Exemplo n.º 1
 async def on_guild_join(self, guild):
         self.bot.guild_options[guild.id] = DEFAULT_GUILD_SETTINGS.copy()
         async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
             await conn.execute('INSERT INTO guilds VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (guild.id,) + DEFAULT_GUILD_ROW)
     except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
         pass  # rejoining a guild
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def disable_cmd(self, ctx, command):
        Disable a command.
        command = self.bot.get_command(command)
        disabled_commands = self.bot.guild_options[

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            if command is None:
                return await ctx.send('Command not found.')
            elif (command.parent is not None
                  and command.parent.name in ['command']
                  or command.name in ['command']):
                return await ctx.send('You cannot disable this command.')
            elif command.parent is not None and command.parent.name in disabled_commands:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f'`{command.name}`\'s parent, `{command.parent.name}`, is already disabled.'
            elif command.qualified_name in disabled_commands:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f'`{command.qualified_name}` is already disabled.')

            await conn.execute(
                'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_commands = ? WHERE id = ?',
                (pickle.dumps(disabled_commands), ctx.guild.id))
            await ctx.send(f'`{command.qualified_name}` disabled.')
Exemplo n.º 3
 async def enable(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel):
     Enables approve-only mode for build submission on this server.
     async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
         self.bot.guild_options['builds_channel'] = channel.id
         await conn.execute(
             'UPDATE guilds SET builds_channel = ? WHERE id = ?',
             (channel.id, ctx.guild.id))
         await ctx.send(f'Approve-only mode enabled with {channel.mention}.'
Exemplo n.º 4
 async def reset(self, ctx):
     Reset prefixes to default.
     async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
             ctx.guild.id]['prefixes'] = config.default_prefixes.copy()
         await conn.execute(
             'UPDATE guilds SET prefixes = ? WHERE id = ?',
             (pickle.dumps(config.default_prefixes.copy()), ctx.guild.id))
         await ctx.send('Prefixes reset.')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def deliver_tx(self, raw_tx):
        """ Mutate state if valid Tx """

        try:  # Handle unvalid txn
            tx = utils.Transaction(raw_tx)
        except Exception:
            return Result.error(log='txn syntax invalid')


        return Result.ok()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def deliver_tx(self, raw_tx):
        """ Mutate state if valid Tx """

        try:  # Handle unvalid txn
            tx = utils.Transaction(raw_tx)
        except Exception:
            return ResponseDeliverTx(log='txn syntax invalid', code=1)


        return ResponseDeliverTx(code=CodeTypeOk)
Exemplo n.º 7
    async def debug(self, ctx, *, string=''):
        Debug command.
        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            # await conn.execute('ALTER TABLE guilds ADD builds_channel INTEGER')
            # await conn.execute('ALTER TABLE builds ADD in_queue INTEGER DEFAULT 0')
            # await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stats (id timestamp PRIMARY KEY, stats BLOB)')
            # await conn.execute(f'ALTER TABLE guilds ADD disabled_commands BLOB')
            # await conn.execute(f'ALTER TABLE guilds ADD disabled_categories BLOB')
            # await conn.execute(f'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_commands = ?', (pickle.dumps(set()),))
            # await conn.execute(f'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_categories = ?', (pickle.dumps(set()),))
            # await conn.execute('ALTER TABLE guilds RENAME TO guilds_orig')
            # await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE guilds(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, prefixes BLOB, builds_channel INTEGER, disabled_commands BLOB, disabled_cogs BLOB)')
            # await conn.execute('INSERT INTO guilds(id, prefixes, builds_channel, disabled_commands, disabled_cogs) SELECT id , prefixes, builds_channel, disabled_commands, disabled_categories FROM guilds_orig')
            # await conn.execute('DROP TABLE guilds_orig')
            # self.bot.guild_options[ctx.guild.id]['disabled_cogs'] = set()

            # await conn.execute('ALTER TABLE users RENAME TO users_orig')
            # await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE users(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB)')
            # c = await conn.execute('SELECT * FROM users_orig')
            # table = await c.fetchall()
            # for user in table:
            #     await conn.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?)', (user['id'], pickle.dumps({'contours_played': user['contours_played'], 'contours_record': user['contours_record']})))
            # c = await conn.execute('SELECT * FROM users')
            # table = await c.fetchall()
            # print(table)
            # await conn.execute('DROP TABLE users_orig')

        peedz = self.bot.get_guild(500601711635726336)
        peedz_chat = peedz.get_channel(501338962548359179)
        senate = peedz.get_channel(621648295017709593)
        # print(peedz.roles)
        # print(peedz.me.guild_permissions.manage_roles)

        # print('start of fetch')
        # async for message in senate.history(limit=100):
        #     print(f'{message.author} {message.content}')

        kia = self.bot.get_guild(690060098558492692)
            f'{channel.name} ({len(channel.members)}) [{channel.id}]'
            for channel in kia.channels if type(channel) == discord.TextChannel
            and channel.permissions_for(kia.me).read_messages
        t_channel = kia.get_channel(692530714654015548)

        print('start of fetch')
        async for message in t_channel.history(limit=100):
            print(f'{message.author} {message.content}')

        await ctx.send('Done.')
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def sms(self, ctx, user_id, streak: int, last: int, skips: int):
        Debug tool.
        data = await utils.fetch_user(self.bot.db, user_id)
        data['morning_streak'] = streak
        data['morning_last'] = last
        data['morning_skips'] = skips

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            await conn.execute('UPDATE users SET data = ? WHERE id = ?',
                               (pickle.dumps(data), user_id))

        await ctx.send('Done.')
Exemplo n.º 9
    async def delete(self, ctx, prefix):
        Delete a prefix.
        prefixes = self.bot.guild_options[ctx.guild.id]['prefixes']

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
                await conn.execute(
                    'UPDATE guilds SET prefixes = ? WHERE id = ?',
                    (pickle.dumps(prefixes), ctx.guild.id))
                await ctx.send('Prefix removed.')
            except KeyError:
                await ctx.send('Prefix not found.')
Exemplo n.º 10
    async def add(self, ctx, prefix):
        Add a prefix.
        Prefixes with spaces should use " to wrap the whole prefix, "like this".
        prefixes = self.bot.guild_options[ctx.guild.id]['prefixes']

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            if len(prefixes) >= 10:
                return await ctx.send(
                    'Maximum number of prefixes (10) reached. Please remove some before adding another.'
            elif prefix in prefixes:
                return await ctx.send('Prefix already exists.')

            await conn.execute('UPDATE guilds SET prefixes = ? WHERE id = ?',
                               (pickle.dumps(prefixes), ctx.guild.id))
            await ctx.send('Prefix added.')
Exemplo n.º 11
    async def enable_cat(self, ctx, category):
        Enable a category.
        cog = self.bot.get_cog(category.title())
        disabled_cogs = self.bot.guild_options[ctx.guild.id]['disabled_cogs']

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            if cog is None:
                return await ctx.send('Category not found.')

                await conn.execute(
                    'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_cogs = ? WHERE id = ?',
                    (pickle.dumps(disabled_cogs), ctx.guild.id))
                await ctx.send(f'`{cog.qualified_name}` enabled.')
            except KeyError:
                await ctx.send(f'`{cog.qualified_name}` is already enabled.')
Exemplo n.º 12
    async def disable(self, ctx):
        Disables approve-only mode for build submission on this server.

        **All builds that were in queue will be approved!**
        await utils.confirm(
            'This action will approve all builds currently in the queue. Are you sure?'
        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            self.bot.guild_options['builds_channel'] = None
            await conn.execute(
                'UPDATE guilds SET builds_channel = ? WHERE id = ?',
                (None, ctx.guild.id))
            await conn.execute(
                'UPDATE builds SET in_queue = 0 WHERE guild_id = ?',
                (ctx.guild.id, ))
            await ctx.send('Approve-only mode disabled.')
Exemplo n.º 13
 async def debug(self, ctx, *, string=''):
     Debug command.
     async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
         # await conn.execute('ALTER TABLE guilds ADD builds_channel INTEGER')
         # await conn.execute('ALTER TABLE builds ADD in_queue INTEGER DEFAULT 0')
         # await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stats (id timestamp PRIMARY KEY, stats BLOB)')
         # await conn.execute(f'ALTER TABLE guilds ADD disabled_commands BLOB')
         # await conn.execute(f'ALTER TABLE guilds ADD disabled_categories BLOB')
         # await conn.execute(f'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_commands = ?', (pickle.dumps(set()),))
         # await conn.execute(f'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_categories = ?', (pickle.dumps(set()),))
         # await conn.execute('ALTER TABLE guilds RENAME TO guilds_orig')
         # await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE guilds(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, prefixes BLOB, builds_channel INTEGER, disabled_commands BLOB, disabled_cogs BLOB)')
         # await conn.execute('INSERT INTO guilds(id , prefixes, builds_channel, disabled_commands, disabled_cogs) SELECT id , prefixes, builds_channel, disabled_commands, disabled_categories FROM guilds_orig')
         # await conn.execute('DROP TABLE guilds_orig')
         # self.bot.guild_options[ctx.guild.id]['disabled_cogs'] = set()
     await ctx.send('Done.')
Exemplo n.º 14
    def check_tx(self, raw_tx):
        """Validate the Tx before entry into the mempool"""

        try:  # Check txn syntax
            tx = utils.Transaction(raw_tx)
        except Exception:
            return Result.error(log='txn syntax invalid')

        # Check "sender" account has enough coins
        if int(self.db.get_address_info(tx.sender)['balance']) < tx.amount:
            return ResponseCheckTx(log='insufficient funds', code=1)

        if tx.signature_invalid:  # Check txn signature
            return ResponseCheckTx(log='signature invalid', code=1)

        if tx.timestamp_invalid:  # Check timestamp for a big delay
            return ResponseCheckTx(log='lag time is more than 2 hours', code=1)

        # Hooray!
        return ResponseCheckTx(code=CodeTypeOk)
Exemplo n.º 15
    async def disable_cat(self, ctx, category):
        Disable a category.
        cog = self.bot.get_cog(category.title())
        disabled_cogs = self.bot.guild_options[ctx.guild.id]['disabled_cogs']

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            if cog is None:
                return await ctx.send('Category not found.')
            elif cog.qualified_name in ['Options']:
                return await ctx.send('You cannot disable this category.')
            elif cog.qualified_name in disabled_cogs:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f'`{cog.qualified_name}` is already disabled.')

            await conn.execute(
                'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_cogs = ? WHERE id = ?',
                (pickle.dumps(disabled_cogs), ctx.guild.id))
            await ctx.send(f'`{cog.qualified_name}` disabled.')
Exemplo n.º 16
    async def escape(self, ctx, min_moves=16, max_moves=60):
        An implementation of [Michael Fogleman](https://www.michaelfogleman.com/rush/)'s solved Rush Hour puzzles.

        - Get the primary piece (represented in red) to the exit.
        - You may only slide pieces along their length.
        embed = discord.Embed(title='Escape!',
                              description='You find yourself in a strange place...\n\n'
                                          'Escape by getting the primary piece (red) to the exit.\n'
                                          'You may only slide pieces along their length.',

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.rush) as conn:
            c = await conn.execute('SELECT * FROM puzzles WHERE moves >= ? AND moves <= ? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1', (min_moves, max_moves))
            row = await c.fetchone()

            if row is None:
                return await ctx.send('No level found with specified bounds.')

            await EscapeMenu(embed, row['moves'], row['setup']).start(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 17
    async def enable_cmd(self, ctx, command):
        Enable a command.
        command = self.bot.get_command(command)
        disabled_commands = self.bot.guild_options[

        async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
            if command is None:
                return await ctx.send('Command not found.')

                await conn.execute(
                    'UPDATE guilds SET disabled_commands = ? WHERE id = ?',
                    (pickle.dumps(disabled_commands), ctx.guild.id))
                await ctx.send(f'`{command.qualified_name}` enabled.')
            except KeyError:
                await ctx.send(
                    f'`{command.qualified_name}` is already enabled.')
Exemplo n.º 18
 async def get_prefix(self, message):
     prefixes = {f'<@!{self.user.id}> ', f'<@{self.user.id}> '
                 }  # Nicknamed mention and normal mention, respectively
     if message.guild is None:
         return prefixes | config.default_prefixes
             return prefixes | self.guild_options[
         except KeyError:
             print('Attempting to fix missing guild...')
                     message.guild.id] = DEFAULT_GUILD_SETTINGS.copy()
                 async with utils.Transaction(self.db) as conn:
                     await conn.execute(
                         'INSERT INTO guilds VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
                         (message.guild.id, ) + DEFAULT_GUILD_ROW)
                 return prefixes | self.guild_options[
             except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
                 pass  # rejoining a guild
Exemplo n.º 19
def process_csv(read_file):
    if not re.match(r"(.*)\.csv$", read_file):
        raise ValueError("All files must be given the .csv extension")

    with open(read_file, "r", newline="") as fp:
        write_file = re.sub(r"(.*)\.csv", r"\1_output.csv", read_file)
        analyzer = utils.Analyzer(write_file)

        reader = csv.reader(fp, dialect="pipes")

        for row in reader:
            (user_id, _, amount, _, trans_date, trans_type, _) = row

            user_id = int(user_id)
            amount = float(amount)
            trans_date = datetime.fromisoformat(trans_date).date()
            trans_type = utils.TransactionType.from_str(trans_type)

            trans = utils.Transaction(amount=amount, transaction_type=trans_type)

            analyzer.add_transaction(user_id, trans_date, trans)

Exemplo n.º 20
    async def on_ready(self):
        if not self.bot.started:
            self.bot.db = await aiosqlite.connect('assets/private/bot.db')
            self.bot.gameparams = await aiosqlite.connect('assets/private/gameparams.db')
            self.bot.maplesyrup = await aiosqlite.connect('assets/private/maplesyrup.db')
            self.bot.rush = await aiosqlite.connect('assets/private/rush.db')

            self.bot.db.row_factory = dict_factory
            self.bot.gameparams.row_factory = dict_factory
            self.bot.maplesyrup.row_factory = dict_factory
            self.bot.rush.row_factory = aiosqlite.Row

            async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
                # Get guild options
                c = await conn.execute(f'SELECT * FROM guilds')
                guilds = await c.fetchall()
                self.bot.guild_options = {guild['id']: guild for guild in guilds}

                # Check if bot was invited to new guilds while offline
                for guild in self.bot.guilds:
                    if guild.id not in self.bot.guild_options:
                        self.bot.guild_options[guild.id] = DEFAULT_GUILD_SETTINGS.copy()
                        await conn.execute('INSERT INTO guilds VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (guild.id,) + DEFAULT_GUILD_ROW)

                # Get latest row of stats
                c = await conn.execute('SELECT stats FROM stats ORDER BY stats DESC LIMIT 1')
                stats = await c.fetchone()
                self.bot.stats = stats if stats is not None else Counter()

            self.bot.errors_channel = self.bot.get_channel(ERRORS_CHANNEL_ID)
            self.bot.mentions_channel = self.bot.get_channel(MENTIONS_CHANNEL_ID)

            self.bot.started = True

        print(f'Ready!          [{datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")}]\n'
              f'Name: {self.bot.user} | ID: {self.bot.user.id}')
Exemplo n.º 21
#!/usr/bin/env python
import harvester, sqlite3, utils, sys
harvester.CHUNK_SIZE = int(sys.argv[1])
with sqlite3.connect("test.sqlite3", timeout=120, isolation_level=None) as db:
    for i in range(1):
        with open("input.log") as f:
            out = f.read()
        data = utils.interpret_output(out)
        with utils.Transaction(db, behavior="IMMEDIATE"):
            utils.sql_insert_many(db, "data", data)
Exemplo n.º 22
 async def on_guild_join(self, guild):
     self.bot.guild_options[guild.id] = DEFAULT_GUILD_SETTINGS
     async with utils.Transaction(self.bot.db) as conn:
         await conn.execute('INSERT INTO guilds VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
                            (guild.id, ) + DEFAULT_GUILD_SETTINGS)
Exemplo n.º 23
    async def logout(self):
        async with utils.Transaction(self.db) as conn:
            await conn.execute('INSERT INTO stats VALUES (?, ?)',
                               (int(time.time()), pickle.dumps(self.stats)))

        await super().logout()