Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_group_option(options=None, groups=[]):
    "Given a list of Group objects, filter them according to options.group and options.exclude_group"
    def is_regex(expr=''):
        regex_common_operators = '.^$*+?'
        return any(o in expr for o in regex_common_operators)
    def is_list(expr=''):
        return ',' in expr
    if options.group:
        group_opt = options.group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            groups = utils.filterWithRegexp(groups, group_opt, lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name in group_list]
        else: # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name==group_opt]
    if options.exclude_group:
        group_opt = options.exclude_group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            print 'excludeWithRegexp ',group_opt
            groups = utils.excludeWithRegexp(groups, group_opt, lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name not in group_list]
        else: # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name!=group_opt]
    if options.verbose:
        print "parse_group_option: selected ",list(g.name for g in groups)
    return groups
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_group_option(options=None, groups=[]):
    "Given a list of Group objects, filter them according to options.group and options.exclude_group"

    def is_regex(expr=''):
        regex_common_operators = '.^$*+?'
        return any(o in expr for o in regex_common_operators)

    def is_list(expr=''):
        return ',' in expr

    if options.group:
        group_opt = options.group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            groups = utils.filterWithRegexp(groups, group_opt,
                                            lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name in group_list]
        else:  # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name == group_opt]
    if options.exclude_group:
        group_opt = options.exclude_group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            print 'excludeWithRegexp ', group_opt
            groups = utils.excludeWithRegexp(groups, group_opt,
                                             lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name not in group_list]
        else:  # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name != group_opt]
    if options.verbose:
        print "parse_group_option: selected ", list(g.name for g in groups)
    return groups
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    exe = options.executable
    inputdf = options.input
    include = options.include_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    submit = options.submit

    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp(
        datasets, include, lambda _: _.name) if include else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets

    for dset in datasets:
        if not get_filelist(dset.name):
            print "# skipping (missing filelist) {0}".format(dset.name)
        script = get_batch_script(dset, options)
        if not script:
            if verbose:
                print "skipping (do-not-overwrite) {0}".format(dset.name)
        cmd = "sbatch %s" % script
        if verbose: print cmd
        if submit:
            out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose: print out['stdout']
    if not submit:
        print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"
Exemplo n.º 4
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=None):
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        selected_regions = [r for r in selected_regions if r in regions.split(',')]
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    exe     = options.executable
    inputdf = options.input
    include = options.include_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag     = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    submit  = options.submit

    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp (datasets, include, lambda _: _.name) if include else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets

    for dset in datasets :
        if not get_filelist(dset.name):
            print "# skipping (missing filelist) {0}".format(dset.name)
        script = get_batch_script(dset, options)
        if not script:
            if verbose : print "skipping (do-not-overwrite) {0}".format(dset.name)
        cmd = "sbatch %s" % script
        if verbose : print cmd
        if submit :
            out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose : print out['stdout']
    if not submit : print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    inputdf = options.input
    outdir = options.output_dir
    regexp = options.sample_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    debug = options.debug

    if debug: dataset.Dataset.verbose_parsing = True
    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp(datasets, regexp,
                                      lambda _: _.name) if regexp else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets
    counter = {'fail': 0, 'pass': 0}
    for d in datasets:
        outcome = 'pass' if d.build_filelist(gpatlas_dir(d, tag), outdir,
                                             verbose) else 'fail'
        counter[outcome] += 1
    if verbose:
        print "created %d filelists (%d failures)" % (counter['pass'],
Exemplo n.º 7
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=None):
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        selected_regions = [
            r for r in selected_regions if r in regions.split(',')
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions
Exemplo n.º 8
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=''):
    "include and exclude are regexp; regions is a string with either one region or a comma-separated list of regions"
    # return ['vr_emu_mue_ss'] # test to debug fake
    # return ['vr_emu_ss_razor']
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if ('vr' in k and 'ss' in k)] # test to debug fake
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'vr' not in k] # tmp until I have vrs
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'sr' in k] # tmp dbg
    # used to be the default:
    # ['sr_emu_os', 'sr_mue_os', 'vr_emu_os', 'vr_mue_os',
    #  'sr_emu_ss', 'sr_mue_ss', 'vr_emu_ss', 'vr_mue_ss',
    #  'ext_mumu_ss', 'ext_emu_mue_ss', 'ext_emu_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mue_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mumu_pt0_40_ss',
    #  'sr_mue_os_low_pt1_15'
    #  ]
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        regions = regions if type(regions)==list else regions.split(',') if ',' in regions else [regions] # if it's a comma-sep string, convert it to list
        selected_regions = [r for r in selected_regions if r in regions]
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    inputdf = options.input
    outdir  = options.output_dir
    regexp  = options.sample_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag     = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    debug   = options.debug

    if debug : dataset.Dataset.verbose_parsing = True
    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp (datasets, regexp, lambda _: _.name) if regexp else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets
    counter = {'fail':0, 'pass':0}
    for d in datasets:
        outcome = 'pass' if  d.build_filelist(gpatlas_dir(d, tag), outdir, verbose) else 'fail'
        counter[outcome] += 1
    if verbose:
        print "created %d filelists (%d failures)" % (counter['pass'], counter['fail'])
Exemplo n.º 10
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=''):
    "include and exclude are regexp; regions is a string with either one region or a comma-separated list of regions"
    # return ['vr_emu_mue_ss'] # test to debug fake
    # return ['vr_emu_ss_razor']
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if ('vr' in k and 'ss' in k)] # test to debug fake
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'vr' not in k] # tmp until I have vrs
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'sr' in k] # tmp dbg
    # used to be the default:
    # ['sr_emu_os', 'sr_mue_os', 'vr_emu_os', 'vr_mue_os',
    #  'sr_emu_ss', 'sr_mue_ss', 'vr_emu_ss', 'vr_mue_ss',
    #  'ext_mumu_ss', 'ext_emu_mue_ss', 'ext_emu_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mue_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mumu_pt0_40_ss',
    #  'sr_mue_os_low_pt1_15'
    #  ]
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        regions = regions if type(
            regions) == list else regions.split(',') if ',' in regions else [
            ]  # if it's a comma-sep string, convert it to list
        selected_regions = [r for r in selected_regions if r in regions]
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions