Exemplo n.º 1
    def init_with_plda(self, x, speaker_ids, init_params, domain_ids=None):
        # Compute a PLDA model with the input data, approximating the
        # model with just the usual initialization without the EM iterations

        weights = compute_class_weights(speaker_ids, domain_ids,

        # Debugging of weight usage in PLDA:
        # Repeat the data from the first 5000 speakers twice either explicitely or through the weights
        # These two models should be identical (and they are!)
        #sela = speaker_ids<5000
        #selb = speaker_ids>=5000
        #x2 = np.concatenate([x[sela],x[sela],x[selb]])
        #speaker_ids2 = np.concatenate((speaker_ids[sela], speaker_ids[sela]+np.max(speaker_ids)+1, speaker_ids[selb]))
        #weights2 = np.ones(len(np.unique(speaker_ids2)))
        #BCov2, WCov2, mu2 = compute_2cov_plda_model(x2, speaker_ids2, weights2, 10)
        #weights3 = weights.copy()
        #weights3[0:5000] *= 2
        #BCov3, WCov3, mu3 = compute_2cov_plda_model(x, speaker_ids, weights3, 10)
        #assert np.allclose(BCov2,BCov3)
        #assert np.allclose(WCov2,WCov3)
        #assert np.allclose(mu2, mu3)

        # Bi and Wi are the between and within covariance matrices and mu is the global (weighted) mean
        Bi, Wi, mu = compute_2cov_plda_model(x, speaker_ids, weights,
                                             init_params.get('plda_em_its', 0))

        # Equations (14) and (16) in Cumani's paper
        # Note that the paper has an error in the formula for k (a 1/2 missing before k_tilde)
        # that is fixed in the equations below
        # To compute L_tild and G_tilde we use the following equality:
        # inv( inv(C) + n*inv(D) ) == C @ inv(D + n*C) @ D == C @ solve(D + n*C, D)
        B = utils.CholInv(Bi)
        W = utils.CholInv(Wi)
        Bmu = B @ mu.T
        L_tilde = Bi @ np.linalg.solve(Wi + 2 * Bi, Wi)
        G_tilde = Bi @ np.linalg.solve(Wi + Bi, Wi)
        WtGL = W @ (L_tilde - G_tilde)
        logdet_L_tilde = np.linalg.slogdet(L_tilde)[1]
        logdet_G_tilde = np.linalg.slogdet(G_tilde)[1]
        logdet_B = B.logdet()
        k_tilde = -2.0 * logdet_G_tilde + logdet_L_tilde - logdet_B + mu @ Bmu

        k = 0.5 * k_tilde + 0.5 * Bmu.T @ (L_tilde - 2 * G_tilde) @ Bmu
        L = 0.5 * (W @ (W @ L_tilde)).T
        G = 0.5 * (W @ WtGL).T
        C = (WtGL @ Bmu)

        state_dict = {'L': L, 'G': G, 'C': C, 'k': k.squeeze()}

        utils.replace_state_dict(self, state_dict)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def estep(stats, V, W):
     VtW = (W @ V).T
     VtWV = VtW @ V
     VtWf = VtW @ stats.F.T
     y_hat = np.zeros_like(stats.F).T
     R = np.zeros_like(V)
     llk = 0.0
     for n in np.unique(stats.N):
         idxs = np.where(stats.N == n)[0]
         L = n * VtWV + np.eye(V.shape[0])
         Linv = utils.CholInv(L)
         y_hat[:, idxs] = Linv @ VtWf[:, idxs]
         # The expression below is a robust way for solving
         # yy_sum = len(idxs)*Linv + np.dot(y_hat[:, idxs], y_hat[:, idxs].T)
         # while avoiding doing the inverse of L which can create numerical issues
         n_spkrs = np.sum(stats.weights[idxs])
         yy_sum = np.linalg.solve(
             n_spkrs * np.eye(V.shape[0]) +
             L @ y_hat[:, idxs] @ (y_hat[:, idxs].T * stats.weights[idxs]))
         R += n * yy_sum
         llk += 0.5 * n_spkrs * Linv.logdet()
     T = y_hat @ (stats.F * stats.weights)
     llk += 0.5 * np.trace(T @ VtW.T) + 0.5 * np.sum(
         stats.N * stats.weights) * W.logdet() - 0.5 * np.trace(W @ stats.S)
     return R, T, llk / np.sum(stats.N * stats.weights)
Exemplo n.º 3
def compute_2cov_plda_model(x, class_ids, class_weights, em_its=0):
    """ Follows the "EM for SPLDA" document from Niko Brummer:

    BCov, WCov, GCov, mu, muc, stats = compute_lda_model(
        x, class_ids, class_weights)
    W = utils.CholInv(WCov)
    v, e = linalg.eig(BCov)
    V = e * np.sqrt(np.real(v))

    def mstep(R, T, S, n_samples):
        V = (utils.CholInv(R) @ T).T
        Winv = 1 / n_samples * (S - V @ T)
        W = utils.CholInv(Winv)
        return V, W, Winv

    def estep(stats, V, W):
        VtW = (W @ V).T
        VtWV = VtW @ V
        VtWf = VtW @ stats.F.T
        y_hat = np.zeros_like(stats.F).T
        R = np.zeros_like(V)
        llk = 0.0
        for n in np.unique(stats.N):
            idxs = np.where(stats.N == n)[0]
            L = n * VtWV + np.eye(V.shape[0])
            Linv = utils.CholInv(L)
            y_hat[:, idxs] = Linv @ VtWf[:, idxs]
            # The expression below is a robust way for solving
            # yy_sum = len(idxs)*Linv + np.dot(y_hat[:, idxs], y_hat[:, idxs].T)
            # while avoiding doing the inverse of L which can create numerical issues
            n_spkrs = np.sum(stats.weights[idxs])
            yy_sum = np.linalg.solve(
                n_spkrs * np.eye(V.shape[0]) +
                L @ y_hat[:, idxs] @ (y_hat[:, idxs].T * stats.weights[idxs]))
            R += n * yy_sum
            llk += 0.5 * n_spkrs * Linv.logdet()
        T = y_hat @ (stats.F * stats.weights)
        llk += 0.5 * np.trace(T @ VtW.T) + 0.5 * np.sum(
            stats.N * stats.weights) * W.logdet() - 0.5 * np.trace(W @ stats.S)
        return R, T, llk / np.sum(stats.N * stats.weights)

    prev_llk = 0.0
    for it in range(em_its):
        R, T, llk = estep(stats, V, W)
        V, W, WCov = mstep(R, T, stats.S, np.sum(stats.N * stats.weights))
        print("EM it %d LLK = %.5f (+%.5f)" % (it, llk, llk - prev_llk))
        prev_llk = llk

    BCov = V @ V.T

    return BCov, WCov, np.atleast_2d(mu)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def mstep(R, T, S, n_samples):
     V = (utils.CholInv(R) @  T).T
     Winv = 1/n_samples * (S-V@T)
     W = utils.CholInv(Winv)
     return V, W, Winv