def main(name, num_epochs): train_stream = ServerDataStream(('features', 'labels'), produces_examples=False) valid_stream = ServerDataStream(('features', 'labels'), produces_examples=False, port=5558) X = tensor.ftensor4('images') y = tensor.imatrix('targets') prediction_train, prediction_test, params = get_model(X) loss = lasagne.objectives.binary_crossentropy(prediction_train, y) loss = loss.mean() prediction_01 =, numpy.float32(.5)) f2 = f2_score(prediction_01, y) f2_diff = f2_score(prediction_train, y) loss = -f2_diff updates = lasagne.updates.nesterov_momentum(loss, params, learning_rate=1e-3, momentum=0.9) train_fn = function([X, y], loss, updates=updates) valid_fn = function([X, y], f2) best_valid_score = 0 patience = 0 all_train_loss = [] iteration = 0 for epoch in range(num_epochs): f2_valid_loss = [] f2_train_loss = [] for imgs, targets in train_stream.get_epoch_iterator(): f2_train_loss.append(train_fn(imgs, targets)) iteration += 1 all_train_loss.append(f2_train_loss) train_score = -numpy.mean(numpy.asarray(f2_train_loss)) print('Iteration %d' % (iteration, )) print('train score : {0}'.format(train_score)) for imgs, targets in valid_stream.get_epoch_iterator(): f2_valid_loss.append(valid_fn(imgs, targets)) valid_score = numpy.mean(numpy.asarray(f2_valid_loss)) print('valid score : {0}'.format(valid_score)) if best_valid_score < valid_score: best_valid_score = valid_score patience = 0 param_values = [p.get_value() for p in params] numpy.savez_compressed('%s.npz' % (name, ), param_values) pickle.dump(all_train_loss, open('%s.pkl' % (name, ), 'wb')) else: patience += 1 if patience == 5: break print('patience : {0}'.format(patience)) print('\n')
def value(self, th=0.3, bestf2=False): labels, preds = np.array(self.labels), np.array(self.preds) if not bestf2: return utils.f2_score(labels, preds, np.zeros(self.num_classes) + th, num_classes=self.num_classes) else: th1 = utils.f2_opti_score(labels, preds, thresholds=np.arange(0, 1, 0.01), num_classes=self.num_classes) th2 = utils.f2_opti_score(labels, preds, thresholds=np.arange(1, 0, -0.01), num_classes=self.num_classes) self.best_th = (th1 + th2) / 2 return utils.f2_score(labels, preds, self.best_th, num_classes=self.num_classes)
def loop(model, criterion, optimizer, data, target, device, loss_log, acc_log, end, train=True): data, target =, output = model(data) loss = criterion(output, target) acc = f2_score(output, target) # record the loss and accuracy loss_log.update(loss.item(), data.size(0)) acc_log.update(acc, data.size(0)) if train: loss.backward() optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad()
produces_examples=False) valid_stream = ServerDataStream(('features', 'labels'), produces_examples=False, port=5558) X = tensor.ftensor4('images') y = tensor.imatrix('targets') prediction_train, prediction_test, params = get_model(X) loss = lasagne.objectives.binary_crossentropy(prediction_train, y) loss = loss.mean() prediction_01 =, numpy.float32(.5)) f2 = f2_score(prediction_01, y) f2_diff = f2_score(prediction_train, y) loss = -f2_diff updates = lasagne.updates.nesterov_momentum(loss, params, learning_rate=1e-4, momentum=0.9) train_fn = function([X, y], loss, updates=updates) valid_fn = function([X, y], f2) best_valid_score = 0 patience = 0 all_train_loss = [] for epoch in range(num_epochs):
k_now = 0 for i_tr, i_vl in skf.split(X_train, y_train[:, i_c]): print(i_c, k_now) lgb_train = lgb.Dataset(X_train[i_tr], y_train[i_tr, i_c], weight=w[i_tr], free_raw_data=False) lgb_eval = lgb.Dataset(X_train[i_vl], y_train[i_vl, i_c], reference=lgb_train, weight=w[i_vl], free_raw_data=False) bst = lgb.train(params, lgb_train, num_boost_round=2000, valid_sets=lgb_eval, early_stopping_rounds=30) p_tr[i_vl, i_c] = bst.predict(X_train[i_vl], num_iteration=bst.best_iteration) y_ts[:, i_c] = bst.predict( X_test, num_iteration=bst.best_iteration) / float(n_splits) k_now += 1 th1 = utils.f2_opti_score(y_train, p_tr, thresholds=np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)) th2 = utils.f2_opti_score(y_train, p_tr, thresholds=np.arange(1, 0, -0.01)) th = (th1 + th2) / 2.0 print(utils.f2_score(y_train, p_tr, th, num_classes=17)) # 保存'./pred/modelsiftgdbt_date719_pred_train.npy', p_tr)'./pred/modelsiftgdbt_date719_pred_test.npy', y_ts)
x_ts = np.c_[nnts[:, i_c], gbts[:, i_c], wnnts[:, i_c]] k_now = 0 for i_tr, i_vl in skf.split(x_tr, y_tr[:, i_c]): lr = LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced')[i_tr, :], y_tr[i_tr, i_c]) p_tr[i_vl, i_c] = lr.predict_proba(x_tr[i_vl, :])[:,1] lr = LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced'), y_tr[:, i_c]) y_ts[:, i_c] = lr.predict_proba(x_ts)[:, 1] # 求最佳阈值 th1 = utils.f2_opti_score(y_tr, p_tr, thresholds = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)) th2 = utils.f2_opti_score(y_tr, p_tr, thresholds = np.arange(1, 0, -0.01)) th = (th1 + th2) / 2.0 utils.f2_score(y_tr, p_tr, th, num_classes=17) # 输出结果 submit_df = utils.to_submit(y_ts, th, test_set, inv_label_map) submit_df.to_csv('./submit/3model_stacking_date711_no2.csv', index=False) submit_df1 = utils.to_submit_new(y_ts, th, test_set, inv_label_map) submit_df1.to_csv('./submit/3model_stacking_date711_no2.csv', index=False) # KNN stacking from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV # 搜索最佳k值 n_neighbors = [] for i_c in range(17):
if epoch > tolerance and best_model.nobetter > tolerance: print('Early Stop in Epoch: {}, Best Val-Loss: {:.6f}, Best F2: {:.6f}'.format( epoch+1, best_model.best_loss, best_model.best_f2.value(bestf2=True))) pred_tr[i_vl, :] = f2_vl.preds'./model{}-date{}-kf{}.pth'.format(model_name, date, k_now+1)) tst_loader = utils.test_loader(test_file_all, transform_vl, batch_size, pic_size) estimator.model.load_state_dict(best_model.best_model) pred_ts_temp = estimator.predict(tst_loader) pred_ts = pred_ts_temp / float(n_splits)'./model{}_date{}_pred_train_kf{}.npy'.format(model_name, date, k_now+1), pred_tr)'./model{}_date{}_pred_test_kf{}.npy'.format(model_name, date, k_now+1), pred_ts_temp) break # 打印每一次迭代的训练验证成绩 print('{} [{}/{}] {}s, Loss: {:.4f}, Val-Loss: {:.4f}, Best Val-Loss: {:.4f}, Val-F2: {:.2f}'.format( k_now+1, epoch+1, num_epoches, int(time() - time_st), loss_tr.avg, loss_vl.avg, best_model.best_loss, f2_vl.value(0.3))) gc.collect() k_now += 1 # 序列化验证和预测结果,用于stacking'./model{}_date{}_pred_train.npy'.format(model_name, date), pred_tr)'./model{}_date{}_pred_test.npy'.format(model_name, date), pred_ts) th1 = utils.f2_opti_score(y_all, pred_tr, thresholds = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01), num_classes=17) th2 = utils.f2_opti_score(y_all, pred_tr, thresholds = np.arange(1, 0, -0.01), num_classes=17) th = (th1 + th2) / 2.0 print(utils.f2_score(y_all, pred_tr, th)) submit_df = utils.to_submit(pred_ts, th, test_set, inv_label_map) submit_df.to_csv('./submit/model{}_date{}_no{}.csv'.format(model_name, date, 1), index=False)