def searchRange(nums, target):
    Binary search (INCORRECT)
    Time: ?? worst case O(n): e.g. find 2 in [2,2,2,2,2,2], best case O(logn)
    Space: O(1) (no copies of input created)
    n = len(nums)

    curr_ind = binary_search(nums, target, 0, n - 1)
    if curr_ind == -1:
        return -1, -1
    left_ind, right_ind = curr_ind, curr_ind

    if left_ind != 0:
        while nums[left_ind - 1] == nums[left_ind]:
            left_ind = binary_search(nums, target, 0, left_ind - 1)
            if left_ind == 0:
    first_occur = left_ind
    if right_ind != n - 1:
        while nums[right_ind + 1] == nums[right_ind]:
            right_ind = binary_search(nums, target, right_ind + 1, n - 1)
            if right_ind == n - 1:
    last_occur = right_ind
    return first_occur, last_occur
    def get_child(self, ch, word):
        # Find the next word after this one, to mark the end of the span.
        next_word = utils.make_next_word(word)

        # Starting at the current span, narrow the low and high independently.
        (new_low, low_found) = utils.binary_search(self.words, word, self.low, self.high)
        (new_high, _) = utils.binary_search(self.words, next_word, self.low, self.high)

        # The high binary search will find the next word off the end, so back up one.
        new_high -= 1

        if new_low <= new_high:
            return ProgressiveBinarySearchDictionary(self.words, low_found, new_low, new_high)
            return None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_best_radar_position(self,  time,  guess = [0.0,  0.0,  0.0]):
        camera_angle = self.calc_camera_angle(time)
        camera_distance = self.calc_camera_distance(time)

        #if abs(camera_distance) > 0.1:
        #	print time, camera_angle, camera_distance
        idx = utils.binary_search(time,  self.radar_times)
        points = self.radar_points[idx]
        debug = False
        res = self.get_best_radar_position_full(points,  camera_angle,  camera_distance, guess,  debug)
        #print camera_distance,  utils.distance_2d(res,  [0, 0, 0])
        if False and camera_distance > 0.1:
            print "------------------------"
            print time
            print points
            print camera_distance,  camera_angle
            print res
        return res
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_closest_lidar(self,  time,  guess):
     if utils.isempty(guess):
         return [0.0,  0.0,  0.0]
     idx = utils.binary_search(time,  self.lidar_times)
     #print "Lidar---> ",  self.lidar_data[idx]
     points = self.lidar_data[idx]
     #print "lidar: ",  points
     #print idx
     best = 10.0
     res = [0.0,  0.0,  0.0]
     #print points
     for elem in points:
         d = utils.distance_ang(elem,  guess)
         #print d
         if d < best:
             best = d
             res = elem
     return list(res)
Exemplo n.º 5
def prime_sieve(n):
	Returns the primes below a specified number with the choice of prime sieve depending on the 
	size of the number. 

		n (:int) - the number to list primes under

		the primes under 'n' in a list

		>>> prime_sieve(9)
		>>> [2, 3, 5, 7]

		>>> len(prime_sieve(10**9))
		>>> 50847534
	if n <= constants.SMALL_THRESHOLD:
		return under60[:utils.binary_search(n, under60)]
	elif n <= constants.ERAT_THRESHOLD:
		return small_sieve(n)
	elif n <= constants.ATKIN_THERSHOLD:
		return sieve_of_atkin(n)
		return segmented_sieve(2, n)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def reducing(self, data1, data2):

        # returns a list
        reduced1 = self.fill_reduced(data1)
        reduced2 = self.fill_reduced(data2)

        if len(reduced1) < len(reduced2):
            main = reduced1
            secondary = reduced2
            main = reduced2
            secondary = reduced1

        arr = []
        for i, elem in enumerate(main):
            str_find = elem[0]
            index = binary_search(secondary, 0, len(secondary) - 1, str_find)

            if index != -1:
                second_item = secondary[index]
                second_value = second_item[1]
                temp = main[i]
                temp_str = temp[0]
                final_value = temp[1] + second_value
                arr.append((temp_str, final_value))

        if len(secondary) != 0:

        return arr
Exemplo n.º 7
 def find_track(self, target):
     found_index = binary_search(self.search_space, target)
     if found_index is None:
         return None
     self.search_done = True
     i = found_index
     current_track = self.search_space[i].lower()
     result = []
     while current_track.startswith(target.lower()):
         if i == len(self.search_space) - 1:
         i += 1
         current_track = self.search_space[i].lower()
     i = found_index
     if i > 0:
         i -= 1
         current_track = self.search_space[i].lower()
         while current_track.startswith(target.lower()):
             if i == 0:
             i -= 1
             current_track = self.search_space[i].lower()
     return result
 def _right_transfer(self, v: Position, w: Position) -> None:
     Resolves v's underflow with a transfer with the right sibling of v, i.e. w
     :param v: the Position of the node in underflow
     :param w: the right sibling of v
     :return: None
     # Validate
     v_node = self._validate(v)
     w_node = self._validate(w)
     # Let k' be the key saved in the parent p that is between the keys contained in w and v
     p = self.parent(v)
     # Since w is the right sibling of v, the binary search will return the index of k'
     _, index = binary_search(p.keys(), w_node.elements[0].key)
     # Let new_item be the Item in p with key k'
     new_item = p.elements[index]
     # Let k'' be the smallest key saved in w
     # Let leftmost_item be the item in w with key k''
     leftmost_item = w_node.elements[0]
     # Let leftmost_child be the node child of w to the left of k''
     leftmost_child = w_node.children[0]
     # Delete k from v, and add k' in v
     v_node._elements = v_node.elements + [new_item]
     # w transfered leftmost_child to v, so v keeps leftmost_child to its right, since w is the right sibling of v
     v_node._children = v_node.children + [leftmost_child]
     if leftmost_child is not None:
         leftmost_child.parent = v_node
     # Delete k'' from w
     # Also delete the leftmost child
     # Replace k' with k'' in p
     p.elements[index] = leftmost_item
 def _left_transfer(self, v: Position, w: Position) -> None:
     Resolves v's underflow with a transfer with the left sibling of v, i.e. w
     :param v: the Position of the node in underflow
     :param w: the left sibling of v
     :return: None
     # Validate
     v_node = self._validate(v)
     w_node = self._validate(w)
     # Let k' be the key saved in the parent p that is between the keys contained in w and v
     p = self.parent(v)
     # Since w is the left sibling of v, the binary search will return the index of the key to the left of k'
     _, index = binary_search(p.keys(), w_node.elements[0].key)
     # So, we increment index
     index = index + 1
     # Let new_item be the Item in p with key k'
     new_item = p.elements[index]
     # Let k'' be the largest key saved in w
     # Let rightmost_item be the item in w with key k''
     rightmost_item = w_node.elements[-1]
     # Let rightmost_child be the node child of w to the right of k''
     rightmost_child = w_node.children[-1]
     # Add k' in v
     v_node.elements = [new_item] + v_node.elements
     # w transfered rightmost_item to v, so v keeps rightmost_child to its left, since w is the left sibling of v
     v_node._children = [rightmost_child] + v_node.children
     if rightmost_child is not None:
         rightmost_child.parent = v_node
     # Delete k'' from w
     # Also delete the rightmost child
     # Replace k' with k'' in p
     p.elements[index] = rightmost_item
Exemplo n.º 10
	def cluster_evaluation(self):

		for cp in self.list_of_cp:
			demonstration = self.map_cp2demonstrations[cp]
			frm = self.map_cp2frm[cp] + 2 *

			curr_surgeme = self.map_frm2surgeme[demonstration][frm]
			self.map_cp2surgemes[cp] = curr_surgeme

			ranges = sorted(utils.get_annotation_segments(constants.PATH_TO_DATA + constants.ANNOTATIONS_FOLDER
				+ demonstration + "_" + constants.CAMERA + ".p"))

			bin = utils.binary_search(ranges, frm)

			map_frm2surgeme_demonstration = self.map_frm2surgeme[demonstration]

			prev_end = bin[0] - 1
			next_start = bin[1] + 1
			prev_surgeme = map_frm2surgeme_demonstration[prev_end] if prev_end in map_frm2surgeme_demonstration else "start"
			next_surgeme = map_frm2surgeme_demonstration[next_start] if next_start in map_frm2surgeme_demonstration else "end"

			surgemetransition = None

			if abs(frm - (bin[0] - 1)) < abs(bin[1] + 1 - frm):
				surgemetransition = str(prev_surgeme) + "->" + str(curr_surgeme)
				surgemetransition = str(curr_surgeme) + "->" + str(next_surgeme)

			self.map_cp2surgemetransitions[cp] = surgemetransition

		self.cp_surgemes = set(self.map_cp2surgemes.values())
Exemplo n.º 11
	def cluster_evaluation(self):

		for cp in self.list_of_cp:

			demonstration = self.map_cp2demonstrations[cp]
			frm = self.map_cp2frm[cp]

			curr_surgeme = self.map_frm2surgeme[demonstration][frm]
			self.map_cp2surgemes[cp] = curr_surgeme

			ranges = sorted(utils.get_annotation_segments(constants.PATH_TO_DATA + constants.ANNOTATIONS_FOLDER
				+ demonstration + "_" + constants.CAMERA + ".p"))

			bin = utils.binary_search(ranges, frm)

			map_frm2surgeme_demonstration = self.map_frm2surgeme[demonstration]

			prev_end = bin[0] - 1
			next_start = bin[1] + 1
			prev_surgeme = map_frm2surgeme_demonstration[prev_end] if prev_end in map_frm2surgeme_demonstration else "start"
			next_surgeme = map_frm2surgeme_demonstration[next_start] if next_start in map_frm2surgeme_demonstration else "end"

			surgemetransition = None

			if abs(frm - (bin[0] - 1)) < abs(bin[1] + 1 - frm):
				surgemetransition = str(prev_surgeme) + "->" + str(curr_surgeme)
				surgemetransition = str(curr_surgeme) + "->" + str(next_surgeme)

			self.map_cp2surgemetransitions[cp] = surgemetransition

		self.cp_surgemes = set(self.map_cp2surgemes.values())
Exemplo n.º 12
    def calc_camera_angle(self,  time):
        if len(self.camera_times) == 0:
            return 100.0
        idx_camera = utils.binary_search(time,  self.camera_times)
        nxt_idx_camera = idx_camera + 1
        if idx_camera == len(self.camera_times)-1:
            nxt_idx_camera = idx_camera
            if idx_camera > 0:
                idx_camera = idx_camera - 1

        angle_value = self.camera_angles_predicted[idx_camera]
        angle_value_nxt = self.camera_angles_predicted[nxt_idx_camera]
        if self.debug:
            self.out.write(str(angle_value) + " " + str(angle_value_nxt) + "\n")
            self.out.write(str(self.camera_angles_predicted[-1]) + "\n")
        if abs(angle_value) > 10.0:
            return angle_value_nxt
        if abs(angle_value_nxt) > 10.0:
            return angle_value
        angle = utils.interpolate_aprox(time,    self.camera_times[idx_camera],  \
                                                        self.camera_angles_predicted[idx_camera],  \
                                                        self.camera_times[nxt_idx_camera],   \
        return angle
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_x(y):
    _, l = binary_search(partial(get_state, y=y),
                         upper_search_increment=lambda x: x + y // 10)
    # r, _ = binary_search(lambda x: 1-get_state(x, y), 0.5, l, upper_search_increment=lambda x: x + y // 5)
    # print(l, r)
    return l
Exemplo n.º 14
 def remove_node(self, name):
     ring_pos = self.ring_position(name)
     node_pos = utils.binary_search(self.nodes, ring_pos, lambda t: t[1])
         "Removing node {}, ring_pos {} reponsible node pos {} all nodes {}"
         .format(name, ring_pos, node_pos, self.nodes))
     if self.nodes[node_pos][0] == name:
         del self.nodes[node_pos]
Exemplo n.º 15
def discover_password():
    global password
    charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
    charset = "".join(sorted(charset))

    for char_position in range(1, password_length + 1):
        index, _ = binary_search(
            (0, len(charset) - 1), lambda index, char_position: sql_inject(
                sqli.get("password_char").format(username, charset[
                    index], char_position)), char_position)
        password += charset[index]
Exemplo n.º 16
    def get_child(self, ch, word):
        pos, found = utils.binary_search(self.words, word)

        if found:
            # Found word.
            return BinarySearchDictionary(self.words, True)
            if pos < len(self.words) and self.words[pos].startswith(word):
                # Found prefix.
                return BinarySearchDictionary(self.words, False)
                return None
 def _subtree_find_gt(self, p: Position, k: type(Position.Node.Item.key), i: int) ->\
         Tuple[Optional[Position], Optional[Position.Node.Item]]:
     Returns the position and the element with the smallest key that is > k in the subtree rooted at p.
     k is supposed to be the i-th key in p.
     # If p is an in internal node
     if not self.is_leaf(p):
         # Then the key greater than k is the minimum in key in the subtree rooted at the child to the right of k
         p, _ = self._subtree_min(self._make_position(p.node.children[i]))
         return p, p.elements[0]
     else:  # If p is a leaf
         # If k is not the last key in p
         if i < len(p):
             # Return the key to the right of k
             return p, p.elements[i]
         # If k is the last key in p, we go up
         walk = p
         # We go up until walk is the last child of its parent (above)
         above = self.parent(walk)
         # We stop when we reach the root
         while above is not None and walk == list(self.children(above))[-1]:
             # If none of the two conditions is met yet, keep going up
             walk = above
             above = self.parent(walk)
         # If we reached the root
         if above is None:
             # We have to return a key of root
             _, i = binary_search(walk.keys(), k)
             # If k is not greater than all the keys in the root
             if i < len(walk) - 1:
                 # Then return the smallest key greater than k (increment the return value of binary_search)
                 return walk, walk.elements[i + 1]
                 # If k is greater than all the keys in the root, then no "greater then" exists
                 return None, None
         # If we didn't reach the root
         _, i = binary_search(above.keys(), k)
         # Just return the smallest key in above greater than key
         return above, above.elements[i + 1]
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _expand_hypo(self, hypo):

        next_word = self.trgt_sentence[len(hypo.trgt_sentence)]
        ids, posterior, _ = self.apply_predictor()
        ind = utils.binary_search(ids, k)

        max_score = utils.max_(posterior)
        hypo.predictor_states = self.get_predictor_states()

        hypo.score += posterior[ind]
        hypo.trgt_sentence += [next_word]
Exemplo n.º 19
def FMM(dicpath, textpath):
    # read text from file
    textlines = readFile(textpath)

    # read dic from file
    oriDic = readFile(dicpath)
    # new a dic for running code and the origin dic won't be destroy
    dic = []
    # count the maxlen of a word
    maxWordLen = 0
    dicSize = len(oriDic)
    for i in range(dicSize):
        tmp = oriDic[i].split(" ")  # the dic format: word POS times
        dic.append(tmp[0])  # only needs word
        if (len(tmp[0]) > maxWordLen):
            maxWordLen = len(tmp[0])
    # count time
    startTime = time.time()
    # Do FMM
    textSize = len(textlines)
    seg = []
    # count = 0
    for i in range(textSize):
        text = textlines[i].strip()
        wordList = []
        if not len(text) == 0:
            linebegin = text[:19]
            text = text[19:]

        while len(text) > 0:
            # True_statements if expression else False_statements
            lenTryWord = maxWordLen if len(text) > maxWordLen else len(text)
            tryWord = text[:lenTryWord]
            while not binary_search(dic, tryWord):
                if len(tryWord) == 1:
                tryWord = tryWord[:len(tryWord) - 1]
            # match successfully

            # start match the remain part
            text = text[len(tryWord):]
        # count += 1
        # print(count)
    endTime = time.time()
    print((endTime - startTime))
    return seg
 def right_sibling(
         p: Position,
         k: type(Position.Node.Item.key) = None) -> Optional[Position]:
     """Returns the Position of the node to the right of p"""
     # Validate
     # Let parent be the parent of p
     parent = self.parent(p)
     if k is None:
         k = p.elements[0].key
     _, i = binary_search(parent.keys(), k)
     if i >= len(parent) - 1:  # p is the rightmost child of parent
         return None  # right sibling of p does not exist
     return self._make_position(parent.node.children[i + 2])
 def __setitem__(self, k, v):
     Assigns value v to key k, overwriting the old value if k is already present.
     :param k: key to insert
     :param v: value associated to k
     :return: None
     self._count_collisions = not self._is_resizing
     j = self._h(k)
     self._bucket_setitem(j, k, v)  # subroutine maintains self._n
     if self._n > self._load_factor[-1] * self.capacity(
     ):  # keep maximum load factor
         new_maximum_capacity = self.capacity(
         ) * self._load_factor[-1] / self._load_factor[0]
         new_capacity = (self.capacity() + new_maximum_capacity) // 2
         primes = load_primes()
         _, index = binary_search(primes, new_capacity)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def calc_camera_coordinates(self,  time):
     if len(self.camera_times) == 0:
         return [0.0,  0.0,  0.0]
     idx_camera = utils.binary_search(time,  self.camera_times)
     nxt_idx_camera = idx_camera + 1
     if idx_camera == len(self.camera_times)-1:
         nxt_idx_camera = idx_camera
         if idx_camera > 0:
             idx_camera = idx_camera - 1
     #print len(self.camera_times),  len(self.camera_coordinates_predicted),  idx_camera
     coordinates = [utils.interpolate_aprox(time,    self.camera_times[idx_camera],  \
                                                      self.camera_coordinates_predicted[idx_camera][i],  \
                                                     self.camera_times[nxt_idx_camera],   \
                                                      self.camera_coordinates_predicted[nxt_idx_camera][i]) for i in range(3)]
     return coordinates
 def __delitem__(self, k):
     If k exists, deletes both key k and its value, otherwise it throws and exception.
     :param k: key to delete
     :return: None
     self._count_collisions = False
     j = self._h(k)
     self._bucket_delitem(j, k)  # may raise KeyError
     self._n -= 1
     # keep minimum load factor
     if self._n < self._load_factor[0] * self.capacity() and self.capacity(
     ) > DoubleHashingHashMap._MIN_CAPACITY:
         new_minimum_capacity = self.capacity(
         ) * self._load_factor[0] / self._load_factor[-1]
         new_capacity = (self.capacity() + new_minimum_capacity) // 2
         primes = load_primes()
         _, index = binary_search(primes, new_capacity)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def showResults(self,  path):
     from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
     import os
    # print self.object_positions
     for filename in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
         if filename.endswith(".png"): 
             print filename[:-4]
             t = int(filename[:-4])
             print t
             idx = utils.binary_search(t,  self.camera_times)
             if idx+1 == len(self.camera_times):
                 nxtidx = idx
                 idx = idx - 1
                 nxtidx = idx + 1
             print idx
             pos = [utils.interpolate_aprox(t,    self.camera_times[idx],  \
                                                          self.object_positions[idx][i],  \
                                                          self.camera_times[nxtidx],   \
                                                          self.object_positions[nxtidx][i]) for i in range(3)]
             IMAGE_HEIGHT	= 701
             IMAGE_WIDTH	= 801
             BIN	= 0.1
             row = int(round(math.floor(((((IMAGE_HEIGHT*BIN)/2.0) - pos[0])/(IMAGE_HEIGHT*BIN)) * IMAGE_HEIGHT)))
             column = int(round(math.floor(((((IMAGE_WIDTH*BIN)/2.0) - pos[1])/(IMAGE_WIDTH*BIN)) * IMAGE_WIDTH)))
             print pos,  row,  column
             source_img = + filename)
             draw = ImageDraw.Draw(source_img)
             draw.rectangle(((column-10, row-10), (column+10, row+10)))
             newimgpath = path + "res/" + filename 
   , "PNG")
 def find_nodes_in_range(
         self, start: str,
         stop: str) -> Set[MultiWaySearchTree.Position.Node]:
     retval = set()
     if not self.is_empty():
         if start is None:
             # If start is None, then the first item to yield is the first item of the tree
             p = self.first()
             item = p.elements[0]
             # Search for the smallest key >= start
             found, p, i = self._subtree_search(self.root(), start)
             if found:
                 item = p.elements[i]
                 p, item = self._subtree_find_gt(p, start, i)
         while p is not None and (stop is None or item.key <= stop):
             _, i = binary_search(p.keys(), item.key)
             p, item = self._subtree_find_gt(p, item.key, i + 1)
     return retval
 def find_range(
     start: type(Position.Node.Item.key) = None,
     stop: type(Position.Node.Item.key) = None
 ) -> Iterator[Position.Node.Item]:
     """Returns all the elements with (key, value) such that start <= key < stop."""
     if not self.is_empty():
         if start is None:
             # If start is None, then the first item to yield is the first item of the tree
             p = self.first()
             item = p.elements[0]
             # Search for the smallest key >= start
             found, p, i = self._subtree_search(self.root(), start)
             if found:
                 item = p.elements[i]
                 p, item = self._subtree_find_gt(p, start, i)
         while p is not None and (stop is None or item.key < stop):
             yield item
             _, i = binary_search(p.keys(), item.key)
             p, item = self._subtree_find_gt(p, item.key, i + 1)
Exemplo n.º 27
def initialize_activations_and_pointers_for_phase_one(idx_of_idx,
                                                      neuron_group, act,
    pointer_list = list()
    activations_with_idx_list = list()
    for i, neuron_idx in enumerate(neuron_group.neuron_idx_list):
        idx = idx_of_idx[neuron_idx]
        activations = act[idx]
        idx_activations = idx_act[idx]
        activations_with_idx = [(activations[i], idx_activations[i])
                                for i in range(len(activations))]
        sample_activation = group_sample[i]
        x = (sample_activation, input_sample_id)
        loc = binary_search(activations_with_idx, x)
        if loc == -1:
            pointer_list.append([loc + 1, loc])
    return activations_with_idx_list, pointer_list
 def _fusion(self, v: Position, w: Position, left=True) -> Position:
     Resolves v's underflow with a fusion with the sibling of v, i.e. w
     :param v: the Posiion of the node in underflow
     :param w: the sibling of v
     :param left: Whether w is the left sibling of v (default True)
     :return: the new node as the result of the fusion between v and w
     # Validate
     v_node = self._validate(v)
     w_node = self._validate(w)
     # Let p be the parent of v and w
     p = self.parent(v)
     # Let k' be the key saved in p in between the keys of v and w
     _, index = binary_search(p.keys(), w_node.elements[0].key)
     # If w is the left sibling of v, the binary search will return the index of the key to the left of k'
     if left:
         index = index + 1
     # Let new_item be the Item in p with key k'
     new_item = p.elements[index]
     # Create a new node containing all keys of v except k, all keys of w and key k'
     new_node = self.Position.Node(
         w_node.elements + [new_item] +
         v_node.elements if left else v_node.elements + [new_item] +
         children=w_node.children +
         v_node.children if left else v_node.children + w_node.children)
     # Remove new_item from p
     # Also remove the child to the right of k'
     # Substitute that child with new_node
     p.node.children[index] = new_node
     # v and w do not belong to the tree anymore
     v = w = None
     return self._make_position(new_node)
Exemplo n.º 29
def find_num_bin(suma, ar=None, is_sorted=False, prnt=False):
    # if not is_sorted or ar is None:
    #     ar = get_sorted_array(ar)
    l = len(ar) - 1
    k = 0
    for v in ar:
        b = suma - v
        if b < v or k == l:
            return False
        # if ar[l] == b:
        # if prnt:
        #     print('b: Found a&b @', k, ',', l, ' = ', v, ',', ar[l])
        #     return True
        l = binary_search(ar, k + 1, l, b, True)
        if ar[l] == b and k != l:
            # if prnt:
            #     print('b: Found a&b @', k, ',', l, ' = ', v, ',', ar[l])
            return True
        k += 1
    # if prnt:
    #     print("b: 404 Not Found")
    return False
Exemplo n.º 30
def find_num_evb(suma, ar=None, is_sorted=False, prnt=False):
    # if not is_sorted or ar is None:
    #     ar = get_sorted_array(ar)
    b = binary_search(ar, 0, len(ar) - 1, suma - ar[0], True)
    if b <= 0:
        # if prnt:
        #     print('e: 404 Not Found')
        return False
    a = 0
    while True:
        s1 = ar[a] + ar[b]
        if s1 == suma:
            # if prnt:
            #     print('e: Found a&b @', a, ',', b, ' = ', ar[a], ',', ar[b])
            return True
        elif s1 < suma:
            a += 1
            b -= 1
        if b <= a:
            # if prnt:
            #     print('e: 404 Not Found')
            return False
Exemplo n.º 31
    def calc_camera_distance(self,  time):
        #print "--------> Dist_",  len(self.camera_times)
        if len(self.camera_times) == 0:
            return 0.0
        idx_camera = utils.binary_search(time,  self.camera_times)
        nxt_idx_camera = idx_camera + 1
        if idx_camera == len(self.camera_times)-1:
            nxt_idx_camera = idx_camera
            if idx_camera > 0:
                idx_camera = idx_camera - 1
        #print idx_camera,  nxt_idx_camera
        distance_val = self.camera_distances_predicted[idx_camera]
        distance_val_nxt = self.camera_distances_predicted[nxt_idx_camera]
#        print time,  distance_val,  distance_val_nxt
#        print idx_camera
#        print self.camera_times
#        print self.camera_distances_predicted
#        print self.camera_angles_predicted
        if abs(distance_val) < eps:
            return distance_val_nxt
        if abs(distance_val_nxt) < eps:
            return distance_val

        distance = utils.interpolate_aprox(time,    self.camera_times[idx_camera],  \
                                                        self.camera_distances_predicted[idx_camera],  \
                                                        self.camera_times[nxt_idx_camera],   \
        return distance
 def _subtree_search(
     self, p: Position, k: type(Position.Node.Item.key)
 ) -> Tuple[bool, Position, int]:
     Searches key k in the subtree rooted at p.
         True if k is found, False otherwise
         Position of p's subtree having key k,
         index of the key k in the keys list of the position,
         or last node and index searched.
     # Validate
     node = self._validate(p)
     # Binary-search k in node p
     found, index = binary_search(p.keys(), k)
     # Successful search
     if found:
         return True, p, index
     # Next position to search in is the child next to p.keys()[index]
     next_position = self._make_position(node.children[index + 1])
     # If this child does not exist, the search is unsuccessful
     if next_position is None:
         return False, p, index + 1
     return self._subtree_search(next_position, k)
Exemplo n.º 33
def search(track_list, target):
    found_index = binary_search(track_list, target)
    if found_index is None:
        return None
    i = found_index
    current_track = track_list[i].lower()
    result = []
    while current_track.startswith(target.lower()):
        if i == len(track_list) - 1:
        i += 1
        current_track = track_list[i].lower()
    i = found_index
    if i > 0:
        i -= 1
        current_track = track_list[i].lower()
        while current_track.startswith(target.lower()):
            if i == 0:
            i -= 1
            current_track = track_list[i].lower()
    return result
Exemplo n.º 34
	def cluster_evaluation(self):

		for cp in self.list_of_cp:

			demonstration = self.map_cp2demonstrations[cp]
			frm = self.map_cp2frm[cp]

			curr_surgeme = self.map_frm2surgeme[demonstration][frm]
			self.map_cp2surgemes[cp] = curr_surgeme

			ranges = sorted(parser.get_annotation_segments(constants.PATH_TO_DATA + constants.ANNOTATIONS_FOLDER
				+ demonstration + "_capture2.p"))

			bin = utils.binary_search(ranges, frm)

			map_frm2surgeme_demonstration = self.map_frm2surgeme[demonstration]

			prev_end = bin[0] - 1
			next_start = bin[1] + 1
			prev_surgeme = map_frm2surgeme_demonstration[prev_end] if prev_end in map_frm2surgeme_demonstration else "start"
			next_surgeme = map_frm2surgeme_demonstration[next_start] if next_start in map_frm2surgeme_demonstration else "end"

			surgemetransition = None

			if abs(frm - (bin[0] - 1)) < abs(bin[1] + 1 - frm):
				surgemetransition = str(prev_surgeme) + "->" + str(curr_surgeme)
				surgemetransition = str(curr_surgeme) + "->" + str(prev_surgeme)

			self.map_cp2surgemetransitions[cp] = surgemetransition

		self.cp_surgemes = set(self.map_cp2surgemes.values())

		# Initialize data structures
		table = {}
		for L1_cluster in self.map_level1_cp.keys():
			new_dict = {}
			for surgeme in self.cp_surgemes:
				new_dict[surgeme] = 0
			table[L1_cluster] = new_dict

		surgeme_count = {}
		for surgeme in self.cp_surgemes:
			surgeme_count[surgeme] = 0

		for L1_cluster in self.map_level1_cp.keys():
			list_of_cp_key = self.map_level1_cp[L1_cluster]
			for cp in list_of_cp_key:
				surgeme = self.map_frm2surgeme[self.map_cp2demonstrations[cp]][self.map_cp2frm[cp]]
				surgeme_count[surgeme] += 1

				curr_dict = table[L1_cluster]
				curr_dict[surgeme] += 1
				table[L1_cluster] = curr_dict

		final_clusters = list(set(self.map_level1_cp.keys()) - set(self.pruned_L1_clusters))

		confusion_matrix = "    "
		for surgeme in self.cp_surgemes:
			confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix + str(surgeme) + "     "

		# print confusion_matrix
		self.file.write('\n\n ---Confusion Matrix--- \n\n')

		confusion_matrix = ""
		for L1_cluster in final_clusters:
			confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix + "\n" + L1_cluster + "   "
			for surgeme in self.cp_surgemes:
				# confusion_matrix += str(float("{0:.2f}".format(table[L1_cluster][surgeme] / float(surgeme_count[surgeme])))) + "   "
				confusion_matrix += str(round(Decimal(table[L1_cluster][surgeme] / float(surgeme_count[surgeme])), 2)) + "   "
			confusion_matrix += '\n'

		# print confusion_matrix
		self.file.write("\n\n ---Surgeme Count--- \n\n")
Exemplo n.º 35
 def test(self):
     self.assertEqual(0, binary_search([], 9))
     self.assertEqual(0, binary_search([1], 2))
     self.assertEqual(1, binary_search([1], 1))
     self.assertEqual(0, binary_search([2, 1], 3))
     self.assertEqual(1, binary_search([2, 1], 2))
     self.assertEqual(1, binary_search([2, 1], 1.5))
     self.assertEqual(2, binary_search([2, 1], 1))
     self.assertEqual(2, binary_search([2, 1], 0))
     self.assertEqual(0, binary_search([3, 2, 1], 4))
     self.assertEqual(1, binary_search([3, 2, 1], 3))
     self.assertEqual(2, binary_search([3, 2, 1], 2))
     self.assertEqual(3, binary_search([3, 2, 1], 0))
     self.assertEqual(0, binary_search([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 7))
     self.assertEqual(4, binary_search([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 3))
     self.assertEqual(6, binary_search([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 0))
     self.assertEqual(0, binary_search([7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 8))
     self.assertEqual(1, binary_search([7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 7))
     self.assertEqual(5, binary_search([7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 3))
     self.assertEqual(7, binary_search([7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 0))
     self.assertEqual(4, binary_search([2, 2, 2, 2, 1], 2))
     self.assertEqual(5, binary_search([2, 2, 2, 2, 1], 1))