Exemplo n.º 1
	def _main(self, ip, seconds, options=None):
		ipadr = ip
		options = self.get_options() if not options else options
		conf = deepcopy(settings.STANDALONE_DEFAULTS)
		cconf = {
		"id": options.get("--service-id", None),
		"name": "blipp",
		"properties": {
		"configurations": {
		"unis_url": options.get("--unis-url", None),
		merge_dicts(conf, cconf)

		if options['--config-file']:
			fconf = self.get_file_config(options['--config-file'], ip)
			merge_dicts(conf, fconf)
		bconf = BlippConfigure(initial_config=conf,
		# EK: don't need to refresh right away, right?
		# bconf.refresh()

		config = bconf.config
		logger.info('main', config=pprint.pformat(config))
		# logger.warn('NODE: ' + HOSTNAME, config=pprint.pformat(config))
		arbiter.main(bconf, ip)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_capabilities(self, metadata, bbox):
        with open("templates/getcapabilities.xml") as f:
            root = objectify.parse(f).getroot()

            with open("templates/featuretype.xml") as f:
                featureTypeInfo = merge_dicts(
                    metadata, {
                        "minx": bbox[0],
                        "miny": bbox[1],
                        "maxx": bbox[2],
                        "maxy": bbox[3],
                    {"name": self.make_wfs_safe_layername(metadata["name"])})

                featureType = tostring(parse(f).getroot()).decode("utf-8")
                featureType = featureType.format(**featureTypeInfo)

            getCaps = tostring(root).decode("utf-8")
            getCaps = getCaps.format(**merge_dicts(
                self.service_info, {
                    "API_URL": self.api_url,
                    "COGJ_URL": urllib.quote(self.service_info["COGJ_URL"])

            return getCaps
Exemplo n.º 3
    def extract_marks(self):
        # To be really correct, must handle "spec", "repeat", etc., but this should be good enough for the charts we deal with
        self.marks = {}
        encoding_stack = []
        if "encoding" in self.spec:
        if "mark" in self.spec:
            if isinstance(self.spec["mark"], str):
                self.marks[self.spec["mark"]] = encoding_stack[-1]
                self.marks[self.spec["mark"]["type"]] = encoding_stack[-1]

        if "layer" in self.spec:
            for layer in self.spec["layer"]:
                if "encoding" in layer:
                if "mark" in self.spec:
                    if isinstance(self.spec["mark"], str):
                        self.marks[self.spec["mark"]] = utils.merge_dicts(
                            "type"]] = utils.merge_dicts(encoding_stack)
                if "encoding" in layer:
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_commands_dict(self, user):
     commands = self.commands_public.copy()
     if user in self.regulars + self.moderators + self.admin:
         commands = merge_dicts(commands, self.commands_regulars)
     if user in self.moderators + self.admin:
         commands = merge_dicts(commands, self.commands_moderators)
     if user in self.admin:
         commands = merge_dicts(commands, self.commands_private)
     return commands
Exemplo n.º 5
def plot(label, num_filled, freq, num_shells_range):
    method_blacklist = [
    if label != "ground":

    fit_data = fits.load_fit_data(label)

    d = utils.load_all()
    d = utils.filter_preferred_ml(d)
    d = d[~d["method"].isin(method_blacklist) & (d["interaction"] == "normal")
          & (d["label"] == label) & (d["num_filled"] == num_filled) &
          (d["num_shells"] >= num_shells_range[0]) &
          (d["num_shells"] <= num_shells_range[1]) & (d["freq"] == freq)]
    num_particles = num_filled * (num_filled + 1)
    energy_type = {
        "ground": "ground state",
        "add": "addition",
        "rm": "removal"
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    fig.set_size_inches((6.5, 2.3))
    base_markersize = 5
    xc = np.linspace(num_shells_range[0] - 0.5, num_shells_range[1] + 0.5, 200)
    for method, case in d.groupby("method"):
        case = case.sort_values("num_shells")
        xs = case["num_shells"].astype(int)
        ys = case["energy"]
        marker = utils.METHOD_MARKER[method]
        style = {
            (utils.MARKERSIZE_CORRECTION.get(marker, 1.0) * base_markersize),
        xms = 0.5 * (xs[1:] + xs[:-1])
        yps = abs(ys.diff() / xs.diff())
        ax[0].plot(xms, yps, linestyle="none", **style)
        ax[1].plot(xs, ys, linestyle="none", **style)
        p = fits.get_fit_params(fit_data, np.max(xs), num_particles, freq,
            (abs(p["coefficient"] * p["exponent"]) * xc**(p["exponent"] - 1)),
            **utils.merge_dicts(style, {"marker": ""}))
        ax[1].plot(xc, p["coefficient"] * xc**p["exponent"] + p["constant"],
                   **utils.merge_dicts(style, {"marker": ""}))
def create_json_object(raw_csv_data: RawCSVData, final_json_schema,
                       schema_elements: {}):
    final_output = []
    for i, entry in enumerate(raw_csv_data.values):
        next_dict = {}
        merge_dicts(next_dict, final_json_schema)
        populate_schema(entry, next_dict, schema_elements)

    return final_output
Exemplo n.º 7
 def cross_slot_reduce(self, per_slot_metrics: List) -> Any:
     val_correct_by_param, test_correct_by_param, test_ct = zip(*per_slot_metrics)
     val_correct_by_param = reduce(
         lambda x, y: merge_dicts(x, y, lambda a, b: a + b), val_correct_by_param
     test_correct_by_param = reduce(
         lambda x, y: merge_dicts(x, y, lambda a, b: a + b), test_correct_by_param
     test_ct = sum(test_ct)
     max_val_param = max(val_correct_by_param, key=val_correct_by_param.get)
     return test_correct_by_param[max_val_param] / test_ct
Exemplo n.º 8
 def update_aliases(self):
     """Regenerate the alias database."""
     if 'aliases' not in self.db or type(self.db['aliases']) is not dict:
         self.db['aliases'] = {}
     d = {}
         d = ast.literal_eval(open(locs.userdata + '/aliases.py').read())
     except FileNotFoundError:
     self.aliasdb = utils.merge_dicts(d, self.db['aliases'])
     for m in self.modules:
         self.aliasdb = utils.merge_dicts(self.aliasdb, m.aliases)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def patch_vault(self, userid, vault):
     """ Save vault for specified user (PATCH)
         userid: json file to load
         vault: updated vault to save
     current_vault = self.get_vault(userid)
     if current_vault:
         merge_dicts(current_vault, vault)
         self.vaults[userid] = current_vault
         return self.vaultdb.put_item(current_vault)
     return {'error': 'Vault not found'}
Exemplo n.º 10
 def update(
     val_correct_by_param: Dict[Any, int],
     test_correct_by_param: Dict[Any, int],
     test_ct: int,
 ) -> None:
     self.val_correct_by_param = merge_dicts(
         self.val_correct_by_param, val_correct_by_param, lambda x, y: x + y
     self.test_correct_by_param = merge_dicts(
         self.test_correct_by_param, test_correct_by_param, lambda x, y: x + y
     self.test_ct += test_ct
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_merge_dict():
    compare_dicts(merge_dicts({}, {}), {})
    compare_dicts(merge_dicts({'def': 'ault'}, {}), {'def': 'ault'})
    compare_dicts(merge_dicts({'def': 'ault'}, {'def': 'other'}),
                  {'def': 'other'})
        merge_dicts({'nested': {
            'def': 'ault',
            'other': 'option'
        }}, {'nested': {
            'def': 'other'
        }}), {'nested': {
            'def': 'other',
            'other': 'option'
Exemplo n.º 12
 def process(self, image, **args):
     '''process function must return a 2-element tuple, 
     The first is output image, 
     The second is dictionary of other variable which could be used later in the stack
     self._input = merge_dicts({'image': image}, args)
     if hasattr(self, '_prehooks'):
         for prehook in self._prehooks:
     image_out, args_out = self._process(image, **args)
     self._output = merge_dicts({'image': image_out}, args_out)
     if hasattr(self, '_poshooks'):
         for poshook in self._poshooks:
     return (image_out, args_out)
Exemplo n.º 13
class CurrentStudentRoster(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ss_current'
    __table_args__ = merge_dicts(base_table_args, {"schema": "matviews"})
    site_id = foreignkey(Sites.site_id, primary_key=True)
    student_id = foreignkey(Students.student_id, primary_key=True)
    roster_site = relationship("Sites")
    roster_student = relationship("Students")
Exemplo n.º 14
 def items(self):
     items = merge_dicts(*[
         for account in six.itervalues(self._accounts)
     for k in sorted(items.keys()):
         yield k, items[k]
Exemplo n.º 15
    def extract(self, options=None):

        # Figure out if specific or general url
        # /game/{platform}/{game name} is specific, otherwise /game/{game name}
        is_specific = re.search(r'http://www\.mobygames\.com/game/[a-z0-9\-]+/[a-z0-9\-_]+', self.source.url)

        if is_specific:
            main_url = is_specific.group()
            main_url = re.search(r'http://www\.mobygames\.com/game/[a-z0-9\-_]+', self.source.url).group()

        main_page = self.get_page(main_url)
        credits_page = self.get_page(main_url + '/credits')
        release_page = self.get_page(main_url + '/release-info')
        specs_page = self.get_page(main_url + '/techinfo')
        rating_page = self.get_page(main_url + '/rating-systems')

        extracted_info = merge_dicts(MobyGamesExtractor.scrape_main_page(main_page),

        html_data = [x.text for x in [y for y in (main_page, credits_page, release_page, specs_page, rating_page) if y]]
        now = datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc).isoformat()
        extracted_info['extracted_datetime'] = now
        extracted_info['source_uri'] = self.source.url # should this be the base main_url or the specific one slurped?
        extracted_info['source_file_hash'] = save_page_to_extract_store(self.source.url,
        self.extracted_info = extracted_info
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_aliases(self):
     """Returns a dictionary of all current aliases."""
     channeld = {}
     if self.channel:
         channeld = self.channel.aliases
     return utils.merge_dicts(self.server.aliasdb,
Exemplo n.º 17
def handle_imports(content, directory):
    import_files = content.get('import', [])
    if isinstance(import_files, basestring):
        import_files = [import_files]
    for fname in import_files[::-1]:
        import_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, fname))
        print("importing: '%s'" % import_path)
        import_directory = os.path.dirname(import_path)
        with open(import_path) as f:
            import_content = handle_imports(yaml.load(f), import_directory)
            for wild_key in ('globals/*/fields', 'entities/*/fields'):
                multi_keys = expand_wild(wild_key, import_content)
                for multi_key in multi_keys:
                    import_fields = multi_get(import_content, multi_key)
                    local_fields = multi_get(content, multi_key, [])
                    # fields are in "yaml ordered dict" format and we want
                    # simple list of items
                    import_fields = [d.items()[0] for d in import_fields]
                    local_fields = [d.items()[0] for d in local_fields]
                    # merge the lists
                    merged_fields = merge_items(import_fields, local_fields)
                    # convert them back to "yaml ordered dict"
                    merged_fields = [{k: v} for k, v in merged_fields]
                    multi_set(content, multi_key, merged_fields)
            content = merge_dicts(import_content, content)
    return content
Exemplo n.º 18
def handle_imports(content, directory):
    import_files = content.get('import', [])
    if isinstance(import_files, basestring):
        import_files = [import_files]
    for fname in import_files[::-1]:
        import_path = os.path.join(directory, fname)
        print("importing: '%s'" % import_path)
        import_directory = os.path.dirname(import_path)
        with open(import_path) as f:
            import_content = handle_imports(yaml.load(f), import_directory)
            for wild_key in ('globals/*/fields', 'entities/*/fields'):
                multi_keys = expand_wild(wild_key, import_content)
                for multi_key in multi_keys:
                    import_fields = multi_get(import_content, multi_key)
                    local_fields = multi_get(content, multi_key, [])
                    # fields are in "yaml ordered dict" format and we want
                    # simple list of items
                    import_fields = [d.items()[0] for d in import_fields]
                    local_fields = [d.items()[0] for d in local_fields]
                    # merge the lists
                    merged_fields = merge_items(import_fields, local_fields)
                    # convert them back to "yaml ordered dict"
                    merged_fields = [{k: v} for k, v in merged_fields]
                    multi_set(content, multi_key, merged_fields)
            content = merge_dicts(import_content, content)
    return content
Exemplo n.º 19
 def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
     # temporary dictionary
     self.temp = {} 
     # call the function to do the processing
     func(self, *args, **kwargs)
     # merge temporary and processed dicts 
     self.processed = merge_dicts(self.processed, self.temp)    
Exemplo n.º 20
    def update_service(self, host, service, data, force=False):
        """ This function updates/inserts a service
        * It used by Arbiter in hook_late_configuration
          to put the configuration in the database
        * It used by Poller to put collected data in the database
        The 'force' is used to overwrite the service datas (used in
        cache manager)

        * query_result: None
        * error: bool

        # Get key
        key = self.build_key(host, service)
        if not force:
            old_dict = self.db_conn.get(key)
            if old_dict is not None:
                old_dict = eval(old_dict)
            # Merge old data and new data
            data = merge_dicts(old_dict, data)

        if data is None:
            return (None, True)

        # Save in redis
            self.db_conn.set(key, data)
        except Exception as exp:
            logger.error("[SnmpBooster] [code 1304] [%s, %s] "
                         "%s" % (host, service, str(exp)))
            return (None, True)

        return (None, False)
Exemplo n.º 21
def setup_order_modify_cancel(kiteconnect, variety):
    symbol = params["exchange"] + ":" + params["tradingsymbol"]
    ltp = kiteconnect.ltp(symbol)

    updated_params = utils.merge_dicts(
        params, {
            "product": kiteconnect.PRODUCT_MIS,
            "variety": variety,
            "order_type": kiteconnect.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT

    diff = ltp[symbol]["last_price"] * 0.01
    updated_params["price"] = ltp[symbol]["last_price"] - (diff - (diff % 1))
    order_id = kiteconnect.place_order(**updated_params)

    # delay order fetch so order is not in received state

    order = kiteconnect.order_history(order_id)
    status = order[-1]["status"].upper()
    if not is_pending_order(status):
        warnings.warn(UserWarning("Order is not open with status: ", status))

    return (updated_params, order_id, order)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def wrap_up_extraction(self, d):
        if d['status'] == 'finished':
            if platform.system() == 'Windows':
                filename = d['filename'].split('\\')[-1].rpartition('.')[0] # Flimsy for now
                filename_with_ext = d['filename'].split('\\')[-1]
                filename = d['filename'].split('/')[-1].rpartition('.')[0] # Flimsy for now
                filename_with_ext = d['filename'].split('/')[-1]
            hash = save_file_to_store(os.path.join(TEMP_DIRECTORY, filename_with_ext))
            hash_dir = os.path.join(LOCAL_CITATION_DATA_STORE, hash)

            shutil.copy2(os.path.join(TEMP_DIRECTORY, "{}.description".format(filename)), hash_dir)
            shutil.copy2(os.path.join(TEMP_DIRECTORY, "{}.info.json".format(filename)), hash_dir)
            shutil.copy2(os.path.join(TEMP_DIRECTORY, "{}.annotations.xml".format(filename)), hash_dir)

            with open(os.path.join(TEMP_DIRECTORY, "{}.info.json".format(filename))) as json_file:
                info_json = json.load(json_file)

            extracted_info = {}
            extracted_info['source_uri'] = self.source.url
            extracted_info['source_file_hash'] = hash
            extracted_info['extracted_datetime'] = datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc).isoformat()
            extracted_info['source_file_name'] = filename_with_ext

            # Currently merging everything, might want to be more discriminate
            extracted_info = merge_dicts(info_json, extracted_info) # info_json['title'] -> extracted_info['title']

            # Clean up tmp directory

            # Signal complete
            self.extracted_info = extracted_info
Exemplo n.º 23
def set_user_config(config):
    user_cfg = dict()
    user_cfg["user_vars"] = dict()

    if os.path.exists("config_user.jsc"):
        user_cfg = json.loads(open("config_user.jsc", "r").read())

    if utils.get_platform_name() == "win32":

    # 需要将user_config合并到config中
    if os.path.exists("config_user.jsc"):
        user_cfg = json.loads(open("config_user.jsc", "r").read())
        utils.merge_dicts(config, user_cfg)
 def _process(self, image, **args):
     assert 'segments' in args
     segments = args['segments']
     if len(segments) == 0:
         return (image, args)
     good_area = (segments[:, 2] * segments[:, 3]) >= self.min_area
     result = segments[good_area]
     return (image, merge_dicts(args, {'segments': result}))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _parse_permissions_files(self, filenames):
     permissions = {}
     for item in filenames.split(','):
         filename = item.strip()
         if filename:
             with open(filename, 'r') as data_file:
                 permissions = utils.merge_dicts(permissions, yaml.load(data_file))
     return permissions
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _setup_service(self):
        config = self.config
        logger.debug('_setup_service', config=pprint.pformat(config))
        r = None
        if config.get("id", None):
            r = self.unis.get("/services/" + config["id"])
        if not r:
                        msg="service id not specified or not found "\
                            "unis instance ...querying for service")
            rlist = self.unis.get("/services?name=" + config.get("name", None) +\
                                      "&runningOn.href=" + config["runningOn"]["href"] + "&limit=2")
            # loop over the returned services and find one that
            # doesn't return 410 see
            # https://uisapp2.iu.edu/jira-prd/browse/GEMINI-98
            if rlist:
                for i in range(len(rlist)):
                    r = self.unis.get('/services/' + rlist[i]["id"])
                    if r:
                        if isinstance(r, list):
                                        msg="id not unique... taking first result")
                            r = r[0]
                                    msg="%s service found with id %s" % (config["name"], r["id"]))
                            msg="no service found by id or querying "\
                                "...creating new service")

        if r:
            merge_dicts(config, r)

        # always update UNIS with the merged config
        if config.get("id", None):
            r = self.unis.put("/services/" + config["id"], data=config)
            r = self.unis.post("/services", data=config)
        if r:
            merge_dicts(config, r)

        if r:
            self.service_setup = True
            logger.warn('_setup_service', msg="unable to set up service in UNIS")
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _parse_permissions_files(self, filenames):
     permissions = {}
     for item in filenames.split(','):
         filename = item.strip()
         if filename:
             with open(filename, 'r') as data_file:
                 permissions = utils.merge_dicts(
                     permissions, yaml.load(data_file))
     return permissions
Exemplo n.º 28
 def expand_all_info(host):
     _fields = IPMI._fields
     ipmi_info = gen_dict(_fields, host.ipmi.__dict__)
     host_info = {
         "hostname": host.hostname,
         "host_uuid": host.host_uuid,
         "tags": [tag.tag_name for tag in host.tag_set.all()]
     return merge_dicts(ipmi_info, host_info)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _parse_quota_files(self, filenames_spec):
     self.quota_data = {}
     filenames = filenames_spec.split(',')
     for item in filenames:
         filename = item.strip()
         if filename:
             with open(filename, 'r') as data_file:
                 self.quota_data = utils.merge_dicts(self.quota_data, yaml.load(data_file))
     return self.quota_data
Exemplo n.º 30
 def load_config_files(cls):
     import utils
     root_cfg = cls._load_route_config()
     all_cfg = {}
     if root_cfg is not None and 'installed_apps' in root_cfg:
         for app in root_cfg['installed_apps']:
             app_cfg = cls._load_app_config(app)
             if app_cfg: all_cfg = dict(all_cfg.items() + app_cfg.items())
     return utils.merge_dicts(all_cfg, root_cfg)
 def _process(self, image, **args):
     assert 'segments' in args
     segments = args['segments']
     if len(segments) == 0:
         return (image, args)
     good_min_ratio = segments[:, 3] >= self.min_h_w_ratio * segments[:, 2]
     good_max_ratio = segments[:, 3] <= self.max_h_w_ratio * segments[:, 2]
     result = segments[good_min_ratio * good_max_ratio]
     return (image, merge_dicts(args, {'segments': result}))
 def _process(self, image, **args):
     assert 'segments' in args
     segments = args['segments']
     if len(segments) == 0:
         return (image, args)
     m = contained_segments_matrix(segments)
     no_contain = True - numpy.max(m, axis=1)
     result = segments[no_contain]
     return (image, merge_dicts(args, {'segments': result}))
 def _process(self, image, **args):
     assert 'segments' in args
     segments = args['segments']
     if len(segments) == 0:
         return (image, args)
     good_width = segments[:, 2] <= self.max_width
     good_height = segments[:, 3] <= self.max_height
     result = segments[good_width * good_height]  #AND
     return (image, merge_dicts(args, {'segments': result}))
 def _process(self, image, **args):
     image_input = image
     image = image.copy()
     contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(image, cv2.RETR_LIST,
     segments = segments_to_numpy([cv2.boundingRect(c) for c in contours])
     if len(segments) <= 1:
         segments = numpy.empty((0, 4), dtype=int)
     self.contours, self.hierarchy = contours, hierarchy  #store, may be needed for debugging
     return (image_input, merge_dicts(args, {'segments': segments}))
 def _process( self, image, **args ):
     assert 'segments' in args
     assert 'regions' in args
     segments = args['segments']
     regions = args['regions']
     #regions produced by feature_extractor has different dimension setting to lagsane network
     #adapt it here
     regions = numpy.rollaxis(regions, 3, 1)
     segment_types = numpy.argmax(self.predict_fn(regions), axis = 1)
     return (image, merge_dicts(args, {'segment_types':segment_types}))
Exemplo n.º 36
 def _parse_quota_files(self, filenames_spec):
     self.quota_data = {}
     filenames = filenames_spec.split(',')
     for item in filenames:
         filename = item.strip()
         if filename:
             with open(filename, 'r') as data_file:
                 self.quota_data = utils.merge_dicts(
                     self.quota_data, yaml.load(data_file))
     return self.quota_data
def build_json_schema_object_hierarchy(schema_elements: []):
    final_schema = {}
    for element in schema_elements:
        if element.exclusion_type != ExclusionType.ALWAYS_EXCLUDE:
            if (not element.ignore_object_delimiter
                ) and const.OBJECT_DELIMITER in element.original_name:
                delimited_heading: [] = element.original_name.split(
                    delimited_heading, element)
                current_dict = defaultdict()
                build(current_dict, delimited_heading, element)
                merge_dicts(final_schema, current_dict)

            final_schema[element.output_name] = element.default_value
            element.json_key = element.output_name

    return final_schema
Exemplo n.º 38
    def dot_arctic_phase_helper(self):
        dxl_defaults = {'dxlclient': '/etc/dxlclient.config'}
        watch_defaults = {
            'watch': '/var/log/suricata/files/',
            'existing': False,
            'sandbox': False,
            'sandboxconfig': '~/.robust'

        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({})
        fname = os.path.expanduser("~/.opendxl-arctic-phase")

        if os.path.isfile(fname):
            if config.has_section("opendxl"):
                opendxl = self.config_section_map(config, "opendxl",
                dot_arctic_phase_opendxl = {'dxlclient': opendxl["dxlclient"]}
                dot_arctic_phase_opendxl = dxl_defaults

            if config.has_section("watch"):
                watch = self.config_section_map(config, "watch",
                dot_arctic_phase_connection = {
                    'watch': watch["watch"],
                    'existing': watch["existing"],
                    'sandbox': watch["sandbox"],
                    'sandboxconfig': watch["sandboxconfig"]
                dot_arctic_phase_watch = watch_defaults

            # config file present, merge sections
            dot_arctic_phase_dict = utils.merge_dicts(dot_arctic_phase_opendxl,

            # No config file, just merge default dicts
            dot_arctic_phase_dict = utils.merge_dicts(dxl_defaults,
        return dot_arctic_phase_dict
Exemplo n.º 39
def __ver_object(request, pk, obj_klass, template_name, list_url):
    obj = get_object_or_404(obj_klass, pk=pk)
    form_klass = obj_klass.__name__ + "VerForm"
    constructor = globals()[form_klass]
    form = constructor(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None, instance=obj)
    aux = []
    if isinstance(obj, Tecnologia):
        aux = TecnologiaAnexo.objects.select_related().filter(tecnologia=obj)
    x = {'form': form, 'object': obj, 'aux': aux}
    perms = __perms_dict(request)
    return render(request, template_name, merge_dicts(x, perms))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def __init__(self, serial_device='/dev/ttyUSB0', serial_baudrate=115200, serial_timeout=0.5, comm_method='serial',
                 ip_address=None, port=5000, tcp_timeout=2.0, inputs: dict = None, input_default=None):

        :param str serial_device: The serial device to use (if comm_method=='serial').
            Default is '/dev/ttyUSB0'.
        :param int serial_baudrate: Serial baudrate of the device.
            Default is 115200.
        :param float serial_timeout: Timeout for serial operations (if comm_method=='serial').
            Default is 0.5.
        :param str comm_method: Communication method.  Supported values are 'serial' and 'tcp'.
            Default is 'serial'.
        :param str ip_address: IP address of the device (if comm_method=='tcp').
        :param int port: Port to connect to (if comm_method=='tcp').
            Default is 5000.
        :param float tcp_timeout: Timeout for socket operations (if comm_method=='tcp').
            Default is 2.0. (Lesser values have been problematic with this device.)
        :param dict inputs: Custom mapping of input names to numbers.
        :param str input_default: The default input (if any) to select after setup
            self._power_status = None
            self._input_status = None
            self._av_mute = None

            if comm_method == 'serial':
                self.comms = self.Comms()
                self.comms.serial_device = serial_device
                self.comms.serial_baudrate = serial_baudrate
                self.comms.serial_timeout = serial_timeout
                self.comms.connection = Serial(port=serial_device, baudrate=serial_baudrate, timeout=serial_timeout)

            elif comm_method == 'tcp' and ip_address is not None:
                self.comms = self.Comms()
                self.comms.tcp_ip_address = ip_address
                self.comms.tcp_port = port
                self.comms.tcp_timeout = tcp_timeout
                self.comms.connection = create_connection((ip_address, port), timeout=tcp_timeout)

            # get custom input mapping
            if inputs and isinstance(inputs, dict):
                self.inputs = merge_dicts(inputs, self._default_inputs)
                self.inputs = self._default_inputs

            self._input_default = input_default
            if input_default:

        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('__init__(): Exception occurred: {}'.format(e.args), exc_info=True)
 def _process( self, image, **args ):
     assert 'segments' in args
     assert 'regions' in args
     segments = args['segments']
     regions = args['regions']
     if 'segment_types' in args:
         segment_types = args['segment_types'].copy()
         segment_types = numpy.repeat(10, len(segments))
     self.x1,self.y1= segments[:,0], segments[:,1]
     self.x2,self.y2= self.x1+segments[:,2], self.y1+segments[:,3]
     self.s = segments[:, 2] * segments[:, 3]
     self._output = {'segments': segments, 'segment_types':segment_types}
     global refPt
     refPt = None
     # keep looping until the 'q' key is pressed
     cv2.namedWindow("norm", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
     cv2.setMouseCallback("norm", self.click_handler)
     cv2.namedWindow("selected_region", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
     classifying = True
     selected_segment = -1
     while classifying:
         # display the image and wait for a keypress
         key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF 
         # if the 'q' key is pressed, break from the loop
         if key == 27:
             classifying = False
         if (refPt != None):
             selected_segment = self.get_selected_segment(refPt)
             refPt = None
         if (selected_segment >=0):
             cv2.imshow("selected_region", regions[selected_segment])
             char = chr(key)
             key = 0
             if (char in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']):
                 digit = int(char)
                 self.update_click_class(selected_segment, digit)
                 selected_segment = -1
             elif (char == 'r'):
                 digit = 10
                 self.update_click_class(selected_segment, digit)
                 selected_segment = -1
     return (image, merge_dicts(args, {'segment_types':segment_types})) 
Exemplo n.º 42
def main(options=None):
    options = get_options() if not options else options

    logger = settings.get_logger('blippd', options['--log'], options['--log-level'])
    conf = deepcopy(settings.STANDALONE_DEFAULTS)
    cconf = {
        "id": options.get("--service-id", None),
        "name": "blipp",
        "properties": {
            "configurations": {
                "unis_url": options.get("--unis-url", None),

    merge_dicts(conf, cconf)

    if options['--config-file']:
        fconf = get_file_config(options['--config-file'])
        merge_dicts(conf, fconf)

    bconf = BlippConfigure(initial_config=conf,

    config = bconf.config
    logger.info('main', config=pprint.pformat(config))
    logger.warn('NODE: ' + HOSTNAME, config=pprint.pformat(config))        

    if options['--daemonize']:
        with daemon.DaemonContext():
Exemplo n.º 43
    def _setup(self, config):
        import tensorflow as tf

        self.target_timesteps = 1

        logger.warning('Starting experiment')

        if not isinstance(config['env_name'], list):
            config['env_name'] = [config['env_name']]
        self.dconfig = dconfig = utils.DotDict(config)

        self.summary_writer = self.find_tf_logger() or tf.summary.FileWriter(
        tflog_utils.log_text(self.summary_writer, 'config', str(dconfig))

        # Assign different environments to different agents
        env_count = len(config['env_name'])
        agent_configs = [
                              {'env_name': config['env_name'][i % env_count]})
            for i in range(dconfig.agent_count)

        self.agents = [
            ray_workers.AgentWorker.remote(i, agent_configs[i], self.logdir)
            for i in range(dconfig.agent_count)
        logger.warning('Setting up agents')
        # [ray] There is no way to wait for the actors to finalize initialization, thus we put this in a setup method
        # Comment this out because we call setup in the __init__ function of agent worker
        # ray.wait([agent.setup.remote() for agent in self.agents], num_returns=dconfig.agent_count)

        logger.warning('Created agents')

        if dconfig.restore_count:
            self._restore_from_specification(dconfig, agent_configs)

        # Create objective server and sync objective parameters
        if dconfig.agent_count > 1:
            params = self.agents[0].get_objective_params.remote()
            self.server = ray_workers.ObjectiveServer.remote(config, params)
            logger.warning('Created server')
            self.obj_param_count = len(ray.get(params))
                for agent in self.agents[1:]
                     num_returns=dconfig.agent_count - 1)
            logger.warning('Synced objective function')
Exemplo n.º 44
def __adicionar_obj(request, form_klass, list_url, template_name):
    context = RequestContext(request)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_klass(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(list_url))
        #Not working with chained selects
        #    print form
        #    print form.errors
        form = form_klass()
    x = {'form': form}
    perms = __perms_dict(request)
    return render_to_response(template_name, merge_dicts(x, perms), context)
Exemplo n.º 45
def __edit_object(request, pk, obj_klass, template_name, list_url):
    obj = get_object_or_404(obj_klass, pk=pk)
    form_klass = obj_klass.__name__ + "Form"
    constructor = globals()[form_klass]
    form = constructor(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None, instance=obj)
    if form.is_valid():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(list_url))
    #Not working with chained selects
    #    print form
    #    print form.errors
    aux = []
    if isinstance(obj, Tecnologia):
        aux = TecnologiaAnexo.objects.select_related().filter(tecnologia=obj)
    x = {'form': form, 'object': obj, 'aux': aux}
    perms = __perms_dict(request)
    return render(request, template_name, merge_dicts(x, perms))
Exemplo n.º 46
 def GET(self, action_url, url_params = {}):
     Make GET request
     url = self.base_url + "/" + action_url
     parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
     if parsed_url.scheme == 'https':
         connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(parsed_url.hostname)
         connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(parsed_url.hostname)
     get_path = parsed_url.path
     query = urllib.urlencode(utils.merge_dicts(self.common_url_params, url_params))
     if query:
         get_path += "?" + query
     connection.request('GET', get_path)
     response = connection.getresponse()
     response_data = response.read()
     return response_data
Exemplo n.º 47
    def _parse_outlinks(self):
        # links in hierarchical title and body
        dicts = [
            {'%s/relatedTo' % self.itemtype: [path[0] for path in self.paths[:-1]]},
            md_wikilink.parse_wikilinks(self.itemtype, WikiPage.remove_metadata(self.body)),

        # links in structured data
        for name, value in self.data.items():
            if type(value) is list:
                dicts += [self._schema_item_to_links(name, v) for v in value]
                dicts.append(self._schema_item_to_links(name, value))

        # merge
        merged = merge_dicts(dicts, force_list=True)

        # exclude links to this page
        return dict((k, v) for k, v in merged.items()
                    if not((type(v) == list and self.title in v) or self.title == v))
Exemplo n.º 48
    def analyze(self, again=False):
        """Runs all the analyses and creates a dictionary with all of the analyzed data."""
        if not self.analysis_finished and not again:
            # This ungodly series of list comprehension creates 
            # a list of functions ordered in the sequence given by the decorators.
            ordered_func_list = [fname for order, fname in sorted(self._analyses.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])]
            ordered_func_list = [getattr(self, fn) for fn in reduce(list.__add__, ordered_func_list)]

            # Call all functions
            [function() for function in ordered_func_list] 
            # Merge intermediates with original dictionary
            self.finished = merge_dicts(self.leaks, self.processed) 
            self.analysis_finished = True
            # Don't re-analyze unless explicitly asked to
            error = "This trace has already been analyzed." +\
                     "If you want to re-run the analysis, please run analyze(again=True)."
            raise Exception(error)   
Exemplo n.º 49
    def parse_data(cls, title, body, itemtype=u'Article'):
        body = body.replace('\r\n', '\n')

        default_data = {'name': title, 'schema': schema.get_itemtype_path(itemtype)}

        # collect
        yaml_data = cls.parse_schema_yaml(body)
        body_data = pairs_to_dict((m.group('name'), m.group('value')) for m in re.finditer(cls.re_data, body))

        if itemtype == u'Article' or u'Article' in schema.get_schema(itemtype)[u'ancestors']:
            default_section = u'articleBody'
            default_section = u'longDescription'
        section_data = cls.parse_sections(body, default_section)

        # merge
        data = merge_dicts([default_data, yaml_data, body_data, section_data])

        # validation and type conversion
        typed = schema.SchemaConverter.convert(itemtype, data)

        return typed
Exemplo n.º 50
    def update_service(self, host, service, data, force=False):
        """ This function updates/inserts a service
        * It used by Arbiter in hook_late_configuration
          to put the configuration in the database
        * It used by Poller to put collected data in the database
        The 'force' is used to overwrite the service datas (used in
        cache manager)

        * query_result: None
        * error: bool

        # Get key
        key = self.build_key(host, service)
        if not force:
            old_dict = self.db_conn.get(key)
            if old_dict is not None:
                old_dict = ast.literal_eval(old_dict)
            # Merge old data and new data
            data = merge_dicts(old_dict, data)

        if data is None:
            return (None, True)

        # Save in redis
            self.db_conn.set(key, data)
        except Exception as exp:
            logger.error("[SnmpBooster] [code 1304] [%s, %s] "
                         "%s" % (host,
            return (None, True)

        return (None, False)
Exemplo n.º 51
#sunny_train_labels = np.array(_sunny_data["labels"])[_train_sunny_indices]
#sunny_validation_images = np.array(_sunny_data["images"])[_validation_sunny_indices]
#sunny_validation_labels = np.array(_sunny_data["labels"])[_validation_sunny_indices]
sunny_train_images = [None] * 1000
sunny_train_labels = [None] * 1000
sunny_validation_images = [None] * 1000
sunny_validation_labels = [None] * 1000

# Data form preprocessing #

    TEMP_FILES_PATH + 'pkl_train_slice2roi.pkl',
    TEMP_FILES_PATH + 'pkl_validate_slice2roi.pkl',)
_hough_rois = utils.merge_dicts(map(_load_file, _HOUGH_ROI_PATHS))

# Methods for accessing the data #

def _is_enhanced(metadatadict):
    return metadatadict.get(_METADATA_ENHANCED_TAG, False)

def _tag_enhanced(metadatadict, is_enhanced=True):
    metadatadict[_METADATA_ENHANCED_TAG] = is_enhanced

Exemplo n.º 52
 def get_aliases(self):
     """Returns a dictionary of all current aliases."""
     return utils.merge_dicts(self.server.aliasdb)
Exemplo n.º 53
    def get_environment(self, configure=None, env=None):
        Build (or return cached) environment with configure/env
        # set defaults, if none where passed in
        if configure is None:
            configure = self.default_configure
            configure = merge_dicts(self.default_configure, configure)
        if env is None:
            env = self.default_env
            env = merge_dicts(self.default_env, env)

        key = self._get_key(configure, env)

        # TODO: remove, this is a hack for local dev
        if key not in self.environment_stash:
            key = self.environment_stash.iterkeys().next()

        # if we don't have it built already, lets build it
        if key not in self.environment_stash:
            builddir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

            # configure
            args = [os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'configure'), '--prefix=/'] + configure_list(configure)

            # make
            run_sync_command(['make', '-j'],
            installdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.env_cache_dir)

            # make install
            run_sync_command(['make', 'install', 'DESTDIR={0}'.format(installdir)],

            shutil.rmtree(builddir)  # delete builddir, not useful after install
            # stash the env
            self.environment_stash[key] = installdir

        # create a layout
        layout = Layout(self.environment_stash[key])

        # return an environment cloned from that layout
        ret = Environment()
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 54
def load_def(localdir, ent_name, section_def, required_fields):
    if 'type' in section_def and 'fields' in section_def:
        raise Exception("invalid structure for '%s': "
                        "type and fields sections are mutually exclusive"
                        % ent_name)

    if 'type' in section_def:
        csv_filename = section_def.get('path', ent_name + ".csv")
        csv_filepath = complete_path(localdir, csv_filename)
        str_type = section_def['type']
        if isinstance(str_type, basestring):
            celltype = field_str_to_type(str_type, "array '%s'" % ent_name)
            assert isinstance(str_type, type)
            celltype = str_type
        return 'ndarray', load_ndarray(csv_filepath, celltype)

    fields_def = section_def.get('fields')
    if fields_def is not None:
        for fdef in fields_def:
            if isinstance(fdef, basestring):
                raise SyntaxError("invalid field declaration: '%s', you are "
                                  "probably missing a ':'" % fdef)
        if all(isinstance(fdef, dict) for fdef in fields_def):
            fields = fields_yaml_to_type(fields_def)
            assert all(isinstance(fdef, tuple) for fdef in fields_def)
            fields = fields_def
        fields = None
    newnames = merge_dicts(invert_dict(section_def.get('oldnames', {})),
                           section_def.get('newnames', {}))
    transpose = section_def.get('transposed', False)

    interpolate_def = section_def.get('interpolate')
    files_def = section_def.get('files')
    if files_def is None:
        #XXX: it might be cleaner to use the same code path than for the
        # multi-file case (however, that would loose the "import any file
        # size" feature that I'm fond of.

        # we can simply return the stream as-is
        #FIXME: stream is not sorted
        # csv file is assumed to be in the correct order (ie by period then id)
        csv_filename = section_def.get('path', ent_name + ".csv")
        csv_filepath = complete_path(localdir, csv_filename)
        csv_file = CSV(csv_filepath, newnames,
                       delimiter=',', transpose=transpose)
        if fields is not None:
            fields = required_fields + fields
        stream = csv_file.read(fields)
        if fields is None:
            fields = csv_file.fields
        if interpolate_def is not None:
            raise Exception('interpolate is currently only supported with '
                            'multiple files')
        return 'table', (fields, csv_file.numlines, stream, csv_file)
        # we have to load all files, merge them and return a stream out of that
        print(" * computing number of rows...")

        # 1) only load required fields
        default_args = dict(newnames=newnames, transpose=transpose)
        if isinstance(files_def, dict):
            files_items = files_def.items()
        elif isinstance(files_def, list) and files_def:
            if isinstance(files_def[0], dict):
                # handle YAML ordered dict structure
                files_items = [d.items()[0] for d in files_def]
            elif isinstance(files_def[0], basestring):
                files_items = [(path, {}) for path in files_def]
                raise Exception("invalid structure for 'files'")
            raise Exception("invalid structure for 'files'")

        #XXX: shouldn't we use the "path" defined for the whole entity if any?
        # section_def.get('path')
        files = []
        for path, kwargs in files_items:
            kwargs['newnames'] = \
                merge_dicts(invert_dict(kwargs.pop('oldnames', {})),
                            kwargs.get('newnames', {}))
            f = CSV(complete_path(localdir, path),
                    **merge_dicts(default_args, kwargs))
        id_periods = union1d(f.as_array(required_fields) for f in files)

        print(" * reading files...")
        # 2) load all fields
        if fields is None:
            target_fields = merge_items(*[f.fields for f in files])
            fields_per_file = [None for f in files]
            target_fields = required_fields + fields
            fields_per_file = [[(name, type_) for name, type_ in target_fields
                               if name in f.field_names]
                              for f in files]
            total_fields = set.union(*[set(f.field_names) for f in files])
            missing = set(name for name, _ in target_fields) - total_fields
            if missing:
                raise Exception("the following fields were not found in any "
                                "file: %s" % ", ".join(missing))

        total_lines = len(id_periods)

        # allocate main array
        target = np.empty(total_lines, dtype=np.dtype(target_fields))
        # fill with default values
        target[:] = tuple(missing_values[ftype] for _, ftype in target_fields)
        target['period'] = id_periods['period']
        target['id'] = id_periods['id']

        arrays = [f.as_array(fields_to_load)
                  for f, fields_to_load in zip(files, fields_per_file)]

        # close all files
        for f in files:

        #FIXME: interpolation currently only interpolates missing data points,
        # not data points with their value equal the missing value
        # corresponding to the field type. This can only be fixed once
        # booleans are loaded as int8.
        if interpolate_def is not None:
            if any(v != 'previous_value'
                   for v in interpolate_def.itervalues()):
                raise Exception("currently, only 'previous_value' "
                                "interpolation is supported")
            to_interpolate = [k for k, v in interpolate_def.iteritems()
                              if v == 'previous_value']
            to_interpolate = []

        interpolate(target, arrays, id_periods, to_interpolate)
        return 'table', (target_fields, total_lines, iter(target), None)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def add_aliases(self, aliases):
     Add multiple aliases with format:
     'name': 'content'
     self.aliases = utils.merge_dicts(self.aliases, aliases)
Exemplo n.º 56
    def scrape_release_page(page_data):
        main_dict = {}

        if not page_data:
            return main_dict

        b = bs4.BeautifulSoup(page_data.text, 'html.parser')

        # Try to get the first h2's parent, only h2's on release page are platform names
        # If not present, there is no release information
            release_div = b.find('h2').parent
        except AttributeError:
            return main_dict

        main_dict['release_platforms'] = {}

        # Releases are a straight list of divs without much identifying information, thus this organization
        # instead of a rather large for loop and condition mess
        header_rules = (('header', 'attr'), ('header', 'rel_info'))
        attr_rules = (('attr', 'attr'), ('attr', 'rel_info'))
        patch_rules = (('patch', 'patch_rel_info'),)
        patch_rel_info_rules = (('patch_rel_info', 'patch_rel_info'),)
        rel_info_rules = (('rel_info', 'rel_info'), ('rel_info', 'patch'))
        index_rule = (('rel_info', 'attr'), ('rel_info', 'header'), ('patch_rel_info', 'header'))
        stop_rule = (('attr', None), ('rel_info', None), ('patch_rel_info', None))

        def create_div_tuple(div):
            if div.name == u'h2':
                # ('header', platform name)
                return 'header', replace_xa0(div.text)
            elif div.name == u'b':
                # ('patch', None)
                return 'patch', None
            elif 'class' in div.attrs and u'relInfo' in div['class']:
                # ('patch_rel_info', {relInfoTitle: relInfoDetails, ...})
                return 'patch_rel_info', dict([(replace_xa0(div.find(class_='relInfoTitle').text),
            elif 'class' in div.attrs and u'floatholder' in div['class']:
                # ('attr', {attr_name: [value, ...]})
                return 'attr', {snake_case(replace_xa0(div.find(class_='fl').text)): [a.text for a in div.find_all('a')]}
            elif div.find(class_='relInfo'):
                # ('rel_info', {relInfoTitle: relInfoDetails, ...})
                return 'rel_info', dict([(replace_xa0(r.find(class_='relInfoTitle').text),
                                          replace_xa0(r.find(class_='relInfoDetails').text)) for r in div.find_all(class_='relInfo')])
                return None, None

        # Pages with patch histories insert newline characters that convert to NavigableStrings, don't want those
        release_divs = map(create_div_tuple, [c for c in release_div.children if not isinstance(c, bs4.NavigableString)])
        release_platform = None
        rel_dict = {'releases': []}
        for first, second in pairwise_overlap(release_divs):
            rule = (first[0], second[0])
            if rule in header_rules:
                # Start a new listing for platform
                release_platform = first[1]
                main_dict['release_platforms'][release_platform] = []
            elif rule in patch_rules:
                # Add key for patch history
                rel_dict['patch_history'] = []
            elif rule in attr_rules:
                # Add key / value to release dict
                rel_dict = merge_dicts(rel_dict, first[1])
            elif rule in rel_info_rules:
                # Add new relInfo to release dict
            elif rule in patch_rel_info_rules:
                # Add patch relInfo to release dict
            elif rule in index_rule:
                # Add new relInfo to current release dict and start new one
                if rule[0] == 'rel_info':
                elif rule[0] == 'patch_rel_info':
                rel_dict = {'releases': []}
            elif rule in stop_rule:
                # Out of release information divs, clean up and stop processing
                if rule[0] == 'attr':
                    rel_dict = merge_dicts(rel_dict, first[1])
                elif rule[0] == 'rel_info':
                elif rule[0] == 'patch_rel_info':

        return main_dict
Exemplo n.º 57
 def model_fields(self, **kwargs):
     applicants = merge_dicts(self.__dict__, kwargs)
     return {k: v for k, v in applicants.iteritems() if
             k in self.model._meta.fields and k not in ['id', 'created_at']}
Exemplo n.º 58
import utils

ITEM_ID_NUMBERS = utils.merge_dicts({
    0x0000 : "Null",  #(used for UCMM messages). Indicates that encapsulation routing is NOT needed. Target is either local (ethernet) or routing info is in a data Item.
    0x000C : "ListIdentity Response",  #
    0x0091 : "Reserved",  # for legacy (RA)
    0x00A1 : "Connected Address Item",  # (used for connected messages)
    0x00B1 : "Connected Data Item",  # Connected Transport packet
    0x00B2 : "Unconnected Data Item",  # Unconnected Messages (eg. used within CIP command SendRRData)
    0x0100 : "ListServices response",  #
    0x8000 : "Sockaddr Info, originator-to-target",  #
    0x8001 : "Sockaddr Info, target-to-originator",  #
    0x8002 : "Sequenced Address item",  #
    {k: "Reserved for legacy (RA)" for k in range(0x0001, 0x000B + 1)}, # 0x0001 – 0x000B Reserved for legacy (RA)
    {k: "Reserved for legacy (RA)" for k in range(0x000D, 0x0083 + 1)}, # 0x000D – 0x0083 Reserved for legacy (RA)
    {k: "Reserved for future expansion" for k in range(0x0084, 0x0090 + 1)}, # 0x0084 – 0x0090 Reserved for future expansion
    {k: "Reserved for future expansion" for k in range(0x0092, 0x00A0 + 1)}, # 0x0092 – 0x00A0 Reserved for future expansion
    {k: "Reserved for legacy (RA)" for k in range(0x00A2, 0x00A4 + 1)}, # 0x00A2 – 0x00A4 Reserved for legacy (RA)
    {k: "Reserved for future expansion" for k in range(0x00A5, 0x00B0 + 1)}, # 0x00A5 – 0x00B0 Reserved for future expansion
    {k: "Reserved for future expansion" for k in range(0x00B3, 0x00FF + 1)}, # 0x00B3 – 0x00FF Reserved for future expansion
    {k: "Reserved for legacy (RA)" for k in range(0x0101, 0x010F + 1)}, # 0x0101 – 0x010F Reserved for legacy (RA)
    {k: "Reserved for future expansion" for k in range(0x0110, 0x7FFF + 1)}, # 0x0110 – 0x7FFF Reserved for future expansion
    {k: "Reserved for future expansion" for k in range(0x8003, 0xFFFF + 1)}, # 0x8003 – 0xFFFF Reserved for future expansion

    #regexps to produce dicts above
    #(0x[\d|{ABCDF}]{4}).{3}(0x[\d|{ABCDF}]{4}) (.*)
    #\{k\: \"$3\" for k in range\($1\, $2 \+ 1\)\}\, \#

    def fit_one(self, data, model_y, model_stereo):

        event_ids = numpy.unique(data.EventID.values)

        if self.train_size != None:
            event_ids_train, event_ids_test= train_test_split(event_ids, train_size=self.train_size, random_state=42)
            event_ids_test = event_ids

        # fit train tracks
        if self.train_size != None:

            tracks_train = {}

            p = Pool(self.processes)
            results_train = p.map(tracks_reconstruction, zip(event_ids_train,
            tracks_train = merge_dicts(results_train)

        # train clf
        if self.train_size != None:

            sc = SuperCombinator()

            combination_data = sc.data_collection(tracks_train, data)

            X_data = combination_data[combination_data.columns[:-1]].values
            y_data = combination_data.label.values

            xgb_base = XGBoostClassifier(n_estimators=1000, colsample=0.7, eta=0.01, nthreads=1,
                             subsample=0.7, max_depth=8)
            folding = FoldingClassifier(xgb_base, n_folds=10, random_state=11)
            folding.fit(X_data, y_data)

            clf = folding.estimators[0]

            clf = None

        # fit test tracks
        tracks_test = {}

        p = Pool(self.processes)
        results_test = p.map(tracks_reconstruction, zip(event_ids_test,
        tracks_test = merge_dicts(results_test)

        # quality
        p = Pool(self.processes)
        effs = p.map(get_eff_value, zip(event_ids_test,

        eff = 100. * numpy.array(effs).sum() / len(effs)

        return eff
Exemplo n.º 60
import utils
import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle

hardware_label, baseball_label, religion_label = 4, 10, 20

# get the most frequent 50 non-stop words from each newsgroup
# note: train and test were for classification task and irrelevant for our purpose and thus we simply merge them
path2dir = '20news-bydate-matlab/matlab/'

train_vocabmap = utils.get_word_count(path2dir + 'train.data', path2dir + 'train.label', [hardware_label])
test_vocabmap = utils.get_word_count(path2dir + 'test.data', path2dir + 'test.label', [hardware_label])
htop50w, htop50id = utils.get_top_words(utils.merge_dicts(train_vocabmap, test_vocabmap), 'vocabulary.txt')

train_vocabmap = utils.get_word_count(path2dir + 'train.data', path2dir + 'train.label', [baseball_label])
test_vocabmap = utils.get_word_count(path2dir + 'test.data', path2dir + 'test.label', [baseball_label])
btop50w, btop50id = utils.get_top_words(utils.merge_dicts(train_vocabmap, test_vocabmap), 'vocabulary.txt')

train_vocabmap = utils.get_word_count(path2dir + 'train.data', path2dir + 'train.label', [religion_label])
test_vocabmap = utils.get_word_count(path2dir + 'test.data', path2dir + 'test.label', [religion_label])
rtop50w, rtop50id = utils.get_top_words(utils.merge_dicts(train_vocabmap, test_vocabmap), 'vocabulary.txt')

# find the union of all word ids; this is less than 150.
allwids = list(set(htop50id).union(set(btop50id)).union(set(rtop50id)))

# create document term (count) matrices from our choice of words
hdocmat_train = utils.get_docmat(allwids, path2dir + 'train.data', path2dir + 'train.label', [hardware_label])
hdocmat_test = utils.get_docmat(allwids, path2dir + 'test.data', path2dir + 'test.label', [hardware_label])
hdocmat = np.concatenate([hdocmat_train, hdocmat_test])
np.savetxt('hardware_data.txt', hdocmat, fmt='%d')