Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__( self, path ):
     self._steps = []
     config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
     config.read( path )
     self._path = path
     self._platforms = []
     found = True
     stepNum = 0
     while found:
         sec = "Step{0}".format( stepNum )
         if not config.has_section( sec ):
             found = False
         stepNum += 1
         installscript = utils.makeAbsolutePath( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "installscript", None, sec ), os.path.dirname( path ) )
         checkerTestDir = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "checkerTestDir", None, sec )
         checkerTestDir = utils.makeAbsolutePath( checkerTestDir, os.path.dirname( path ) ) if checkerTestDir else ""
         timeout = int( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "timeout", 60 * 60, sec ) )
         self._steps.append( Step( installscript, checkerTestDir, timeout ) )
     self._name = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "name", utils.basename( path ) )
     self._targetDirectory = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "targetDirectory", "" )
     self._maintenanceToolLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "maintenanceToolLocation", "" )
     platforms = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "platforms" )
     if platforms != None:
         self._platforms = platforms.split( ',' )
def fromVMRunAndPath( vmrun, path ):
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.read( path )

    hostType = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "type", "", "Host" )
    hostLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "Host" )
    hostUsername = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "", "Host" )
    hostPassword = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "", "Host" )

    vmxVal = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "vmx" )
    if not len( hostType ) == 0:
        vmx = utils.makeAbsolutePath( vmxVal, os.path.dirname( path ) )
        vmx = vmxVal

    username = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "nokia" )
    password = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "nokia" )
    tempDir = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "tempDir", "c:\\windows\\temp" )
    ostype = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "os", "windows" )
    vm = VirtualMachine( vmrun, vmx, username, password, tempDir, ostype )
    vm._name = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "name", utils.basename( path ) )
    vm._snapshot = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "snapshot", "base" )
    vm._python = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "python", "c:/python26/python.exe" )
    vm._hostType = hostType
    vm._hostLocation = hostLocation
    vm._hostUsername = hostUsername
    vm._hostPassword = hostPassword
    return vm
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, path):
        self._steps = []
        config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
        self._path = path
        self._platforms = []
        found = True
        stepNum = 0
        while found:
            sec = "Step{0}".format(stepNum)
            if not config.has_section(sec):
                found = False

            stepNum += 1
            installscript = utils.makeAbsolutePath(
                utils.get_config_option(config, None, "installscript", None,
                                        sec), os.path.dirname(path))
            checkerTestDir = utils.get_config_option(config, None,
                                                     "checkerTestDir", None,
            checkerTestDir = utils.makeAbsolutePath(
                os.path.dirname(path)) if checkerTestDir else ""
            timeout = int(
                utils.get_config_option(config, None, "timeout", 60 * 60, sec))
            self._steps.append(Step(installscript, checkerTestDir, timeout))

        self._name = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "name",
        self._targetDirectory = utils.get_config_option(
            config, None, "targetDirectory", "")
        self._maintenanceToolLocation = utils.get_config_option(
            config, None, "maintenanceToolLocation", "")
        platforms = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "platforms")
        if platforms != None:
            self._platforms = platforms.split(',')
def makePlot1cFilelists(golddir, resultdir, outputdir, genefile, queryNames):
    golddir = utils.makeAbsolutePath(golddir)
    resultdir = utils.makeAbsolutePath(resultdir)
    outputdir = utils.makeAbsolutePath(outputdir)
    genefile = utils.makeAbsolutePath(genefile)

    queryfilelist = os.path.join(outputdir, 'filelist_seek1c.query')
    goldfilelist = os.path.join(outputdir, 'filelist_seek1c.gold')
    gscorefilelist = os.path.join(outputdir, 'filelist_seek1c.gscore')
    includefilelist = os.path.join(outputdir, 'filelist_seek1c.include')
    excludefilelist = os.path.join(outputdir, 'filelist_seek1c.exclude')

    filecount = 0
    queryNames = [name.rstrip() for name in queryNames.split(',')]
    for queryName in queryNames:
        queryDir = os.path.join(golddir, queryName)
        gscoreDir = os.path.join(resultdir, queryName)
        filepattern = os.path.join(queryDir, r'[0-9]*.query')
        for queryfile in glob.iglob(filepattern):
            filecount += 1
            # Add a line to each filelist
            utils.file_appendline(queryfilelist, queryfile)
                                  re.sub('query$', 'gold', queryfile))
            utils.file_appendline(includefilelist, genefile)
            utils.file_appendline(excludefilelist, queryfile)
            # gscore file is in the result dir rather than gold dir
            qbasename = os.path.basename(queryfile)
            gscorefile = os.path.join(gscoreDir,
                                      qbasename.replace('query', 'gscore'))
            utils.file_appendline(gscorefilelist, gscorefile)

    if filecount == 0:
        print("No matching files found")

    print("Num files processed: {}".format(filecount))
Exemplo n.º 5
import ConfigParser, datetime, optparse, os, sys
from functools import partial
import cdashreporter, control, ftpsource, source, reporter, utils

def die( msg ):
    sys.stderr( msg + '\n' )
    sys.exit( 1 )
optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] configfile installer0 [installer1 ...]", version="%prog 0.1")
optionParser.add_option("-r", "--vmrun", dest="vmrun", help="vmrun executable to use", metavar="VMRUN" )
optionParser.add_option("-s", "--only-since", dest="since", help="test only installers newer than timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm)", metavar="SINCE" )
optionParser.add_option("-c", "--checkerInstallation", dest="checkerInstallation", help="checker installation to use for post-installation checks", metavar="CHECKERINSTALLATION" )
(options, args) = optionParser.parse_args()

    configpath = utils.makeAbsolutePath( args[0], os.getcwd() )
except IndexError:
    optionParser.print_usage( sys.stderr )
    sys.exit( 1 )

config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
config.read( configpath )

#make an unary functor to create absolute paths
abspath = partial( utils.makeAbsolutePath, relativeTo=os.path.dirname( configpath ) )

vmrun = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmrun, "vmrun", utils.findVMRun() )
useGui = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "gui", "true" ).lower() == "true"
createErrorSnapshots = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "createErrorSnapshots", "true" ).lower() == "true"
hostType = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "type", "", "Host" )
hostLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "Host" )
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_queries(groups,
    Create queries out of groups of biologically informative gene sets.
    Each group is a set of genes that are correlated with each other.
    One query line will be made for each query_count in the list, the query_count
    indicates what how many of the gene group to use as the query, the rest
    will be the target result genes.
    outBaseFilename = makeAbsolutePath(outBaseFilename)

    if os.path.basename(outBaseFilename) in ['', None]:
        print('output basename is empty')

    print("output to {}".format(outBaseFilename + '.query.txt'))
    queryFH = open(outBaseFilename + '.query.txt', 'w')
    goldStdFH = open(outBaseFilename + '.goldStd.txt', 'w')
    groupFH = open(outBaseFilename + '.group.txt', 'w')
    num_groups = 0
    for group in groups:
        if max_groups is not None:
            if num_groups >= max_groups:
        num_groups += 1
        # if query_pct specified, translate that into the number of genes for each query
        if query_pct is not None and len(query_pct) > 0:
            num_query_genes = [(group.size * qpct / 100.0)
                               for qpct in query_pct]
            if max(num_query_genes) > max_query_genes:
                # Using the max(query_pct), calculate a group.size that will keep the
                # number of query genes below max_query_genes
                max_qpct = max(query_pct)
                gsize = max_query_genes * 100.0 / max_qpct
                num_query_genes = [(gsize * qpct / 100.0)
                                   for qpct in query_pct]
            # Append the counts derived from pct to the count array
        group.queries = []
        for qnum in query_count:
            query = StructDict()
            if qnum < 10:
                qnum = math.ceil(qnum)
                qnum = math.floor(qnum)
            assert qnum <= max_query_genes
            assert qnum <= group.size - 1
            query.qnum = qnum
            # create a random list of index values for the query genes
            query.q_indicies = random.sample(range(group.size), qnum)
            # create the inverse list for the results genes
            query.res_indicies = list(
                set(range(group.size)) - set(query.q_indicies))
            assert len(query.q_indicies) == query.qnum
            assert len(query.res_indicies) == group.size - query.qnum
            assert set(query.q_indicies).isdisjoint(set(query.res_indicies))
            assert len(group.genes) == group.size
            assert max(query.q_indicies) < group.size
            assert max(query.res_indicies) < group.size
            # select the query genes and result genes
            query.genes = [group.genes[i] for i in query.q_indicies]
            query.results = [group.genes[i] for i in query.res_indicies]
            # write the query genes to a file
            queryFH.write("    ".join(query.genes) + "\n")
            # write the result genes to a file
            goldStdFH.write("    ".join(query.results) + "\n")
            # write the group to a file
            groupFH.write("\t".join([group.id, group.desc]) + "\n")
            # groupFH.write("\t".join(group.genes) + "\n")
        # end for query percents
    # end for groups