Exemplo n.º 1
 def update_pos(self, pose, absolute=False):
     """Convenience function to do a position update."""
     # assuming that the ekf is never lost by more than pi (except on startup),
     # if we have absolute (i.e. QR-code) data, and it's far from our current
     # estimate, then assume we're lost and reset the EKF.
     if absolute:
         # we can intelligently mod the incoming pose angle to be close 
         # to the current estimate - note that the ordered if statements 
         # mean that if we are super-lost, we will randomly add some pi 
         # but not infinitely loop.
         # this if statement says that if we're lost in theta, don't worry about it.
         if self.covariance[2,2] < 10:
             while pose.theta - self.state[2,0] > pi:
                 pose.theta -= tau
             while self.state[2,0] - pose.theta > pi:
                 pose.theta += tau
         dx = self.state[0,0]-pose.x
         dy = self.state[1,0]-pose.y
         dt = fmod(self.state[2,0]-pose.theta,2*pi)
         if dx*dx + dy*dy > 0.1 or abs(dt) > 0.3:
             self.state = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
             self.covariance = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
         pose.x += self.state[0,0]
         pose.y += self.state[1,0]
         while pose.theta > pi:
             pose.theta -= tau
         while pose.theta < -pi:
             pose.theta += tau
         pose.theta += self.state[2,0]
     y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     rospy.loginfo("Updating with position %s",y)
     W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
     self.update(y, W)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def update_pos(self, pose, absolute=False):
     """Convenience function to do a position update."""
     # assuming that the ekf is never lost by more than pi (except on startup),
     # if we have absolute (i.e. QR-code) data, and it's far from our current
     # estimate, then assume we're lost and reset the EKF.
     if absolute:
         # we can intelligently mod the incoming pose angle to be close
         # to the current estimate - note that the ordered if statements
         # mean that if we are super-lost, we will randomly add some pi
         # but not infinitely loop.
         # this if statement says that if we're lost in theta, don't worry about it.
         if self.covariance[2, 2] < 10:
             while pose.theta - self.state[2, 0] > pi:
                 pose.theta -= tau
             while self.state[2, 0] - pose.theta > pi:
                 pose.theta += tau
         dx = self.state[0, 0] - pose.x
         dy = self.state[1, 0] - pose.y
         dt = fmod(self.state[2, 0] - pose.theta, 2 * pi)
         if dx * dx + dy * dy > 0.1 or abs(dt) > 0.3:
             self.state = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
             self.covariance = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
         pose.x += self.state[0, 0]
         pose.y += self.state[1, 0]
         while pose.theta > pi:
             pose.theta -= tau
         while pose.theta < -pi:
             pose.theta += tau
         pose.theta += self.state[2, 0]
     y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     rospy.loginfo("Updating with position %s", y)
     W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
     self.update(y, W)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def backward_pass(self, target):
        """ Perform a backward pass on the network given the
        negative of the derivative of the error with respect to the output.
        self.errs.append(self.loss_func(self.output, target))
        out = column_vector(self.output)

        dE_dOut = -1 * self.loss_func(out, column_vector(target), True)

        dOut_dNet = self.output_activ_func(out, True, True)
        delta_out = np.multiply(column_vector(dE_dOut),
        deltas = []
        t = np.dot(self.W_oh.T, delta_out)
        mat = np.dot(delta_out, self.hidden_layers[-1].a_h.T)
        self.W_oh += self.l_rate * mat
        for i in range(1, len(self.hidden_layers) + 1):
            layer = self.hidden_layers[-i]

            delta = np.multiply(t, layer.activ_func(layer.a_h, True, True))
            if i < len(self.hidden_layers):
                t = np.dot(layer.weights.T, delta)
                # t = np.dot(self.W_oh.T, delta_out)
                mat = np.dot(delta, self.hidden_layers[-(i + 1)].a_h.T)
                layer.weights += self.l_rate * mat
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, rotMatrix, transVect, cameraMatrix,
              distCoeffs, anchor_points=None):
     Extrinsic parameters : rotMatrix, transVect.
     Intrinsic parameters : cameraMatrix, distCoeffs.
     self.rotMatrix = check_shape(rotMatrix, (3, 3), "rotation matrix")
     self.transVect = column_vector(transVect, 3, "translation vector")
     self.cameraMatrix = check_shape(cameraMatrix, (3, 3), "camera matrix")
     self.distCoeffs = column_vector(distCoeffs, 4, "distort coefficients")
     self.anchor_points = anchor_points
Exemplo n.º 5
 def encode(self, data_vector):
     """Encode a single data_vector
     # make sure its a column vector
     data_vector = column_vector(data_vector)
     self.net_h = np.dot(self.weights, data_vector)
     self.a_h = self.activ_func(self.net_h)
     return self.a_h
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     # x(k|k); the system state column vector.
     self.state = column_vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     # P(k|k); the system covariance matrix.
     self.covariance = matrix([[1000.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1000.0, 0.0],
                               [0.0, 0.0, 1000.0]])
     # Need to store old odom state for delta updates.
     self.odom_state = None
     self.lastdt = rospy.get_time() - 1
Exemplo n.º 7
	def update_pos(self, pose):
		if self.covariance[2,2] < 1000:
			while pose.theta - self.state[2] > pi:
				pose.theta -= tau
			while self.state[2] - pose.theta > pi:
				pose.theta += tau
		y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
		W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
		self.update2(y, W)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def update_pos(self, pose):
     if self.covariance[2, 2] < 1000:
         while pose.theta - self.state[2] > pi:
             pose.theta -= tau
         while self.state[2] - pose.theta > pi:
             pose.theta += tau
     y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
     self.update2(y, W)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def forward_pass(self, input):
     """ Perform a forward pass on the network given
     an input vector.
     self.input = input
     for layer in self.hidden_layers:
         self.input = layer.encode(self.input)
     self.output = np.dot(self.W_oh, column_vector(self.input))
     self.output = self.output_activ_func(self.output + self.B_o)
     return self.output
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     # x(k|k); the system state column vector.
     self.state = column_vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     # P(k|k); the system covariance matrix.
     self.covariance = matrix([
         [1000.0,    0.0,    0.0],
         [   0.0, 1000.0,    0.0],
         [   0.0,    0.0, 1000.0]])
     # Need to store old odom state for delta updates.
     self.odom_state = None
     self.lastdt = rospy.get_time() - 1
Exemplo n.º 11
 def update_pos(self, pose):
     """Convenience function to do a position update."""
     # assuming that the ekf is never lost by more than pi (except on startup),
     # we can intelligently mod the incoming pose angle to be close to the current estimate
     # note that the ordered if statements mean that if we are super-lost, we
     # will randomly add some pi but not infinitely loop.
     # this if statement says that if we're lost in theta, don't worry about it.
     if self.covariance[2, 2] < 1000:
         while pose.theta - self.state[2] > pi:
             pose.theta -= tau
         while self.state[2] - pose.theta > pi:
             pose.theta += tau
     y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
     self.update(y, W)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def update_pos(self, pose):
     """Convenience function to do a position update."""
     # assuming that the ekf is never lost by more than pi (except on startup),
     # we can intelligently mod the incoming pose angle to be close to the current estimate
     # note that the ordered if statements mean that if we are super-lost, we
     # will randomly add some pi but not infinitely loop.
     # this if statement says that if we're lost in theta, don't worry about it.
     if self.covariance[2,2] < 1000:
         while pose.theta - self.state[2] > pi:
             pose.theta -= tau
         while self.state[2] - pose.theta > pi:
             pose.theta += tau
     y = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     W = matrix(pose.cov).reshape(3, 3)
     self.update(y, W)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_jacobi_matrix(self, world_point):
        Given a point `q` in world frame and its corresponding pixel `Pix`,
        return the jacobi matrix of Pix = f(q) at q.
        R, T, K, D = self.params
        # Pix = (x, y, 1), sPix = s * Pix = K * (R * q + T), s = sPix[2, 0]
        q = column_vector(world_point, 3)
        sPix = K.dot(R.dot(q) + T)
        s = sPix[2, 0]
        Pix = sPix / s

        # d(sPix)/dq = K * R
        # d(sPix)/dq = (d(s*x)/dq, d(s*y)/dq, ds/dq) ==> ds/dq = (K*R)[2]
        # d(sPix)/dq = ds/dq * Pix + dPix/dq * s ==
        # ==> dPix/dq = (d(sPix)/dq - ds/dq * Pix) / s
        dsPix = np.dot(K, R)
        ds = dsPix[2].reshape(1, 3)
        dPix = (dsPix - np.dot(Pix,  ds)) / s
        return dPix[:2]
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_odom_delta(self, pose):
        """Calculates the delta of the odometry position since the last time called.

        Returns None the first time, and a 3x1 state matrix thereafter.

        # Convert the pose into matrix form.
        y_odom = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
        # None is the fallback in case we can't get an actual delta.
        odom_delta = None
        if self.odom_state is not None:
            # Transform the sensor state into the map frame.
            y = coord_transform(y_odom, self.odom_origin)
            # Calculate the change odom state, in map coords (delta y).
            odom_delta = y - coord_transform(self.odom_state, self.odom_origin)
        # Update the stored odom state.
        self.odom_state = y_odom
        # Get the odom frame origin in the map frame and store it for next time.
        self.odom_origin = get_offset(self.state, self.odom_state)
        return odom_delta
Exemplo n.º 15
    def get_odom_delta(self, pose):
        """Calculates the delta of the odometry position since the last time called.

        Returns None the first time, and a 3x1 state matrix thereafter.

        # Convert the pose into matrix form.
        y_odom = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
        # None is the fallback in case we can't get an actual delta.
        odom_delta = None
        if self.odom_state is not None:
            # Transform the sensor state into the map frame.
            y = coord_transform(y_odom, self.odom_origin)
            # Calculate the change odom state, in map coords (delta y).
            odom_delta = y - coord_transform(self.odom_state, self.odom_origin)
        # Update the stored odom state.
        self.odom_state = y_odom
        # Get the odom frame origin in the map frame and store it for next time.
        self.odom_origin = get_offset(self.state, self.odom_state)
        return odom_delta
Exemplo n.º 16
	def get_odom_delta(self, pose):
		# odom_state is the previous x, y, theta of odom_pose
		# y_odom is the current x, y, theta of odom_pose
		# odom_origin kind keeps track of all the odom changes till date
		y_odom = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)

		odom_delta = None
		if self.odom_state is not None:
			# y = y_odom * rot(odom_origin.theta) + odom_origin
			y = coord_transform(y_odom, self.odom_origin)
			# current change - previous change			
			odom_delta = y - coord_transform(self.odom_state, self.odom_origin)

		self.odom_state = y_odom
		# these two should be exactly the same. Using y_odom to 
		# differentiate between previous and new odom values
		#self.odom_origin = get_offset(self.state, self.odom_state)
		self.odom_origin = get_offset(self.state, y_odom)
		return odom_delta
Exemplo n.º 17
    def get_odom_delta(self, pose):
        # odom_state is the previous x, y, theta of odom_pose
        # y_odom is the current x, y, theta of odom_pose
        # odom_origin kind keeps track of all the odom changes till date

        y_odom = column_vector(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)

        odom_delta = None

        if self.odom_state is not None:
            # y = y_odom * rot(odom_origin.theta) + odom_origin
            y = coord_transform(y_odom, self.odom_origin)
            # current change - previous change
            odom_delta = y - coord_transform(self.odom_state, self.odom_origin)

        self.odom_state = y_odom
        # these two should be exactly the same. Using y_odom to
        # differentiate between previous and new odom values
        #self.odom_origin = get_offset(self.state, self.odom_state)
        self.odom_origin = get_offset(self.state, y_odom)
        return odom_delta