def test_type2(shape=(16, 16, 16), M=4096, tol=1e-3): kxyz = utils.gen_nu_pts(M) fk = utils.gen_uniform_data(shape) kxyz_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(kxyz) fk_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(fk) c_gpu = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape=(M,), dtype=np.complex64) plan = cufinufft.plan(2, shape, -1, tol) cufinufft.set_nu_pts(plan, M, kxyz_gpu[0].gpudata, kxyz_gpu[1].gpudata, kxyz_gpu[2].gpudata) cufinufft.execute(plan, c_gpu.gpudata, fk_gpu.gpudata) cufinufft.destroy(plan) c = c_gpu.get() ind = M // 2 c_est = c[ind] c_target = utils.direct_type2(fk, kxyz[:, ind]) type2_rel_err = np.abs(c_target - c_est) / np.abs(c_target) print('Type 2 relative error:', type2_rel_err)
def test_opts(shape=(8, 8, 8), M=32, tol=1e-3): dtype = np.float32 complex_dtype = utils._complex_dtype(dtype) dim = len(shape) k = utils.gen_nu_pts(M, dim=dim).astype(dtype) c = utils.gen_nonuniform_data(M).astype(complex_dtype) k_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(k) c_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c) fk_gpu = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype=complex_dtype) plan = cufinufft(1, shape, eps=tol, dtype=dtype, gpu_sort=False, gpu_maxsubprobsize=10) plan.set_pts(k_gpu[0], k_gpu[1], k_gpu[2]) plan.execute(c_gpu, fk_gpu) fk = fk_gpu.get() ind = int(0.1789 * fk_est = fk.ravel()[ind] fk_target = utils.direct_type1(c, k, shape, ind) type1_rel_err = np.abs(fk_target - fk_est) / np.abs(fk_target) assert type1_rel_err < 0.01
def test_type1(shape=(16, 16, 16), M=4096, tol=1e-3): kxyz = utils.gen_nu_pts(M) c = utils.gen_nonuniform_data(M) kxyz_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(kxyz) c_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c) fk_gpu = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype=np.complex64) plan = cufinufft.plan(1, shape, 1, tol) cufinufft.set_nu_pts(plan, M, kxyz_gpu[0].gpudata, kxyz_gpu[1].gpudata, kxyz_gpu[2].gpudata) cufinufft.execute(plan, c_gpu.gpudata, fk_gpu.gpudata) fk = fk_gpu.get() ind = int(0.1789 * fk_est = fk.ravel()[ind] fk_target = utils.direct_type1(c, kxyz, shape, ind) type1_rel_err = np.abs(fk_target - fk_est) / np.abs(fk_target) print('Type 1 relative error:', type1_rel_err)
def _test_type2(dtype, shape=(16, 16, 16), M=4096, tol=1e-3): complex_dtype = utils._complex_dtype(dtype) k = utils.gen_nu_pts(M).astype(dtype) fk = utils.gen_uniform_data(shape).astype(complex_dtype) k_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(k) fk_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(fk) c_gpu = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape=(M, ), dtype=complex_dtype) plan = cufinufft(2, shape, eps=tol, dtype=dtype) plan.set_pts(k_gpu[0], k_gpu[1], k_gpu[2]) plan.execute(c_gpu, fk_gpu) c = c_gpu.get() ind = M // 2 c_est = c[ind] c_target = utils.direct_type2(fk, k[:, ind]) type2_rel_err = np.abs(c_target - c_est) / np.abs(c_target) print('Type 2 relative error:', type2_rel_err) assert type2_rel_err < 0.01
def _test_type1(dtype, shape=(16, 16, 16), M=4096, tol=1e-3): complex_dtype = utils._complex_dtype(dtype) dim = len(shape) k = utils.gen_nu_pts(M, dim=dim).astype(dtype) c = utils.gen_nonuniform_data(M).astype(complex_dtype) k_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(k) c_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c) fk_gpu = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype=complex_dtype) plan = cufinufft(1, shape, eps=tol, dtype=dtype) plan.set_pts(k_gpu[0], k_gpu[1], k_gpu[2]) plan.execute(c_gpu, fk_gpu) fk = fk_gpu.get() ind = int(0.1789 * fk_est = fk.ravel()[ind] fk_target = utils.direct_type1(c, k, shape, ind) type1_rel_err = np.abs(fk_target - fk_est) / np.abs(fk_target) print('Type 1 relative error:', type1_rel_err) assert type1_rel_err < 0.01
def test_exec_raises_on_dtype(): dtype = np.float32 complex_dtype = np.complex64 M = 4096 tol = 1e-3 shape = (16, 16, 16) dim = len(shape) kxyz = utils.gen_nu_pts(M, dim=dim).astype(dtype) c = utils.gen_nonuniform_data(M).astype(complex_dtype) c_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c) # Using c.real gives us wrong dtype here... c_gpu_wrong_dtype = gpuarray.to_gpu(c.real) kxyz_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(kxyz) fk_gpu = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype=complex_dtype) # Here we'll intentionally contruct an incorrect array dtype. fk_gpu_wrong_dtype = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype=np.complex128) plan = cufinufft(1, shape, eps=tol, dtype=dtype) plan.set_pts(kxyz_gpu[0], kxyz_gpu[1], kxyz_gpu[2]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plan.execute(c_gpu, fk_gpu_wrong_dtype) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plan.execute(c_gpu_wrong_dtype, fk_gpu)
def test_set_nu_raises_on_dtype(): dtype = np.float32 M = 4096 tol = 1e-3 shape = (16, 16, 16) dim = len(shape) kxyz = utils.gen_nu_pts(M, dim=dim).astype(dtype) kxyz_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(kxyz) # Here we'll intentionally contruct an incorrect array dtype. kxyz_gpu_wrong_type = gpuarray.to_gpu(kxyz.astype(np.float64)) plan = cufinufft(1, shape, eps=tol, dtype=dtype) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plan.set_pts(kxyz_gpu_wrong_type[0], kxyz_gpu[1], kxyz_gpu[2]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plan.set_pts(kxyz_gpu[0], kxyz_gpu_wrong_type[1], kxyz_gpu[2]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plan.set_pts(kxyz_gpu[0], kxyz_gpu[1], kxyz_gpu_wrong_type[2]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plan.set_pts(kxyz_gpu_wrong_type[0], kxyz_gpu_wrong_type[1], kxyz_gpu_wrong_type[2])
def test_multi_type1(dtype=np.float32, shape=(16, 16, 16), M=4096, tol=1e-3): complex_dtype = utils._complex_dtype(dtype) drv.init() dev_count = drv.Device.count() if dev_count == 1: pytest.skip() devs = [drv.Device(dev_id) for dev_id in range(dev_count)] dim = len(shape) errs = [] for dev_id, dev in enumerate(devs): ctx = dev.make_context() k = utils.gen_nu_pts(M, dim=dim).astype(dtype) c = utils.gen_nonuniform_data(M).astype(complex_dtype) k_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(k) c_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c) fk_gpu = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype=complex_dtype) plan = cufinufft(1, shape, eps=tol, dtype=dtype, gpu_device_id=dev_id) plan.set_pts(k_gpu[0], k_gpu[1], k_gpu[2]) plan.execute(c_gpu, fk_gpu) fk = fk_gpu.get() ind = int(0.1789 * fk_est = fk.ravel()[ind] fk_target = utils.direct_type1(c, k, shape, ind) type1_rel_err = np.abs(fk_target - fk_est) / np.abs(fk_target) print(f'Type 1 relative error (GPU {dev_id}):', type1_rel_err) ctx.pop() errs.append(type1_rel_err) assert all(err < 0.01 for err in errs)
def test_set_pts_raises_on_size(): dtype = np.float32 M = 8 tol = 1e-3 shape = (16, 16, 16) dim = len(shape) kxyz = utils.gen_nu_pts(M, dim=dim).astype(dtype) kxyz_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(kxyz) plan = cufinufft(1, shape, eps=tol, dtype=dtype) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err: plan.set_pts(kxyz_gpu[0], kxyz_gpu[1][:4]) assert 'kx and ky must be equal' in err.value.args[0] with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err: plan.set_pts(kxyz_gpu[0], kxyz_gpu[1], kxyz_gpu[2][:4]) assert 'kx and kz must be equal' in err.value.args[0]