Exemplo n.º 1
def topic_modeling_use_docsim():
    from utils.embed_utils import get_doc_from_tag
    from utils.web_utils import create_doc_display_areas

    new_vector = doc_vec_model.infer_vector(session['document'])
    similar_vectors = doc_vec_model.docvecs.most_similar(positive=[new_vector],

    # `documents` is a list such that each element (a tuple) is of the form
    # `header, document, footer`, where `header` and `footer` are to be
    # displayed above and below the corresponding document respectively.
    # Footers are left empty and headers are of the form
    # "Corpus: <corpusname>, Doc #<docnumber>, Similarity: X%"

    documents = [
            'Corpus: ' + v[0].split("+")[0] + ', Doc #' + v[0].split("+")[1] +
            ', Similarity: ' + str(v[1])[2:4] + "%",  # head
            get_doc_from_tag(v[0]),  # doc
            '')  # footer
        for v in similar_vectors
    return build_page(contents=create_doc_display_areas(documents),
Exemplo n.º 2
def topic_modeling_use():
    from utils.web_utils import create_selector

    if "back" in request.form or "proceed" in request.form or request.method == 'GET':
        # content is a textarea in which one enters the text to infer
        content = [
            '<form method="POST" class="text-area-form" id="text-area-form">'
            '<textarea name="text" rows="10" cols="75">', TEST_STRING,
            '</textarea>', '<br/>', '<br /> Or drag & drop a file <br />',
            '<label>Or enter a document tag: <input type="text" name="doc_tag" form="text-area-form" size="20"/></label>',

        content += make_submit_group(labels=[
            "Search by document similarity", "Search by topic similarity",
            "Classify documents by relevancy"
                                     names=["doc_sim", "topic_sim", "active"],
        # options allow users to select the number of documents they want
        options = ['<label>Number of documents to retrieve: <input type="text" name="topn" form="text-area-form" value="3" size="2"/></label>',
                   '<label>===For active screening===</label>',
                   '<label>Number of documents per page to verify: <input type="text" name="n_docs_per_page" form="text-area-form" value="15" size="2"/></label>'] +\
            create_selector(entries=[("svm", "SVM")],
                            form="text-area-form") +\
            create_selector(entries=[("topic", "Topic Space"),
                                     ("document", "Document Space")],
        return build_page(title="Topic Modeling",

    # Code only reachable if POST request not from "back" (i.e. not from
    # document list) and not from "proceed" (i.e. not from active learning)
    # therefore only reachable if coming from /biomed/topicmodeling/use textarea form
        from utils.embed_utils import get_doc_from_tag
        # saving form to session
        # getting new document : priority #1 is D&D (NYI)
        #                                 #2 is doc_tag
        #                                 #3 is entered text
        if "doc_tag" in request.form and request.form["doc_tag"] != '':
            new_doc = get_doc_from_tag(request.form["doc_tag"])
            new_doc = request.form["text"].split()
        session['document'] = new_doc
        session['topn'] = request.form["topn"]

        if "doc_sim" in request.form:  # 1st submit button
            return redirect('/biomed/topicmodeling/use/docsim', code=307)
        elif "topic_sim" in request.form:  # 2nd submit button
            return redirect('/biomed/topicmodeling/use/topicsim', code=307)
        else:  # 3rd submit button
            return redirect('/biomed/topicmodeling/active', code=307)
Exemplo n.º 3
def root():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/
    buttons = [
        '<p class="btn-group-lg">',
        '<a class="btn btn-dark" href="/biomed" role="button">Biomedical</a>',
        '<a class="btn btn-dark" href="/patents" role="button">Patents</a>',
    return build_page(title="Home", contents=buttons)
Exemplo n.º 4
def biomedical():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/biomed
    buttons = make_btn_group(labels=[
        "Summary", "Clustering / Co-clustering", "Terminology",
        "Topic Modeling"
                                 "/biomed/summary", "/biomed/clustering",
                                 "/biomed/terminology", "/biomed/topicmodeling"
    return build_page(title="Biomedical", contents=buttons)
Exemplo n.º 5
def terminology_request_txt():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/biomed/terminology
    content = ["<p>",
               '<form method="POST" class="text-area-form" id="text-area-form">'
               '<textarea name="text" rows="10" cols="75">',
               '</textarea>', '<br/>',
               '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-dark submit" value="Submit" style="align: right;"/>',
    options = ['<div class="checkbox-form">']
    options += ['<label><input type="checkbox" form="text-area-form" name="' +
                category + '" checked/>' + category + '</label>'
                for category in TAG_CATEGORIES]
    options += ['</div>']
    return build_page(contents=content, sidebar=options, backtarget="/biomed")
Exemplo n.º 6
def topic_modeling_active_results():
    """ TODO: figure out why this never displays anything
        because the model doesn't predict anything before this is called
    from itertools import chain
    from utils.embed_utils import get_doc_from_tag
    from utils.embed_utils import kv_indices_to_doctags
    from numpy import ones

    # performing last prediction to add to relevant documents
    # getting document embeddings matrix and previously classified documents
    docs = userdata_vectorspace[session['user']]
    classified = session["relevant"] + session["irrelevant"]
    # training classifier on known data
    X = docs.loc[classified, ]
    y = (list(ones(len(session["relevant"]), dtype=int)) +
         list(ones(len(session["irrelevant"]), dtype=int) * 2))
    userdata_classif[session['user']].fit(X=X, y=y)

    # making prediction
    prediction = userdata_classif[session['user']].predict(docs)
    # getting tags of positive predictions
    predrelevant =\
                              indexlist=[i for i in range(len(prediction))
                                         if prediction[i] == 1])

    # getting tags of known relevant documents
    # and concatenating with prediction (with `chain` since these are generators)
    relevant = chain(
                              indexlist=session["relevant"]), predrelevant)

    documents = [
            'Corpus: ' + d.split("+")[0] + ', Doc #' + d.split("+")[1],  # head
            get_doc_from_tag(d),  # doc
            '')  # footer
        for d in relevant

    return build_page(contents=create_doc_display_areas(documents),
Exemplo n.º 7
def clustering_page():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/biomed/clustering
    global current_coclust_corpus  # These variables are initialized at the top in
    global coclusterizer_thread  # order to start clustering as the app starts
    global pool

    if request.method == 'POST' and request.form[
            "corpus"] != current_coclust_corpus:
        current_coclust_corpus = request.form["corpus"]
        # Arguments of coclust_async are passed as a tuple in the second argument
        # of apply_async. We need a comma to denote a single element tuple.
        # without the comma, apply_async will try to iterate on corpus (str).
        # This applies co clustering with the new corpus.
        pool = Pool(processes=1)
        # json_corpus is a 1-tuple because apply_async takes a tuple as arg
        json_corpus = (get_json_dataset_by_name(request.form["corpus"]), )
        coclusterizer_thread = pool.apply_async(coclust_async, json_corpus)

    # we don't actually need the return value, as the plots are written to files.
    # nevertheless, this will force waiting for the thread to finish custering.

    # generating random number to concatenate with
    # image filenames to prevent caching
    rng = random.randint(0, 65535)

    begin_img_tag = '<img src="'
    end_img_tag = '">'
    img_tags = ['<p class="img-grp">']
    img_tags += [
        begin_img_tag + plot_fname + '?' + str(rng) + end_img_tag
        for plot_fname in PLOT_FILES_READ
    img_tags += ["</p>"]
    options = corpus_selector(classes=["coclust-form", "checkbox-form"])
    return build_page(title='Co-clustering results',
Exemplo n.º 8
def topic_modeling_use_topicsim():
    """ This function creates the page for topic similarity modeling
    from utils.embed_utils import get_doc_from_tag
    from utils.topic_utils import get_top_docs_by_topic_sim

    top_docs, top_similarities =\

    documents = [
            'Corpus: ' + d.split("+")[0] + ', Doc #' + d.split("+")[1] +
            ', Similarity: ' + str(s)[2:4] + "%",  # head
            get_doc_from_tag(d),  # doc
            '')  # footer
        for d, s in zip(top_docs, top_similarities)

    return build_page(contents=create_doc_display_areas(documents),
Exemplo n.º 9
def terminology_tagged_text():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/biomed/terminology after a POST request
        (intended to be called when settings in the sidebar are changed)
    from utils.web_utils import create_doc_display_areas

    # the fact that this is called systematically isn't a problem.
    tag_text = ner_importer_thread.get()

    text = request.form['text']
    whitelist = []
    for category in TAG_CATEGORIES:
            if request.form[category] == 'on':
                whitelist += [category]
        except Exception:  # do nothing if some category isn't listed
    content = create_doc_display_areas([('Results of text tagging',  # head
                                         tag_text.tag(text, whitelist),  # doc
                                         '')  # footer
    return build_page(contents=content, backtarget="/biomed/terminology")
Exemplo n.º 10
def topic_modeling_top_words():
    """ Generates the page that shows the top words for each topic
        in the selected corpus at /biomed/topicmodeling/topics
    from utils.topic_utils import get_topic_word_prob
    topic_word_probability = get_topic_word_prob(model=doc_vec_model)

    # Creating the list of tuples to send to create_doc_display_areas
    # Each tuple is of the form (header, document, footer), the headers
    # will be "Topic 1" etc., "documents" are strings of the form:
    #     Aardvark: 89%
    #     Bumblebee: 80%
    # etc., and footers will be empty.
    # We get topics, words and percentages from `topic_word_probability`,
    # and format words and percentages with a `join`ed list comprehension
    # and get the number of the topic by simultaneously iterating over
    # `range(len(topic_word_probability))` thanks to `zip()`.
    topic_top_terms = [
            ("Topic " + str(i) + ": "),  # head
            '<br />\n'.join([
                word + ": " + str(prob * 100)[:5] + "%"
                for prob, word in pw_list
            ]),  # doc
            '')  # footer
        for i, (_, pw_list) in zip(range(len(topic_word_probability)),

    contents = create_doc_display_areas(documents=topic_top_terms)\
        + make_btn_group(labels=["Proceed"],

    return build_page(title="Top words per topic",
Exemplo n.º 11
def topic_modeling_active_learning():
    """ Generates the page for human input for active learning
        at /biomed/topicmodeling/active
       +-> use predicted relevant and irrelevant tags to create page
       |   update confirmed relevant and irrelevant tags with user form submission
       |   svm.fit(X=docs, y=relevant)
       +-- predicted relevant = svm.predict()
    import random
    from numpy import ones
    from pandas import DataFrame
    from utils.embed_utils import get_doc_from_tag, kv_indices_to_doctags
    from utils.topic_utils import get_cos_sim, get_top_docs_by_sim, get_docs_in_topic_space
    from utils.web_utils import create_doc_display_areas, create_radio_group

    # proceeding to next page
    if "proceed" in request.form:
        # redirecting with code 307 to ensure redirect uses POST
        return redirect('/biomed/topicmodeling/active/results', code=307)
    # In this case, we come from /topicmodeling/use and clicked on the
    # "Active Learning" button, so initialization phase
    if "active" in request.form:
        session["classifier"] = request.form["classifier"]
        session["vectorspace"] = request.form["vectorspace"]
        n_docs_per_page = int(request.form['n_docs_per_page'])
        # number of relevant and irrelevant documents to
        # display at first iteration of active learning
        n_rlvnt = n_docs_per_page // 2 + n_docs_per_page % 2
        n_irlvnt = n_docs_per_page // 2

        # ==== finding most and least relevant documents ==== #
        # if user selected to represent documents in topic space
        if session["vectorspace"] == "topic":
            docs, input_doc = get_docs_in_topic_space(
                model=doc_vec_model, extra_doc=session['document'])
        # if user selected to represent documents in document space
        elif session["vectorspace"] == "document":
            docs = doc_vec_model.docvecs.vectors_docs
            input_doc = doc_vec_model.infer_vector(session['document'])
            raise ValueError(
                'vectorspace should be "topic" or "document" but is ' +

        doc_similarities = get_cos_sim(input_doc, docs)
        # predicted relevant and irrelevant tags
        pred_rlvnt_docs_tags, _ =\
        pred_irlvnt_docs_tags, _ =\

        # ==== Setting up session ==== #
        # creating a user id and putting it in the session to be able to
        # store things on a per-user basis even when not serializable
        # like datasets and models
        userid = random.randint(0, 65535)
        session['user'] = userid

        # use docs.loc[r, c] to access values
        docs = DataFrame(docs)
        userdata_vectorspace[userid] = docs
        userdata_classif[userid] = SVMClassifier()

        session["relevant"] = []
        session["irrelevant"] = []
        session["n_docs_per_page"] = n_docs_per_page
        proportion_classified = 0

    # case where we're looping
        # loading user-specific topic space
        docs = userdata_vectorspace[session['user']]

        for elmt in request.form:
            # if the element is a radio button
            if "radio" in elmt:
                # if the button was checked as "relevant"
                if request.form[elmt] == 'relevant':
                    # elmt structure is "radio-<DOCTAG>"
                    # elmt.split('-')[1] returns the corresponding doctag
                    # which we add to either the list of relevant or
                    # irrelevant documents as an index
                # if the button was checked as "irrelevant"
        # Marking session as modified or else changes are not recorded.
        # (it only registers modifications a key is set or deleted)
        # From the documentation:
        #   Be advised that modifications on mutable structures are not
        #   picked up automatically, in that situation you have to
        #   explicitly set the [modified attribute] to True yourself.
        session.modified = True

        # avoiding joining lists every time
        # `relevant` and `irrelevant` may be the prediction made by the topic
        # space model if this is the first iteration or the documents classified
        # manually if this is any other iteration
        classified = session["relevant"] + session["irrelevant"]

        # the proportion of classified documents will be displayed and is
        # used to determine if all documents have already been classified
        proportion_classified = len(classified) / docs.shape[0]
        # if all docs have been classified
        if proportion_classified == 1:
            return redirect('/biomed/topicmodeling/active/results', code=307)

        X = docs.loc[classified, ]
        # The order of `classified` is preserved by `loc`, which means X is
        # split in relevant and irrelevant texts like `classifies` is
        y = (list(ones(len(session["relevant"]), dtype=int)) +
             list(ones(len(session["irrelevant"]), dtype=int) * 2))
        # fitting this user's SVM for the ongoing query
        userdata_classif[session['user']].fit(X=X, y=y)

        # Confidence scores for class "2" where > 0 means this class would
        # be predicted. This is actually the distance to the separation
        # hyperplane, i.e. the farther away a point is form the decision
        # boundary, the more condfident we are.
        prediction = userdata_classif[session['user']].top_n_predictions(
            X=docs, n=session["n_docs_per_page"], ignore=classified)

        # predicted relevant docs are the ones in prediction
        # such that their distance to the decision frontier is
        # positive ("right side" of the frontier)
        pred_rlvnt_docs_tags =\
                                  indexlist=[i for i, score in prediction
                                             if score < 0])
        # predicted irrelevant docs are the ones in prediction
        # such that their distance to the decision frontier is
        # negative ("wrong side" of the frontier)
        pred_irlvnt_docs_tags =\
                                  indexlist=[i for i, score in prediction
                                             if score > 0])
    # getting documents from tags and putting in a list of tuples
    # for `create_doc_display_areas`
    documents = [
        ("Corpus: " + tag.split('+')[0] + ", Doc #" + tag.split('+')[1],
         create_radio_group(name="radio-" + tag,
                            labels=["Relevant", "Irrelevant"],
                            values=["relevant", "irrelevant"],
        for tag in pred_rlvnt_docs_tags

    documents += [
        ("Corpus: " + tag.split('+')[0] + ", Doc #" + tag.split('+')[1],
         create_radio_group(name="radio-" + tag,
                            labels=["Relevant", "Irrelevant"],
                            values=["relevant", "irrelevant"],
        for tag in pred_irlvnt_docs_tags

    # transforming into display areas
    doc_display_areas = create_doc_display_areas(documents=documents)
    # the contents of the webpage are the documents in their display areas
    # each followed by the radio buttons for each document
    contents = [
        "<p>These are the articles in the corpus that we are most\
 confident you will find relevant or irrelevant. Please go through them and\
 select for each one whether you find it relevant or not with the radio\
 buttons. The option we expect to be the right one is already checked. Then,\
 you may repeat this process with the next batch of documents in order to\
 improve the screening process or you may let the documents you haven't\
 verified be screened automatically and view the documents we predict you\
 will find relevant.</p>"
    contents += doc_display_areas
    contents += ['<form method="POST" class="" id="active-form">']
    contents += make_submit_group(labels=["Next batch", "Go to results"],
                                  names=["submit", "proceed"])
    contents += ['</form>']

    sidebar = [
        '<p>', 'Topic 1: <br />', 'Topic 2: <br />', 'Topic 3: <br />',
        'Topic 4: <br />', 'Topic 5: <br />', '</p>'

    return build_page(title="Topic Modeling",
Exemplo n.º 12
def summary():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/biomed/summary
    return build_page(title="placeholder", backtarget="/biomed")
Exemplo n.º 13
def patents():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/patents
    return build_page(title="placeholder")
Exemplo n.º 14
def topic_modeling():
    """ Returns the webpage at <host URL>/biomed/topicmodeling
    from utils.web_utils import corpus_selector, create_selector

    if request.method == 'GET':
        selector = corpus_selector(classes=["topic-form"],
        # selector for the algorithm DM vs. DBOW (dm argument for doc2vec)
        separator = ['<div style="width:100%;height:15px;"></div>']
        algorithm = ['<label>Algorithm:'] +\
            create_selector(entries=[("1", "Distributed Memory"),
                                     ("0", "Distributed Bag of Words")],
                            form="topic-form") +\
        # checkbox for whether or not to train word vectors (dbow_words)
        train_wv = [
            '<label><input type="checkbox" form="topic-form" name="dbow_words"/> Train word vectors?</label>'
        context_representation = ['<label>Context vector representation:'] +\
            create_selector(entries=[("0", "Sum / average (faster)"),
                                     ("1", "Concatenation")],
                            form="topic-form") +\
        epoch_field = [
            '<label># epochs: <input type="text" size="3" form="topic-form" name="epochs"/></label>'
        options = (['<div class="checkbox-form">', ''] + algorithm +
                   separator + train_wv + separator + context_representation +
                   epoch_field + ['</div>'])
        return build_page(title="Topic Modeling",

        global doc_vec_model

        # getting all form elements to send as arguments to doc2vec
        corpus = request.form['corpus']
            epochs = int(request.form['epochs'])
        except ValueError:
            epochs = 5
        # saving corpus in session for later
        session['corpora'] = [corpus]
        dm = int(request.form['dm'])
        dbow_words = 0
        if ('dbow_words' in request.form
                and request.form['dbow_words'] == 'on'):
            dbow_words = 1
        dm_concat = int(request.form['dm_concat'])

        # creating doc2vec model
        doc_vec_model = create_doc_embeddings(corporanames=[corpus],
        # redirecting with code 307 to ensure redirect uses POST
        return redirect('/biomed/topicmodeling/topics', code=307)