Exemplo n.º 1
    def _browse(self,
        """Simulate a browser handle redirects, load/cache css and images."""
        self._response = None
        # Loop mode
        if self._loop_mode:
            if self.steps == self._loop_steps[0]:
                self._loop_recording = True
                self.logi('Loop mode start recording')
            if self._loop_recording:
                    (url_in, params_in, description, ok_codes, method,
                     follow_redirect, load_auto_links, False))
        # ok codes
        if ok_codes is None:
            ok_codes = self.ok_codes
        if type(params_in) is DictType:
            params_in = params_in.items()
        params = []
        if params_in:
            if isinstance(params_in, Data):
                params = params_in
                for key, value in params_in:
                    if type(value) is DictType:
                        for val, selected in value.items():
                            if selected:
                                params.append((key, val))
                    elif type(value) in (ListType, TupleType):
                        for val in value:
                            params.append((key, val))
                        params.append((key, value))

        if method == 'get' and params:
            url = url_in + '?' + urlencode(params)
            url = url_in
        if method == 'get':
            params = None

        if method == 'get':
            if not self.in_bench_mode:
                self.logd('GET: %s\n\tPage %i: %s ...' %
                          (url, self.steps, description or ''))
            url = url_in
            if not self.in_bench_mode:
                self.logd('%s: %s %s\n\tPage %i: %s ...' %
                          (method.upper(), url, str(params), self.steps,
                           description or ''))
            # Fetching
        response = self._connect(url, params, ok_codes, method, description)

        # Check redirection
        if follow_redirect and response.code in (301, 302, 303, 307):
            max_redirect_count = 10
            thread_sleep()  # give a chance to other threads
            while response.code in (301, 302, 303, 307) and max_redirect_count:
                # Figure the location - which may be relative
                newurl = response.headers['Location']
                url = urljoin(url_in, newurl)
                # Save the current url as the base for future redirects
                url_in = url
                self.logd(' Load redirect link: %s' % url)
                # Use the appropriate method for redirection
                if response.code in (302, 303):
                    method = 'get'
                if response.code == 303:
                    # 303 is HTTP/1.1, make sure the connection
                    # is not in keep alive mode
                    self.setHeader('Connection', 'close')
                response = self._connect(url,
                max_redirect_count -= 1
            if not max_redirect_count:
                self.logd(' WARNING Too many redirects give up.')

        # Load auto links (css and images)
        response.is_html = is_html(response.body)
        if load_auto_links and response.is_html and not self._simple_fetch:
            self.logd(' Load css and images...')
            page = response.body
            t_start = time.time()
            c_start = self.total_time
                # pageImages is patched to call _log_response on all links
                self._browser.pageImages(url, page, self)
            except HTTPError, error:
                if self._accept_invalid_links:
                    if not self.in_bench_mode:
                        self.logd('  ' + str(error))
                    t_stop = time.time()
                    t_delta = t_stop - t_start
                    self.step_success = False
                    self.test_status = 'Failure'
                    self.logd('  Failed in ~ %.2fs' % t_delta)
                    # XXX The duration logged for this response is wrong
                    raise self.failureException, str(error)
            c_stop = self.total_time
            self.logd('  Done in %.3fs' % (c_stop - c_start))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _browse(self, url_in, params_in=None,
                description=None, ok_codes=None,
                follow_redirect=True, load_auto_links=True,
        """Simulate a browser handle redirects, load/cache css and images."""
        self._response = None
        # Loop mode
        if self._loop_mode:
            if self.steps == self._loop_steps[0]:
                self._loop_recording = True
                self.logi('Loop mode start recording')
            if self._loop_recording:
                self._loop_records.append((url_in, params_in, description,
                                           ok_codes, method, follow_redirect,
                                           load_auto_links, False))
        # ok codes
        if ok_codes is None:
            ok_codes = self.ok_codes
        if type(params_in) is DictType:
            params_in = params_in.items()
        params = []
        if params_in:
            if isinstance(params_in, Data):
                params = params_in
                for key, value in params_in:
                    if type(value) is DictType:
                        for val, selected in value.items():
                            if selected:
                                params.append((key, val))
                    elif type(value) in (ListType, TupleType):
                        for val in value:
                            params.append((key, val))
                        params.append((key, value))

        if method == 'get' and params:
            url = url_in + '?' + urlencode(params)
            url = url_in
        if method == 'get':
            params = None

        if method == 'get':
            if not self.in_bench_mode:
                self.logd('GET: %s\n\tPage %i: %s ...' % (url, self.steps,
                                                          description or ''))
            url = url_in
            if not self.in_bench_mode:
                self.logd('%s: %s %s\n\tPage %i: %s ...' % (
                        method.upper(), url, str(params),
                        self.steps, description or ''))
            # Fetching
        response = self._connect(url, params, ok_codes, method, description)

        # Check redirection
        if follow_redirect and response.code in (301, 302, 303, 307):
            max_redirect_count = 10
            thread_sleep()              # give a chance to other threads
            while response.code in (301, 302, 303, 307) and max_redirect_count:
                # Figure the location - which may be relative
                newurl = response.headers['Location']
                url = urljoin(url_in, newurl)
                # Save the current url as the base for future redirects
                url_in = url
                self.logd(' Load redirect link: %s' % url)
                # Use the appropriate method for redirection
                if response.code in (302, 303):
                    method = 'get'
                if response.code == 303:
                    # 303 is HTTP/1.1, make sure the connection 
                    # is not in keep alive mode
                    self.setHeader('Connection', 'close')
                response = self._connect(url, None, ok_codes, rtype=method,
                                         description=None, redirect=True)
                max_redirect_count -= 1
            if not max_redirect_count:
                self.logd(' WARNING Too many redirects give up.')

        # Load auto links (css and images)
        response.is_html = is_html(response.body)
        if load_auto_links and response.is_html and not self._simple_fetch:
            self.logd(' Load css and images...')
            page = response.body
            t_start = time.time()
            c_start = self.total_time
                # pageImages is patched to call _log_response on all links
                self._browser.pageImages(url, page, self)
            except HTTPError, error:
                if self._accept_invalid_links:
                    if not self.in_bench_mode:
                        self.logd('  ' + str(error))
                    t_stop = time.time()
                    t_delta = t_stop - t_start
                    self.step_success = False
                    self.test_status = 'Failure'
                    self.logd('  Failed in ~ %.2fs' % t_delta)
                    # XXX The duration logged for this response is wrong
                    self._log_response(error.response, 'link', None,
                                       t_start, t_stop, log_body=True)
                    raise self.failureException, str(error)
            c_stop = self.total_time
            self.logd('  Done in %.3fs' % (c_stop - c_start))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _browse(self, url_in, params_in=None,
                description=None, ok_codes=None,
                follow_redirect=True, load_auto_links=True,
        """Simulate a browser handle redirects, load/cache css and images."""
        self._response = None
        # Loop mode
        if self._loop_mode:
            if self.steps == self._loop_steps[0]:
                self._loop_recording = True
                self.logi('Loop mode start recording')
            if self._loop_recording:
                self._loop_records.append((url_in, params_in, description,
                                           ok_codes, method, follow_redirect,
                                           load_auto_links, False))
        # ok codes
        if ok_codes is None:
            ok_codes = self.ok_codes
        if type(params_in) is DictType:
            params_in = params_in.items()
        params = []
        if params_in:
            if isinstance(params_in, Data):
                params = params_in
                for key, value in params_in:
                    if type(value) is DictType:
                        for val, selected in value.items():
                            if selected:
                                params.append((key, val))
                    elif type(value) in (ListType, TupleType):
                        for val in value:
                            params.append((key, val))
                        params.append((key, value))

        if method == 'get' and params:
            url = url_in + '?' + urlencode(params)
            url = url_in
        if method == 'get':
            params = None

        if method == 'get':
            if not self.in_bench_mode:
                self.logd('GET: %s\n\tPage %i: %s ...' % (url, self.steps,
                                                          description or ''))
            url = url_in
            if not self.in_bench_mode:
                self.logd('%s: %s %s\n\tPage %i: %s ...' % (
                        method.upper(), url, str(params),
                        self.steps, description or ''))
            # Fetching
        response = self._connect(url, params, ok_codes, method, description)

        # Check redirection
        if follow_redirect and response.code in (301, 302, 303, 307):
            max_redirect_count = 10
            thread_sleep()              # give a chance to other threads
            while response.code in (301, 302, 303, 307) and max_redirect_count:
                # Figure the location - which may be relative
                newurl = response.headers['Location']
                url = urljoin(url_in, newurl)
                # Save the current url as the base for future redirects
                url_in = url
                self.logd(' Load redirect link: %s' % url)
                # Use the appropriate method for redirection
                if response.code in (302, 303):
                    method = 'get'
                if response.code == 303:
                    # 303 is HTTP/1.1, make sure the connection 
                    # is not in keep alive mode
                    self.setHeader('Connection', 'close')
                response = self._connect(url, None, ok_codes, rtype=method,
                                         description=None, redirect=True)
                max_redirect_count -= 1
            if not max_redirect_count:
                self.logd(' WARNING Too many redirects give up.')

        # Load auto links (css and images)
        response.is_html = is_html(response.body)
        if load_auto_links and response.is_html and not self._simple_fetch:
            self.logd(' Load css and images...')
            page = response.body
            # pageImages is patched to call self.record on all links
            self._browser.pageImages(url, page, self)
        if sleep:
        self._response = response

        # Loop mode
        if self._loop_mode and self.steps == self._loop_steps[-1]:
            self._loop_recording = False
            self.logi('Loop mode end recording.')
            t_start = self.total_time
            count = 0
            for i in range(self._loop_number):
                self.logi('Loop mode replay %i' % i)
                for record in self._loop_records:
                    count += 1
                    self.steps += 1
            t_delta = self.total_time - t_start
            text = ('End of loop: %d pages rendered in %.3fs, '
                    'avg of %.3fs per page, '
                    '%.3f SPPS without concurrency.' % (count, t_delta,
                                                        t_delta / count,
            trace(text + '\n')

        return response