def info(path=''): """ @param path: Path to file @return: Generated file info page or error """ os.chdir(flask.request.environ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) path = os.path.normpath(path) if os.path.isfile(path): try: properties = [ ['File', os.path.basename(path)], ['Path', '/' + os.path.split(path)[0]], ['Size', utils.get_size(path)], ['Mimetype', utils.get_mime(path)], ] except OSError: return flask.abort(403) else: nav = utils.populate_navbar(path) return flask.render_template('info.html', path=path, nav=nav, properties=properties) else: return flask.abort(404)
def add(self, path, force=False): MAX_SIZE = 512 * 1024 * 1024 directory_size = utils.get_size([path]) if (self.size + directory_size) > MAX_SIZE and not force: new_batch = Batch() new_batch.add(path, True) return new_batch else: self.paths.append(path) self.size += directory_size return self
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 2: outdir = sys.argv[1] else: outdir = config.datadir while True: if utils.get_size(config.datadir) < config.datadir_lim: download(outdir) else: print("Disk full. Sleeping...") time.sleep(config.sleeptime)
def __init__(self, path): if not is_devdax(path): fail('Part with path "{}" does not point to dax device' ''.format(path)) _Part.__init__(self, path, get_size(path))
def size(self): "File size in KB" return utils.get_size(self.fpath)
def __init__(self, path, time=None, size=None, id=None): self.location = os.path.abspath(path) self.time = time or self.size = size or utils.get_size(path) = id or utils.get_hash_str(path, self.time)
def iscsi_setup(cluster: str, headers_inc: str): """Demonstrates ISCSI setup using REST API""" print("Demonstrates ISCSI setup using REST API") print("====================================================") print() show_svm(cluster, headers_inc) print() svm_name = input( "Choose the SVM on which you would like to create a lun : ") print( "Make sure that ISCSI protocol and LIFs on each nodes are created on the SVM" ) print() volbool = input("Would you like to create a new volume on the SVM (y/n) :") if volbool == 'y': vol_name = input("Enter the Volume Name:-") vol_size = input("Enter the Volume Size(MBs):-") aggr_name = input("Enter the aggregate name:-") v_size = get_size(vol_size) payload = { "": [aggr_name], "": svm_name, "name": vol_name, "size": v_size, } url = "https://{}/api/storage/volumes".format(cluster) try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=payload, verify=False) print("Volume creation completed.") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) else: print() show_volume(cluster, headers_inc, svm_name) vol_name = input( "Choose the volume on which you would like to create the LUN : ") print() lun_name = input("Enter the name of the LUN : ") lun_name_ext = "/vol/" + vol_name + "/" + lun_name os_type = input("Enter the name of the OS-TYPE : ") lun_size = input("Enter the LUN size in MBs :") l_size = get_size(lun_size) payload2 = { "comment": lun_name, "location": { "logical_unit": lun_name, "volume": { "name": vol_name } }, "name": lun_name_ext, "os_type": os_type, "space": { "guarantee": { "requested": bool("") }, "size": l_size }, "svm": { "name": svm_name } } url2 = "https://{}/api/storage/luns".format(cluster) try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=payload2, verify=False) print("LUN Creation completed.") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) print(response.json()) print() igroup_name = input( "Enter the name of the Igroup that you would like to create : ") initiator_name = input( "Enter the name of the Initiator that you would like to add in the InitiatorGroup :" ) os_type2 = input("Enter the OS-TYPE :") payload3 = { "initiators": [{ "name": initiator_name }], "name": igroup_name, "os_type": os_type2, "svm": { "name": svm_name } } url3 = "https://{}/api/protocols/san/igroups".format(cluster) try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=payload3, verify=False) print("Igroup creation completed.") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) print(response.json()) payload4 = { "igroup": { "name": igroup_name }, "lun": { "name": lun_name_ext }, "svm": { "name": svm_name } } url4 = "https://{}/api/protocols/san/lun-maps".format(cluster) try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=payload4, verify=False) print("LUN Mapping completed.") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) print(response.json())
def iscsi_setup() -> None: """ Script demostrates the ISCSI Lun Setup""" print("THE FOLLOWING SCRIPT DEMOSTRATES ISCSI LUN SETUP USING REST API PCL.") print("====================================================================") show_svm() svm_name = input( "Choose the SVM on which you would like to create a lun : ") print("Make sure that ISCSI protocol and LIFs on each nodes are created on the SVM") volbool = input("Would you like to create a new volume (y/n) :-") if volbool == 'y': vol_name = input("Enter the Volume Name:-") vol_size = input("Enter the Volume Size (MBs):-") aggr_name = input("Enter the aggregate name:-") v_size = get_size(vol_size) payload1 = { "name": vol_name, "svm": {"name": svm_name}, "aggregates": [{"name": aggr_name}], "size": v_size } volume = Volume.from_dict(payload1) try: if print("Volume created created Successfully") except NetAppRestError as error: print( "Error:- " % error.http_err_response.http_response.text) print("Exception caught :" + str(error)) else: show_volume(svm_name) vol_name = input( "Choose the volume on which you would like to create the LUN : ") lun_name = input("Enter the name of the LUN : ") lun_name_ext = "/vol/" + vol_name + "/" + lun_name os_type = input("Enter the name of the OS-TYPE : ") lun_size = input("Enter the LUN size in MBs :") l_size = get_size(lun_size) payload2 = { "comment": lun_name, "location": { "logical_unit": lun_name, "volume": { "name": vol_name } }, "name": lun_name_ext, "os_type": os_type, "space": { "guarantee": { "requested": bool("") }, "size": l_size }, "svm": { "name": svm_name } } lun_object = Lun.from_dict(payload2) try: if print("LUN created %s created Successfully" % except NetAppRestError as error: print("Error:- " % error.http_err_response.http_response.text) print("Exception caught :" + str(error)) igroup_name = input( "Enter the name of the Igroup that you would like to create : ") initiator_name = input( "Enter the name of the Initiator that you would like to add in the InitiatorGroup :") os_type2 = input("Enter the OS-TYPE :") payload3 = { "initiators": [ { "name": initiator_name } ], "name": igroup_name, "os_type": os_type2, "svm": { "name": svm_name } } igroup_object = Igroup.from_dict(payload3) try: if print( "IGROUP created %s created Successfully" % except NetAppRestError as error: print("Error:- " % error.http_err_response.http_response.text) print("Exception caught :" + str(error)) payload4 = { "igroup": { "name": igroup_name }, "lun": { "name": lun_name_ext }, "svm": { "name": svm_name } } lunmap_object = LunMap.from_dict(payload4) try: if print("Mapping created Successfully") except NetAppRestError as error: print("Error:- " % error.http_err_response.http_response.text) print("Exception caught :" + str(error))
def size(self): if self._size: return self._size self._size = utils.get_size(self.files()) return self._size
def patch_volume(cluster: str, headers_inc: str): """ Update a volume""" print("=============================================") show_svm(cluster, headers_inc) print() svm_name = input( "Enter the SVM from which the Volumes need to be listed:-") print() show_volume(cluster, headers_inc, svm_name) print() volname = input( "Enter the name of the volume that needs to be modified:- ") dataobj = {} dataobj['name'] = volname print() nambool = input("Would you like to change the volume name (y/n):- ") if nambool == 'y': nam = input("Enter the new name of the Volume: ") dataobj['name'] = nam print() sizebool = input("Would you like to change the volume size (y/n):- ") if sizebool == 'y': vol_size = input("Enter the new size of the Volume: ") vol_size_format = get_size(vol_size) dataobj['size'] = vol_size_format print() autosizebool = input("Would you like to change autosize options (y/n):- ") if autosizebool == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") grow_threshold = input("grow_threshold?:- ") maximum = input("maximum?:- ") minimum = input("minimum?:- ") mode = input("mode?:- ") shrink_threshold = input("shrink_threshold?:- ") autosizejson = { "grow_threshold": grow_threshold, "maximum": maximum, "minimum": minimum, "mode": mode, "shrink_threshold": shrink_threshold } dataobj['autosize'] = autosizejson print() efficiency = input("Would you like to enable Efficiency (y/n): ") if efficiency == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") compaction = input("compaction?:- ") compression = input("compression?:- ") cross_volume_dedupe = input("cross_volume_dedupe?:- ") dedupe = input("dedupe?:- ") policy_name_e = input("Efficiency Policy Name?:- ") efficiencyjson = { "compaction": compaction, "compression": compression, "cross_volume_dedupe": cross_volume_dedupe, "dedupe": dedupe, "policy": { "name": policy_name_e } } dataobj['efficiency'] = efficiencyjson print() encryption = input("Would you like to enable Encryption (y/n): ") if encryption == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") enabled_encry = input("Enable Encryption ?:- ") encryptionjson = {"enabled": bool(enabled_encry), "status": {}} dataobj['encryption'] = encryptionjson print() files = input("Would you like to enable Max File Count (y/n): ") if files == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") maximum_files = input("Max File Count?:- ") filesjson = {"maximum": maximum_files} dataobj['files'] = filesjson print() nas = input("Would you like to enable NAS parameters (y/n): ") if nas == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") export_policy_name = input("export_policy_name?:- ") path = input("path?:- ") security_style = input("security_style?:- ") unix_permissions = input("unix_permissions?:- ") nasjson = { "export_policy": { "name": export_policy_name }, "path": path, "security_style": security_style, "unix_permissions": unix_permissions } dataobj['efficiency'] = nasjson print() qos = input("Would you like to enable QoS (y/n): ") if qos == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") max_throughput_iops = input("max_throughput_iops?:- ") max_throughput_mbps = input("max_throughput_mbps?:- ") min_throughput_iops = input("min_throughput_iops?:- ") qosname = input("qosname?:- ") qosjson = { "policy": { "max_throughput_iops": max_throughput_iops, "max_throughput_mbps": max_throughput_mbps, "min_throughput_iops": min_throughput_iops, "name": qosname } } dataobj['qos'] = qosjson print() quota = input("Would you like to enable Quota (y/n): ") if quota == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") enable_quota = input("enable_quota?:- ") quotajson = {"enabled": bool(enable_quota)} dataobj['quota'] = quotajson vol_uuid = get_key_volumes(svm_name, volname, cluster, headers_inc) print() urlpath = "https://{}/api/storage/volumes/" + vol_uuid url = urlpath.format(cluster) try: response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers_inc, json=dataobj, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) job_status = "https://{}{}".format( cluster, url_text['job']['_links']['self']['href']) try: job_response = requests.get(job_status, headers=headers_inc, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) url_text = job_response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) job_status = job_response.json() check_job_status(job_status, headers_inc, cluster)
def create_volume(cluster: str, headers_inc: str): """Create volume""" print() show_svm(cluster, headers_inc) print() svmname = input( "Enter the name of the SVM on which the volume needs to be created:- ") dataobj = {} tmp1 = {"name": svmname} dataobj['svm'] = tmp1 print() show_aggregate(cluster, headers_inc) print() aggrname = input( "Enter the name of the Aggregate on which the volume needs to be created:- " ) tmp2 = [{"name": aggrname}] dataobj['aggregates'] = tmp2 print() volname = input("Enter the name of the Volume:- ") dataobj['name'] = volname print() vol_size = input("Enter the size of the Volume in MB:- ") tmp3 = get_size(vol_size) dataobj['size'] = tmp3 print() voltype = input("Enter the Volume Type[rw/dp]:- ") dataobj['type'] = voltype print() styletype = input("Enter the Volume Style Type[flexvol]:- ") dataobj['style'] = styletype print() autosize = input("Would you like to enable Autosize (y/n): ") if autosize == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") grow_threshold = input("grow_threshold?:- ") maximum = input("maximum?:- ") minimum = input("minimum?:- ") mode = input("mode?:- ") shrink_threshold = input("shrink_threshold?:- ") autosizejson = { "grow_threshold": grow_threshold, "maximum": maximum, "minimum": minimum, "mode": mode, "shrink_threshold": shrink_threshold } dataobj['autosize'] = autosizejson print() efficiency = input("Would you like to enable Efficiency (y/n): ") if efficiency == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") compaction = input("compaction?:- ") compression = input("compression?:- ") cross_volume_dedupe = input("cross_volume_dedupe?:- ") dedupe = input("dedupe?:- ") policy_name_e = input("Efficiency Policy Name?:- ") efficiencyjson = { "compaction": compaction, "compression": compression, "cross_volume_dedupe": cross_volume_dedupe, "dedupe": dedupe, "policy": { "name": policy_name_e } } dataobj['efficiency'] = efficiencyjson print() encryption = input("Would you like to enable Encryption (y/n): ") if encryption == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") enabled_encry = input("Enable Encryption ?:- ") encryptionjson = {"enabled": bool(enabled_encry), "status": {}} dataobj['encryption'] = encryptionjson print() files = input("Would you like to enable Max File Count (y/n): ") if files == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") maximum_files = input("Max File Count?:- ") filesjson = {"maximum": maximum_files} dataobj['files'] = filesjson print() nas = input("Would you like to enable NAS parameters (y/n): ") if nas == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") export_policy_name = input("export_policy_name?:- ") path = input("path?:- ") security_style = input("security_style?:- ") unix_permissions = input("unix_permissions?:- ") nasjson = { "export_policy": { "name": export_policy_name }, "path": path, "security_style": security_style, "unix_permissions": unix_permissions } dataobj['efficiency'] = nasjson print() qos = input("Would you like to enable QoS (y/n): ") if qos == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") max_throughput_iops = input("max_throughput_iops?:- ") max_throughput_mbps = input("max_throughput_mbps?:- ") min_throughput_iops = input("min_throughput_iops?:- ") qosname = input("qosname?:- ") qosjson = { "policy": { "max_throughput_iops": max_throughput_iops, "max_throughput_mbps": max_throughput_mbps, "min_throughput_iops": min_throughput_iops, "name": qosname } } dataobj['qos'] = qosjson print() quota = input("Would you like to enable Quota (y/n): ") if quota == 'y': print("Enter the following Details") enable_quota = input("enable_quota?:- ") quotajson = {"enabled": bool(enable_quota)} dataobj['quota'] = quotajson print(dataobj) url = "https://{}/api/storage/volumes".format(cluster) try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=dataobj, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) job_status = "https://{}{}".format( cluster, url_text['job']['_links']['self']['href']) try: job_response = requests.get(job_status, headers=headers_inc, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) url_text = job_response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) job_status = job_response.json() check_job_status(job_status, headers_inc, cluster)
def nfs_setup(cluster: str, headers_inc: str): """Demonstrates NFS Setup using REST APIs.""" print("Demonstrates NFS Setup using REST APIs.") print("=======================================") print() show_svm(cluster, headers_inc) print() svm_name = input( "Choose the SVM on which you would like to create a NFS Share :") print("Make sure that NAS LIFs on each nodes are created on the SVM :") print() print("Checking and Enabling NFS Protocol on SVM:-") print("===========================================") payload1 = { "enabled": bool("true"), "protocol": { "v3_enabled": bool("true") }, "svm": { "name": svm_name } } url1 = "https://{}/api/protocols/nfs/services".format(cluster) try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=payload1, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) print() print("Create the Export Policy:-") print("==========================") export_policy_name = input("Enter the Export Policy Name :- ") protocol = input( "Enter the protocol name for the Export Policy(nfs/cifs/any):- ") clients = input("Enter client details []:- ") url2 = "https://{}/api/protocols/nfs/export-policies".format(cluster) svm_uuid = get_key_svms(svm_name, cluster, headers_inc) payload2 = { "name": export_policy_name, "rules": [{ "clients": [{ "match": clients }], "protocols": [protocol], "ro_rule": ["any"], "rw_rule": ["any"] }], "svm.uuid": svm_uuid } try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=payload2, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() print() print("Create the Volume:-") print("===================") vol_name = input("Enter the Volume Name to create NFS Share:-") vol_size = input("Enter the Volume Size in MBs :-") aggr_name = input("Enter the aggregate name:-") v_size = get_size(vol_size) pather = "/" + vol_name payload3 = { "aggregates": [{ "name": aggr_name }], "svm": { "name": svm_name }, "name": vol_name, "size": v_size, "nas": { "export_policy": { "name": export_policy_name }, "security_style": "unix", "path": pather } } url3 = "https://{}/api/storage/volumes".format(cluster) try: response =, headers=headers_inc, json=payload3, verify=False) print("Volume %s created" % vol_name) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) url_text = response.json() if 'error' in url_text: print(url_text) sys.exit(1) print("NAS creation script completed.")