen_opt.seed) np.random.seed(gen_opt.seed) timeLog('Reading from %s ... ' % gen_opt.saved) from_file = torch.load( gen_opt.saved, map_location=None if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') opt = from_file['opt'] #--- these must be in sync with cfggan_train -------------- def d_config(requires_grad): # D if opt.d_model == DCGANx: return netdef.dcganx_D(opt.d_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, depth=opt.d_depth, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) elif opt.d_model == Resnet4: return netdef.resnet4_D(opt.d_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) else: raise ValueError('Unknown d_model: %s' % opt.d_model) def g_config(requires_grad): # G if opt.g_model == DCGANx: return netdef.dcganx_G(opt.z_dim, opt.g_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, depth=opt.g_depth, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) elif opt.g_model == Resnet4: return netdef.resnet4_G(opt.z_dim, opt.g_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) elif opt.g_model == FCn: return netdef.fcn_G(opt.z_dim, opt.g_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, requires_grad, depth=opt.g_depth) else: raise ValueError('Unknown g_model: %s' % opt.g_model) def z_gen(num): return normal_(torch.Tensor(num, opt.z_dim), std=opt.z_std) #------------------------------------------------------------- ddg = DDG(opt, d_config, g_config, z_gen, optim_config=None, from_file=from_file) generate(gen_opt, ddg)
def proc(opt): check_opt_(opt) torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) np.random.seed(opt.seed) ds_attr = get_ds_attr(opt.dataset) opt.image_size = ds_attr['image_size'] opt.channels = ds_attr['channels'] def d_config(requires_grad): # D if opt.d_model == DCGANx: return netdef.dcganx_D(opt.d_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, depth=opt.d_depth, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) elif opt.d_model == Resnet4: if opt.d_depth != 4: logging('WARNING: d_depth is ignored as d_model is Resnet4.') return netdef.resnet4_D(opt.d_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) else: raise ValueError('d_model must be dcganx.') def g_config(requires_grad): # G if opt.g_model == DCGANx: return netdef.dcganx_G(opt.z_dim, opt.g_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, depth=opt.g_depth, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) elif opt.g_model == Resnet4: if opt.g_depth != 4: logging('WARNING: d_depth is ignored as d_model is Resnet4.') return netdef.resnet4_G(opt.z_dim, opt.g_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, opt.norm_type, requires_grad, do_bias=not opt.do_no_bias) elif opt.g_model == FCn: return netdef.fcn_G(opt.z_dim, opt.g_dim, opt.image_size, opt.channels, requires_grad, depth=opt.g_depth) else: raise ValueError('g_model must be dcganx or fcn.') def z_gen(num): return normal_(torch.Tensor(num, opt.z_dim), std=opt.z_std) ds = get_ds(opt.dataset, opt.dataroot, is_train=True, do_download=opt.do_download, do_augment=opt.do_augment) timeLog('#train = %d' % len(ds)) loader = DataLoader(ds, opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, num_workers=opt.num_workers, pin_memory=torch.cuda.is_available()) cfggan(opt, d_config, g_config, z_gen, loader)