def __init__(self): super(OptionsScreen, self).__init__() self.font = utils.getFont('VolterGoldfish', 44) self.infofont = utils.getFont('VolterGoldfish', 18) self.keyfont = utils.getFont('VolterGoldfish', 24) self.background = pygame.image.load("../img/backgrounds/options.png").convert() self.soundBar = pygame.image.load("../img/backgrounds/soundBar.png").convert_alpha() self.musicBar = pygame.image.load("../img/backgrounds/soundBar.png").convert_alpha() self.keyImg = pygame.image.load("../img/backgrounds/key.png").convert_alpha() self.volumeTest = pygame.mixer.Sound("../sounds/volumeTest.wav") self.menuEntries = ["Music","Sound","Controls","Back"] self.menuPositions = [(200,100),(200,200),(200,300),(200,500)] self.menuChoice = 0 self.activeColor = THECOLORS["black"] self.inactiveColor = THECOLORS["grey64"] self.soundLevel = 0 if exist('soundLevel'): self.soundLevel = load('soundLevel') self.musicLevel = 0 if exist('musicLevel'): self.musicLevel = load('musicLevel') self.actionKeys = ['slow time','shield','trap','left','jump','right'] self.keys = ['w','x','c','<','^','>'] self.actionKeysPos = [(200,450),(330,450),(430,450),(530,450),(630,450),(730,450)]
def imwrite(path, data, data_format="byxc"): if not exist(parent(path)): mkdir(parent(path)) if data.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("iomanager.imwrite: image's dimension is not 4d") if data_format.lower() == "byxc": pass elif data_format.lower() == "bcyx": data = np.transpose(data, (0, 3, 1, 2)) else: raise ValueError( 'iomanager.imwrite: this data format is not supported. format:({})' .format(data_format)) b, y, x, c = data.shape if b != 1 or (c != 1 and c != 3 and c != 4): raise ValueError( "iomanager.imwrite: not appropriate b,y,x,c ({},{},{},{})".format( b, y, x, c)) if c == 3 or c == 4: img = np.clip((data[0] * 255), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) elif c == 1: img = np.clip((data[0, :, :, 0] * 255), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) imageio.imsave(path, img)
def __init__(self, levelInd): super(GameScreen, self).__init__() self.fadeScreen = pygame.image.load("../img/backgrounds/blackscreen.png").convert() self.font = getFont("VolterGoldfish", 20) self.nextColorIcon = pygame.image.load("../img/hud/nextColor23.png").convert_alpha() self.progressIcon = pygame.image.load("../img/hud/progress.png").convert_alpha() self.timebar = pygame.image.load("../img/hud/timebar.png").convert_alpha() self.shieldbar = pygame.image.load("../img/hud/shieldbar.png").convert_alpha() self.lifebar_ = pygame.image.load("../img/hud/lifebar_.png").convert() self.level = Level(levelInd) = Camera(640, 800, 3200) # running = True self.retry = False self.frame_number = 0 self.anims = [] self.stopDelay = 0 self.stopped = False self.killFragments = [] self.dust = [] self.starting = True self.ending = False self.alpha = 255 # Music load #"../sounds/piano.wav") # # Player self.player = Player() = Rect((0,3200),(800,5)) self.playerDown = False self.answerPos = [(100,300),(100,400),(100,500)] self.answerChoice = 0 self.activecolor = THECOLORS['white'] self.inactivecolor = THECOLORS['grey21'] if exist('powers'): self.player.timePower, self.player.mines, self.player.shields = load('powers')
def get_dtd(file): if file in files: # static files f = files[file] else: # dynamic generate files f = {'lang': {'java': False, 'php': False}} url = '' # protocol if exist(request.args.get('f')): url += 'file' elif exist(request.args.get('j')): url += 'jar' f['lang']['java'] = True elif exist(request.args.get('p')): url += 'php' f['lang']['php'] = True elif exist(request.args.get('ft')): url += 'ftp' else: return "No url scheme specified." url += '://' if valid(request.args.get('fu')): url += request.args.get('fu') else: return "No url content specified." f['url'] = url # language if not f['lang']['java'] and not f['lang']['php']: if exist(request.args.get('lj')): f['lang']['java'] = True elif exist(request.args.get('lp')): f['lang']['php'] = True elif exist(request.args.get('lpb')): f['lang']['php'] = True f['base64'] = True else: return "No language specified." f['domain'] = host f['port'] = port return render_template('dtd.html', file=f)
def latest_idx(fdir, fname, fext="pth", pattern=None): """ :param fdir: 모델이 저장된 폴더 :param fname: iteration 번호를 제외한 model 이름 :param fext: 확장자 :param pattern: model 이름 패턴. 기본적으로는 ".*{}-(\d+).{}$".format(join(fdir, fname, fext)) 형태 :return: 해당 파일이 있으면 iteration 인덱스를 줌, 없으면 None """ # 경로 없으면 None if not exist(fdir): return None # 폴더인지 여부 if not is_dir(fdir): raise ValueError("pc6.util_pt.saver.latest_idx: path ({}) not dir".format(fdir)) # 인덱스 찾아서 리턴 files, idxs = ls_model(fdir, fname, fext, pattern=pattern) if len(idxs) == 0: return None else: return idxs[-1]
def gaVRPTW(instName, unitCost, initCost, waitCost, delayCost, indSize, popSize, cxPb, mutPb, NGen, exportCSV=False, customizeData=False): if customizeData: jsonDataDir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data', 'json_customize') else: jsonDataDir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data', 'json') jsonFile = os.path.join(jsonDataDir, '%s.json' % instName) with open(jsonFile) as f: instance = load(f) creator.create('FitnessMax', base.Fitness, weights=(1.0, )) creator.create('Individual', list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax) toolbox = base.Toolbox() # Attribute generator toolbox.register('indexes', random.sample, range(1, indSize + 1), indSize) # Structure initializers toolbox.register('individual', tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.indexes) toolbox.register('population', tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual) # Operator registering toolbox.register('evaluate', evalVRPTW, instance=instance, unitCost=unitCost, initCost=initCost, waitCost=waitCost, delayCost=delayCost) toolbox.register('select', tools.selRoulette) toolbox.register('mate', cxPartialyMatched) toolbox.register('mutate', mutInverseIndexes) pop = toolbox.population(n=popSize) # Results holders for exporting results to CSV file csvData = [] print 'Start of evolution' # Evaluate the entire population fitnesses = list(map(toolbox.evaluate, pop)) for ind, fit in zip(pop, fitnesses): = fit print ' Evaluated %d individuals' % len(pop) # Begin the evolution for g in range(NGen): print '-- Generation %d --' % g # Select the next generation individuals offspring =, len(pop)) # Clone the selected individuals offspring = list(map(toolbox.clone, offspring)) # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]): if random.random() < cxPb: toolbox.mate(child1, child2) del del for mutant in offspring: if random.random() < mutPb: toolbox.mutate(mutant) del # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness invalidInd = [ind for ind in offspring if not] fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, invalidInd) for ind, fit in zip(invalidInd, fitnesses): = fit print ' Evaluated %d individuals' % len(invalidInd) # The population is entirely replaced by the offspring pop[:] = offspring # Gather all the fitnesses in one list and print the stats fits = [[0] for ind in pop] length = len(pop) mean = sum(fits) / length sum2 = sum(x * x for x in fits) std = abs(sum2 / length - mean**2)**0.5 print ' Min %s' % min(fits) print ' Max %s' % max(fits) print ' Avg %s' % mean print ' Std %s' % std # Write data to holders for exporting results to CSV file if exportCSV: csvRow = { 'generation': g, 'evaluated_individuals': len(invalidInd), 'min_fitness': min(fits), 'max_fitness': max(fits), 'avg_fitness': mean, 'std_fitness': std, } csvData.append(csvRow) print '-- End of (successful) evolution --' bestInd = tools.selBest(pop, 1)[0] #print 'Best individual: %s' % bestInd #print 'Fitness: %s' %[0] #printRoute(ind2route(bestInd, instance)) #print 'Total cost: %s' % (1 /[0]) # We need returning json, not print on console and/or writing csv return_json = {} our_order = bestInd[:] return_json['order'] = order_map(our_order) return_json['route'] = route_map(ind2route(bestInd, instance)) return_json['Fitness'] =[0] return_json['cost'] = 1 /[0] return return_json if exportCSV: csvFilename = '%s_uC%s_iC%s_wC%s_dC%s_iS%s_pS%s_cP%s_mP%s_nG%s.csv' % ( instName, unitCost, initCost, waitCost, delayCost, indSize, popSize, cxPb, mutPb, NGen) csvPathname = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'results', csvFilename) print 'Write to file: %s' % csvPathname makeDirsForFile(pathname=csvPathname) if not exist(pathname=csvPathname, overwrite=True): with open(csvPathname, 'w') as f: fieldnames = [ 'generation', 'evaluated_individuals', 'min_fitness', 'max_fitness', 'avg_fitness', 'std_fitness' ] writer = DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect='excel') writer.writeheader() for csvRow in csvData: writer.writerow(csvRow)