Exemplo n.º 1
 def create_households(self, land, demand):
     # calculate the fleet and household size table
     fleet_array = np.array([freq for fleet, freq in self.fleet_freq])
     size_array  = np.array([freq for size, freq in self.size_freq])
     # fill the joint fleet-hhsize table using proportional fitting
     table = self._proportional_fit(fleet_array, size_array)
     # calculate the number of households
     hhnum  = int(round(table.sum()))
     # calculate the number of workers
     # if the size of a household is one, this one person is a worker
     # if the size of a household is larger than one, there a two workers
     wknum = sum(((2 if size > 3 else size) * freq for size, freq in self.size_freq))
     # calculate the number of students, all the other persons are students
     stnum = sum(((0 if size < 3 else size - 2) * freq for size, freq in self.size_freq))
     # assign random activity program to the households
     program_freq = dict(((demand.programs[id_], freq) for id_, freq in self.prog_freq))
     programs = self._get_assignments(program_freq, hhnum)
     # assign random dwelling unit to the households
     residences = self._get_assignments(land.get_capacities("home"), hhnum)
     # assign random work place to the workers
     offices = self._get_assignments(land.get_capacities("work"), wknum)
     # assgin random school to the students
     schools = self._get_assignments(land.get_capacities("school"), stnum)
     # create iterator for activity programs
     it_program = iter(programs)
     # create iterators for all the locations
     it_residence, it_office, it_school = iter(residences), iter(offices), iter(schools)
     # create a household pool
     for i, j in ndrange(*table.shape):
         # create households with the same size and fleet
         for _ in xrange(int(round(table[i, j]))):
             self.add_household(self.size_freq[j][0], self.fleet_freq[i][0], 
                                demand, it_program, it_residence, it_office, it_school)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _proportional_fit(self, row_sum, col_sum, tolerance=0.01):
     n_row, n_col = row_sum.size, col_sum.size
     # convert to matrices
     row_sum.shape = (n_row, 1)
     col_sum.shape = (1, n_col)
     # the row sum and column sum should be equal
     assert row_sum.sum() == col_sum.sum(
     ), 'Row subsum and column subsum are not equal.'
     # initialize a table
     table = np.ones([n_row, n_col])
     # this table is a upper triangular matrix
     for i, j in ndrange(n_row, n_col):
         if i > j:
             table[i, j] = 0.0
     row_err = float('+inf')
     # check convergence criteria
     while row_err > tolerance:
         # row proportional fitting
         table = row_sum * (table / table.sum(1).reshape(n_row, 1))
         # column proportional fitting
         table = col_sum * (table / table.sum(0).reshape(1, n_col))
         # calculate the differences
         row_diff = table.sum(1).reshape(n_row, 1) - row_sum
         row_err = (row_diff * row_diff).sum()
     return table
Exemplo n.º 3
 def create_households(self, land, demand):
     # calculate the fleet and household size table
     fleet_array = np.array([freq for fleet, freq in self.fleet_freq])
     size_array = np.array([freq for size, freq in self.size_freq])
     # fill the joint fleet-hhsize table using proportional fitting
     table = self._proportional_fit(fleet_array, size_array)
     # calculate the number of households
     hhnum = int(round(table.sum()))
     # calculate the number of workers
     # if the size of a household is one, this one person is a worker
     # if the size of a household is larger than one, there a two workers
     wknum = sum(((2 if size > 3 else size) * freq
                  for size, freq in self.size_freq))
     # calculate the number of students, all the other persons are students
     stnum = sum(((0 if size < 3 else size - 2) * freq
                  for size, freq in self.size_freq))
     # assign random activity program to the households
     program_freq = dict(
         ((demand.programs[id_], freq) for id_, freq in self.prog_freq))
     programs = self._get_assignments(program_freq, hhnum)
     # assign random dwelling unit to the households
     residences = self._get_assignments(land.get_capacities("home"), hhnum)
     # assign random work place to the workers
     offices = self._get_assignments(land.get_capacities("work"), wknum)
     # assgin random school to the students
     schools = self._get_assignments(land.get_capacities("school"), stnum)
     # create iterator for activity programs
     it_program = iter(programs)
     # create iterators for all the locations
     it_residence, it_office, it_school = iter(residences), iter(
         offices), iter(schools)
     # create a household pool
     for i, j in ndrange(*table.shape):
         # create households with the same size and fleet
         for _ in xrange(int(round(table[i, j]))):
             self.add_household(self.size_freq[j][0], self.fleet_freq[i][0],
                                demand, it_program, it_residence, it_office,
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _proportional_fit(self, row_sum, col_sum, tolerance=0.01):
     n_row, n_col = row_sum.size, col_sum.size
     # convert to matrices
     row_sum.shape = (n_row, 1)
     col_sum.shape = (1, n_col)
     # the row sum and column sum should be equal
     assert row_sum.sum() == col_sum.sum(), 'Row subsum and column subsum are not equal.'
     # initialize a table
     table = np.ones([n_row, n_col])
     # this table is a upper triangular matrix
     for i, j in ndrange(n_row, n_col):
         if i > j:
             table[i,j] = 0.0
     row_err = float('+inf')
     # check convergence criteria
     while row_err > tolerance:
         # row proportional fitting
         table = row_sum * (table / table.sum(1).reshape(n_row, 1))
         # column proportional fitting
         table = col_sum * (table / table.sum(0).reshape(1, n_col))
         # calculate the differences
         row_diff = table.sum(1).reshape(n_row, 1) - row_sum
         row_err = (row_diff*row_diff).sum()
     return table