def make_floppy(self): """Writes a Grub boot floppy. Returns 0 if it was successful. Returns 1 if there was an OSError returns a code < 0 or > 1 for other errors """ return utils.make_floppy(self.grub_install_command,
def build_commandline(uri, name=None, ram=None, disks=None, uuid=None, extra=None, vcpus=None, profile_data=None, arch=None, no_gfx=False, fullvirt=False, bridge=None, virt_type=None, virt_auto_boot=False, qemu_driver_type=None, qemu_net_type=None, qemu_machine_type=None): # Set flags for CLI arguments based on the virtinst_version # tuple above. Older versions of python-virtinst don't have # a version easily accessible, so it will be None and we can # easily disable features based on that (RHEL5 and older usually) disable_autostart = False disable_virt_type = False disable_boot_opt = False disable_driver_type = False disable_net_model = False disable_machine_type = False oldstyle_macs = False oldstyle_accelerate = False if not virtinst_version: print ("- warning: old python-virtinst detected, a lot of features will be disabled") disable_autostart = True disable_boot_opt = True disable_virt_type = True disable_driver_type = True disable_net_model = True disable_machine_type = True oldstyle_macs = True oldstyle_accelerate = True is_import = uri.startswith("import") if is_import: # We use the special value 'import' for Since # it is connection agnostic, just let virt-install choose the # best hypervisor. uri = "" fullvirt = None is_xen = uri.startswith("xen") is_qemu = uri.startswith("qemu") if is_qemu: if virt_type != "kvm": fullvirt = True else: fullvirt = None floppy = None cdrom = None location = None importpath = None if is_import: importpath = profile_data.get("file") if not importpath: raise koan.InfoException("Profile 'file' required for image " "install") elif profile_data.has_key("file"): if is_xen: raise koan.InfoException("Xen does not work with --image yet") # this is an image based installation input_path = profile_data["file"] print "- using image location %s" % input_path if input_path.find(":") == -1: # this is not an NFS path cdrom = input_path else: (tempdir, filename) = utils.nfsmount(input_path) cdrom = os.path.join(tempdir, filename) kickstart = profile_data.get("kickstart","") if kickstart != "": # we have a (windows?) answer file we have to provide # to the ISO. print "I want to make a floppy for %s" % kickstart floppy = utils.make_floppy(kickstart) elif is_qemu: # images don't need to source this if not profile_data.has_key("install_tree"): raise koan.InfoException("Cannot find install source in kickstart file, aborting.") if not profile_data["install_tree"].endswith("/"): profile_data["install_tree"] = profile_data["install_tree"] + "/" location = profile_data["install_tree"] disks = _sanitize_disks(disks) nics = _sanitize_nics(profile_data.get("interfaces"), bridge, profile_data.get("virt_bridge"), profile_data.get("network_count")) if not nics: # for --profile you get one NIC, go define a system if you want more. # FIXME: can mac still be sent on command line in this case? if bridge is None: bridge = profile_data["virt_bridge"] if bridge == "": raise koan.InfoException("virt-bridge setting is not defined in cobbler") nics = [(bridge, None)] kernel = profile_data.get("kernel_local") initrd = profile_data.get("initrd_local") breed = profile_data.get("breed") os_version = profile_data.get("os_version") if os_version and breed == "ubuntu": os_version = "ubuntu%s" % os_version if os_version and breed == "debian": os_version = "debian%s" % os_version net_model = None disk_bus = None machine_type = None if is_qemu: net_model = qemu_net_type disk_bus = qemu_driver_type machine_type = qemu_machine_type if machine_type is None: machine_type = "pc" cmd = "virt-install " if uri: cmd += "--connect %s " % uri cmd += "--name %s " % name cmd += "--ram %s " % ram cmd += "--vcpus %s " % vcpus if uuid: cmd += "--uuid %s " % uuid if virt_auto_boot and not disable_autostart: cmd += "--autostart " if no_gfx: cmd += "--nographics " else: cmd += "--vnc " if is_qemu and virt_type: if not disable_virt_type: cmd += "--virt-type %s " % virt_type if is_qemu and machine_type and not disable_machine_type: cmd += "--machine %s " % machine_type if fullvirt or is_qemu or is_import: if fullvirt is not None: cmd += "--hvm " elif oldstyle_accelerate: cmd += "--accelerate " if is_qemu and extra: cmd += ("--extra-args=\"%s\" " % (extra)) if is_xen: cmd += "--pxe " elif cdrom: cmd += "--cdrom %s " % cdrom elif location: cmd += "--location %s " % location elif importpath: cmd += "--import " if arch: cmd += "--arch %s " % arch else: cmd += "--paravirt " if not disable_boot_opt: cmd += ("--boot kernel=%s,initrd=%s,kernel_args=\"%s\" " % (kernel, initrd, extra)) else: cmd += ("--location %s --extra-args=\"%s\" " % (location,extra)) if breed and breed != "other": if os_version and os_version != "other": cmd += "--os-variant %s " % os_version else: distro = "unix" if breed in [ "debian", "suse", "redhat" ]: distro = "linux" elif breed in [ "windows" ]: distro = "windows" cmd += "--os-type %s " % distro if importpath: # This needs to be the first disk for import to work cmd += "--disk path=%s " % importpath for path, size, driver_type in disks: print ("- adding disk: %s of size %s (driver type=%s)" % (path, size, driver_type)) cmd += "--disk path=%s" % (path) if str(size) != "0": cmd += ",size=%s" % size if disk_bus: cmd += ",bus=%s" % disk_bus if driver_type and not disable_driver_type: cmd += ",driver_type=%s" % driver_type cmd += " " if floppy: cmd += "--disk path=%s,device=floppy " % floppy for bridge, mac in nics: cmd += "--network bridge=%s" % bridge if net_model and not disable_net_model: cmd += ",model=%s" % net_model if mac: if oldstyle_macs: cmd += " --mac=%s" % mac else: cmd += ",mac=%s" % mac cmd += " " cmd += "--wait 0 " cmd += "--noautoconsole " return shlex.split(cmd.strip())
def build_commandline(uri, name=None, ram=None, disks=None, uuid=None, extra=None, vcpus=None, profile_data=None, arch=None, no_gfx=False, fullvirt=False, bridge=None, virt_type=None, virt_auto_boot=False, qemu_driver_type=None, qemu_net_type=None, qemu_machine_type=None): # Set flags for CLI arguments based on the virtinst_version # tuple above. Older versions of python-virtinst don't have # a version easily accessible, so it will be None and we can # easily disable features based on that (RHEL5 and older usually) disable_autostart = False disable_virt_type = False disable_driver_type = False disable_net_model = False oldstyle_macs = False if not virtinst_version: print( "- warning: old python-virtinst detected, a lot of features will be disabled" ) disable_autostart = True disable_virt_type = True disable_driver_type = True disable_net_model = True oldstyle_macs = True is_import = uri.startswith("import") if is_import: # We use the special value 'import' for Since # it is connection agnostic, just let virt-install choose the # best hypervisor. uri = "" fullvirt = None is_xen = uri.startswith("xen") is_qemu = uri.startswith("qemu") if is_qemu: if virt_type != "kvm": fullvirt = True else: fullvirt = None floppy = None cdrom = None location = None importpath = None if is_import: importpath = profile_data.get("file") if not importpath: raise koan.InfoException("Profile 'file' required for image " "install") elif profile_data.has_key("file"): if is_xen: raise koan.InfoException("Xen does not work with --image yet") # this is an image based installation input_path = profile_data["file"] print "- using image location %s" % input_path if input_path.find(":") == -1: # this is not an NFS path cdrom = input_path else: (tempdir, filename) = utils.nfsmount(input_path) cdrom = os.path.join(tempdir, filename) kickstart = profile_data.get("kickstart", "") if kickstart != "": # we have a (windows?) answer file we have to provide # to the ISO. print "I want to make a floppy for %s" % kickstart floppy = utils.make_floppy(kickstart) elif is_qemu: # images don't need to source this if not profile_data.has_key("install_tree"): raise koan.InfoException( "Cannot find install source in kickstart file, aborting.") if not profile_data["install_tree"].endswith("/"): profile_data["install_tree"] = profile_data["install_tree"] + "/" location = profile_data["install_tree"] disks = _sanitize_disks(disks) nics = _sanitize_nics(profile_data.get("interfaces"), bridge, profile_data.get("virt_bridge"), profile_data.get("network_count")) if not nics: # for --profile you get one NIC, go define a system if you want more. # FIXME: can mac still be sent on command line in this case? if bridge is None: bridge = profile_data["virt_bridge"] if bridge == "": raise koan.InfoException( "virt-bridge setting is not defined in cobbler") nics = [(bridge, None)] kernel = profile_data.get("kernel_local") initrd = profile_data.get("initrd_local") breed = profile_data.get("breed") os_version = profile_data.get("os_version") if os_version and breed == "ubuntu": os_version = "ubuntu%s" % os_version if os_version and breed == "debian": os_version = "debian%s" % os_version net_model = None disk_bus = None machine_type = None if is_qemu: net_model = qemu_net_type disk_bus = qemu_driver_type machine_type = qemu_machine_type if machine_type is None: machine_type = "pc" cmd = "virt-install " if uri: cmd += "--connect %s " % uri cmd += "--name %s " % name cmd += "--ram %s " % ram cmd += "--vcpus %s " % vcpus if uuid: cmd += "--uuid %s " % uuid if virt_auto_boot and not disable_autostart: cmd += "--autostart " if no_gfx: cmd += "--nographics " else: cmd += "--vnc " if is_qemu and virt_type: if not disable_virt_type: cmd += "--virt-type %s " % virt_type if is_qemu and machine_type: cmd += "--machine %s " % machine_type if fullvirt or is_qemu or is_import: if fullvirt is not None: cmd += "--hvm " if is_qemu and extra: cmd += ("--extra-args=\"%s\" " % (extra)) if is_xen: cmd += "--pxe " elif cdrom: cmd += "--cdrom %s " % cdrom elif location: cmd += "--location %s " % location elif importpath: cmd += "--import " if arch: cmd += "--arch %s " % arch else: cmd += "--paravirt " cmd += ("--boot kernel=%s,initrd=%s,kernel_args=\"%s\" " % (kernel, initrd, extra)) if breed and breed != "other": if os_version and os_version != "other": cmd += "--os-variant %s " % os_version else: distro = "unix" if breed in ["debian", "suse", "redhat"]: distro = "linux" elif breed in ["windows"]: distro = "windows" cmd += "--os-type %s " % distro if importpath: # This needs to be the first disk for import to work cmd += "--disk path=%s " % importpath for path, size, driver_type in disks: print("- adding disk: %s of size %s (driver type=%s)" % (path, size, driver_type)) cmd += "--disk path=%s" % (path) if str(size) != "0": cmd += ",size=%s" % size if disk_bus: cmd += ",bus=%s" % disk_bus if driver_type and not disable_driver_type: cmd += ",driver_type=%s" % driver_type cmd += " " if floppy: cmd += "--disk path=%s,device=floppy " % floppy for bridge, mac in nics: cmd += "--network bridge=%s" % bridge if net_model and not disable_net_model: cmd += ",model=%s" % net_model if mac: if oldstyle_macs: cmd += " --mac=%s" % mac else: cmd += ",mac=%s" % mac cmd += " " cmd += "--wait 0 " cmd += "--noautoconsole " return shlex.split(cmd.strip())
def start_install(name=None, ram=None, disks=None, mac=None, uuid=None, extra=None, vcpus=None, profile_data=None, arch=None, no_gfx=False, fullvirt=True, bridge=None, virt_type=None, virt_auto_boot=False): vtype = "qemu" if virtinst.util.is_kvm_capable(): vtype = "kvm" arch = None # let virtinst.FullVirtGuest() default to the host arch elif virtinst.util.is_kqemu_capable(): vtype = "kqemu" print "- using qemu hypervisor, type=%s" % vtype if arch is not None and arch.lower() in ["x86","i386"]: arch = "i686" guest = virtinst.FullVirtGuest(hypervisorURI="qemu:///system",type=vtype, arch=arch) if not profile_data.has_key("file"): # images don't need to source this if not profile_data.has_key("install_tree"): raise koan.InfoException("Cannot find install source in kickstart file, aborting.") if not profile_data["install_tree"].endswith("/"): profile_data["install_tree"] = profile_data["install_tree"] + "/" # virt manager doesn't like nfs:// and just wants nfs: # (which cobbler should fix anyway) profile_data["install_tree"] = profile_data["install_tree"].replace("nfs://","nfs:") if profile_data.has_key("file"): # this is an image based installation input_path = profile_data["file"] if not input_path.startswith("nfs://"): guest.cdrom = input_path else: (tempdir, filename) = utils.nfsmount(input_path) guest.cdrom = os.path.join(tempdir, filename) kickstart = profile_data.get("kickstart","") if kickstart != "": # we have a (windows?) answer file we have to provide # to the ISO. print "I want to make a floppy for %s" % kickstart floppy_path = utils.make_floppy(kickstart) guest.disks.append(virtinst.VirtualDisk(device=virtinst.VirtualDisk.DEVICE_FLOPPY, path=floppy_path)) else: guest.location = profile_data["install_tree"] extra = extra.replace("&","&") guest.extraargs = extra if profile_data.has_key("breed"): breed = profile_data["breed"] if breed != "other" and breed != "": if breed in [ "debian", "suse", "redhat" ]: guest.set_os_type("linux") elif breed in [ "windows" ]: guest.set_os_type("windows") else: guest.set_os_type("unix") if profile_data.has_key("os_version"): # FIXME: when os_version is not defined and it's linux, do we use generic24/generic26 ? version = profile_data["os_version"] if version != "other" and version != "": try: guest.set_os_variant(version) except: print "- virtinst library does not understand variant %s, treating as generic" % version pass guest.set_name(name) guest.set_memory(ram) guest.set_vcpus(vcpus) # for KVM, we actually can't disable this, since it's the only # console it has other than SDL guest.set_graphics("vnc") if uuid is not None: guest.set_uuid(uuid) for d in disks: print "- adding disk: %s of size %s" % (d[0], d[1]) if d[1] != 0 or d[0].startswith("/dev"): guest.disks.append(virtinst.VirtualDisk(d[0], size=d[1])) else: raise koan.InfoException("this virtualization type does not work without a disk image, set virt-size in Cobbler to non-zero") if profile_data.has_key("interfaces"): counter = 0 interfaces = profile_data["interfaces"].keys() interfaces.sort() vlanpattern = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[0-9]+") for iname in interfaces: intf = profile_data["interfaces"][iname] if intf["bonding"] == "master" or vlanpattern.match(iname) or iname.find(":") != -1: continue mac = intf["mac_address"] if mac == "": mac = random_mac() if bridge is None: profile_bridge = profile_data["virt_bridge"] intf_bridge = intf["virt_bridge"] if intf_bridge == "": if profile_bridge == "": raise koan.InfoException("virt-bridge setting is not defined in cobbler") intf_bridge = profile_bridge else: if bridge.find(",") == -1: intf_bridge = bridge else: bridges = bridge.split(",") intf_bridge = bridges[counter] nic_obj = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface(macaddr=mac, bridge=intf_bridge) guest.nics.append(nic_obj) counter = counter + 1 else: if bridge is not None: profile_bridge = bridge else: profile_bridge = profile_data["virt_bridge"] if profile_bridge == "": raise koan.InfoException("virt-bridge setting is not defined in cobbler") nic_obj = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface(macaddr=random_mac(), bridge=profile_bridge) guest.nics.append(nic_obj) guest.start_install() return "use virt-manager and connect to qemu to manage guest: %s" % name
def start_install(name=None, ram=None, disks=None, mac=None, uuid=None, extra=None, vcpus=None, profile_data=None, arch=None, no_gfx=False, fullvirt=True, bridge=None, virt_type=None, virt_auto_boot=False, qemu_driver_type=None, qemu_net_type=None): vtype = "qemu" if virtinst.util.is_kvm_capable(): vtype = "kvm" arch = None # let virtinst.FullVirtGuest() default to the host arch elif virtinst.util.is_kqemu_capable(): vtype = "kqemu" print "- using qemu hypervisor, type=%s" % vtype if arch is not None and arch.lower() in ["x86", "i386"]: arch = "i686" guest = virtinst.FullVirtGuest(hypervisorURI="qemu:///system", type=vtype, arch=arch) if not profile_data.has_key("file"): # images don't need to source this if not profile_data.has_key("install_tree"): raise koan.InfoException( "Cannot find install source in kickstart file, aborting.") if not profile_data["install_tree"].endswith("/"): profile_data["install_tree"] = profile_data["install_tree"] + "/" # virt manager doesn't like nfs:// and just wants nfs: # (which cobbler should fix anyway) profile_data["install_tree"] = profile_data["install_tree"].replace( "nfs://", "nfs:") if profile_data.has_key("file"): # this is an image based installation input_path = profile_data["file"] print "- using image location %s" % input_path if input_path.find(":") == -1: # this is not an NFS path guest.cdrom = input_path else: (tempdir, filename) = utils.nfsmount(input_path) guest.cdrom = os.path.join(tempdir, filename) kickstart = profile_data.get("kickstart", "") if kickstart != "": # we have a (windows?) answer file we have to provide # to the ISO. print "I want to make a floppy for %s" % kickstart floppy_path = utils.make_floppy(kickstart) guest.disks.append( virtinst.VirtualDisk(device=virtinst.VirtualDisk.DEVICE_FLOPPY, path=floppy_path)) else: guest.location = profile_data["install_tree"] extra = extra.replace("&", "&") guest.extraargs = extra if profile_data.has_key("breed"): breed = profile_data["breed"] if breed != "other" and breed != "": if breed in ["ubuntu", "debian", "redhat"]: guest.set_os_type("linux") elif breed == "suse": guest.set_os_type("linux") # SUSE requires the correct arch to find # kernel+initrd on the inst-source /boot/<arch>/loader/... guest.arch = profile_data["arch"] if guest.arch in ["i386", "i486", "i586"]: guest.arch = "i686" elif breed in ["windows"]: guest.set_os_type("windows") else: guest.set_os_type("unix") if profile_data.has_key("os_version"): # FIXME: when os_version is not defined and it's linux, do we use generic24/generic26 ? if breed == "ubuntu": # If breed is Ubuntu, need to set the version to the type of "ubuntu<version>" # as defined by virtinst. (i.e. ubuntunatty) version = "ubuntu%s" % profile_data["os_version"] else: version = profile_data["os_version"] if version != "other" and version != "": try: guest.set_os_variant(version) except: print "- virtinst library does not understand variant %s, treating as generic" % version pass guest.set_name(name) guest.set_memory(ram) guest.set_vcpus(vcpus) guest.set_autostart(virt_auto_boot) # for KVM, we actually can't disable this, since it's the only # console it has other than SDL guest.set_graphics("vnc") if uuid is not None: guest.set_uuid(uuid) for d in disks: print "- adding disk: %s of size %s (driver type=%s)" % (d[0], d[1], d[2]) if d[1] != 0 or d[0].startswith("/dev"): vdisk = virtinst.VirtualDisk(d[0], size=d[1], bus=qemu_driver_type) try: vdisk.set_driver_type(d[2]) except: print "- virtinst failed to create the VirtualDisk with the specified driver type (%s), using whatever it defaults to instead" % d[ 2] guest.disks.append(vdisk) else: raise koan.InfoException( "this virtualization type does not work without a disk image, set virt-size in Cobbler to non-zero" ) if profile_data.has_key("interfaces"): counter = 0 interfaces = profile_data["interfaces"].keys() interfaces.sort() vlanpattern = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[0-9]+") for iname in interfaces: intf = profile_data["interfaces"][iname] if intf["interface_type"] in ("master", "bond", "bridge") or vlanpattern.match( iname) or iname.find(":") != -1: continue mac = intf["mac_address"] if mac == "": mac = random_mac() if bridge is None: profile_bridge = profile_data["virt_bridge"] intf_bridge = intf["virt_bridge"] if intf_bridge == "": if profile_bridge == "": raise koan.InfoException( "virt-bridge setting is not defined in cobbler") intf_bridge = profile_bridge else: if bridge.find(",") == -1: intf_bridge = bridge else: bridges = bridge.split(",") intf_bridge = bridges[counter] nic_obj = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface(macaddr=mac, bridge=intf_bridge, model=qemu_net_type) guest.nics.append(nic_obj) counter = counter + 1 else: if bridge is not None: profile_bridge = bridge else: profile_bridge = profile_data["virt_bridge"] if profile_bridge == "": raise koan.InfoException( "virt-bridge setting is not defined in cobbler") nic_obj = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface(macaddr=random_mac(), bridge=profile_bridge, model=qemu_net_type) guest.nics.append(nic_obj) guest.start_install() return "use virt-manager and connect to qemu to manage guest: %s" % name