def to_css(self, selector):
    css = selector + " {\n"
    if "fillcolor" in self.node.attrib:
      color = utils.cs_rgb_to_hex(self.node.attrib["fillcolor"])
      css += "  fill: {0};\n".format(color)
    if "boundary" in self.node.attrib and self.node.attrib["boundary"] == "true":
      if "boundarycolor" in self.node.attrib:
        color = utils.cs_rgb_to_hex(self.node.attrib["boundarycolor"])
        css += "  stroke: {0};\n".format(color)
      if "boundarywidth" in self.node.attrib:
        width = self.node.attrib["boundarywidth"]
        css += "  stroke-width: {0}px;\n".format(width)
    css += "}\n"

    return css
  def to_sld(self):
    poly = ET.Element("PolygonSymbolizer")
    fill = ET.SubElement(poly, "Fill")
    boundary = ET.SubElement(poly, "Stroke")

    if "fillcolor" in self.node.attrib:
      fillcolor = ET.SubElement(fill, "CssParameter")
      fillcolor.attrib["name"] = "fill"
      fillcolor.text = utils.cs_rgb_to_hex(self.node.attrib["fillcolor"])
      # @TODO: Opacities!
    if "boundary" in self.node.attrib and self.node.attrib["boundary"] == "true":
      if "boundarycolor" in self.node.attrib:
        boundarycolor = ET.SubElement(boundary, "CssParameter")
        boundarycolor.attrib["name"] = "stroke"
        boundarycolor.text = utils.cs_rgb_to_hex(self.node.attrib["boundarycolor"])
      if "boundarywidth" in self.node.attrib:
        boundarywidth = ET.SubElement(boundary, "CssParameter")
        boundarywidth.attrib["name"] = "stroke-width"
        boundarywidth.text = self.node.attrib["boundarywidth"] # @TODO: Size conversion?

    return poly
Exemplo n.º 3
  def to_css(self, selector):
    css = selector + " {\n"
    if "color" in self.node.attrib:
      color = utils.cs_rgb_to_hex(self.node.attrib["color"])
      css += "  stroke: {0};\n".format(color)
    if "width" in self.node.attrib:
      width = self.node.attrib["width"]
      css += "  stroke-width: {0}px;\n".format(width)
    css += "  stroke-linecap: round;\n"
    css += "}\n"

    return css
Exemplo n.º 4
  def to_sld(self):
    line = ET.Element("LineSymbolizer")
    stroke = ET.SubElement(line, "Stroke")

    if "color" in self.node.attrib:
      strokecolor = ET.SubElement(stroke, "CssParameter")
      strokecolor.attrib["name"] = "stroke"
      strokecolor.text = utils.cs_rgb_to_hex(self.node.attrib["color"])
    if "width" in self.node.attrib:
      strokewidth = ET.SubElement(stroke, "CssParameter")
      strokewidth.attrib["name"] = "stroke-width"
      strokewidth.text = self.node.attrib["width"] # @TODO: Size conversion?

    return line
  def to_sld(self):
    point = ET.Element("PointSymbolizer")
    graphic = ET.SubElement(point, "Graphic")
    mark = ET.SubElement(graphic, "Mark") # @TODO: Check empty tag does nothing?

    if "font" in self.node.attrib and "character" in self.node.attrib:
      well_known_name = ET.SubElement(mark, "WellKnownName")
      # {:X} outputs the character code in hex. GeoServer documentation is ambiguous on whether we need to.
      well_known_name.text = "ttf://{}#0x{:X}".format(self.node.attrib["font"], int(self.node.attrib["character"]))
    if "fontcolor" in self.node.attrib:
      fill = ET.SubElement(mark, "Fill")
      fillcolor = ET.SubElement(fill, "CssParameter")
      fillcolor.attrib["name"] = "fill"
      fillcolor.text = utils.cs_rgb_to_hex(self.node.attrib["fontcolor"])
    if "fontsize" in self.node.attrib:
      size = ET.SubElement(graphic, "Size")
      size.text = self.node.attrib["fontsize"] # @TODO: Size conversion?

    return point