Exemplo n.º 1
def caesar_generator(num, op):
    """Returns a one-argument Caesar cipher function. The function should "rotate" a
    letter by an integer amount 'num' using an operation 'op' (either add or

    You may use the provided `letter_to_num` and `num_to_letter` functions,
    which will map all lowercase letters a-z to 0-25 and all uppercase letters
    A-Z to 26-51.

    >>> letter_to_num('a')
    >>> letter_to_num('c')
    >>> num_to_letter(3)

    >>> caesar2 = caesar_generator(2, add)
    >>> caesar2('a')
    >>> brutus3 = caesar_generator(3, sub)
    >>> brutus3('d')
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return lambda x: num_to_letter(op(letter_to_num(x), num))
Exemplo n.º 2
def caesar_generator(num, op):
    """Returns a one-argument Caesar cipher function. The function should "rotate" a
    letter by an integer amount 'num' using an operation 'op' (either add or

    You may use the provided `letter_to_num` and `num_to_letter` functions,
    which will map all lowercase letters a-z to 0-25 and all uppercase letters
    A-Z to 26-51.

    >>> letter_to_num('a')
    >>> letter_to_num('c')
    >>> num_to_letter(3)

    >>> caesar2 = caesar_generator(2, add)
    >>> caesar2('a')
    >>> brutus3 = caesar_generator(3, sub)
    >>> brutus3('d')
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return lambda x: num_to_letter(op(letter_to_num(x), num)) 
Exemplo n.º 3
    def solve(self):
        """Solving logic for the board
		The solver repeats the following steps until no more changes can be made
		 - use letter_mask to find where remaining letters can be placed to maintain links from word_list
		 - find either:
		    a) tiles where only one of the remaining letters can go, or
		    b) letters that can only go in one of the remaining tiles
		 - for any newly solved tiles, use the tile_mask so no other letters can be placed there, and that letter
		     cannot be placed in any other tile

		This method does not return anything - solution is stored as a 2D character array in self.solution"""
        connections = get_connections(self.word_list)
        # solved_letters stores only the letter value i
        # new_solved_letters stores (x, y, i) values
        solved_letters = {letter[2] for letter in self.start_letters}
        new_solved_letters = self.start_letters

        # main solving loop - repeat until each tile has exactly 1 letter
        while np.count_nonzero(self.tiles) > len(lowercase_letters):
            # create a copy of self.tiles
            old_tiles = self.tiles.copy()

            # given the newly added letters, use masks to find where new letters can be placed
            if new_solved_letters:
                for x, y, i in new_solved_letters:
                    for j in connections[i]:
                        mask = self.create_letter_mask(x, y, j)
                        self.tiles = np.logical_and(self.tiles, mask)

            # if no new letters were added last iteration, instead find where other letters may go
                for i in range(len(lowercase_letters)):
                    if i not in solved_letters:
                        coords = np.argwhere(self.tiles[:, :, i])
                        for j in connections[i]:
                            mask = self.create_letter_probability_mask(
                                coords, j)
                            self.tiles = np.logical_and(self.tiles, mask)

            # check if any tiles can now be solved
            new_solved_letters = set()
            for x, y, i in self.check_letters_solved(
            ) + self.check_tiles_solved():
                if i not in solved_letters:
                    self.solve_tile(x, y, i)
                    new_solved_letters.add((x, y, i))

            # if no changes have been made to the array, then the solver must be stuck
            if np.all(old_tiles == self.tiles):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "This grid cannot be solved by this program")

        num_array = np.sum(self.tiles * np.arange(25), axis=2)
        solution = np.empty_like(num_array, dtype=str)
        for (y, x), i in np.ndenumerate(num_array):
            solution[y, x] = num_to_letter(i)

        self.solution = solution
Exemplo n.º 4
 def caesar(x):
     return num_to_letter(op(letter_to_num(x), num))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def caesar(x):
     return num_to_letter(op(letter_to_num(x), num))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def inner(letter):
     return num_to_letter(op(letter_to_num(letter), num))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def solve_tile(self, x, y, i):
     """Show that a single tile is solved by applying the mask"""
     mask = self.create_tile_mask(x, y, i)
     self.tiles = np.logical_and(self.tiles, mask)
     self.solution[y, x] = num_to_letter(i)