def email_render_error(self, traceback=None): """ Uses the attributes of the session to send an email when a user's current view fails to render. """ admins = settings.get("application", "admin_email").split(",") session_as_html = "<br/>".join( ["  %s -> %s" % (k, v) for k, v in self.session.iteritems()]) M = mailSession() email_msg = html.meta.view_render_fail_email.safe_substitute( user_email=self.User.user["login"], user_id=self.User.user["_id"], exception=traceback, hostname=socket.gethostname(),, session_obj=session_as_html, ) M.send( recipients=admins, html_msg=email_msg, subject="KDM-Manager Render Failure! [%s]" % socket.gethostname(), # reply_to=self.User.user["login"], ) self.logger.warn("[%s] Current view render failure email sent!" % self.User)
def initiate_password_reset(): """ Attempts to start the mechanism for resetting a user's password. Unlike a lot of methods, this one handles the whole request processing and is very...self-contained. """ # first, validate the post incoming_json = request.get_json() user_login = incoming_json.get('username', None) if user_login is None: return Response( response = "A valid user email address must be included in password reset requests!", status = 400 ) # normalize emails issue #501 user_login = user_login.strip().lower() # next, validate the user user = utils.mdb.users.find_one({"login": user_login}) if user is None: return Response( response = "'%s' is not a registered email address." % user_login, status = 404 ) # if the user looks good, set the code U = User(_id=user["_id"]) user_code = U.set_recovery_code() # support for applications with their own URLs incoming_app_url = incoming_json.get('app_url', None) if incoming_app_url is not None: application_url = incoming_app_url parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(incoming_app_url) netloc = parsed.scheme + "://" + parsed.netloc else: netloc = utils.get_application_url() application_url = utils.get_application_url() # finally, send the email to the user try: tmp_file = os.path.join(utils.settings.get("api","cwd"), "html/password_recovery.html") msg = string.Template(file(tmp_file, "rb").read()) msg = msg.safe_substitute(login=user_login, recovery_code=user_code, app_url=application_url, netloc=netloc) e = utils.mailSession() e.send(recipients=[user_login], html_msg=msg) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise # exit 200 return utils.http_200
def report_error(self): """ Uses attributes of the session, including self.params, to create an error report email. """ self.logger.debug("[%s] is entering an error report!" % self.User) admins = settings.get("application", "admin_email").split(",") M = mailSession() email_msg = html.meta.error_report_email.safe_substitute( user_email=self.User.user["login"], user_id=self.User.user["_id"], body=self.params["body"].value.replace("\n", "<br/>")) M.send( recipients=admins, html_msg=email_msg, subject="KDM-Manager Error Report", reply_to=self.User.user["login"], ) self.logger.warn("[%s] Error report email sent!" % self.User)
def get_settlements(self, qualifier=None, return_type=None): """ By default, this returns all settlements created by the user. Use the qualifiers thus: 'player' - returns all settlements where the user is a player or admin or whatever. This casts the widest possible net. 'admin' - returns only the settlements where the user is an admin but is NOT the creator of the settlement. """ if qualifier is None: settlements = utils.mdb.settlements.find({ "$or": [ { "created_by": self.user["_id"], "removed": { "$exists": False }, }, { "admins": { "$in": [ self.user["login"], ] }, "removed": { "$exists": False }, }, ] }) elif qualifier == "player": settlement_id_set = set() survivors = self.get_survivors(qualifier="player") for s in survivors: settlement_id_set.add(s["settlement"]) settlements_owned = self.get_settlements() for s in settlements_owned: settlement_id_set.add(s["_id"]) settlements = utils.mdb.settlements.find({ "_id": { "$in": list(settlement_id_set) }, "removed": { "$exists": False } }) elif qualifier == "admin": settlements = utils.mdb.settlements.find({ "admins": { "$in": [self.user["login"]] }, "created_by": { "$ne": self.user["_id"] }, "removed": { "$exists": False }, }) else: raise Exception("'%s' is not a valid qualifier for this method!" % qualifier) # change settlements to a list so we can do python post-process settlements = list(settlements) # settlement age support/freemium wall # first, see if we even need to be here # MOVE ALL OF THIS OUT OF THIS METHOD ASAP sub_level = self.get_subscriber_level() if sub_level >= 1: pass else: # self.logger.debug("%s Subscriber level is %s. Checking settlement asset ages..." % (self, sub_level)) for s in settlements: asset_age = - s['created_on'] older_than_cutoff = asset_age.days > settings.get( 'application', 'free_user_settlement_age_max') if older_than_cutoff and self.user['_id'] == s['created_by']: self.logger.warn( "%s settlement '%s' is more than %s days old!" % (self, s['name'], settings.get('application', 'free_user_settlement_age_max'))) msg = utils.html_file_to_template( 'html/auto_remove_settlement.html') # in case the admin panel hits it before the actual user if not hasattr(request, 'User'): request.User = utils.noUser() msg = msg.safe_substitute( settlement_name=s['name'], settlement_age=asset_age.days, settlement_dict=s, user_email=request.User.login, user_id=request.User._id, ) e = utils.mailSession() e.send(subject="Settlement auto-remove! [%s]" % socket.getfqdn(), recipients=settings.get('application', 'email_alerts').split(','), html_msg=msg) s['removed'] = settlements.remove(s) # # now start handling returns # if return_type == int: return len(settlements) elif return_type == list: output = [s["_id"] for s in settlements] return output elif return_type == 'list_of_dicts': return settlements elif return_type == "asset_list": output = [] for s in settlements: try: S = Settlement(_id=s["_id"], normalize_on_init=False) sheet = json.loads(S.serialize('dashboard')) output.append(sheet) except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not serialize %s" % s) logger.exception(e) raise return output return settlements