Exemplo n.º 1
    def render(self, display):
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (239, 226, 235), poly_1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (206, 51, 65), poly_2)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (241, 65, 78), poly_3)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (206, 51, 65), poly_4)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (239, 226, 235), poly_5)

        # pygame.draw.polygon(display, (40, 35, 32), poly_6)
        # pygame.draw.polygon(display, (50, 50, 50), poly_7)
        # pygame.draw.polygon(display, (40, 35, 32), poly_8)

        utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.keys)

        # info = game.FONT_16.render("todo: information here and back to line", True, (255, 255, 255))
        # display.blit(info, (int(SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.25), int(SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.85)))

        for i in range(len(centre_circle)):
            c = centre_circle[i]
            if self.selected == i:
                pygame.draw.circle(display, (0, 0, 0), c, 40)
                display.blit(self.arrow, (c[0] - 51, c[1] - 13))
                pygame.draw.circle(display, (255, 255, 255), c, 40)
            display.blit(self.image[i], (c[0] - 32, c[1] - 32))
            t_i = game.FONT_16.render(self.text[i], True, (255, 255, 255))
            x_min = (len(self.text[i]) / 2) * game.FONT_SIZE_16[0]
            display.blit(t_i, (c[0] - x_min, c[1] + 45))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def render(self, display):
        display.fill((255, 255, 255))
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (241, 65, 78), TeamMenu.t_poly_1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (206, 51, 65), TeamMenu.t_poly_2)
        pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 0, 0), (0, 570, 1060, 30))
        display.blit(self.cat_image, (10, 10))
            game.get_game_instance().get_message("team").upper(), True, (0, 0, 0)), (74, 10))

        g_x = SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.1
        g_y = 70

        _time = utils.current_milli_time() - self.open_time
        part_time = _time % 2000
        poke_y = 0
        if part_time < 900:
            poke_y = 0
        elif part_time < 950 or 1950 <= part_time:
            poke_y = 1
        elif part_time < 1000 or 1900 <= part_time:
            poke_y = 3
        elif part_time < 1900:
            poke_y = 5

        for i in range(self.player.get_non_null_team_number()):

            if self.move != i:
                color = (0, 0, 0) if self.selected == i else (255, 255, 255)
                text_color = (0, 0, 0) if self.selected != i else (255, 255, 255)
                utils.draw_pokemon(display, self.player.team[i], (int(g_x), int(g_y)),
                                   poke_y, color=color, text_color=text_color)
            g_y += 80

        # draw move
        if self.move != -1:
            color = (0, 0, 0) if self.selected == self.move else (255, 255, 255)
            text_color = (0, 0, 0) if self.selected != self.move else (255, 255, 255)
            utils.draw_pokemon(display, self.player.team[self.move], (int(g_x + SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.04),
                                                                      int(self.selected * SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.15 +
                                                                          SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.05)), poke_y,
                               color=color, text_color=text_color)

        select = self.player.team[self.selected]
        if select:
            display.blit(select.get_front_image(4), (SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.5, SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.2))

        # action hud
        if self.action_selected != -1:
            _y = (-35 if self.selected == 5 else 40) + SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.15 * self.selected
            _x = SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.31
            if self.action_type == 0:
                utils.draw_select_box(display, _x, _y, self.text_2, self.action_selected, 100)
                utils.draw_select_box(display, _x, _y, self.box_object, self.action_selected, 100)

        utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.keys)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def render(self, display: pygame.Surface):
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#b4ea34", PCHud.POLY_1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#9bd600", PCHud.POLY_2)

        utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.keys)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def render(self, display: pygame.Surface):
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#e7a300", Bag.poly_1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#f2b71f", Bag.poly_2)

        display.blit(self.cat_image, (10, 10))
        display.blit(game.FONT_BOLD_58.render(game.get_game_instance().get_message("bag").upper(), True, (0, 0, 0)),
                     (74, 10))


        utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.keys)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def render(self, display: pygame.Surface):
     # background ==========
     pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#c42833",
                         ((424, 0), (530, 0), (212, 600), (106, 600)))
     pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#e3313f",
                         ((0, 0), (424, 0), (106, 600), (0, 600)))
     pygame.draw.polygon(display, (0, 0, 0),
                         ((585, 30), (1060, 30), (1060, 60), (570, 60)))
     # ====================
     utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.__keys)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def render(self, display):
        display.fill((255, 255, 255))
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (241, 65, 78), TeamMenu.t_poly_1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, (206, 51, 65), TeamMenu.t_poly_2)
        pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 0, 0), (0, 570, 1060, 30))
        g_x = SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.1
        g_y = SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.1

        _time = utils.current_milli_time() - self.open_time
        part_time = _time % 2000
        poke_y = 0
        if part_time < 900:
            poke_y = 0
        elif part_time < 950 or 1950 <= part_time:
            poke_y = 1
        elif part_time < 1000 or 1900 <= part_time:
            poke_y = 3
        elif part_time < 1900:
            poke_y = 5

        for i in range(len(self.progress)):

            if self.move != i:
                self.draw_pokemon(display, i, g_x, g_y, poke_y)
            g_y += SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.15

        # draw move
        if self.move != -1:
                display, self.move, g_x + SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.04,
                self.selected * SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.15 +
                SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.05, poke_y)

        # action hud
        if self.action_selected != -1:
            _y = SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.13 + SURFACE_SIZE[1] * 0.15 * self.selected
            _x = SURFACE_SIZE[0] * 0.31
            utils.draw_select_box(display, _x, _y, self.text_2,
                                  self.action_selected, 100)

        utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.keys)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def render(self, display: pygame.Surface) -> NoReturn:
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#f4523b", PokeDex.poly_1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#fa7248", PokeDex.poly_2)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#333333", PokeDex.poly_3)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#cedae0", PokeDex.poly_4)

        utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.keys)

        nb = game.FONT_24.render(game.get_game_instance().get_message("number"), True, (255, 255, 255))
        nb_s = nb.get_size()

        # 839 = (1060 - x(40)) // 2 + x(40)
        display.blit(nb, (839 - (nb_s[0] // 2), 40 - (nb_s[1] // 2)))
        nb = game.FONT_24.render(game.get_game_instance().get_message("pokedex"), True, (0, 0, 0))
        display.blit(nb, (10, 40 - (nb_s[1] // 2)))
        x_1 = 20 + nb.get_size()[0]

        pygame.draw.rect(display, "#595959", (x_1, 22, 100, 34), border_radius=10)
        display.blit(f := game.FONT_20.render(str(self.nb_caught), True, (255, 255, 255)),
                     (x_1 + 50, 40 - (f.get_size()[1] // 2)))
        display.blit(utils.RED_POKEBALL, (x_1 + 10, 23))
        pygame.draw.rect(display, "#595959", (x_1 + 110, 22, 100, 34), border_radius=10)
        display.blit(f := game.FONT_20.render(str(self.nb_saw), True, (255, 255, 255)),
                     (x_1 + 160, 40 - (f.get_size()[1] // 2)))
        display.blit(utils.POINT_POKEBALL, (x_1 + 120, 23))

        range_ = self.get_range()

        y = 90

        for id_ in range(*range_):
            self.draw_pokemon(display, id_, y)
            if self.selected == id_:
                display.blit(self.arrow, (625, y + 10))
            y += 50
Exemplo n.º 8
    def render(self, display: pygame.Surface):
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#f4523b", PokeDexInfo.poly_1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#fa7248", PokeDexInfo.poly_2)
        pygame.draw.polygon(display, "#f4523b", PokeDexInfo.poly_3)

        utils.draw_button_info(display, **self.keys)

        poke = pokemon.get_pokemon(self.selected + 1)

        # big
        big_im = displayer.get_poke(PokeDex.PATH(str(poke.id_)), 3)
        s_x, s_y = big_im.get_size()
        display.blit(big_im, (250 - s_x // 2, 300 - s_y // 2))

        utils.draw_split_rectangle(display, (477, 60, 530, 50), 0.4, 0.35, "#f0501e", "#000000")
        utils.draw_arrow(display, True, 742, 56, (255, 255, 255), size=2)
        utils.draw_arrow(display, False, 742, 114, (255, 255, 255), size=2)
        y = 62
        im = displayer.get_poke(PokeDex.PATH(str(poke.id_)), 0.7)
        delta_x, delta_y = utils.get_first_color(im)
        x = 480
        display.blit(im, (x, y + 30 - delta_y))
        status = game.get_game_instance().get_pokedex_status(self.selected + 1)
        display.blit(game.FONT_24.render(f"N° {pokemon.to_3_digit(self.selected + 1)}", True, (255, 255, 255)), (x + 50, y + 10))
        display.blit(game.FONT_24.render(poke.get_name(True) if poke.id_ != 0 else "???", True, (255, 255, 255)), (689, y + 10))
        if status != game.POKEDEX_NEVER_SEEN:
                self.white_pokeball if status == game.POKEDEX_CATCH else utils.POINT_POKEBALL,
                (950, y + 8)

        x, y = 530, 150
        l = 424
        h = 40
        s = 3
        pygame.draw.rect(display, "#dbdbd9", (x, y, l, h,))
        display.blit(tx := game.FONT_24.render(poke.get_japan_name(), True, (0, 0, 0)),
                     (x + (l - tx.get_size()[0]) // 2, y + (h - tx.get_size()[1]) // 2))
        y += h + s
        tx = ("type", "size", "weight", "view")
        tx2 = (None, f'{poke.size} m', f'{poke.weight} Kg', str(game.get_game_instance().get_nb_view(self.selected + 1)))
        for i in range(4):
            pygame.draw.rect(display, "#dbdbd9", (x, y, l // 2, h))
            pygame.draw.rect(display, "#ffffff", (x + l // 2, y, l // 2, h))
            display.blit(sur := game.FONT_24.render(game.get_game_instance().get_message(tx[i]), True, (0, 0, 0)),
                         utils.get_center(sur, (x, y, l // 2, h)))
            if i != 0:
                display.blit(sur := game.FONT_24.render(tx2[i], True, (0, 0, 0)),
                             utils.get_center(sur, (x + l // 2 + 5, y, l // 2, h), center_x=False))
                _x_ = x + l // 2 + 10
                for ii in range(len(poke.types)):
                    utils.draw_type(display, _x_, y + h // 2 - 8, poke.types[ii])
                    _x_ += 106
            y += h
            if i != 3:
                pygame.draw.rect(display, "#d2d2d2", (x, y, l // 2, s))
                pygame.draw.rect(display, "#f3f3f3", (x + l // 2, y, l // 2, h))
            y += s
        pygame.draw.rect(display, "#ffffff", (x, y, l, int(h * 4.5)))
        x += 5
        y += 10
        for p_l in hud.Dialog.split(poke.get_pokedex(), 40):
            display.blit(game.FONT_20.render(p_l, True, (0, 0, 0)), (x, y))
            y += game.FONT_SIZE_20[1] + 5