Exemplo n.º 1
# run dir
rundir = basedir + 'run_' + name + '/'

# subdir with diagnostics
diagdir = rundir + 'diags/'

# location where diag files are saved
savedir = basedir + "diag/" + name \
        + "/double_track_{:04d}_{:04d}_{:04d}/".format(int(lon), int(lat0), int(lat1))

# create output dir if it doesn't exist yet
if start == 1 and not os.path.isdir(savedir):

# get grid info
XC, YC, XG, YG = utils.get_x_y(rundir)
DXC, DYC, DXG, DYG = utils.get_dx_dy(rundir)

# find index of nearest model point (c, fx, fy) in rotated orientation

dist = (XC - lon)**2 + (YC - lat0)**2
dist[np.isnan(dist)] = 999
iy0c, ixc = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist), dist.shape)

dist = (XC - lon)**2 + (YC - lat1)**2
dist[np.isnan(dist)] = 999
iy1c, ixc = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist), dist.shape)

# make sure correct location was chosen
print XC[iy0c:iy1c + 1, ixc:ixc + 2]
print YC[iy0c:iy1c + 1, ixc]
Exemplo n.º 2
# run dir
rundir = basedir + 'run_' + name + '/'

# subdir with diagnostics
diagdir = rundir + 'diags/'

# location where diag files are saved
savedir = basedir + "diag/" + name \
        + "/mooring_{:04d}_{:04d}/".format(int(lon),int(lat))

# create output dir if it doesn't exist yet
if not os.path.isdir(savedir):

# get grid info
XC, YC, XG, YG = utils.get_x_y(rundir, do_rearrange=False)
z = rdmds(rundir + "RC")[:, 0, 0]

# save diag depths to file
np.save(savedir + "depths.npy", z[utils.diag_lev])

# find index of nearest model point (c, fx, fy) in original orientation

dist = (XC - lon)**2 + (YC - lat)**2
dist[np.isnan(dist)] = 999
iyc, ixc = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist), dist.shape)

dist = (XG - lon)**2 + (YC - lat)**2
dist[np.isnan(dist)] = 999
iyfx, ixfx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist), dist.shape)