Exemplo n.º 1
def _exec(req, data=None, showLog=True, api=XVM.API_VERSION, params={}):
    url = None
    response = None
    errStr = None
        url = XVM.SERVERS[randint(0, len(XVM.SERVERS) - 1)]
        url = url.format(API=api, REQ=req)
        for k, v in params.iteritems():
            url = url.replace('{' + k + '}', '' if v is None else str(v))

        accountDBID = utils.getAccountDBID()
        if accountDBID is None:
            accountDBID = 0

        token = config.token.token
        if token is None:
            token = '-'

        url = url.format(id=accountDBID, token=token)

        (response, duration, errStr) = loadUrl(url, body=data)

        return (None if not response else unicode_to_ascii(
            simplejson.loads(response)), errStr)
    except Exception as ex:
        err('url = {}'.format(utils.hide_guid(url)))
        err('response = {}'.format(utils.hide_guid(response)))
        err('errStr = {}'.format(utils.hide_guid(errStr)))
        return (None, sys.exc_info()[0])
Exemplo n.º 2
def _exec(req, data=None, showLog=True, api=XVM.API_VERSION, params={}):
    url = None
    response = None
    errStr = None
        url = XVM.SERVERS[randint(0, len(XVM.SERVERS) - 1)]
        url = url.format(API=api, REQ=req)
        for k, v in params.iteritems():
            url = url.replace('{'+k+'}', '' if v is None else str(v))

        accountDBID = utils.getAccountDBID()
        if accountDBID is None:
            accountDBID = 0

        token = config.token.token
        if token is None:
            token = ''

        url = url.format(id=accountDBID, token=token)

        (response, duration, errStr) = loadUrl(url, None, data)

        return (None if not response else unicode_to_ascii(simplejson.loads(response)), errStr)
    except Exception as ex:
        err('url = {}'.format(utils.hide_guid(url)))
        err('response = {}'.format(utils.hide_guid(response)))
        err('errStr = {}'.format(utils.hide_guid(errStr)))
        return (None, sys.exc_info()[0])
Exemplo n.º 3
def _initializeXvmToken():
    global _tdataPrev

    # use last player id for replays
    playerId = getCurrentPlayerId() if not isReplay() else userprefs.get('tokens.lastPlayerId')
    if playerId is None:

    tdataActive = _getXvmActiveTokenData()
    (tdata, errStr) = _checkToken(playerId, None if tdataActive is None else tdataActive['token'])
    if tdata is None:
        tdata = _tdataPrev

    if not isReplay():
        type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning
        msg = _getXvmMessageHeader()
        if tdata is None:
            msg += '{{l10n:token/services_unavailable}}\n\n%s' % utils.hide_guid(errStr)
        elif tdata['status'] == 'badToken' or tdata['status'] == 'inactive':
            msg += '{{l10n:token/services_inactive}}'
        elif tdata['status'] == 'blocked':
            msg += '{{l10n:token/blocked}}'
        elif tdata['status'] == 'active':
            type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.GameGreeting
            msg += '{{l10n:token/active}}\n'
            s = time.time()
            e = tdata['expires_at'] / 1000
            days_left = int((e - s) / 86400)
            hours_left = int((e - s) / 3600) % 24
            mins_left = int((e - s) / 60) % 60
            token_name = 'time_left' if days_left >= 3 else 'time_left_warn'
            msg += '{{l10n:token/%s:%d:%02d:%02d}}\n' % (token_name, days_left, hours_left, mins_left)
            msg += '{{l10n:token/cnt:%d}}' % tdata['cnt']
            type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Error
            msg += '{{l10n:token/unknown_status}}\n%s' % utils.hide_guid(simplejson.dumps(tdata))
        msg += '</textformat>'

        if _tdataPrev is None or _tdataPrev['status'] != 'active' or tdata is None or tdata['status'] != 'active':
            g_eventBus.handleEvent(events.HasCtxEvent(XVM_EVENT.SYSTEM_MESSAGE, {'msg':msg,'type':type}))

    if tdata is not None:
        _tdataPrev = tdata
        if tdata['status'] == 'active':
            if 'token' not in tdata and tdataActive is not None:
                tdata['token'] = tdataActive['token']
            if 'token' in tdata:
                del tdata['token']
        userprefs.set('tokens.{0}'.format(playerId), tdata)
        userprefs.set('tokens.lastPlayerId', playerId)

        global networkServicesSettings
        networkServicesSettings = _makeNetworkServicesSettings(tdata)

    global _token
    _token = '' if tdata is None else tdata.get('token', '').encode('ascii')
Exemplo n.º 4
def _checkToken(playerId, token):
    data = None
    errStr = None
        req = "checkToken/%d" % playerId
        if token is not None:
            req += "/%s" % token.encode('ascii')
        server = XVM.SERVERS[randint(0, len(XVM.SERVERS) - 1)]
        (response, duration, errStr) = loadUrl(server, req)

        # response= """{"status":"inactive"}"""
        # response = """{"expires_at":1394834790589,"cnt":0,"_id":4630209,"status":"active",
        # "token":"84a45576-5f06-4945-a607-bbee61b4876a","__v":0,"start_at":1393625190589}"""
        # response = """{"expires_at":1394817931657,"cnt":3,"_id":2178413,"status":"badToken",
        # "start_at":1393608331657}"""

        if not response:
            # err('Empty response or parsing error')
                if response is None:
                    return None
                response = response.strip()
                data = None if response in ('', '[]') else simplejson.loads(response)
            except Exception, ex:
                errStr = 'Bad answer: ' + response
                err('  ' + errStr)
                data = None
    except Exception, ex:
        errStr = str(ex)
Exemplo n.º 5
def tokenUpdated():
    type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning
    msg = _getXvmMessageHeader()
    status = config.token.status
    if status is None:
        msg += '{{l10n:token/services_unavailable}}\n\n%s' % utils.hide_guid(config.token.errStr)
    elif status == 'badToken' or status == 'inactive':
        msg += '{{l10n:token/services_inactive}}'
    elif status == 'blocked':
        msg += '{{l10n:token/blocked}}'
    elif status == 'active':
        type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.GameGreeting
        msg += '{{l10n:token/active}}\n'
        s = time.time()
        e = config.token.expires_at / 1000
        days_left = int((e - s) / 86400)
        hours_left = int((e - s) / 3600) % 24
        mins_left = int((e - s) / 60) % 60
        token_name = 'time_left' if days_left >= 11 else 'time_left_warn'
        msg += '{{l10n:token/%s:%d:%02d:%02d}}' % (token_name, days_left, hours_left, mins_left)
        type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Error
        msg += '{{l10n:token/unknown_status}}\n%s' % status
    msg += '</textformat>'

    g_eventBus.handleEvent(events.HasCtxEvent(XVM_EVENT.SYSTEM_MESSAGE, {'msg':msg,'type':type}))
Exemplo n.º 6
def tokenUpdated():
    type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning
    msg = _getXvmMessageHeader()
    status = config.token.status
    if status is None:
        msg += '{{l10n:token/services_unavailable}}\n\n%s' % utils.hide_guid(
    elif status == 'badToken' or status == 'inactive':
        msg += '{{l10n:token/services_inactive}}'
    elif status == 'blocked':
        msg += '{{l10n:token/blocked}}'
    elif status == 'active':
        type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.GameGreeting
        msg += '{{l10n:token/active}}\n'
        s = time.time()
        e = config.token.expires_at / 1000
        days_left = int((e - s) / 86400)
        hours_left = int((e - s) / 3600) % 24
        mins_left = int((e - s) / 60) % 60
        token_name = 'time_left' if days_left >= 11 else 'time_left_warn'
        msg += '{{l10n:token/%s:%d:%02d:%02d}}' % (token_name, days_left,
                                                   hours_left, mins_left)
        type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Error
        msg += '{{l10n:token/unknown_status}}\n%s' % status
    msg += '</textformat>'

        events.HasCtxEvent(XVM_EVENT.SYSTEM_MESSAGE, {
            'msg': msg,
            'type': type
Exemplo n.º 7
def loadUrl(url, req=None, body=None, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8', showLog=True, api=XVM.API_VERSION):
    url = url.replace("{API}", api)
    if req is not None:
        url = url.replace("{REQ}", req)
    u = urlparse(url)
    ssl = url.lower().startswith('https://')
    if showLog:
        # hide some chars of token in the log
        path_log = utils.hide_guid(u.path) if not XFW_NO_TOKEN_MASKING else u.path
        log('  HTTP%s: %s%s' % ('S' if ssl else '', path_log, '?' + u.query if u.query else ''), '[INFO]  ')

    startTime = datetime.datetime.now()

    #import time

    (response, compressedSize, errStr) = _loadUrl(u, XVM.TIMEOUT, body, content_type)
    # repeat request on timeout
    if errStr is not None and 'timed out' in errStr:
        (response, compressedSize, errStr) = _loadUrl(u, XVM.TIMEOUT, body, content_type)

    elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime
    msec = elapsed.seconds * 1000 + elapsed.microseconds / 1000
    duration = None
    if response:
        if showLog:
            log("  Time: %d ms, Size: %d (%d) bytes" % (msec, compressedSize, len(response)), '[INFO]  ')
        # debug('response: ' + response)
        if not response.lower().startswith('onexception'):
            duration = msec

    return (response, duration, errStr)
Exemplo n.º 8
def loadUrl(url, req=None, body=None, showLog=True, api=XVM.API_VERSION):
    url = url.replace("{API}", api)
    if req is not None:
        url = url.replace("{REQ}", req)
    u = urlparse(url)
    ssl = url.lower().startswith('https://')
    if showLog:
        # hide some chars of token in the log
        path_log = utils.hide_guid(u.path) if not XFW_NO_TOKEN_MASKING else u.path
        log('  HTTP%s: %s' % ('S' if ssl else '', path_log), '[INFO]  ')

    startTime = datetime.datetime.now()

    #import time

    (response, compressedSize, errStr) = _loadUrl(u, XVM.TIMEOUT, XVM.FINGERPRINTS, body)

    elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime
    msec = elapsed.seconds * 1000 + elapsed.microseconds / 1000
    duration = None
    if response:
        if showLog:
            log("  Time: %d ms, Size: %d (%d) bytes" % (msec, compressedSize, len(response)), '[INFO]  ')
        # debug('response: ' + response)
        if not response.lower().startswith('onexception'):
            duration = msec

    return (response, duration, errStr)
Exemplo n.º 9
def _checkToken(playerId, token):
    data = None
        req = "checkToken/%d" % playerId
        if token is not None:
            req += "/%s" % token.encode('ascii')
        server = XVM_STAT_SERVERS[randint(0, len(XVM_STAT_SERVERS) - 1)]
        (response, duration) = loadUrl(server, req)

        #response = """{"expires_at":1394834790589,"cnt":0,"_id":4630209,"status":"active","token":"84a45576-5f06-4945-a607-bbee61b4876a","__v":0,"start_at":1393625190589}"""
        #response = """{"expires_at":1394817931657,"cnt":1,"_id":2178413,"status":"inactive","start_at":1393608331657}"""
        #response = """{"expires_at":1394817931657,"cnt":3,"_id":2178413,"status":"badToken","start_at":1393608331657}"""

        if not response:
            #err('Empty response or parsing error')
                if response is None:
                    return None
                response = response.strip()
                data = None if response in ('', '[]') else json.loads(response)
            except Exception, ex:
                err('  Bad answer: ' + response)
                data = None
    except Exception, ex:
Exemplo n.º 10
def loadUrl(url, req=None):
    url = url.replace("{API}", XVM_STAT_API_VERSION)
    if req is not None:
        url = url.replace("{REQ}", req)
    u = urlparse(url)
    ssl = url.lower().startswith('https://')
    # hide some chars of token in the log
    path_log = utils.hide_guid(u.path)
    log('  HTTP%s: %s' % ('S' if ssl else '', path_log), '[INFO]  ')

    startTime = datetime.datetime.now()

    (response, compressedSize) = _loadUrl(u, XVM_STAT_TIMEOUT, XVM_STAT_FINGERPRINT)

    elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime
    msec = elapsed.seconds * 1000 + elapsed.microseconds / 1000
    if response:
        log("  Time: %d ms, Size: %d (%d) bytes" % (msec, compressedSize, len(response)), '[INFO]  ')
        #debug('response: ' + response)
        if not response.lower().startswith('onexception'):
            duration = msec
        duration = None

    return (response, duration)
Exemplo n.º 11
def loadUrl(url, req=None):
    url = url.replace("{API}", XVM_STAT_API_VERSION)
    if req is not None:
        url = url.replace("{REQ}", req)
    u = urlparse(url)
    ssl = url.lower().startswith('https://')
    # hide some chars of token in the log
    path_log = utils.hide_guid(u.path)
    log('  HTTP%s: %s' % ('S' if ssl else '', path_log), '[INFO]  ')

    startTime = datetime.datetime.now()

    (response, compressedSize) = _loadUrl(u, XVM_STAT_TIMEOUT,

    elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime
    msec = elapsed.seconds * 1000 + elapsed.microseconds / 1000
    if response:
            "  Time: %d ms, Size: %d (%d) bytes" %
            (msec, compressedSize, len(response)), '[INFO]  ')
        #debug('response: ' + response)
        if not response.lower().startswith('onexception'):
            duration = msec
        duration = None

    return (response, duration)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def onSystemMessage(self, e=None, cnt=0):
     msg = e.ctx.get('msg', '')
     type = e.ctx.get('type', SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Information)
     if type not in [
         log('SystemMessage: [{}] {}'.format(type, utils.hide_guid(msg)))
     SystemMessages.pushMessage(msg, type)
Exemplo n.º 13
def _loadUrl(u, timeout, body, content_type): # timeout in msec
    response = None
    compressedSize = None
    errStr = None
    conn = None
        cls = httplib.HTTPSConnection if u.scheme.lower() == 'https' else httplib.HTTPConnection
        global _proxy
        if _proxy:
            conn = cls(_proxy.hostname, _proxy.port, timeout=timeout/1000)
            headers = {}
            if _proxy.username and _proxy.password:
                auth = '%s:%s' % (_proxy.username, _proxy.password)
                headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(auth)
            conn.set_tunnel(u.hostname, u.port, headers=headers)
            conn = cls(u.netloc, timeout=timeout/1000)

        global _USER_AGENT
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": _USER_AGENT,
            "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
            "Content-Type": content_type}
        conn.request("POST" if body else "GET", u.path + ('?' + u.query if u.query else ''), body, headers)
        resp = conn.getresponse()
        # log(resp.status)

        response = resp.read()
        compressedSize = len(response)

        encoding = resp.getheader('content-encoding')

        if encoding is None:
            pass  # leave response as is
        elif encoding == 'gzip':
            response = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(response)).read()
            raise Exception('Encoding not supported: %s' % encoding)

        # log(response)
        if resp.status not in [200, 202, 204, 401]:  # 200 OK, 202 Accepted, 204 No Content
            m = re.search(r'<body[^>]+?>\r?\n?(.+?)</body>', response, flags=re.S | re.I)
            if m:
                response = m.group(1)
            response = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', response)
            response = re.sub(r'nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', '', response)
            response = response.strip()
            raise Exception('HTTP Error: [%i] %s. Response: %s' % (resp.status, resp.reason, response[:256]))

    except Exception as ex:
        response = None
        errStr = str(ex)
        if not isinstance(errStr, unicode):
            errStr = errStr.decode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]).encode("utf-8")
        # log(errStr)
        tb = traceback.format_exc(1).split('\n')
        err('loadUrl failed: %s%s' % (utils.hide_guid(errStr), tb[1]))

        if conn is not None:

    return (response, compressedSize, errStr)
Exemplo n.º 14
def _loadUrl(u, timeout, fingerprints, body):  # timeout in msec
    response = None
    compressedSize = None
    errStr = None
    conn = None
        # log(u)
        if u.scheme.lower() == 'https':
            checker = tlslite.CheckerXfw(x509Fingerprint=fingerprints) if fingerprints else None
            conn = tlslite.HTTPTLSConnection(u.netloc, timeout=timeout / 1000, checker=checker)
            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(u.netloc, timeout=timeout / 1000)
        global _USER_AGENT
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": _USER_AGENT,
            "Connection": "Keep-Alive",
            "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
            "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"}
        conn.request("POST" if body else "GET", u.path, body, headers)
        resp = conn.getresponse()
        # log(resp.status)

        response = resp.read()
        compressedSize = len(response)

        encoding = resp.getheader('content-encoding')

        if encoding is None:
            pass  # leave response as is
        elif encoding == 'gzip':
            response = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(response)).read()
            raise Exception('Encoding not supported: %s' % encoding)

        # log(response)
        if resp.status not in [200, 202, 204, 401]:  # 200 OK, 202 Accepted, 204 No Content
            m = re.search(r'<body[^>]+?>\r?\n?(.+?)</body>', response, flags=re.S | re.I)
            if m:
                response = m.group(1)
            response = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', response)
            response = re.sub(r'nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', '', response)
            response = response.strip()
            raise Exception('HTTP Error: [%i] %s. Response: %s' % (resp.status, resp.reason, response[:256]))

    except tlslite.TLSLocalAlert as ex:
        response = None
        err('loadUrl failed: %s' % utils.hide_guid(traceback.format_exc()))
        errStr = str(ex)

    except tlslite.TLSFingerprintError as ex:
        response = None
        err('loadUrl failed: %s' % utils.hide_guid(traceback.format_exc()))
        errStr = str(ex)

    except Exception as ex:
        response = None
        errStr = str(ex)
        if not isinstance(errStr, unicode):
            errStr = errStr.decode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]).encode("utf-8")
        # log(errStr)
        tb = traceback.format_exc(1).split('\n')
        err('loadUrl failed: %s%s' % (utils.hide_guid(errStr), tb[1]))

    #    if conn is not None:
    #       conn.close()

    return (response, compressedSize, errStr)
Exemplo n.º 15
def _loadUrl(u, timeout, body, content_type): # timeout in msec
    response = None
    compressedSize = None
    errStr = None
    conn = None
        cls = httplib.HTTPSConnection if u.scheme.lower() == 'https' else httplib.HTTPConnection
        global _proxy
        if _proxy:
            conn = cls(_proxy.hostname, _proxy.port, timeout=timeout/1000)
            headers = {}
            if _proxy.username and _proxy.password:
                auth = '%s:%s' % (_proxy.username, _proxy.password)
                headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(auth)
            conn.set_tunnel(u.hostname, u.port, headers=headers)
            conn = cls(u.netloc, timeout=timeout/1000)

        global _USER_AGENT
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": _USER_AGENT,
            "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
            "Content-Type": content_type}
        conn.request("POST" if body else "GET", u.path, body, headers)
        resp = conn.getresponse()
        # log(resp.status)

        response = resp.read()
        compressedSize = len(response)

        encoding = resp.getheader('content-encoding')

        if encoding is None:
            pass  # leave response as is
        elif encoding == 'gzip':
            response = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(response)).read()
            raise Exception('Encoding not supported: %s' % encoding)

        # log(response)
        if resp.status not in [200, 202, 204, 401]:  # 200 OK, 202 Accepted, 204 No Content
            m = re.search(r'<body[^>]+?>\r?\n?(.+?)</body>', response, flags=re.S | re.I)
            if m:
                response = m.group(1)
            response = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', response)
            response = re.sub(r'nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', '', response)
            response = response.strip()
            raise Exception('HTTP Error: [%i] %s. Response: %s' % (resp.status, resp.reason, response[:256]))

    except Exception as ex:
        response = None
        errStr = str(ex)
        if not isinstance(errStr, unicode):
            errStr = errStr.decode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]).encode("utf-8")
        # log(errStr)
        tb = traceback.format_exc(1).split('\n')
        err('loadUrl failed: %s%s' % (utils.hide_guid(errStr), tb[1]))

        if conn is not None:

    return (response, compressedSize, errStr)
Exemplo n.º 16
def _loadUrl(u, timeout, fingerprints, body):  # timeout in msec
    response = None
    compressedSize = None
    errStr = None
    conn = None
        # log(u)
        if u.scheme.lower() == 'https':
            checker = tlslite.CheckerXfw(
                x509Fingerprint=fingerprints) if fingerprints else None
            conn = tlslite.HTTPTLSConnection(u.netloc,
                                             timeout=timeout / 1000,
            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(u.netloc, timeout=timeout / 1000)
        global _USER_AGENT
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": _USER_AGENT,
            "Connection": "Keep-Alive",
            "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
            "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
        conn.request("POST" if body else "GET", u.path, body, headers)
        resp = conn.getresponse()
        # log(resp.status)

        response = resp.read()
        compressedSize = len(response)

        encoding = resp.getheader('content-encoding')

        if encoding is None:
            pass  # leave response as is
        elif encoding == 'gzip':
            response = gzip.GzipFile(
            raise Exception('Encoding not supported: %s' % encoding)

        # log(response)
        if resp.status not in [200, 202, 204,
                               401]:  # 200 OK, 202 Accepted, 204 No Content
            m = re.search(r'<body[^>]+?>\r?\n?(.+?)</body>',
                          flags=re.S | re.I)
            if m:
                response = m.group(1)
            response = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', response)
            response = re.sub(r'nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', '', response)
            response = response.strip()
            raise Exception('HTTP Error: [%i] %s. Response: %s' %
                            (resp.status, resp.reason, response[:256]))

    except tlslite.TLSLocalAlert as ex:
        response = None
        err('loadUrl failed: %s' % utils.hide_guid(traceback.format_exc()))
        errStr = str(ex)

    except tlslite.TLSFingerprintError as ex:
        response = None
        err('loadUrl failed: %s' % utils.hide_guid(traceback.format_exc()))
        errStr = str(ex)

    except Exception as ex:
        response = None
        errStr = str(ex)
        if not isinstance(errStr, unicode):
            errStr = errStr.decode(
        # log(errStr)
        tb = traceback.format_exc(1).split('\n')
        err('loadUrl failed: %s%s' % (utils.hide_guid(errStr), tb[1]))

    # finally:
    # if conn is not None:
    #    conn.close()

    return (response, compressedSize, errStr)