Exemplo n.º 1
    def register( self ):

        kwargs = {}

        for i in range( 1 + self.has_fields ):
            name = [self.label, self.label + 'Options'][i]

            if self.has_fields:
                cmd_str = '%s(%d)' % ( self._perform_func_str, i )
                cmd_str = '%s()' % ( self._perform_func_str, )

            if i == self.has_fields:
                kwargs['annotation'] = utils.niceName( name )
                kwargs['annotation'] = self.annotation

            if not pm.versions.current() >= pm.versions.v2008:
                kwargs['command'] = 'python("%s")' % cmd_str
                kwargs['command'] = cmd_str
                kwargs['commandLanguage'] = 'python'

            if self.category is not None:
                kwargs['category'] = self.category

            if not pm.runTimeCommand( name, exists=1 ):
                pm.runTimeCommand( name, default=True, **kwargs )
                print "# Adding runtime:", name, ':', cmd_str
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__( self, optionmodel, command ):
        super(OptionBoxView, self).__init__(optionmodel)

        self.command = command

        # -- read Meta data
        self._title = getattr( self.optionmodel.Meta, 'title', utils.niceName( self.optionmodel.__class__.__name__ ) )
        self._help_tag = getattr( self.optionmodel.Meta, 'help_tag', '%sHelp' % self.command.func_name )
        self._button_label = getattr( self.optionmodel.Meta, 'button_label', 'Apply/Close' )
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__( self, optionmodel ):

        self.optionmodel = optionmodel
        self.name = utils.niceName( self.optionmodel.__class__.__name__ + "View" )

        if self.optionmodel is not None:
            if not isinstance( optionmodel, models.OptionModel ) and not issubclass( optionmodel, models.OptionModel ):
                raise TypeError( "`optionmodel` must subclass of %s" % models.OptionModel )
            elif not hasattr( self.optionmodel, 'fields' ):
                self.optionmodel = self.optionmodel()
Exemplo n.º 4
 def widget_label( self ):
     if self.label is not None:
         return self.label
         return utils.niceName( self.name )
Exemplo n.º 5
def commandMenuItem( command, args=[], label=None, annotation=None, **kwargs ):
    Creates menuItem from python function objects.

    'command' parameter takes a python function object. 'args' can be supplied
    for the command. If 'label' isn't specified, it will be generated from the
    function __name__. If 'annotation' isn't specified, it will be taken from
    the first sentence of the function __doc__. If __doc__ is empty, it will
    use the 'label'.

    Setting 'options' to True will build an optionBox menuItem and supply
    'True' as the arg to the command. See functions that have OptionBox
    classes associated with them for the proper structure.

    def _initMenuItem( *args, **kwargs ):
        keys = kwargs.keys()

        menuItemName = kwargs.pop( 'menuItemName', False )

        if 'command' in keys or 'c' in keys:

            if 'dragMenuCommand' not in keys or 'dmc' not in keys:
                kwargs['dmc'] = 'python("%s")' % kwargs['command']

        if menuItemName:
            return pm.menuItem( menuItemName, *args, **kwargs )
            return pm.menuItem( *args, **kwargs )

    argStr = ''
    if len( args ) > 0:
        argList = []

        for arg in args:
            if isinstance( arg, str ):
                argList.append( '\"%s\"' % arg )
                argList.append( str( arg ) )

        argStr = ','.join( argList )

    if hasattr( command, 'func' ):
        command_str = '%s.%s(%s)' % ( command.func.__module__, command.__name__, argStr )
        command_str = '%s.%s(%s)' % ( command.__module__, command.__name__, argStr )

    if command_str.startswith( '__main__' ):
        command_str = '.'.join( command_str.split( '.' )[1:] )

    if label is None:
        if hasattr( command, 'label' ):
            label = utils.niceName( command.label )
            label = utils.niceName( command.__name__ )

    if annotation is None:
        if hasattr( command, 'annotation' ):
            annotation = command.annotation
                annotation = command.__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0].split( '.' )[0]
                annotation = label

    item = _initMenuItem( command=command_str, label=label, annotation=annotation, **kwargs )

    # -- add optionBox menuItem for options --

    if hasattr( command, 'optionmodel' ):
        if command.optionmodel is not None:
            optCmdStr = command_str.split( '(' )[0] + '(1)'
            optAnn = label + ' Options'

            optItem = _initMenuItem( command=optCmdStr, annotation=optAnn, optionBox=True, **kwargs )

            return ( item, optItem )

    return item