Exemplo n.º 1
def setup_and_test_proxy():
    if not nextbox_sub_ensure(5):
        return False

    input_xp = '//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div[2]/input'
    button_xp = '//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div[2]/button'

    but = get_xpath(button_xp)
    inp = get_xpath(input_xp)

    # no input? means proxy is active!
    if not inp:
        chat("proxy is enabled, disabling first")

    ret = input_into_text_field(input_xp, conf["proxy_domain"])
    if not ret:
        chat("failed input of proxy_domain")
        return False

    if not test_and_click_button(button_xp):
        chat("failed button click")
        return False

    chat("checking 'new' login page now")
    return test_for_valid_login_page(conf["proxy_domain"], "https")
	def parse_town(self, url, params, target, elemType, town_code=None, town_name=None, _isRecent=False):
		tr_list = get_xpath(url, params, '//tr')
		th_list = get_xpath(url, params, '//th')
		td_columns = len(tr_list[1])
		if td_columns < 3: pass

		parse_result = []

		for i in range(len(tr_list)):
			if tr_list[i][0].get('rowspan') == None: # 이 tr의 맨 왼쪽칸이 rowspan=3으로 지정되지 않았다 == 이 tr은 '합계'가 아닌 '남' '여' 칸을 다루고 있다. 따라서 pass.

			elif tr_list[i][0].text == None: # 이 tr의 맨 왼쪽칸은 비어있다 == 2번째 칸에 선거구명이 적혀있다.
				constituency = tr_list[i][1] # 여기 저장되는 constituency 이름은 기초자치단체명 또는 선거구명임. ex. <td rowspan="3" class="firstTd alignL">중구동구</td>

				#local_provincePage.py와 다르게, 여기는 모든 elemType이 'constituency_in_municipal_division'이므로 별도의 if문으로 나눌 필요 없음.
				villages = tr_list[i][2] # 읍면동수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>23</td>
				pollStations = tr_list[i][3] # 투표구수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>52</td>
				population = tr_list[i][4] # ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>148,789<br/>(174 , 0)</td>
				###### TODO: electorates 부분의 위치가 계속 바뀌고 있음. 확인할 필요 있음.
				electorates = tr_list[i][6] # ex. <td class=alignR>127,836<br/>(163 , 0)</td>

				popul_elector_ratio = tr_list[i][td_columns-2] # 선거인수/인구수 비율 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>85.9</td>
				households = tr_list[i][td_columns-1] # 세대수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>67,548<br/>(172 , 0)</td>

				# 굳이 'td_columns-1' 인덱스를 쓰는 이유: "역대선거"와 "최근선거"의 표 칸 배치가 달라서.

				constituency_info = (constituency, villages, pollStations, population, electorates, popul_elector_ratio, households)
				constituency_info = dict(list(zip(self.attrs_constituency, constituency_info)))

		parse_result = [self.parse_tr_xhtml(tr_elem, town_name=town_name) for tr_elem in parse_result]
		_elemType_str = '선거구별 선거인수'
		print(('crawled %s #%d - %s, %s(%d)...' % (target, self.nth, _elemType_str, town_name, len(parse_result))))
		return parse_result
Exemplo n.º 3
def backup_test():
    if not nextbox_sub_ensure(3):
        return False

    cont_button_xp = '//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div/button'

    # if this button exists, then we've a not cleaned up backup
    wait_for_xpath(cont_button_xp, 5)
    continue_button = get_xpath(cont_button_xp)

    if continue_button.is_enabled():
        chat("someone left his stuff here, cleaning up...")

    xp_dropdown = '//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/input'
    if not wait_for_xpath(xp_dropdown, 5):
        return False

    # storage dropdown input field
    chat("chooosing target storage - 1st click the dropdown")

    # now select first storage
    chat("now click to choose")

    # now click into input field

    chat("enter our designated backup name")
    if not test_and_click_button(
        return False

    wait_for_xpath(cont_button_xp, 5)
    continue_button = get_xpath(cont_button_xp)

    log(f"waiting for backup...", " B ", end=" ", no_pad=False, flush=True)
    while not continue_button.is_enabled():
        log(".", "", end="", no_pad=True, flush=True)

    banner_msg = get_xpath('//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div/span').text

    # don't leave the backup un-cleaned-up

    if banner_msg == "Completed Backup successfully":
        return True

    return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def storages_info():
    if not nextbox_sub_ensure(2):
        return False

    items_mounted = '//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div[1]/*/button'
    items_unmounted = '//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div[2]/*/button'

    top = get_xpath(items_mounted, as_list=True)
    bottom = get_xpath(items_unmounted, as_list=True)

    chat(f"storages: top: #{top} - bottom: #{bottom}")
    return {"top": top or [], "bottom": bottom or []}
Exemplo n.º 5
def logout():
    chat("logging out now, just because I can!")

    chat("expanding, just for the show...")


    res = get_xpath('//li[@data-id="logout"]').find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a")
    if not res:
        chat("failed logging out...")
        return False

    return res.click()
	def parse_city(self, url, params, target, elemType, city_name=None, _isRecent=False):
		tr_list = get_xpath(url, params, '//tr')
		th_list = get_xpath(url, params, '//th')
		td_columns = len(tr_list[1])
		if td_columns < 3: pass

		parse_result = []

		for i in range(len(tr_list)):
			if tr_list[i][0].get('rowspan') == None: # 이 tr의 맨 왼쪽칸이 rowspan=3으로 지정되지 않았다 == 이 tr은 '합계'가 아닌 '남' '여' 칸을 다루고 있다. 따라서 pass.

				municipal = tr_list[i][0] # 여기 저장되는 municipal 이름은 기초자치단체명 또는 선거구명임. ex. <td rowspan="3" class="firstTd alignL">중구동구</td>

				if elemType=='local_division':
					villages = tr_list[i][1] # 읍면동수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>23</td>
					pollStations = tr_list[i][2] # 투표구수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>52</td>
					population = tr_list[i][3] # ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>148,789<br/>(174 , 0)</td>

					###### TODO: electorates 부분의 위치가 계속 바뀌고 있음. 확인할 필요 있음.
					if _isRecent:
						electorates = tr_list[i][td_columns-3] # ex. <td class=alignR>127,836<br/>(163 , 0)</td>
						electorates = tr_list[i][5] # ex. <td class=alignR>127,836<br/>(163 , 0)</td>
				else: #elemType == 'constituency_in_province'
					villages = tr_list[i][2] # 읍면동수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>23</td>
					pollStations = tr_list[i][3] # 투표구수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>52</td>
					population = tr_list[i][4] # ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>148,789<br/>(174 , 0)</td>
					###### TODO: electorates 부분의 위치가 계속 바뀌고 있음. 확인할 필요 있음.
					electorates = tr_list[i][6] # ex. <td class=alignR>127,836<br/>(163 , 0)</td>

				popul_elector_ratio = tr_list[i][td_columns-2] # 선거인수/인구수 비율 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>85.9</td>
				households = tr_list[i][td_columns-1] # 세대수 ex. <td rowspan="3" class=alignR>67,548<br/>(172 , 0)</td>

				# 굳이 'td_columns-1' 인덱스를 쓰는 이유: "역대선거"와 "최근선거"의 표 칸 배치가 달라서.

				municipal_info = (municipal, villages, pollStations, population, electorates, popul_elector_ratio, households)
				municipal_info = dict(list(zip(self.attrs_municipal, municipal_info)))

		parse_result = [self.parse_tr_xhtml(tr_elem, city_name=city_name) for tr_elem in parse_result]

		if elemType=='local_division':
			_elemType_str = '행정구역별(시군구) 선거인수(국내거소미신고 재외국민 포함)'
		else: #elemType == 'constituency_in_province'
			_elemType_str = '선거구별 선거인수'
		print(('crawled %s #%d - %s, %s(%d)...' % (target, self.nth, _elemType_str, city_name, len(parse_result))))
		return parse_result
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _parse_item(self, ele):
        d = {}
        concat = []
        for k, v in self.config['attr'].items():
            if '+' in v:
                concat.append((k, v))
            raw = False
            if v.endswith('/@RAW'):
                raw = True
                v = v[:-len('/@RAW')]
            res = utils.get_xpath(ele, v)
            if raw:
                res = utils.tree2md(res)
            elif hasattr(res, 'itertext'):
                res = ' '.join([r.strip() for r in res.itertext()])
            elif hasattr(res, 'text'):
                res = res.text()

            res = unicode(res).strip()
            if k.endswith('url') and not res.startswith('http'):
                res = self.base_url.rstrip('/') + '/' + res.lstrip('/')
            d[k] = res
        d['_crawl_time'] = datetime.now()
        for k, v in concat:
            d[k] = eval(v, d.copy())
        logger.debug("[%s] parsed item: %s", self.config['name'], d)
        return d
Exemplo n.º 8
    def parse(self, url, city_name=None):
        elems = get_xpath(url, '//td')
        num_attrs = len(self.attrs)
        members = (dict(zip(self.attrs, elems[i*num_attrs:(i+1)*num_attrs]))\
                    for i in xrange(len(elems) / num_attrs))

        members = [self.parse_member(member, city_name) for member in members]
        print 'crawled #%d - %s(%d)...' % (self.nth, city_name, len(members))
        return members
Exemplo n.º 9
    def parse(self, url):
        elems = get_xpath(url, '//td')
        num_attrs = len(self.attrs)
        members = (dict(zip(self.attrs, elems[i*num_attrs:(i+1)*num_attrs]))\
                    for i in xrange(len(elems) / num_attrs))

        members = [self.parse_member(member) for member in members]
        print 'crawled #%d (%d)...' % (self.nth, len(members))
        return members
Exemplo n.º 10
    def parse(self, url, city_name=None):
        elems = get_xpath(url, '//td')
        num_attrs = len(self.attrs)
        members = (dict(zip(self.attrs, elems[i*num_attrs:(i+1)*num_attrs]))\
                    for i in xrange(len(elems) / num_attrs))

        members = [
            self.parse_member(member, city_name=city_name)
            for member in members
        print 'crawled #%d - %s(%d)...' % (self.nth, city_name
                                           or '비례대표', len(members))
        return members
	def parse_elected(self, url, params, target, city_code, consti_toCode):
		code_toNumElected = dict()
		params['cityCode'] = -1 if (params['electionCode']==7) else city_code
		xpath = get_xpath(url, params, './/table[@id="table01"]')[0]
		tr_list = xpath.findall('.//tr') #개별 <tr> 안에 한 줄씩 <td>들이 들어있음.
		num_trs = len(tr_list)
		row_head = 1

		consti_seq = []

		if (params['electionCode']==7):#'assembly_PR'
			num_elected = num_trs - row_head
			for consti in consti_toCode:
				code = consti_toCode[consti][0]
				code_toNumElected[code] = num_elected
			return (code_toNumElected, consti_seq)

		elif (params['electionCode']==9):#'local-mp_PR'
			name_index = 0
			string_read_index = 1
		elif (params['electionCode']==8):#'local-pp_PR'
			name_index = 0
			string_read_index = 0
		elif (target=='local-pp') or (target=='local-mp'):
			name_index = 1
			string_read_index = 1
			name_index = 0
			string_read_index = 1

		i = row_head
		while i < num_trs:
			district_name = tr_list[i][name_index].text[string_read_index:]
			if not district_name in consti_toCode:
				i = i+1
				district_code = consti_toCode[district_name][0]
				num_elected = 1
				i = i+1
				while i < num_trs and district_name == tr_list[i][name_index].text[string_read_index:]:
					#print("%d, %d, %d, %s, %s" % (num_trs, i, num_elected, district_name, tr_list[i][name_index].text[1:]))
					num_elected = num_elected+1
					i = i+1
				code_toNumElected[district_code] = num_elected
				del consti_toCode[district_name][0]

		return (code_toNumElected, consti_seq)
Exemplo n.º 12
def goto_nextbox_nav(idx):
    if not url_paths_equalish(conf["dom"].current_url, "/apps/nextbox/"):
        if not goto_nextbox():
            return False

    navs = get_xpath('//*[@id="app-navigation-vue"]').find_elements(
        By.TAG_NAME, "li")
    navs = [nav.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a") for nav in navs]

        navs[idx - 1].click()
    except Exception:
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 13
def input_into_text_field(xpath: str, text: str, clear: bool = True):
    el = get_xpath(xpath)
    if not el:
        return False

    wait_for_xpath(xpath, 5)

    if clear:
        clen = len(el.get_attribute("value"))
        el.send_keys("\b" * clen)
        wait_for_xpath(xpath, 5)

    wait_for_xpath(xpath, 5)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_and_click_button(el_or_xpath, click=True):

    button = el_or_xpath
    if isinstance(el_or_xpath, str):
        button = get_xpath(el_or_xpath)

    if not button.is_enabled():
            "something went wrong, we would expect that the button is not disabled!"
        return False
        chat("all conditions are met, let's push the button!!!")

    return True
Exemplo n.º 15
def where_in_nextbox():
    title_xpath = '//*[@id="app-content-vue"]/div/div[1]/h2'
    el = get_xpath(title_xpath)
    if not el:
        err("not even inside nextbox app?")
        return False

    dct = {
        "Remote Access for Your NextBox": 1,
        "Mounted Storages": 2,
        "Full System Backup": 3,
        "Remote Access - Status": 4,
        "Backwards Proxy Remote Access for Your NextBox": 5,
        "Static Domain Configuration": 6,
        "HTTPS / TLS Configuration": 7,
        "System Logs": 8
    out = dct.get(el.text)
    if out is None:
        err("could not determine where we are inside the nextbox app")
    return out
	def parse_constant_candiNum(self, url, params, target, target_kor, city_name, city_code, city_index, townCode_JSON): #지금 이건 비례대표만 해당하는 거임 ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ
		xpath = get_xpath(url, params, './/table[@id="table01"]')[0]
		tr_list = xpath.findall('.//tr') #fucking_4th_president_ths!!!!
		num_trs = int(len(tr_list))
		th_list = xpath.findall('.//th') #fucking_4th_president_ths!!!!
		num_ths = int(len(th_list))
		district_toCode = self.town_toCode(city_index, townCode_JSON)
		if (target=='assembly_PR') or (target=='local-pp_PR'):
			code_toNumElected = self.PR_code_toNumElected(city_index, townCode_JSON)
			code_toNumElected = self.code_toNumElected(city_index, townCode_JSON)
		for code in code_toNumElected:
			num_elected = code_toNumElected[code]

		if th_list[0].get('rowspan') != None: #"최근선거"가 아니라면
			#for i in range(num_ths):
			#	if th_list[i].get('colspan') != None: #이 칸은 "정당별/후보자별 득표수"임. colspan = 총 후보자수 + 1(합계).
			#		num_ths_left = i #정당/후보별 득표수 왼쪽에 있는 칸: '구시군명', '선거인수', '투표수'. 보통은 3일 것임.
			#		max_candidate_num = int(th_list[i].get('colspan')) - 1 #총 후보자수
			#		break
			num_ths_left = 3 #정당/후보별 득표수 왼쪽에 있는 칸: '구시군명', '선거인수', '투표수'. 보통은 3일 것임.
			max_candidate_num = int(th_list[3].get('colspan')) - 1 #총 후보자수. 이 칸은 "정당별/후보자별 득표수"임. colspan = 총 후보자수 + 1(합계).
			candi_name_list = th_list[6:(6+max_candidate_num)] #element: <th><strong>한나라당</strong></th>
			row_head = 2 #읽기 시작할 행의 번째. 0번째줄의 "합계" 칸을 비울 것인가?
			num_tds = 6 + max_candidate_num #저 6의 확장일반화 방법은 없는가.

		else: #"최근선거"라면
			#for i in range(num_ths):
			#	if th_list[i].get('colspan') != None: #이 칸은 "정당별/후보자별 득표수"임. colspan = 총 후보자수.
			#		num_ths_left = i #정당/후보별 득표수 왼쪽에 있는 칸: '구시군명', '선거인수', '투표수'. 보통은 3일 것임.
			#		max_candidate_num = int(th_list[i].get('colspan')) #총 후보자수
			#		break
			num_ths_left = 3 #정당/후보별 득표수 왼쪽에 있는 칸: '구시군명', '선거인수', '투표수'. 보통은 3일 것임.
			max_candidate_num = int(th_list[3].get('colspan')) #총 후보자수. 이 칸은 "정당별/후보자별 득표수"임. colspan = 총 후보자수
			candi_name_list = tr_list[1][3:(3+max_candidate_num)] #element: <td><strong>한나라당</strong></td>
			row_head = 2 #읽기 시작할 행의 번째. 0번째줄의 후보/정당명은 비우고, 1번째줄의 "합계" 칸을 비울 것인가?
			num_tds = num_ths + max_candidate_num - 1

		region_info = () # 이 region '전체'의 개표결과를 담음.
		district_list = [] # 이 region 내의 각 district별 개표결과를 담음.
		candidate_num = max_candidate_num

		for i in range(num_trs - row_head):
			index = (i+row_head)

			if i==0: # 이 region '전체'의 개표결과를 담음.
				district_name = '합계'
				district_code = -1
			else: # 이 region 내의 각 district별 개표결과를 담음.
				district_name = tr_list[index][0].text#tr_list[index][0].text # 여기 저장되는 district 이름은 선거구 이름임.
				district_code = district_toCode[district_name]
				#district_code = district_code_list[i-1]['CODE']

			electorates = tr_list[index][1]
			counted_vote = tr_list[index][2]

			votes_num_percent = tr_list[index][num_ths_left : num_ths_left+candidate_num] #element: <td>1,940,259<br>(42.28)</td>
			cand_list = list(map(lambda x, y: dict(list(zip(self.attrs_result, [x, y]))), candi_name_list, votes_num_percent)) #('name': <th><strong>한나라당</strong></th>, 'vote': <td>1,940,259<br>(42.28)</td>)
			valid_vote = tr_list[index][num_ths_left + max_candidate_num+0]
			undervote = tr_list[index][num_ths_left + max_candidate_num+1]
			blank_ballot = tr_list[index][num_ths_left + max_candidate_num+2]

			district_info = (district_name, district_code, num_elected, electorates, counted_vote, candidate_num, cand_list, valid_vote, undervote, blank_ballot)
			district_info = dict(list(zip(self.attrs_district, district_info)))

			if i==0: # 이 region '전체'의 개표결과를 담음.
				region_info = self.parse_consti(district_info, city_name=city_name, city_code=city_code)
			else: # 이 region 내의 각 district별 개표결과를 담음.
				district_list.append(self.parse_consti(district_info, city_name=city_name, city_code=city_code))

		return_result = [{'region_name': city_name, 'region_code': city_code, 'region_result': region_info, 'district_result': district_list}]
		if (target=='president' and self.nth <= 15) or \
			(target=='assembly' and self.nth <= 16) or \
			(target=='local-ma' and self.nth <= 3) or \
			(target=='local-mp' and self.nth <= 3) or \
			(target=='local-pa' and self.nth <= 3) or \
			(target=='local-pp' and self.nth <= 3):

		print('\x1b[1;31mcrawled %s election #%d - \x1b[1;m%s, %s(%d)' % \
			(target, self.nth, target_kor+' 구시군별 득표', city_name, len(return_result[0]['district_result'])))

		return return_result
	def parse_various_candiNum(self, url, params, target, target_kor, city_name, city_code, city_index, townCode_JSON): #지금 이건 지역구만 해당하는 거임 ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ
		xpath = get_xpath(url, params, './/table[@id="table01"]')[0]
		tr_list = xpath.findall('.//tr') #개별 <tr> 안에 한 줄씩 <td>들이 들어있음.
		num_trs = len(tr_list)
		thead_list = xpath.findall('.//th')
		num_theads = len(thead_list)

		code_toDistrict = self.PR_code_toConsti(city_index, townCode_JSON) if target=='local-mp_PR' \
							else self.code_toConsti(city_index, townCode_JSON)
		district_codeSeq = self.PR_consti_Seq(city_index, townCode_JSON) if target=='local-mp_PR' \
							else self.consti_Seq(city_index,townCode_JSON)
		max_candidate_num = len(tr_list[2]) - len(thead_list) # +1-1. 후보자 부분의 '계' 때문.
		code_toNumElected = self.PR_code_toNumElected(city_index, townCode_JSON) if target=='local-mp_PR' \
							else self.code_toNumElected(city_index, townCode_JSON)
		town_toCode = self.town_toCode(city_index, townCode_JSON)

		for i in range(num_theads):
			if thead_list[i].get('colspan') != None:
				num_ths_left = i

		consti_list = []
		seq_index = 0
		num_nonElection = 0

		for i in range(num_trs):
			if len(tr_list[i]) < 2:
			elif tr_list[i][1].text == None: # 선거인수 칸이 blank인 줄을 찾으면, 그 칸 아래가 실득표수이므로...
				district_code = district_codeSeq[seq_index]
				district_name = code_toDistrict[str(district_code)]
				num_elected = code_toNumElected[str(district_code)]

				while tr_list[i][0].text != district_name:
					if (target=='local-mp' and 1 <= self.nth <= 3):
						if seq_index == num_nonElection:
							district_name = tr_list[i+1][0].text + ' ' + district_name
						elif tr_list[i+1][0].text != tr_list[i-1][0].text:
							townCode_next = town_toCode[tr_list[i+1][0].text] // 10
							townCode_seq = district_code // 1000 - 60000
							print("%d, %d" %(townCode_next, townCode_seq))
							if townCode_next == townCode_seq:
								district_name = tr_list[i+1][0].text + ' ' + district_name
								district_name = tr_list[i-1][0].text + ' ' + district_name
							district_name = tr_list[i+1][0].text + ' ' + district_name
					print("\x1b[1;31m%s\x1b[1;m" % district_name)
					consti_list.append(self.noElection_consti(city_name, district_name, district_code, num_elected))
					num_nonElection = num_nonElection+1

					seq_index = seq_index+1
					district_code = district_codeSeq[seq_index]
					district_name = code_toDistrict[str(district_code)]
					num_elected = code_toNumElected[str(district_code)]

				if (target=='local-mp' and 1 <= self.nth <= 3):
					district_name = tr_list[i+1][0].text + ' ' + district_name

				candidate_num = 0
				candi_name_list = []
				votes_num_percent = []

				electorates = tr_list[i+1][num_ths_left-2]
				counted_vote = tr_list[i+1][num_ths_left-1]

				for j in range(max_candidate_num):
					j_index = j+num_ths_left
					if (tr_list[i][j_index].findtext('strong') == None) :
					#if (tr_list[i][j_index].findtext('strong') != None) :
					candidate_num = candidate_num+1
					candi_name_list.append(tr_list[i][j_index]) #element: <td><strong>한나라당<br>김광영</strong></td>
					votes_num_percent.append(tr_list[i+1][j_index]) #element: <td>3,050<br>(4.09)</td>

					cand_list = list(map(lambda x, y: dict(list(zip(self.attrs_result, [x, y]))), candi_name_list, votes_num_percent)) #('name': <td><strong>한나라당<br>김광영</strong></td>, 'vote': <td>3,050<br>(4.09)</td>)

				valid_vote = tr_list[i+1][num_ths_left + max_candidate_num+0]
				undervote = tr_list[i+1][num_ths_left + max_candidate_num+1]
				blank_ballot = tr_list[i+1][num_ths_left + max_candidate_num+2]

				district_info = (district_name, district_code, num_elected, electorates, counted_vote, candidate_num, cand_list, valid_vote, undervote, blank_ballot)
				district_info = dict(list(zip(self.attrs_district, district_info)))
				consti_list.append(self.parse_consti(district_info, city_name=city_name, city_code=city_code))
				print("\x1b[1;32m%s\x1b[1;m" % district_name)

				seq_index = seq_index+1

		while seq_index < len(district_codeSeq):
			district_code = district_codeSeq[seq_index]
			district_name = code_toDistrict[str(district_code)]
			if (target=='local-mp' and 1 <= self.nth <= 3):
				district_name = tr_list[i][0].text + ' ' + district_name
			num_elected = code_toNumElected[str(district_code)]
			print("\x1b[1;33m%s\x1b[1;m" % district_name)
			consti_list.append(self.noElection_consti(city_name, district_name, district_code, num_elected))
			num_nonElection = num_nonElection+1
			seq_index = seq_index+1

		return_result = [{'region_name': city_name, 'region_code': city_code, 'district_result': consti_list}]
		print('\x1b[1;31mcrawled %s election #%d - \x1b[1;m%s, %s(%d)' % (target, self.nth, target_kor+' 선거구별 득표', city_name, seq_index))
		print('\t└  %s, %s(%d)...' % ('무투표 선거구', city_name, num_nonElection))

		return return_result