Exemplo n.º 1
 def turnNoteOn(self, noteNum):
     if noteNum >= len(self.currNoteState) or noteNum < 0:
     assert(self.currNoteState[noteNum] == 0)
     self.currNoteState[noteNum] = 1
     print noteNum, " : ", self.currNoteState[noteNum]
     print "current note: ", utils.midiNoteMapping[noteNum]
     if True in self.predictionState:
         predicted = self.predictionState.index(True)
         self.confMatrix[noteNum % 12, predicted % 12] += 1
         self.mmConfMatrix[noteNum % 12, self.mmPreds[-1][0]] += 1
         self.mm3ConfMatrix[noteNum % 12, self.mm3Preds[-1][0]] += 1
         self.hmmConfMatrix[noteNum % 12, self.hmmPreds[-1][0]] += 1
         self.qConfMatrix[noteNum % 12, self.qPreds[-1][0]] += 1
         if self.predictor == "Q":
             print "begin reward sequence"
             reward = 0
             if (noteNum % 12) == (predicted % 12):
                 print "good reward!"
                 reward = 1
             prevNote = self.allNotes[-1][0]
             print "before learning: ", self.qModel.q
             self.qModel.learn(prevNote, predicted, reward, noteNum)
             print "after learning: ", self.qModel.q
         #learn q learning here
     note = [noteNum, pygame.time.get_ticks(), -1]
     print note
     self.noteRects.append(utils.makeNoteRect(noteNum, 1))
     if (len(self.allNotes) > 10):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, showPredictions=False, predictor="MM", dataFile="data/noteData_ex_random.pickle"):
        self.model = Model(dataFile)
        import utils
        self.showPredictions = showPredictions
        self.currNoteState = [0] * utils.numNotes
        self.predictionState = [False] * utils.numNotes
        self.keyRects = []
        self.actionQueue = []
        if predictor not in ["MM", "MM3", "HMM", "Q"]:
            predictor = "MM"
        self.predictor = predictor
        self.octave = 1 #assumes that note 48 is in the data...
        for note, val in enumerate(self.currNoteState):
            self.keyRects.append(utils.makeNoteRect(note, utils.numNotes))
        self.allNotes = []
        self.modelRects = [] #(note, (left, top, width, height))
        self.noteRects = [] #(note, (left, top, width, height))
        self.soundMapping = utils.initSoundMappings()
        self.confMatList = []
        self.confMatrix = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.int)
        self.avgF1s = []
        self.memoryList = []
        self.cpuList = []

        self.mmPreds = []
        self.mmConfMatList = []
        self.mmConfMatrix = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.int)
        self.mmAvgF1s = []
        self.mm3Preds = []
        self.mm3ConfMatList = []
        self.mm3ConfMatrix = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.int)
        self.mm3AvgF1s = []
        self.hmmPreds = []
        self.hmmConfMatList = []
        self.hmmConfMatrix = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.int)
        self.hmmAvgF1s = []
        self.qPreds = []
        self.qConfMatList = []
        self.qConfMatrix = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.int)
        self.qAvgF1s = []
        mmModel, mmModel3, hmmModel, qModel = self.model.train()
        self.mmModel = mmModel
        self.mmModel3 = mmModel3
        self.hmmModel = hmmModel
        self.qModel = qModel