Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def initdb():
    """ Initialize feedback database. """
    with dbopen(config.FEEDBACK_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feedback
                          (i1 TEXT, r1 TEXT, i2 TEXT, r2 TEXT,
                            vote TEXT, ip TEXT, started REAL, stopped REAL)""")
    return redirect(url_for('hello'))
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def ensure_pairs():
    """ Ensure pairs are defined. """
    if not 'pairs' in session or not session['pairs']:
        with dbopen(config.SIM_DB) as cursor:
            cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT i1, i2, count(*)
                              FROM similarity group by i1, i2""")
            results = cursor.fetchall()
            session['pairs'] = [tuple(result[:2]) for result in results]
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def settings():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        pairs = [tuple(k.split('-')) for k, v in request.form.iteritems() if v == 'on']
        session['pairs'] = pairs
        return redirect(url_for('begin'))

    with dbopen(config.SIM_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT i1, i2, count(*) from similarity group by i1, i2")
        results = cursor.fetchall()
    return render_template('settings.html', results=results)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def summary():
    # votes collected
    with dbopen(config.FEEDBACK_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("""SELECT vote, COUNT(*) FROM feedback group by vote""")
        result = cursor.fetchall()
        groups = {vote: count for vote, count in result}

        cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feedback""")
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        votes = {'total': result[0], 'groups': groups}

    # current source in SIM_DB
    with dbopen(config.SIM_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT i1, i2, count(*) as c from similarity group by i1, i2")
        results = cursor.fetchall()
        sources = [(i1.upper(), i2.upper(), count, (i1, i2) in session['pairs'])
                   for i1, i2, count in results]

    return render_template('summary.html', name='summary', votes=votes, sources=sources)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def begin():
    """ Pick an item from the database and redirect to the comparison screen """
    filters = ["""(i1 = '{0}' AND i2 = '{1}')""".format(i1, i2)
               for i1, i2 in session.get('pairs', [])]
    disjunction = " OR ".join(filters)
    where_clause = "WHERE {}".format(disjunction) if disjunction else ""

    with dbopen(config.SIM_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM similarity
                          %s ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1""" % where_clause)
        result = cursor.fetchone()
    left = "%s:%s" % (result[1], result[2])
    right = "%s:%s" % (result[3], result[4])
    return redirect(url_for('compare', left=left, right=right))
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def search():

    query = request.args.get('q')
    hits = []
    if query:
        with dbopen(config.SIM_DB) as cursor:
            cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT r1 from similarity UNION
                              SELECT DISTINCT r2 from similarity""")
            results = cursor.fetchall()
            joined = [item for sublist in results for item in sublist]

        es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()

        result = es.search(index=['bsz', 'nep', 'ebl'], body={'query': {
            'constant_score': {'filter': {'and':
                [{'ids': {'values': joined}},
                 {'query': {'query_string': {'query': 'elevation'}}}]}}}},
        hits = result['hits']['hits']
    return render_template('search.html', name='search', hits=hits)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def compare():
    # see if we got feedback
    feedback_arg = request.args.get('feedback')
    if feedback_arg:
            stopped = time.time()
            feedback = parse_feedback_string(feedback_arg)
            with dbopen(config.FEEDBACK_DB) as cursor:
                cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO feedback
                    (i1, r1, i2, r2, vote, ip, started, stopped)
                    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """,
                    (feedback.leftIndex, feedback.leftId,
                     feedback.rightIndex, feedback.rightId,
                     feedback.vote, request.remote_addr,
                     feedback.started, stopped))
        except Exception as err:
            app.logger.debug("Wrote feedback for: %s" % request.args)
            flash(u'Vielen Dank für Ihr Votum.')
            # show the next comparison ...
            return redirect(url_for('compare', left=request.args.get('left'),

    # count the feedback data points
    with dbopen(config.FEEDBACK_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feedback""")
        result = cursor.fetchone()
    compared = result[0]

    # request argument spelunking
        left, right = itemgetter('left', 'right')(request.args)
        leftIndex, leftId = left.split(":", 1)
        rightIndex, rightId = right.split(":", 1)
    except KeyError as error:

    # the payload for the current comparison
    payload = {"left": {"index": leftIndex, "id": leftId,
                        "source_id": NAME_SOURCE_ID_MAP.get(leftIndex)},
               "right": {"index": rightIndex, "id": rightId,
                         "source_id": NAME_SOURCE_ID_MAP.get(rightIndex)},
               "base": config.BASE}

    # prefetch next comparison pair
    filters = ["""(i1 = '{0}' AND i2 = '{1}')""".format(i1, i2)
               for i1, i2 in session.get('pairs', [])]
    disjunction = " OR ".join(filters)
    where_clause = "WHERE {}".format(disjunction) if disjunction else ""

    with dbopen(config.SIM_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM similarity
                          %s ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1""" % where_clause)
        result = cursor.fetchone()
    left = "%s:%s" % (result[1], result[2])
    right = "%s:%s" % (result[3], result[4])
    next_pair = {'left': left, 'right': right}

    return render_template('compare.html', name='compare', payload=payload,
                           next_pair=next_pair, compared=compared)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def compared():
    with dbopen(config.FEEDBACK_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feedback""")
        result = cursor.fetchone()
    return jsonify(compared=result[0])
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: miku/tableau
def pairs():
    with dbopen(SIM_DB) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("""SELECT distinct i1, i2, count(*)
                          FROM similarity GROUP BY i1, i2""")
        results = cursor.fetchall()
    return Response(json.dumps(results), mimetype="application/json")