Exemplo n.º 1
import fakeUtils as fakeu
from indexed_chain import IndexedChain
import settings
import utils
from kin import addTlv, computeCollinearMassLepTau, computeRazor, computeMt, selection_formulas

susyntutils = utils.import_susyntutils()
r = susyntutils.import_root()

from CutflowTable import CutflowTable

import systUtils

skip_charge_flip = True # temp skip qflip
This code is used either (1) to fill the histos, or (2) to make plots
and tables. The output of (1) is used as input of (2).

Required inputs: trees produced with `submitJobs.py --seltuple` and
with `--matrix-prediction`.
Exemplo n.º 2
from rootUtils import (drawAtlasLabel, dummyHisto, getBinContents, getMinMax,
                       graphWithPoissonError, increaseAxisFont, topRightLegend,
                       importRoot, integralAndError, setAtlasStyle,
                       topRightLabel, writeObjectsToFile, buildRatioHistogram,
                       buildBotTopPads, getXrange, referenceLine)
r = importRoot()
from utils import (commonPrefix, commonSuffix, dictSum, first,
                   getCommandOutput, mkdirIfNeeded, filterWithRegexp,
                   remove_duplicates, sortedAs)
import fakeUtils as fakeu
from indexed_chain import IndexedChain
import settings
import utils
from kin import addTlv, computeCollinearMassLepTau, computeRazor, computeMt, selection_formulas

susyntutils = utils.import_susyntutils()
r = susyntutils.import_root()

from CutflowTable import CutflowTable

import systUtils

skip_charge_flip = True  # temp skip qflip
usage = """
This code is used either (1) to fill the histos, or (2) to make plots
and tables. The output of (1) is used as input of (2).

Required inputs: trees produced with `submitJobs.py --seltuple` and
with `--matrix-prediction`.