Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_average_precision_classification(ground_truth, prediction):
    """Compute average precision (classification task) between ground truth and
    predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
    predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matched as
    true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.

    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id']
    prediction : df
        Data frame containing the prediction instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 'score']

    ap : float
        Average precision score.
    npos = float(len(ground_truth))
    lock_gt = np.ones(len(ground_truth)) * -1
    # Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
    sort_idx = prediction['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
    prediction = prediction.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
    tp = np.zeros(len(prediction))
    fp = np.zeros(len(prediction))

    # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
    for idx in range(len(prediction)):
        this_pred = prediction.loc[idx]
        gt_idx = ground_truth['video-id'] == this_pred['video-id']
        # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video associated.
        if not gt_idx.any():
            fp[idx] = 1
        this_gt = ground_truth.loc[gt_idx].reset_index()
        if lock_gt[this_gt['index']] >= 0:
            fp[idx] = 1
            tp[idx] = 1
            lock_gt[this_gt['index']] = idx

    # Computing prec-rec
    tp = np.cumsum(tp).astype(np.float)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp).astype(np.float)
    rec = tp / npos
    prec = tp / (tp + fp)
    return interpolated_prec_rec(prec, rec)
def compute_average_precision_classification(ground_truth, prediction):
    """Compute average precision (classification task) between ground truth and
    predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
    predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matched as
    true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.

    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id']
    prediction : df
        Data frame containing the prediction instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 'score']

    ap : float
        Average precision score.
    npos = float(len(ground_truth))
    lock_gt = np.ones(len(ground_truth)) * -1
    # Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
    sort_idx = prediction['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
    prediction = prediction.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
    tp = np.zeros(len(prediction))
    fp = np.zeros(len(prediction))

    # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
    for idx in range(len(prediction)):
        this_pred = prediction.loc[idx]
        gt_idx = ground_truth['video-id'] == this_pred['video-id']
        # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video associated.
        if not gt_idx.any():
            fp[idx] = 1
        this_gt = ground_truth.loc[gt_idx].reset_index()
        if lock_gt[this_gt['index']] >= 0:
            fp[idx] = 1
            tp[idx] = 1
            lock_gt[this_gt['index']] = idx

    # Computing prec-rec
    tp = np.cumsum(tp).astype(np.float)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp).astype(np.float)
    rec = tp / npos
    prec = tp / (tp + fp)
    return interpolated_prec_rec(prec, rec)
Exemplo n.º 3
def compute_mAP_N(result,this_cls_pred,this_cls_gt):
    ap = np.zeros(len(result.tiou_thresholds))
    tp = np.zeros((len(result.tiou_thresholds), len(this_cls_pred)))
    fp = np.zeros((len(result.tiou_thresholds), len(this_cls_pred)))

    for tidx, tiou in enumerate(result.tiou_thresholds): 
        fp[tidx,pd.isnull(this_cls_pred[result.matched_gt_id_cols[tidx]]).values] = 1
        tp[tidx,~(pd.isnull(this_cls_pred[result.matched_gt_id_cols[tidx]]).values)] = 1

    tp_cumsum = np.cumsum(tp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
    fp_cumsum = np.cumsum(fp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
    recall_cumsum = tp_cumsum / len(np.unique(this_cls_gt['gt-id']))
    precision_cumsum = recall_cumsum * result.average_num_instance_per_class / (recall_cumsum * result.average_num_instance_per_class + fp_cumsum)

    for tidx in range(len(result.tiou_thresholds)):
        ap[tidx] = interpolated_prec_rec(precision_cumsum[tidx,:], recall_cumsum[tidx,:])
    return ap.mean()
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_average_precision_detection(ground_truth,
                                            0.5, 0.95, 10)):
    """Compute average precision (detection task) between ground truth and
    predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
    predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matches as
    true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.

    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id', 't-start', 't-end']
    prediction : df
        Data frame containing the prediction instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 't-start', 't-end', 'score']
    tiou_thresholds : 1darray, optional
        Temporal intersection over union threshold.

    ap : float
        Average precision score.
    npos = float(len(ground_truth))
    lock_gt = np.ones((len(tiou_thresholds), len(ground_truth))) * -1
    # Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
    sort_idx = prediction['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
    prediction = prediction.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
    tp = np.zeros((len(tiou_thresholds), len(prediction)))
    fp = np.zeros((len(tiou_thresholds), len(prediction)))

    # Adaptation to query faster
    ground_truth_gbvn = ground_truth.groupby('video-id')

    # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
    for idx, this_pred in tqdm.tqdm(prediction.iterrows()):

            # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video associated.
            ground_truth_videoid = ground_truth_gbvn.get_group(
        except Exception as e:
            fp[:, idx] = 1

        this_gt = ground_truth_videoid.reset_index()
        tiou_arr = segment_iou(this_pred[['t-start', 't-end']].values,
                               this_gt[['t-start', 't-end']].values)
        # We would like to retrieve the predictions with highest tiou score.
        tiou_sorted_idx = tiou_arr.argsort()[::-1]
        for tidx, tiou_thr in enumerate(tiou_thresholds):
            for jdx in tiou_sorted_idx:
                if tiou_arr[jdx] < tiou_thr:
                    fp[tidx, idx] = 1
                if lock_gt[tidx, this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] >= 0:
                # Assign as true positive after the filters above.
                tp[tidx, idx] = 1
                lock_gt[tidx, this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] = idx

            if fp[tidx, idx] == 0 and tp[tidx, idx] == 0:
                fp[tidx, idx] = 1

    ap = np.zeros(len(tiou_thresholds))

    for tidx in range(len(tiou_thresholds)):
        # Computing prec-rec
        this_tp = np.cumsum(tp[tidx, :]).astype(np.float)
        this_fp = np.cumsum(fp[tidx, :]).astype(np.float)
        rec = this_tp / npos
        prec = this_tp / (this_tp + this_fp)
        ap[tidx] = interpolated_prec_rec(prec, rec)

    return ap
Exemplo n.º 5
def compute_average_precision_detection(ground_truth, prediction, tiou_thr=0.5):
    """Compute average precision (detection task) between ground truth and
    predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
    predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matches as
    true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.

    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id', 't-start', 't-end']
    prediction : df
        Data frame containing the prediction instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 't-start', 't-end', 'score']
    tiou_thr : (float, optional)
        Temporal intersection over union threshold.

    ap : float
        Average precision score.
    npos = float(len(ground_truth))
    lock_gt = np.ones(len(ground_truth)) * -1
    # Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
    sort_idx = prediction['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
    prediction = prediction.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
    tp = np.zeros(len(prediction))
    fp = np.zeros(len(prediction))

    # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
    for idx in range(len(prediction)):
        this_pred = prediction.loc[idx]
        gt_idx = ground_truth['video-id'] == this_pred['video-id']
        # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video associated.
        if not gt_idx.any():
            fp[idx] = 1
        this_gt = ground_truth.loc[gt_idx].reset_index()
        tiou_arr = segment_iou(this_pred[['t-start', 't-end']].values,
                               this_gt[['t-start', 't-end']].values)
        # We would like to retrieve the predictions with highest tiou score.
        tiou_sorted_idx = tiou_arr.argsort()[::-1]
        for jdx in tiou_sorted_idx:
            if tiou_arr[jdx] < tiou_thr:
                fp[idx] = 1
            if lock_gt[this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] >= 0:
            # Assign as true positive after the filters above.
            tp[idx] = 1
            lock_gt[this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] = idx

    # Computing prec-rec
    tp = np.cumsum(tp).astype(np.float)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp).astype(np.float)
    rec = tp / npos
    prec = tp / (tp + fp)
    return interpolated_prec_rec(rec, prec)
Exemplo n.º 6
def compute_average_precision_detection(ground_truth, prediction, tiou_thresholds=np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10)):
    """Compute average precision (detection task) between ground truth and
    predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
    predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matches as
    true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.

    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id', 't-start', 't-end']
    prediction : df
        Data frame containing the prediction instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 't-start', 't-end', 'score']
    tiou_thresholds : 1darray, optional
        Temporal intersection over union threshold.

    ap : float
        Average precision score.
    ap = np.zeros(len(tiou_thresholds))
    if prediction.empty:
        return ap

    npos = float(len(ground_truth))
    lock_gt = np.ones((len(tiou_thresholds),len(ground_truth))) * -1
    # Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
    sort_idx = prediction['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
    prediction = prediction.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
    tp = np.zeros((len(tiou_thresholds), len(prediction)))
    fp = np.zeros((len(tiou_thresholds), len(prediction)))

    # Adaptation to query faster
    ground_truth_gbvn = ground_truth.groupby('video-id')

    # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
    for idx, this_pred in prediction.iterrows():

            # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video associated.
            ground_truth_videoid = ground_truth_gbvn.get_group(this_pred['video-id'])
        except Exception as e:
            fp[:, idx] = 1

        this_gt = ground_truth_videoid.reset_index()
        tiou_arr = segment_iou(this_pred[['t-start', 't-end']].values,
                               this_gt[['t-start', 't-end']].values)
        # We would like to retrieve the predictions with highest tiou score.
        tiou_sorted_idx = tiou_arr.argsort()[::-1]
        for tidx, tiou_thr in enumerate(tiou_thresholds):
            for jdx in tiou_sorted_idx:
                if tiou_arr[jdx] < tiou_thr:
                    fp[tidx, idx] = 1
                if lock_gt[tidx, this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] >= 0:
                # Assign as true positive after the filters above.
                tp[tidx, idx] = 1
                lock_gt[tidx, this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] = idx

            if fp[tidx, idx] == 0 and tp[tidx, idx] == 0:
                fp[tidx, idx] = 1

    tp_cumsum = np.cumsum(tp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
    fp_cumsum = np.cumsum(fp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
    recall_cumsum = tp_cumsum / npos

    precision_cumsum = tp_cumsum / (tp_cumsum + fp_cumsum)

    for tidx in range(len(tiou_thresholds)):
        ap[tidx] = interpolated_prec_rec(precision_cumsum[tidx,:], recall_cumsum[tidx,:])

    return ap
Exemplo n.º 7
def compute_average_precision_detection(ground_truth, prediction, tiou_thr=0.5):
    """Compute average precision (detection task) between ground truth and
    predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
    predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matches as
    true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.

    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id', 't-start', 't-end']
    prediction : df
        Data frame containing the prediction instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 't-start', 't-end', 'score']
    tiou_thr : (float, optional)
        Temporal intersection over union threshold.

    ap : float
        Average precision score.
    npos = float(len(ground_truth))
    lock_gt = np.ones(len(ground_truth)) * -1
    # Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
    sort_idx = prediction['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
    prediction = prediction.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
    tp = np.zeros(len(prediction))
    fp = np.zeros(len(prediction))

    # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
    for idx in range(len(prediction)):
        this_pred = prediction.loc[idx]
        gt_idx = ground_truth['video-id'] == this_pred['video-id']
        # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video associated.
        if not gt_idx.any():
            fp[idx] = 1
        this_gt = ground_truth.loc[gt_idx].reset_index()
        tiou_arr = segment_iou(this_pred[['t-start', 't-end']].values,
                               this_gt[['t-start', 't-end']].values)
        # We would like to retrieve the predictions with highest tiou score.
        tiou_sorted_idx = tiou_arr.argsort()[::-1]
        for jdx in tiou_sorted_idx:
            if tiou_arr[jdx] < tiou_thr:
                fp[idx] = 1
            if lock_gt[this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] >= 0:
            # Assign as true positive after the filters above.
            tp[idx] = 1
            lock_gt[this_gt.loc[jdx]['index']] = idx

    # Computing prec-rec
    tp = np.cumsum(tp).astype(np.float)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp).astype(np.float)
    rec = tp / npos
    prec = tp / (tp + fp)
    return interpolated_prec_rec(prec, rec)
Exemplo n.º 8
def compute_average_precision_detection(ground_truth, prediction, tiou_thresholds=np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10),
                                        normalize_ap=False, average_num_instance_per_class=None,
    """Compute average precision (detection task) between ground truth and
    predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
    predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matches as
    true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.

    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id', 't-start', 't-end']
    prediction : df
        Data frame containing the prediction instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 't-start', 't-end', 'score']
    tiou_thresholds : 1darray, optional
        Temporal intersection over union threshold.

    ap : float
        Average precision score.
    gt_id_lst = np.unique(ground_truth['gt-id'].values)
    gt_id_to_index = dict(zip(gt_id_lst, range(len(gt_id_lst))))
    lock_gt = np.ones((len(tiou_thresholds), len(gt_id_to_index))) * -1

    npos = float(len(gt_id_lst))

    # Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
    sort_idx = prediction['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
    prediction = prediction.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
    tp = np.zeros((len(tiou_thresholds), len(prediction)))
    fp = np.zeros((len(tiou_thresholds), len(prediction)))

    matched_gt_id = np.nan*np.zeros((len(tiou_thresholds), len(prediction)))

    ap = np.zeros(len(tiou_thresholds))
    if prediction.empty:
        return ap, matched_gt_id, prediction['prediction-id'].values, 0, 0

    # Adaptation to query faster
    ground_truth_gbvn = ground_truth.groupby('video-id')

    # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
    for idx, this_pred in prediction.iterrows():

            # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video associated.
            ground_truth_videoid = ground_truth_gbvn.get_group(this_pred['video-id'])
        except Exception as e:
            fp[:, idx] = 1

        this_gt = ground_truth_videoid.reset_index()
        tiou_arr = segment_iou(this_pred[['t-start', 't-end']].values,
                               this_gt[['t-start', 't-end']].values)
        # We would like to retrieve the predictions with highest tiou score.
        tiou_sorted_idx = tiou_arr.argsort()[::-1]
        for tidx, tiou_thr in enumerate(tiou_thresholds):
            for jdx in tiou_sorted_idx:
                if tiou_arr[jdx] < tiou_thr:
                    fp[tidx, idx] = 1
                if lock_gt[tidx, gt_id_to_index[this_gt.loc[jdx]['gt-id']]] >= 0:
                # Assign as true positive after the filters above.
                tp[tidx, idx] = 1
                lock_gt[tidx, gt_id_to_index[this_gt.loc[jdx]['gt-id']]] = idx
                matched_gt_id[tidx, idx] = this_gt.loc[jdx]['gt-id']

            if fp[tidx, idx] == 0 and tp[tidx, idx] == 0:
                fp[tidx, idx] = 1

    tp_cumsum = np.cumsum(tp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
    fp_cumsum = np.cumsum(fp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
    recall_cumsum = tp_cumsum / npos

    if normalize_ap:
        precision_cumsum = recall_cumsum * average_num_instance_per_class / \
            (recall_cumsum * average_num_instance_per_class + fp_cumsum)

        discard_index = precision_cumsum <= minimum_normalized_precision_threshold_for_detection

        tp[discard_index] = 0
        fp[discard_index] = 1
        matched_gt_id[discard_index] = np.nan

        tp_cumsum = np.cumsum(tp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
        fp_cumsum = np.cumsum(fp, axis=1).astype(np.float)
        recall_cumsum = tp_cumsum / npos

        precision_cumsum = recall_cumsum * average_num_instance_per_class / \
            (recall_cumsum * average_num_instance_per_class + fp_cumsum)
        precision_cumsum = recall_cumsum * npos / (recall_cumsum * npos + fp_cumsum)

    for tidx in range(len(tiou_thresholds)):
        ap[tidx] = interpolated_prec_rec(precision_cumsum[tidx, :], recall_cumsum[tidx, :])

    recall = recall_cumsum[:, -1]
    precision = precision_cumsum[:, -1]

    return ap, matched_gt_id, prediction['prediction-id'].values, recall, precision
Exemplo n.º 9
    def diagnose(self):
        """Analyzes the error types and add the results to self.prediction DataFrame.
        Computes the average-mAP gain after removing each error type.

        [WARNING]: diagnose() can only be run after evaluate() has finished

        # Augment the prediction DataFrame with the error types
        self.fp_error_types = self.wrapper_analyze_fp_error_types()
        self.fp_error_types_count = {}

        for tidx, column_name in enumerate(self.fp_error_type_cols):
            self.prediction[column_name] = self.fp_error_types[tidx]

            this_tiou = self.tiou_thresholds[tidx]
            self.fp_error_types_count[this_tiou] = dict(zip(self.fp_error_types_legned.keys(),
            error_ids, counts = np.unique(self.fp_error_types[tidx], return_counts=True)
            for error_id, count in zip(error_ids, counts):
                self.fp_error_types_count[this_tiou][self.fp_error_types_inverse_legned[error_id]] = count

        self.fp_error_types_count_df = pd.DataFrame(self.fp_error_types_count)
        self.fp_error_types_count_df['avg'] = self.fp_error_types_count_df.mean(axis=1)
        self.fp_error_types_precentage_df = self.fp_error_types_count_df/len(self.prediction)

        # Computes the average-mAP gain after removing each error type
        self.ap_gain, self.average_mAP_gain = {}, {}

        for err_name, err_code in self.fp_error_types_legned.items():
            if err_code:
                self.ap_gain[err_name] = np.zeros((len(self.tiou_thresholds),
                for cidx in self.activity_index.values():

                    this_pred_df = self.prediction[self.prediction['label'] == cidx].reset_index(drop=True)
                    sort_idx = this_pred_df['score'].values.argsort()[::-1]
                    this_pred_df = this_pred_df.loc[sort_idx].reset_index(drop=True)
                    this_gt_df = self.ground_truth[self.ground_truth['label'] == cidx]

                    npos = len(this_gt_df)

                    for tidx in range(len(self.tiou_thresholds)):
                        this_error_types = this_pred_df[self.fp_error_type_cols[tidx]].T.values
                        tp = (~np.isnan(this_pred_df[self.matched_gt_id_cols[tidx]].T)).astype(np.int)
                        tp = tp[this_error_types != err_code]
                        fp = np.abs(tp - 1)

                        # Computing prec-rec
                        this_tp = np.cumsum(tp).astype(np.float)
                        this_fp = np.cumsum(fp).astype(np.float)
                        rec = this_tp / npos
                        if self.normalize_ap:
                            prec = rec * self.average_num_instance_per_class / (
                                rec * self.average_num_instance_per_class + this_fp)
                            prec = rec * npos / (rec * npos + this_fp)
                        self.ap_gain[err_name][tidx, cidx] = interpolated_prec_rec(prec, rec)
                self.average_mAP_gain[err_name] = self.ap_gain[err_name].mean() - self.average_mAP

        if self.verbose:
            print('[DIAGNOSIS] Analysis of false positive error types.')
            print('\tPercentage of each error type:\n{}'.format(self.fp_error_types_precentage_df))
            print('\tAverage mAP gain after removing each error type:\n{}'.format(self.average_mAP_gain))
import numpy as np

from utils import interpolated_prec_rec

prec = np.array([0, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1])
rec = np.array([0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1])
ap = interpolated_prec_rec(prec, rec)