Exemplo n.º 1
    def emit(self, do_print, entity_name, indent, reserved_bits, fields,
             structs, enums, cur_structsize):
        # embedded structs often won't have a name of their own
        structname = "a_item"
        if self.name:
            structname = "%s_item" % utils.nicename(self.name)

        bits = self.struct.emit(structname, indent, reserved_bits, fields,
                                structs, enums)

        # Ignore the condition on some structs' modvals
        fdesc_id = 0
        if len(self.modval) and self.modval.find("=") < 0:
            fdesc_id = int(self.modval)

        comment = ""
        arraybits = ""
            fdesc = fields.get_child(fdesc_id)
            comment = "\t /* size given by %s */" % utils.nicename(fdesc.name)
            arraybits = "[0]"
        except KeyError:

        if do_print:
            varname = utils.nicename(self.name)
            if not varname:
                varname = "item"
            print "%sstruct %s %s%s;%s" % ("\t" * indent, structname,
                                               self.name), arraybits, comment)

        return bits
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_user_id_and_create_if_necessary(self, name):
        """Returns user ID and create user if necessary.
      All-in-one wonder method. Searching for the user ID of a given
      user. If the user does not exist: create the user first and then
      return the user ID.
      See also: :meth:`database.create_user`, :meth:`database.get_user_id`

        name (:obj:`str`): User name.

        int: Numeric userID.

        import utils
        userID = self.get_user_id(
            utils.nicename(name, self.config['conversion_table']))
        if not userID:
                utils.nicename(name, self.config['conversion_table']))
        # - Now loading the newly crates userID
        userID = self.get_user_id(
            utils.nicename(name, self.config['conversion_table']))
        if not userID:
                'OOOH F**K. Created new user for %s but resulting ID was None in get_user_id_and_create_user_if_necessary.'
                % name)

        # - Return the id
        return userID
Exemplo n.º 3
    def emit(self, do_print, entity_name, indent, reserved_bits, fields, structs, enums, cur_structsize):
        # embedded structs often won't have a name of their own
        structname = "a_item"
        if self.name:
            structname = "%s_item" % utils.nicename(self.name)

        bits = self.struct.emit(structname, indent, reserved_bits, fields, structs, enums)

        # Ignore the condition on some structs' modvals
        fdesc_id = 0
        if len(self.modval) and self.modval.find("=") < 0:
            fdesc_id = int(self.modval)

        comment = ""
        arraybits = ""
            fdesc = fields.get_child(fdesc_id)
            comment = "\t /* size given by %s */" % utils.nicename(fdesc.name)
            arraybits = "[0]"
        except KeyError:

        if do_print:
            varname = utils.nicename(self.name)
            if not varname:
                varname = "item"
            print "%sstruct %s %s%s;%s" % ("\t" * indent, structname, utils.nicename(self.name), arraybits, comment)

        return bits
   def __read_rawfile__(self):
      """Parsing raw file and import groups and users.

      import re
      import utils
      fid = open(self.rawfile,'r')
      lines = fid.readlines()

      # - Create a dict object and save
      #   groups and users to them.
      res = {}

      # - Looping trough lines, search ul
      found = False
      group = None
      for line in lines:

         if not found and not '<ul type="circle">' in line:
         elif '<ul type="circle">' in line:
            found = True

         # - if it is a h3 tag, it is a group name.
         if '<h3' in line:
            rawgroup = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '',line).strip()
            group    = utils.nicename( rawgroup )
            print '    %-30s %-30s' % (group,rawgroup)
            res[group] = {'rawgroup':rawgroup,'users':{}}
         # - Reached the end
         elif '</ul>' in line:

         # - Else (if not empty) a user.
         rawuser = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '',line).strip()
         user    = utils.nicename( rawuser )
         if len(user) == 0:
            print '    - %-30s %-30s' % (user,rawuser)
            res[group]['users'][user] = rawuser

      print '    Finished ...'

      self.data = res
Exemplo n.º 5
    def emit(self, do_print, entity_name, indent, reserved_bits, fields,
             structs, enums, cur_structsize):
        # modify the field like cProtocolEntityNav::ProcessFragment()
        num_elements = 0
        comment = ""
        isarray = False

        if self.modtype == MOD_CONSTANT_ARRAY:
            # modval is number of elements
            num_elements = int(self.modval)
        elif self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_ARRAY or \
             self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_STRING1 or \
             self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_STRING2 or \
             self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_STRING3:
            # The "modval" is the field id that gives the # of elements
            # of this variable array.  That field is usually the immediately
            # previous fragment of this struct.  ie it's something like:
            # struct foobar {
            #     u8 arraylen;   <- specified by modval
            #     char array[];  <- current struct fragment
            # }
            fdesc = fields.get_child(int(self.modval))
            comment = "size given by %s" % utils.nicename(fdesc.name)
            isarray = True

        return self.field.emit(do_print, indent, enums, num_elements, comment,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def emit(self, do_print, entity_name, indent, reserved_bits, fields, structs, enums, cur_structsize):
        # modify the field like cProtocolEntityNav::ProcessFragment()
        num_elements = 0
        comment = ""
        isarray = False

        if self.modtype == MOD_CONSTANT_ARRAY:
            # modval is number of elements
            num_elements = int(self.modval)
        elif self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_ARRAY or \
             self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_STRING1 or \
             self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_STRING2 or \
             self.modtype == MOD_VARIABLE_STRING3:
            # The "modval" is the field id that gives the # of elements
            # of this variable array.  That field is usually the immediately
            # previous fragment of this struct.  ie it's something like:
            # struct foobar {
            #     u8 arraylen;   <- specified by modval
            #     char array[];  <- current struct fragment
            # }
            fdesc = fields.get_child(int(self.modval))
            comment = "size given by %s" % utils.nicename(fdesc.name)
            isarray = True

        return self.field.emit(do_print, indent, enums, num_elements, comment, isarray)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def emit(self, entity_name, indent, pad_bits, fields, structs, enums):
        print '%sstruct %s {' % ("\t" * indent, utils.nicename(entity_name))

        # current structure size in *bits*
        size_in_bits = 0

        # if there was a previous member we're supposed to add some padding
        # for (ie, this struct is in a union and something is before it) do
        # that now
        if pad_bits:
            print '%suint8 padding:%d;' % ("\t" * (indent + 1), pad_bits)
            size_in_bits += pad_bits

        union_frag = None
        reserved_bits = 0

        for i in range(0, len(self.fragments)):
            frag = self.fragments[i]

            if not union_frag:
                if self.need_union(i):
                    union_frag = frag
                    indent += 1
                    print '%sunion u_%s {' % ("\t" * indent,

            bits = frag.emit(True, entity_name, indent + 1, reserved_bits,
                             fields, structs, enums, size_in_bits)
            if frag == union_frag:
                # Track the first union fragment's reserved bits; we'll ignore
                # them for total struct size since the following struct(s) will
                # include it's size
                reserved_bits = bits
            elif is_pad_type(frag.type):
                # When we reach the pad fragment, the union terminates so
                # clear out union-specific state
                reserved_bits = 0
                if union_frag:
                    print '%s};' % ("\t" * indent)
                    indent -= 1
                    union_frag = None
                size_in_bits += bits
                size_in_bits += bits

        print "%s};\n" % ("\t" * indent)
        return size_in_bits
Exemplo n.º 8
    def emit(self, entity_name, indent, pad_bits, fields, structs, enums):
        print '%sstruct %s {' % ("\t" * indent, utils.nicename(entity_name))

        # current structure size in *bits*
        size_in_bits = 0

        # if there was a previous member we're supposed to add some padding
        # for (ie, this struct is in a union and something is before it) do
        # that now
        if pad_bits:
            print '%suint8 padding:%d;' % ("\t" * (indent + 1), pad_bits)
            size_in_bits += pad_bits

        union_frag = None
        reserved_bits = 0

        for i in range(0, len(self.fragments)):
            frag = self.fragments[i]

            if not union_frag:
                if self.need_union(i):
                    union_frag = frag
                    indent += 1
                    print '%sunion u_%s {' % ("\t" * indent, utils.nicename(frag.field.name))

            bits = frag.emit(True, entity_name, indent + 1, reserved_bits, fields, structs, enums, size_in_bits)
            if frag == union_frag:
                # Track the first union fragment's reserved bits; we'll ignore
                # them for total struct size since the following struct(s) will
                # include it's size
                reserved_bits = bits
            elif is_pad_type(frag.type):
                # When we reach the pad fragment, the union terminates so
                # clear out union-specific state
                reserved_bits = 0
                if union_frag:
                    print '%s};' % ("\t" * indent)
                    indent -= 1
                    union_frag = None
                size_in_bits += bits
                size_in_bits += bits

        print "%s};\n" % ("\t" * indent)
        return size_in_bits
Exemplo n.º 9
    def emit(self, do_print, indent, enums, num_elements, comment, isarray):
        ctype = ''
        arraypart = ''

        sizebits = 0
        if self.type == FIELD_TYPE_STD:  # eDB2_FIELD_STD
            tinfo = stdtypes[self.typeval]
            ctype = tinfo[0]
            if is_array_type(self.typeval) or num_elements > 0:
                if num_elements > 0:
                    arraypart = "[%d]" % num_elements
                    sizebits = num_elements * tinfo[2]
                elif isarray:
                    # array with size given by previous fragment
                    arraypart = "[0]"
                    sizebits = 0
                    arraypart = "[%d]" % (self.size / tinfo[2])
                    sizebits = self.size * tinfo[2]
        elif self.type == FIELD_TYPE_ENUM_UNSIGNED or self.type == FIELD_TYPE_ENUM_SIGNED:
            # It's a enum; find the enum
            e = enums.get_child(self.typeval)
            ctype = "gobi_%s" % utils.nicename(e.name)
            if isarray:
                if num_elements != 0:
                    raise Exception("Unhandled ENUM field type with size %d" % num_elements)
                arraypart = "[0]";
                sizebits = 0
                if self.size > 0:
                    # enum size is # of bits
                    arraypart = ":%d" % self.size
                    sizebits = self.size
                    sizebits = 32
            raise ValueError("Unknown Field type")

        if comment:
            comment = " (%s)" % comment
        if do_print:
            print "%s%s %s%s; /* %s%s */" % ("\t" * indent, ctype, utils.nicename(self.name), arraypart, self.name, comment)
        return sizebits
Exemplo n.º 10
 def emit(self):
     print 'typedef enum { /* %s */ ' % self.name
     for en in self.values:
     print "} gobi_%s;\n" % utils.nicename(self.name)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def emit(self):
     print 'typedef enum { /* %s */ ' % self.name
     for en in self.values:
     print "} gobi_%s;\n" % utils.nicename(self.name)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def extract_bets(self, block):

        from pywetterturnier import utils
        import re
        if block == 1:
            data = self.data1
        elif block == 2:
            data = self.data2
            utils.exit('wrong input to extract_bets. 1 or 2 allowed')

        # betdate is
        tdate = self.tdate
        betdate = tdate + block
        print '* Extracting data from block %d' % (block)

        # - Check if cityID is set
        if self.cityID == None:
            utils.exit('STOP. cityID equals None. Stop now')

        # - Loading parameters
        param = data[1].replace('WvWn', 'Wv Wn').split()[1:]

        self.unames = []
        # - First: find empty line. Those are followed by the
        #   single bets until another empty line shows up or until
        #   the end is reached..
        found = False
        countdown = None
        for line in data:
            line = line.replace('\n', '').strip()
            if "______________" in line:
                countdown = 3
            elif not countdown == None:
                countdown = countdown - 1
                if countdown == 0:
                    countdown = None
                    found = True
            elif not found:
            if "ganz nach oben" in line:
            elif len(line.strip()) == 0:
            orig = line.split()[0]
            username = utils.nicename(orig, self.config['conversion_table'])
            # - Check if we have found a group
            if not self.db.get_group_id(username) == False:
                username = '******' % username
            # - Now get username
            userID = self.db.get_user_id_and_create_if_necessary(username)
            # - Problem detected.
            if not userID:
                utils.exit('Problems loading userID for %s' % username)

            if not len(param) == len(line[len(orig):].split()):
                utils.exit('parameter length and data length not matching')

            print '  - %-25s %d' % (username, userID)

            # - Else write data into database
            data = line[len(orig):].split()
            for i in range(0, len(param)):
                paramID = self.wp_get_param_id(param[i])
                if paramID == None:
                    utils.exit('found param which does not exist in db')
                #print userID,paramID,tdate,betdate,data[i]
                self.__insert_bet_to_db__(userID, paramID, tdate, betdate,
                self.__insert_betstat_to_db__(userID, tdate)

Exemplo n.º 13
    def extract_obs(self, block):

        import re
        from pywetterturnier import utils
        if block == 1:
            data = self.obs1
        elif block == 2:
            data = self.obs2
            utils.exit('wrong input to extract_obs. 1 or 2 allowed')

        # betdate is
        tdate = self.tdate
        betdate = tdate + block
        print '* Extracting obs for block %d' % (block)

        # - Check if cityID is set
        if self.cityID == None:
            utils.exit('cityID equals None. Stop now')

        # - Loading parameters
        param = data[1].replace('WvWn', 'Wv Wn').split()[1:]

        # - First: find empty line. Those are followed by the
        #   single bets until another empty line shows up or until
        #   the end is reached..
        found = False
        obscount = 0
        print "\n".join(data)
        for line in data:
            line = line.replace('\n', '').strip()
            if "_________________" in line:
                found = True
            if not found:

            # - Getting station name
            rawname = line.split()[0].strip()
            station_name = utils.nicename(rawname,
            wmo = self.__get_wmo_number__(station_name)
            if not wmo:
                utils.exit('Cannot find wmo number for station ' +
                           station_name + ' in config file')
            print '  - Found station ' + str(wmo) + ' ' + station_name

            # - Check if we do have enough values
            if not file:
                if not len(param) == len(line[26:].split()):
                        'parameter length and data length not matching in obs line'
                obs = line[26:].split()
                # parse that shit by hand
                obs = []
                for i in range(len(param)):
                    obs.append(" ")
                # now try to read whats here

                if len(line[len(rawname):]) == 0: continue
                data = line[len(rawname):].split()
                if not len(param) == len(data):
                    #utils.exit('noch nicht alle obs da, stop')
                    print 'noch nicht alle obs da, skip'
                for i in range(len(param)):
                    obs[i] = data[i]

            # - Else write data into database
            for i in range(0, len(param)):
                paramID = self.wp_get_param_id(param[i])
                if paramID == None:
                    utils.exit('found param which does not exist in db')
                if len(obs[i].strip()) == 0:
                #####print wmo,paramID,betdate,obs[i]
                self.__insert_obs_to_db__(wmo, paramID, betdate, obs[i])

            # - Increase obscount. If 2: break
            obscount = obscount + 1
            if obscount == 2:

Exemplo n.º 14
    def extract_sum_points(self):

        print '\n  * %s' % 'Extracting the sum points for the players'

        import re

        # - Cacing results
        res = []

        found = False
        for line in self.points:

            psum = None
            pd1 = None
            pd2 = None

            line = line.strip()
            if 'Name' in line and 'Punkte' in line:
            elif len(line) == 0:
            elif '____________' in line:
                found = True
            elif not found:

            tmp = line.split()
            print '  - Found rawname %s: ' % tmp[1]
            print '    ResT:         %s  ' % ' '.join(tmp[2:])
            rawdata = ''.join(tmp[2:])
            rawdata = rawdata.split(')')[0]
            data = filter(None, re.split('[\(//\)]', rawdata))
            if not len(data) == 3 and not len(data) == 1:
                utils.exit('Cannot split \'%s\' as expected' % rawdata)
            if len(data) == 3:
                    psum = float(data[0])
                    pd1 = float(data[1])
                    pd2 = float(data[2])
                    utils.exit('Problems getting points as float from \'%s\'' %
                    psum = float(data[0])
                    pd1 = False
                    pd2 = False
                    utils.exit('Problems getting points as float from \'%s\'' %

            # - Convert raw username (in uname) into nicename
            nicename = utils.nicename(tmp[1], self.config['conversion_table'])

            # - Check if we have found a group
            if not self.db.get_group_id(nicename) == False:
                nicename = 'GRP_%s' % nicename

            # - Now get username
            userID = self.db.get_user_id_and_create_if_necessary(nicename)

            # - Problem detected.
            if not userID:
                utils.exit('Problems loading userID for %s' % nicename)

            # - Extracting points for which user?
            print '    Extracting parameter points for: %s' % nicename
            print '    %7.2f   %7.2f   %7.2f' % (psum, pd1, pd2)

            if not pd1:
                res.append((userID, self.cityID, self.tdate, psum))
                res.append((userID, self.cityID, self.tdate, psum, pd1, pd2))

        if len(res[1]) == 6:
            #sql = 'INSERT INTO '+self.db.prefix+'wetterturnier_betstat ' + \
            sql = 'INSERT INTO '+self.db_betstat+' ' + \
                  ' (userID, cityID, tdate, points, points_d1, points_d2) VALUES ' + \
                  ' (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' + \
                  ' points=VALUES(points), points_d1=VALUES(points_d1), ' + \
                  ' points_d2=VALUES(points_d2) '
            sql = 'INSERT INTO '+self.db_betstat+' ' + \
                  ' (userID, cityID, tdate, points) VALUES ' + \
                  ' (%s, %s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' + \
                  ' points=VALUES(points) '

        cur = self.db.cursor()
        cur.executemany(sql, res)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def extract_parameter_points(self):

        if self.unames == None:
                'sorry. importbets.unames not set, cannot extract the points')

        print '\n  * %s' % 'Extracting the points for the different parameters now'

        # - Cacing results
        res = []

        for uname in self.unames:
            found = False
            day = None
            # - Convert raw username (in uname) into nicename
            nicename = utils.nicename(uname, self.config['conversion_table'])
            # - Check if we have found a group
            if not self.db.get_group_id(nicename) == False:
                nicename = 'GRP_%s' % nicename
            # - Now get username
            userID = self.db.get_user_id_and_create_if_necessary(nicename)
            # - Problem detected.
            if not userID:
                utils.exit('Problems loading userID for %s' % nicename)

            # - Extracting points for which user?
            print '  - Extracting parameter points for: %s, city %s' % (
                nicename, self.config['current_city'])

            # - Now scanning the lines to get the user points
            for line in self.raw_lines:
                # - Check nicename in line
                if 'Auswertung' in line:
                    if uname == utils.nicename( line.split('Spieler')[1].replace(':','').strip(), self.config['conversion_table'] ) \
                       or uname.replace('GRP_','') == utils.nicename( line.split('Spieler')[1].replace(':','').strip(), self.config['conversion_table'] ):
                        found = True
                        print '    Found line %s' % line.replace('\n',
                elif not found:

                # - Found a day?
                if 'Samstag' in line:
                    day = 1
                elif 'Sonntag' in line:
                    day = 2
                elif len(line.strip()) == 0:
                elif 'Wert' in line:
                elif '________' in line:

                # - Next Auwertung? JUMP!
                if 'unktzahl' in line:
                    found = False

                # - Extracting the parameter
                words = line.split()
                paramID = self.db.get_parameter_id(words[0])
                    points = float(words[-1])
                    print words
                    if self.file_forced: continue

                    # Log as broken and continue
                    bid = open(
                        self.config['rawdir'] + '/broken_files_identified.txt',
                    bid.write("%s\n" % self._file)
                    return False

                    #utils.exit('Problems getting points from that line (%s)' % self._file)
                if not paramID:
                        'Problems extracting parameter or getting paramID from line'

                #print ' %5d %8.2f %s ' % (paramID,points,line.strip())

                # - Results caching. Need
                #   userID               form self.db.get_user( uname )
                #   cityID               from self.cityID
                #   paramID              from self.db.get_parameter_id( ... )
                #   tdate       from self.tdate
                #   betdate              from self.tdate + day
                res.append( (points, userID,paramID, \
                             self.tdate,self.tdate + day) )

        sql = 'UPDATE '+self.db.prefix+'wetterturnier_bets SET points = %s ' + \
              ' WHERE userID = %s AND paramID = %s AND tdate = %s ' + \
              ' AND betdate = %s AND cityID = ' + str(self.cityID)
        cur = self.db.cursor()
        cur.executemany(sql, res)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def extract_bettimes(self):

        import re
        import datetime as dt
        from pywetterturnier import utils

        data = self.bettimes
        if data == None:
            print '[!] WARNING bettimes not found. Data empty. Skip.'

        # betdate is
        tdate = self.tdate
        print '* Extracting bettimes for date %d' % (tdate)

        # - Check if cityID is set
        if self.cityID == None:
            utils.exit('STOP. cityID equals None. Stop now')

        # - Caching usernames to extract the points afterwards. hopefully.
        unames = []

        # - Going trough lines.
        #   Stop if we find a user without user ID.
        res = []
        found = False
        for line in data:
            if "_________________" in line:
                found = True
            if not found:
            # - Link to jump to the top. Ignore.
            if "ganz nach oben" in line:

            line = line.replace('\n', '').strip()
            if len(line) == 0:

            # - Username and its nicename
            username = line.split()[0].strip()
            time = " ".join(line.split()[1:])
            # - For Friday, no offset
            #   Oh c'mon wetterturnier scripters. F**k it.
            if 'xxxxx' in time:
                tdate_str = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                    16332 * 86400).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                time = "%s %s" % (tdate_str, '16:00:00')
                if time[0:3] == 'UTC':
                    print 'WRNOG TIME FORMAT, SKIP'
                if 'Fri' in time:
                    tdate_offset = 0
                elif 'Mon' in time:
                    tdate_offset = -4
                elif 'Tue' in time:
                    tdate_offset = -3
                elif 'Wed' in time:
                    tdate_offset = -2
                elif 'Thu' in time:
                    tdate_offset = -1
                elif 'Sat' in time:
                    tdate_offset = 1
                elif 'Sun' in time:
                    tdate_offset = 2
                    print time
                    print line.strip()
                    print '[!] BET TIME FANCY DAY NAME IN DATE. CHEATED? :)'
                    utils.exit('reto think about it')

                tdate_str = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                    (tdate + tdate_offset) * 86400).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                time = "%s %s" % (tdate_str, time.split()[1])
            #time = dt.datetime.strptime(time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%s')
            nicename = utils.nicename(username,
            # - Check if we have found a group
            if not self.db.get_group_id(nicename) == False:
                nicename = 'GRP_%s' % nicename
            # - Now get username
            userID = self.db.get_user_id_and_create_if_necessary(nicename)
            # - Problem detected.
            if not userID:
                utils.exit('Problems loading userID for %s' % nicename)

            print '    - [%3d] %-30s %-30s %s' % (userID, username, nicename,

            # - Append
            res.append((time, userID, tdate, self.cityID))

        # - Insert into database
        print '    - Update database now'
        cur = self.db.cursor()
        sql = 'UPDATE '+self.db.prefix+'wetterturnier_bets SET placed = %s ' + \
              ' WHERE userID = %s AND tdate = %s AND cityID = %s'
        cur.executemany(sql, res)

        sql = 'UPDATE '+self.db.prefix+'wetterturnier_betstat SET submitted = %s ' + \
              ' WHERE userID = %s AND tdate = %s AND cityID = %s'
        cur.executemany(sql, res)

        # - Appending cached raw usernames to the object
        #   This will be used to extract the points afterwards.
        self.unames = unames