Exemplo n.º 1
def go( boost_root ):
    OUTPUT = "src/third_party/boost"
    if os.path.exists( OUTPUT ):
        shutil.rmtree( OUTPUT )

    cmd = [ "bcp" , "--scan" , "--boost=%s" % boost_root ]
    src = utils.getAllSourceFiles()
    cmd += src
    cmd.append( OUTPUT )

    if not os.path.exists( OUTPUT ):
        os.makedirs( OUTPUT )

    res = utils.execsys( cmd )
    out = open( OUTPUT + "/bcp-out.txt" , 'w' )
    out.write( res[0] )
    out = open( OUTPUT + "/notes.txt" , 'w' )
    out.write( "command: " + " ".join( cmd ) )

    print( res[1] )
Exemplo n.º 2
def readErrorCodes( callback, replaceZero = False ):
    quick = [ "assert" , "Exception" , "verify" ]

    ps = [ re.compile( "(([umsgf]asser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+)" ) ,
           re.compile( "((User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exceptio(n))\(( *)(\d+)" ) ,
           re.compile( "(((verify))) *\(( *)(\d+)" )
    for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
        needReplace = [False]
        lines = []
        lastCodes = [0]
        lineNum = 1
        for line in open( x ):

            found = False
            for zz in quick:
                if line.find( zz ) >= 0:
                    found = True

            if found:
                for p in ps:               

                    def repl( m ):
                        m = m.groups()

                        start = m[0]
                        spaces = m[3]
                        code = m[4]
                        if code == '0' and replaceZero :
                            code = getNextCode( lastCodes )
                            lastCodes.append( code )
                            code = str( code )
                            needReplace[0] = True

                            print( "Adding code " + code + " to line " + x + ":" + str( lineNum ) )

                        else :
                            codes.append( ( x , lineNum , line , code ) )
                            callback( x , lineNum , line , code )

                        return start + "(" + spaces + code

                    line = re.sub( p, repl, line )
                    # end if ps loop
            if replaceZero : lines.append( line )
            lineNum = lineNum + 1
        if replaceZero and needReplace[0] :
            print( "Replacing file " + x )
            of = open( x + ".tmp", 'w' )
            of.write( "".join( lines ) )
            os.rename( x + ".tmp", x )
Exemplo n.º 3
def go(boost_root):

    OUTPUT = "src/third_party/boost"
    if os.path.exists(OUTPUT):

    cmd = ["bcp", "--scan", "--boost=%s" % boost_root]

    src = utils.getAllSourceFiles()

    cmd += src

    if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT):

    res = utils.execsys(cmd)

    out = open(OUTPUT + "/bcp-out.txt", 'w')

    out = open(OUTPUT + "/notes.txt", 'w')
    out.write("command: " + " ".join(cmd))

Exemplo n.º 4
def parseSourceFiles(callback):
    """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found."""

    quick = ["assert", "Exception"]

    patterns = [
        re.compile(r"[umsg]asser(?:t|ted)(?:NoTrace)? *\( *(\d+)"),
        re.compile(r"(?:User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exception *\( *(\d+)"),
            r"fassert(?:Failed)?(?:WithStatus)?(?:NoTrace)?(?:StatusOK)? *\( *(\d+)"

    bad = [re.compile(r"^\s*assert *\(")]

    for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
        if not sourceFile.find("src/mongo/") >= 0:
            # Skip generated sources

        with open(sourceFile) as f:
            line_iterator = enumerate(f, 1)
            for (lineNum, line) in line_iterator:

                # See if we can skip regexes
                if not any([zz in line for zz in quick]):

                for b in bad:
                    if b.search(line):
                        msg = "Bare assert prohibited. Replace with [umwdf]assert"
                        print("%s:%s: %s\n%s" %
                              (sourceFile, lineNum, msg, line))
                        raise Exception(msg)

                # no more than one pattern should ever match
                matches = [x for x in [p.search(line) for p in patterns] if x]
                assert len(matches) <= 1, matches
                if matches:
                    match = matches[0]
                    code = match.group(1)
                    span = match.span()

                    # Advance to statement terminator iff not on this line
                    lines = [line.strip()]

                    if not isTerminated(lines):
                        for (_lineNum, line) in line_iterator:
                            if isTerminated(lines):

                    thisLoc = AssertLocation(sourceFile, lineNum, lines, code)
Exemplo n.º 5
def readErrorCodes( callback ):
    ps = [ re.compile( "([umsg]asser(t|ted)) *\( *(\d+)" ) ,
           re.compile( "(User|Msg)Exceptio(n)\( *(\d+)" )
    for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
        lineNum = 1
        for line in open( x ):
            for p in ps:               
                for m in p.findall( line ):
                    codes.append( ( x , lineNum , line , m[2] ) )
                    callback( x , lineNum , line , m[2] )
            lineNum = lineNum + 1
Exemplo n.º 6
def parseSourceFiles(callback):
    """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found."""

    quick = ["assert", "Exception"]

    patterns = [

    bad = [re.compile(r"^\s*assert *\(")]

    for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
        if not sourceFile.find("src/mongo/") >= 0:
            # Skip generated sources

        with open(sourceFile) as f:
            text = f.read()

            if not any([zz in text for zz in quick]):

            # TODO: move check for bad assert type to the linter.
            for b in bad:
                if b.search(text):
                    msg = "Bare assert prohibited. Replace with [umwdf]assert"
                    print("%s: %s" % (sourceFile, msg))
                    raise Exception(msg)

            splitlines = text.splitlines(True)

            line_offsets = [0]
            for line in splitlines:
                line_offsets.append(line_offsets[-1] + len(line))

            matchiters = [p.finditer(text) for p in patterns]
            for matchiter in matchiters:
                for match in matchiter:
                    code = match.group(1)
                    span = match.span()

                    thisLoc = AssertLocation(
                        sourceFile, getLineForPosition(line_offsets, span[1]),
                        text[span[0]:span[1]], code)

Exemplo n.º 7
def parseSourceFiles( callback ):
    """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found."""

    quick = [ "assert" , "Exception"]

    patterns = [
        re.compile( r"[umsgf]asser(?:t|ted) *\( *(\d+)" ) ,
        re.compile( r"(?:User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exception *\( *(\d+)" ),
        re.compile( r"fassertFailed(?:NoTrace|WithStatus)? *\( *(\d+)" )

    bad = [ re.compile( r"^\s*assert *\(" ) ]

    for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
        if not sourceFile.find( "src/mongo/" ) >= 0:
            # Skip generated sources

        with open(sourceFile) as f:
            line_iterator = enumerate(f, 1)
            for (lineNum, line) in line_iterator:

                # See if we can skip regexes
                if not any([zz in line for zz in quick]):

                for b in bad:
                    if b.search(line):
                        print( "%s\n%d" % (sourceFile, line) )
                        msg = "Bare assert prohibited. Replace with [umwdf]assert"
                        raise Exception(msg)

                # no more than one pattern should ever match
                matches = [x for x in [p.search(line) for p in patterns]
                           if x]
                assert len(matches) <= 1, matches
                if matches:
                    match = matches[0]
                    code = match.group(1)
                    span = match.span()

                    # Advance to statement terminator iff not on this line
                    lines = [line.strip()]

                    if not isTerminated(lines):
                        for (_lineNum, line) in line_iterator:
                            if isTerminated(lines):

                    thisLoc = AssertLocation(sourceFile, lineNum, lines, code)
                    callback( thisLoc )
Exemplo n.º 8
def readErrorCodes(callback):
    ps = [
        re.compile("([umsg]asser(t|ted)) *\( *(\d+)"),
        re.compile("(User|Msg)Exceptio(n)\( *(\d+)")
    for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
        lineNum = 1
        for line in open(x):
            for p in ps:
                for m in p.findall(line):
                    codes.append((x, lineNum, line, m[2]))
                    callback(x, lineNum, line, m[2])
            lineNum = lineNum + 1
Exemplo n.º 9
def readErrorCodes(callback, replaceZero=False):
    ps = [
        re.compile("(([umsg]asser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+)"),
        re.compile("((User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exceptio(n))\(( *)(\d+)"),
        re.compile("(((verify))) *\(( *)(\d+)")

    for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles():

        needReplace = [False]
        lines = []
        lastCodes = [0]
        lineNum = 1

        for line in open(x):

            for p in ps:

                def repl(m):
                    m = m.groups()

                    start = m[0]
                    spaces = m[3]
                    code = m[4]
                    if code == '0' and replaceZero:
                        code = getNextCode(lastCodes)
                        code = str(code)
                        needReplace[0] = True

                        print("Adding code " + code + " to line " + x + ":" +

                        codes.append((x, lineNum, line, code))
                        callback(x, lineNum, line, code)

                    return start + "(" + spaces + code

                line = re.sub(p, repl, line)

            if replaceZero: lines.append(line)
            lineNum = lineNum + 1

        if replaceZero and needReplace[0]:
            print("Replacing file " + x)
            of = open(x + ".tmp", 'w')
            os.rename(x + ".tmp", x)
Exemplo n.º 10
def parseSourceFiles( callback ):
    """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found."""

    quick = [ "assert" , "Exception"]

    patterns = [
        re.compile( r"(?:u|m(?:sg)?)asser(?:t|ted)(?:NoTrace)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ) ,
        re.compile( r"(?:User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exception\s*\(\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ),
        re.compile( r"fassert(?:Failed)?(?:WithStatus)?(?:NoTrace)?(?:StatusOK)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)",
                    re.MULTILINE ),

    bad = [ re.compile( r"^\s*assert *\(" ) ]

    for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
        if not sourceFile.find( "src/mongo/" ) >= 0:
            # Skip generated sources

        with open(sourceFile) as f:
            text = f.read()

            if not any([zz in text for zz in quick]):

            # TODO: move check for bad assert type to the linter.
            for b in bad:
                if b.search(text):
                    msg = "Bare assert prohibited. Replace with [umwdf]assert"
                    print( "%s: %s" % (sourceFile, msg) )
                    raise Exception(msg)

            splitlines = text.splitlines(True)

            line_offsets = [0]
            for line in splitlines:
                line_offsets.append(line_offsets[-1] + len(line))

            matchiters = [p.finditer(text) for p in patterns]
            for matchiter in matchiters:
                for match in matchiter:
                    code = match.group(1)
                    span = match.span()

                    thisLoc = AssertLocation(sourceFile,
                                             getLineForPosition(line_offsets, span[1]),

                    callback( thisLoc )
Exemplo n.º 11
def assignErrorCodes():
    cur = 10000
    for root in assertNames:
        for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
            print( x )
            didAnything = False
            fixed = ""
            for line in open( x ):
                s = line.partition( root + "(" )
                if s[1] == "" or line.startswith( "#define " + root):
                    fixed += line
                fixed += s[0] + root + "( " + str( cur ) + " , " + s[2]
                cur = cur + 1
                didAnything = True
            if didAnything:
                out = open( x , 'w' )
                out.write( fixed )
Exemplo n.º 12
def parseSourceFiles( callback ):
    """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found."""

    quick = [ "assert" , "Exception"]

    patterns = [
        re.compile( r"(?:u|m(?:sg)?)asser(?:t|ted)(?:NoTrace)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ) ,
        re.compile( r"(?:DB|Assertion)Exception\s*\(\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ),
        re.compile( r"fassert(?:Failed)?(?:WithStatus)?(?:NoTrace)?(?:StatusOK)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)",
                    re.MULTILINE ),

    bad = [ re.compile( r"^\s*assert *\(" ) ]

    for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles(prefix='src/mongo/'):
        if list_files:
            print 'scanning file: ' + sourceFile

        with open(sourceFile) as f:
            text = f.read()

            if not any([zz in text for zz in quick]):

            # TODO: move check for bad assert type to the linter.
            for b in bad:
                if b.search(text):
                    msg = "Bare assert prohibited. Replace with [umwdf]assert"
                    print( "%s: %s" % (sourceFile, msg) )
                    raise Exception(msg)

            matchiters = [p.finditer(text) for p in patterns]
            for matchiter in matchiters:
                for match in matchiter:
                    code = match.group(1)
                    span = match.span()

                    thisLoc = AssertLocation(sourceFile,

                    callback( thisLoc )
Exemplo n.º 13
def assignErrorCodes():
    cur = 10000
    for root in assertNames:
        for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles():
            print( x )
            didAnything = False
            fixed = ""
            for line in open( x ):
                s = line.partition( root + "(" )
                if s[1] == "" or line.startswith( "#define " + root):
                    fixed += line
                fixed += s[0] + root + "( " + str( cur ) + " , " + s[2]
                cur = cur + 1
                didAnything = True
            if didAnything:
                out = open( x , 'w' )
                out.write( fixed )
Exemplo n.º 14
def parseSourceFiles(callback):
    """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found."""

    quick = ["assert", "Exception", "ErrorCodes::Error"]

    patterns = [
        re.compile(r"(?:DB|Assertion)Exception\s*[({]\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE),
        re.compile(r"ErrorCodes::Error\s*[({]\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE)

    for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles(prefix='src/mongo/'):
        if list_files:
            print 'scanning file: ' + sourceFile

        with open(sourceFile) as f:
            text = f.read()

            if not any([zz in text for zz in quick]):

            matchiters = [p.finditer(text) for p in patterns]
            for matchiter in matchiters:
                for match in matchiter:
                    code = match.group(1)
                    codeOffset = match.start(1)

                    # Note that this will include the text of the full match but will report the
                    # position of the beginning of the code portion rather than the beginning of the
                    # match. This is to position editors on the spot that needs to change.
                    thisLoc = AssertLocation(sourceFile, codeOffset,

Exemplo n.º 15
def parseSourceFiles( callback ):
    """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found."""

    quick = ["assert", "Exception", "ErrorCodes::Error"]

    patterns = [
        re.compile( r"(?:u|m(?:sg)?)asser(?:t|ted)(?:NoTrace)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ) ,
        re.compile( r"(?:DB|Assertion)Exception\s*[({]\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ),
        re.compile( r"fassert(?:Failed)?(?:WithStatus)?(?:NoTrace)?(?:StatusOK)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)",
                    re.MULTILINE ),
        re.compile( r"ErrorCodes::Error\s*[({]\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE )

    for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles(prefix='src/mongo/'):
        if list_files:
            print 'scanning file: ' + sourceFile

        with open(sourceFile) as f:
            text = f.read()

            if not any([zz in text for zz in quick]):

            matchiters = [p.finditer(text) for p in patterns]
            for matchiter in matchiters:
                for match in matchiter:
                    code = match.group(1)
                    codeOffset = match.start(1)

                    # Note that this will include the text of the full match but will report the
                    # position of the beginning of the code portion rather than the beginning of the
                    # match. This is to position editors on the spot that needs to change.
                    thisLoc = AssertLocation(sourceFile,

                    callback( thisLoc )
Exemplo n.º 16
def readErrorCodes():   
    """Open each source file in sourceroot and scan for potential error messages."""
    sys.stderr.write("Analyzing source tree: {}\n".format(sourceroot))
    quick = [ "assert" , "Exception"]

    ps = [ re.compile( "(([wum]asser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+) *,\s*(\"\S[^\"]+\S\")\s*,?.*" ) ,
           re.compile( "(([wum]asser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+) *,\s*([\S\s+<\(\)\"]+) *,?.*" ) ,
           re.compile( '((msgasser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+) *, *(\"\S[^,^\"]+\S\") *,?' ) ,
           re.compile( '((msgasser(t|ted)NoTrace)) *\(( *)(\d+) *, *(\"\S[^,^\"]+\S\") *,?' ) ,
           re.compile( "((fasser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+)()" ) ,  
           re.compile( "((DB|User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exceptio(n))\(( *)(\d+) *,? *(\S+.+\S) *,?" ),
           re.compile( "((fassertFailed)()) *\(( *)(\d+)()" ),
           re.compile( "(([wum]asser(t|ted)))\s*\(([^\d]*)(\d+)\s*,?()"),
           re.compile( "((msgasser(t|ted)))\s*\(([^\d]*)(\d+)\s*,?()"),
           re.compile( "((msgasser(t|ted)NoTrace))\s*\(([^\d]*)(\d+)\s*,?()"),

    bad = [ re.compile( "\sassert *\(" ) ]
    for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles(arr,product_source):
    	if (debug == True):
			sys.stderr.write("Analyzing: {}\n".format(x))
        needReplace = [False]
        lines = []
        lastCodes = [0]
        lineNum = 1
        stripChars = " " + "\n"
        sourcerootOffset = len(sourceroot)

        for line in open( x ):

            found = False
            for zz in quick:
                if line.find( zz ) >= 0:
                    found = True

            if found:
                for p in ps:               

                    def repl( m ):
                        m = m.groups()
                        severity = m[0]
                        start = m[0]
                        spaces = m[3]
                        code = m[4]
                        message = m[5]
                        codes.append( ( x , lineNum , line , code, message, severity ) )
                        if x.startswith(sourceroot):
							fn = x[sourcerootOffset+1:].rpartition("/2")[2]

                        msgDICT = {
							'id': code, 
							'severity': returnSeverityText(severity),
							'src': line.strip(stripChars),
							'altered': 0
                        messages[int(code)] = msgDICT

                        return start + "(" + spaces + code

                    line = re.sub( p, repl, line )
            lineNum = lineNum + 1
Exemplo n.º 17
def run_lint(paths, nudgeOn=False):
    # errors are as of 10/14
    # idea is not to let it any new type of error
    # as we knock one out, we should remove line
    # note: not all of these are things we want, so please check first

    nudge = []  # things we'd like to turn on sson, so don't make worse
    later = []  # things that are unlikely anytime soon, so meh
    never = []  # things we totally disagree with

    nudge.append("-build/c++11")  # errors found: 6
    never.append("-build/header_guard")  # errors found: 345
    nudge.append("-build/include")  # errors found: 924
    nudge.append("-build/include_order")  # errors found: 511
    nudge.append("-build/include_what_you_use")  # errors found: 986
    nudge.append("-build/namespaces")  # errors found: 131
    never.append("-readability/braces")  # errors found: 880
    later.append("-readability/casting")  # errors found: 748
    nudge.append("-readability/check")  # errors found: 7
    nudge.append("-readability/function")  # errors found: 49
    nudge.append("-readability/inheritance")  # errors found: 7
    later.append("-readability/namespace")  # errors found: 876
    later.append("-readability/streams")  # errors found: 72
    later.append("-readability/todo")  # errors found: 309
    nudge.append("-runtime/arrays")  # errors found: 5
    later.append("-runtime/explicit")  # errors found: 322
    never.append("-runtime/indentation_namespace")  # errors found: 4601
    later.append("-runtime/int")  # errors found: 1420
    later.append("-runtime/printf")  # errors found: 29
    nudge.append("-runtime/references")  # errors found: 1338
    nudge.append("-runtime/string")  # errors found: 6
    nudge.append("-runtime/threadsafe_fn")  # errors found: 46
    never.append("-whitespace/blank_line")  # errors found: 2080
    never.append("-whitespace/braces")  # errors found: 962
    later.append("-whitespace/comma")  # errors found: 621
    later.append("-whitespace/comments")  # errors found: 2189
    nudge.append("-whitespace/empty_loop_body")  # errors found: 19
    later.append("-whitespace/end_of_line")  # errors found: 4340
    later.append("-whitespace/line_length")  # errors found: 14500
    never.append("-whitespace/indent")  # errors found: 4108
    later.append("-whitespace/newline")  # errors found: 1520
    nudge.append("-whitespace/operators")  # errors found: 2297
    never.append("-whitespace/parens")  # errors found: 49058
    nudge.append("-whitespace/semicolon")  # errors found: 121
    nudge.append("-whitespace/tab")  # errors found: 233

    filters = later + never
    if not nudgeOn:
        filters = filters + nudge

    sourceFiles = []
    for x in paths:
        utils.getAllSourceFiles(sourceFiles, x)

    args = ["--linelength=100", "--filter=" + ",".join(filters), "--counting=detailed"] + sourceFiles
    filenames = cpplint.ParseArguments(args)

    def _ourIsTestFilename(fn):
        if fn.find("dbtests") >= 0:
            return True
        if fn.endswith("_test.cpp"):
            return True
        return False

    cpplint._IsTestFilename = _ourIsTestFilename

    # Change stderr to write with replacement characters so we don't die
    # if we try to print something containing non-ASCII characters.
    sys.stderr = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(sys.stderr, codecs.getreader("utf8"), codecs.getwriter("utf8"), "replace")
    for filename in filenames:
        config_h_check_obj = CheckForConfigH()
        cpplint.ProcessFile(filename, cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level, extra_check_functions=[config_h_check_obj])

    return cpplint._cpplint_state.error_count == 0
Exemplo n.º 18
def run_lint(paths, nudgeOn=False):
    # errors are as of 10/14
    # idea is not to let it any new type of error
    # as we knock one out, we should remove line
    # note: not all of these are things we want, so please check first

    nudge = []  # things we'd like to turn on sson, so don't make worse
    later = []  # things that are unlikely anytime soon, so meh
    never = []  # things we totally disagree with

    never.append('-build/header_guard')  # errors found: 345
    nudge.append('-build/include')  # errors found: 924
    nudge.append('-build/include_order')  # errors found: 511
    nudge.append('-build/include_what_you_use')  # errors found: 986
    nudge.append('-build/namespaces')  # errors found: 131
    never.append('-readability/braces')  # errors found: 880
    later.append('-readability/casting')  # errors found: 748
    nudge.append('-readability/function')  # errors found: 49
    later.append('-readability/streams')  # errors found: 72
    later.append('-readability/todo')  # errors found: 309
    nudge.append('-runtime/arrays')  # errors found: 5
    later.append('-runtime/explicit')  # errors found: 322
    later.append('-runtime/int')  # errors found: 1420
    later.append('-runtime/printf')  # errors found: 29
    nudge.append('-runtime/references')  # errors found: 1338
    nudge.append('-runtime/rtti')  # errors found: 36
    nudge.append('-runtime/sizeof')  # errors found: 57
    nudge.append('-runtime/string')  # errors found: 6
    nudge.append('-runtime/threadsafe_fn')  # errors found: 46
    never.append('-whitespace/blank_line')  # errors found: 2080
    never.append('-whitespace/braces')  # errors found: 962
    later.append('-whitespace/comma')  # errors found: 621
    later.append('-whitespace/comments')  # errors found: 2189
    later.append('-whitespace/end_of_line')  # errors found: 4340
    later.append('-whitespace/labels')  # errors found: 58
    later.append('-whitespace/line_length')  # errors found: 14500
    later.append('-whitespace/newline')  # errors found: 1520
    nudge.append('-whitespace/operators')  # errors found: 2297
    never.append('-whitespace/parens')  # errors found: 49058
    nudge.append('-whitespace/semicolon')  # errors found: 121
    nudge.append('-whitespace/tab')  # errors found: 233

    filters = later + never
    if not nudgeOn:
        filters = filters + nudge

    sourceFiles = []
    for x in paths:
        utils.getAllSourceFiles(sourceFiles, x)

    args = ["--filter=" + ",".join(filters), "--counting=detailed"
            ] + sourceFiles
    filenames = cpplint.ParseArguments(args)

    def _ourIsTestFilename(fn):
        if fn.find("dbtests") >= 0:
            return True
        if fn.endswith("_test.cpp"):
            return True
        return False

    cpplint._IsTestFilename = _ourIsTestFilename

    # Change stderr to write with replacement characters so we don't die
    # if we try to print something containing non-ASCII characters.
    sys.stderr = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(sys.stderr,
                                           codecs.getwriter('utf8'), 'replace')

    for filename in filenames:
        cpplint.ProcessFile(filename, cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level)

    return cpplint._cpplint_state.error_count == 0
Exemplo n.º 19
def readErrorCodes(callback, replaceZero=False):

    quick = ["assert", "Exception"]

    ps = [
        re.compile("(([umsgf]asser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+)"),
        re.compile("((User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exceptio(n))\(( *)(\d+)"),
        re.compile("((fassertFailed)()) *\(( *)(\d+)")

    bad = [re.compile("\sassert *\(")]

    for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles():

        needReplace = [False]
        lines = []
        lastCodes = [0]
        lineNum = 1

        for line in open(x):

            found = False
            for zz in quick:
                if line.find(zz) >= 0:
                    found = True

            if found:

                if x.find("src/mongo/") >= 0:
                    for b in bad:
                        if len(b.findall(line)) > 0:
                            raise Exception("you can't use a bare assert")

                for p in ps:

                    def repl(m):
                        m = m.groups()

                        start = m[0]
                        spaces = m[3]
                        code = m[4]
                        if code == '0' and replaceZero:
                            code = getNextCode(lastCodes)
                            code = str(code)
                            needReplace[0] = True

                            print("Adding code " + code + " to line " + x +
                                  ":" + str(lineNum))

                            codes.append((x, lineNum, line, code))
                            callback(x, lineNum, line, code)

                        return start + "(" + spaces + code

                    line = re.sub(p, repl, line)
                    # end if ps loop

            if replaceZero: lines.append(line)
            lineNum = lineNum + 1

        if replaceZero and needReplace[0]:
            print("Replacing file " + x)
            of = open(x + ".tmp", 'w')
            os.rename(x + ".tmp", x)
Exemplo n.º 20
def readErrorCodes():   
    """Open each source file in sourceroot and scan for potential error messages."""
    sys.stderr.write("Analyzing source tree: {}\n".format(sourceroot))
    quick = [ "assert" , "Exception"]

    ps = [ re.compile( "(([wum]asser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+) *,\s*(\"\S[^\"]+\S\")\s*,?.*" ) ,
           re.compile( "(([wum]asser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+) *,\s*([\S\s+<\(\)\"]+) *,?.*" ) ,
           re.compile( '((msgasser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+) *, *(\"\S[^,^\"]+\S\") *,?' ) ,
           re.compile( '((msgasser(t|ted)NoTrace)) *\(( *)(\d+) *, *(\"\S[^,^\"]+\S\") *,?' ) ,
           re.compile( "((fasser(t|ted))) *\(( *)(\d+)()" ) ,  
           re.compile( "((DB|User|Msg|MsgAssertion)Exceptio(n))\(( *)(\d+) *,? *(\S+.+\S) *,?" ),
           re.compile( "((fassertFailed)()) *\(( *)(\d+)()" ),
           re.compile( "(([wum]asser(t|ted)))\s*\(([^\d]*)(\d+)\s*,?()"),
           re.compile( "((msgasser(t|ted)))\s*\(([^\d]*)(\d+)\s*,?()"),
           re.compile( "((msgasser(t|ted)NoTrace))\s*\(([^\d]*)(\d+)\s*,?()"),

    bad = [ re.compile( "\sassert *\(" ) ]
    for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles(arr,product_source):
    	if (debug == True):
			sys.stderr.write("Analyzing: {}\n".format(x))
        needReplace = [False]
        lines = []
        lastCodes = [0]
        lineNum = 1
        stripChars = " " + "\n"
        sourcerootOffset = len(sourceroot)

        for line in open( x ):

            found = False
            for zz in quick:
                if line.find( zz ) >= 0:
                    found = True

            if found:
                for p in ps:               

                    def repl( m ):
                        m = m.groups()
                        severity = m[0]
                        start = m[0]
                        spaces = m[3]
                        code = m[4]
                        message = m[5]
                        codes.append( ( x , lineNum , line , code, message, severity ) )
                        if x.startswith(sourceroot):
							fn = x[sourcerootOffset+1:].rpartition("/2")[2]

                        msgDICT = {
							'id': code, 
							'severity': returnSeverityText(severity),
							'src': line.strip(stripChars),
							'altered': 0
                        messages[int(code)] = msgDICT

                        return start + "(" + spaces + code

                    line = re.sub( p, repl, line )
            lineNum = lineNum + 1
def run_lint( paths, nudgeOn=False ):
    # errors are as of 10/14
    # idea is not to let it any new type of error
    # as we knock one out, we should remove line
    # note: not all of these are things we want, so please check first

    nudge = [] # things we'd like to turn on sson, so don't make worse
    later = [] # things that are unlikely anytime soon, so meh
    never = [] # things we totally disagree with

    nudge.append( '-build/class' ) # errors found: 1
    never.append( '-build/header_guard' ) # errors found: 345
    nudge.append( '-build/include' ) # errors found: 924
    nudge.append( '-build/include_order' ) # errors found: 511
    nudge.append( '-build/include_what_you_use' ) # errors found: 986
    nudge.append( '-build/namespaces' ) # errors found: 131
    never.append( '-readability/braces' ) # errors found: 880
    later.append( '-readability/casting' ) # errors found: 748
    nudge.append( '-readability/function' ) # errors found: 49
    later.append( '-readability/streams' ) # errors found: 72
    later.append( '-readability/todo' ) # errors found: 309
    nudge.append( '-runtime/arrays' ) # errors found: 5
    nudge.append( '-runtime/casting' ) # errors found: 2
    later.append( '-runtime/explicit' ) # errors found: 322
    later.append( '-runtime/int' ) # errors found: 1420
    later.append( '-runtime/printf' ) # errors found: 29
    nudge.append( '-runtime/references' ) # errors found: 1338
    nudge.append( '-runtime/rtti' ) # errors found: 36
    nudge.append( '-runtime/sizeof' ) # errors found: 57
    nudge.append( '-runtime/string' ) # errors found: 6
    nudge.append( '-runtime/threadsafe_fn' ) # errors found: 46
    never.append( '-whitespace/blank_line' ) # errors found: 2080
    never.append( '-whitespace/braces' ) # errors found: 962
    later.append( '-whitespace/comma' ) # errors found: 621
    later.append( '-whitespace/comments' ) # errors found: 2189
    later.append( '-whitespace/end_of_line' ) # errors found: 4340
    later.append( '-whitespace/labels' ) # errors found: 58
    later.append( '-whitespace/line_length' ) # errors found: 14500
    later.append( '-whitespace/newline' ) # errors found: 1520
    nudge.append( '-whitespace/operators' ) # errors found: 2297
    never.append( '-whitespace/parens' ) # errors found: 49058
    nudge.append( '-whitespace/semicolon' ) # errors found: 121
    nudge.append( '-whitespace/tab' ) # errors found: 233

    filters = later + never
    if not nudgeOn:
        filters = filters + nudge

    sourceFiles = []
    for x in paths:
        utils.getAllSourceFiles( sourceFiles, x )

    args = [ "--filter=" + ",".join( filters ) , "--counting=detailed" ] + sourceFiles
    filenames = cpplint.ParseArguments( args  )

    def _ourIsTestFilename(fn):
        if fn.find( "dbtests" ) >= 0:
            return True
        if fn.endswith( "_test.cpp" ):
            return True
        return False
    cpplint._IsTestFilename = _ourIsTestFilename

    # Change stderr to write with replacement characters so we don't die
    # if we try to print something containing non-ASCII characters.
    sys.stderr = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(sys.stderr,
    for filename in filenames:
        cpplint.ProcessFile(filename, cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level)
    return cpplint._cpplint_state.error_count == 0