Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_scale(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        filename_left = self.empty()
        filename_right = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8)) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8)) as handle_right:
                with utils.open_profile(filename_left, 'w') as out_left:
                    with utils.open_profile(filename_right, 'w') as out_right:
                        kmer.scale(handle_left, handle_right, out_left, out_right)

        if sum(counts_left.values()) < sum(counts_right.values()):
            scale_left = sum(counts_right.values()) / sum(counts_left.values())
            scale_right = 1.0
            scale_left = 1.0
            scale_right = sum(counts_left.values()) / sum(counts_right.values())

        for s in counts_left:
            counts_left[s] *= scale_left
        for s in counts_right:
            counts_right[s] *= scale_right

        utils.test_profile_file(filename_left, counts_left, 8)
        utils.test_profile_file(filename_right, counts_right, 8)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_balance(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        filename = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8)) as input_handle:
            with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as output_handle:
                kmer.balance(input_handle, output_handle)
        counts.update(dict((utils.reverse_complement(s), c) for s, c in counts.items()))
        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 8)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_distance(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8, 'left')) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8, 'right')) as handle_right:
                kmer.distance(handle_left, handle_right, out)

        assert out.getvalue() == 'left right %.10f\n' % 0.4626209323
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_merge(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        filename = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8)) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8)) as handle_right:
                with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
                    kmer.merge(handle_left, handle_right, profile_handle)
        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts_left + counts_right, 8)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_distance_smooth(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8, 'left')) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8, 'right')) as handle_right:
                kmer.distance(handle_left, handle_right, out, do_smooth=True, precision=3)

        assert out.getvalue() == 'left right 0.077\n'
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_profile_from_file_save(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 4)
        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 4), 'r') as profile_handle:
            profile = klib.Profile.from_file(profile_handle)

        filename = self.empty()
        with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:

        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 4)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_cat_prefixes(self):
        counts_a = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_b = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        filename = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_a, 8, name='X')) as handle_a:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_b, 8, name='X')) as handle_b:
                with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
                    kmer.cat([handle_a, handle_b], profile_handle, prefixes=['a_', 'b_'])
        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts_a, 8, name='a_X')
        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts_b, 8, name='b_X')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_distance_smooth_expr(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8, 'left')) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8, 'right')) as handle_right:
                kmer.distance(handle_left, handle_right, out, do_smooth=True,
                              precision=3, custom_summary='np.max(values)')

        assert out.getvalue() == 'left right 0.474\n'
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_distance_pairwise_expr(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8, 'left')) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8, 'right')) as handle_right:
                kmer.distance(handle_left, handle_right, out, precision=3,
                              custom_pairwise='abs(left - right) / (left + right + 1000)')

        assert out.getvalue() == 'left right 0.001\n'
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_distance_pairwise_name(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8, 'left')) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8, 'right')) as handle_right:
                kmer.distance(handle_left, handle_right, out, precision=3,

        assert out.getvalue() == 'left right 0.084\n'
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_shrink(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        filename = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8)) as input_handle:
            with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as output_handle:
                kmer.shrink(input_handle, output_handle, 1)

        counts = Counter(dict((t, sum(counts[u] for u in counts
                                            if u.startswith(t)))
                                    for t in set(s[:-1] for s in counts)))
        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 7)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_smooth_custom_name(self):
        # See test_kdistlib.test_ProfileDistance_dynamic_smooth
        counts_left = Counter(['AC', 'AG', 'AT', 'CA', 'CC', 'CG', 'CT', 'GA', 'GC', 'GG', 'GT', 'TA', 'TG', 'TT'])
        counts_right = Counter(['AC', 'AT', 'CA', 'CC', 'CG', 'CT', 'GA', 'GC', 'GG', 'GT', 'TA', 'TC', 'TG', 'TT'])
        filename_left = self.empty()
        filename_right = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 2)) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 2)) as handle_right:
                with utils.open_profile(filename_left, 'w') as out_left:
                    with utils.open_profile(filename_right, 'w') as out_right:
                        kmer.smooth(handle_left, handle_right, out_left, out_right, custom_summary='numpy.max')
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_shuffle(self):
        # See test_klib.profile_shuffle
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 2)
        filename = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 2)) as input_handle:
            with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as output_handle:
                kmer.shuffle(input_handle, output_handle)

        counts = dict(zip([''.join(s) for s in itertools.product('ACGT', repeat=2)],
                          [13,  7,  6, 18, 12,  1, 13, 17, 16, 12, 23, 27, 24, 17, 18, 12]))
        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 2)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_merge_custom_name(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        filename = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8)) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8)) as handle_right:
                with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
                    kmer.merge(handle_left, handle_right, profile_handle, custom_merger='numpy.multiply')

        counts_mult = Counter(dict((s, counts_left[s] * counts_right[s])
                                   for s in set(counts_left) & set(counts_right)))

        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts_mult, 8)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_merge_custom_expr(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        filename = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8)) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8)) as handle_right:
                with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
                    kmer.merge(handle_left, handle_right, profile_handle, custom_merger='(left + right) * np.logical_xor(left, right)')

        counts_xor = counts_left + counts_right
        for s in set(counts_left) & set(counts_right):
            del counts_xor[s]

        utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts_xor, 8)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_positive(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        filename_left = self.empty()
        filename_right = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 8)) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right, 8)) as handle_right:
                with utils.open_profile(filename_left, 'w') as out_left:
                    with utils.open_profile(filename_right, 'w') as out_right:
                        kmer.positive(handle_left, handle_right, out_left, out_right)

        utils.test_profile_file(filename_left, Counter(s for s in counts_left.elements()
                                                             if s in counts_right), 8)
        utils.test_profile_file(filename_right, Counter(s for s in counts_right.elements()
                                                              if s in counts_left), 8)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_count(self):
     counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
     filename = self.empty()
     with open(self.fasta(utils.SEQUENCES)) as fasta_handle:
         with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
             kmer.count([fasta_handle], profile_handle, 8)
     utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 8)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_convert(self):
     counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
     filename = self.empty()
     with open(self.profile_old_format(counts, 8)) as handle:
         with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
             kmer.convert([handle], profile_handle)
     utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 8)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_get_balance(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8)) as input_handle:
            kmer.get_balance(input_handle, out, precision=3)

        assert out.getvalue() == '1 0.669\n'
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_count_by_record(self):
     counts_by_record = [utils.counts(record, 8) for record in utils.SEQUENCES]
     names = [str(i) for i, _ in enumerate(counts_by_record)]
     filename = self.empty()
     with open(self.fasta(utils.SEQUENCES, names=names)) as fasta_handle:
         with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
             kmer.count([fasta_handle], profile_handle, 8, by_record=True)
     for name, counts in zip(names, counts_by_record):
         utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 8, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_get_count(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        word, count = counts.most_common(1)[0]
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8, 'a')) as input_handle:
            kmer.get_count(input_handle, out, word)

        assert out.getvalue() == 'a %d\n' % count
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_count_multi(self):
     counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
     counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
     filename = self.empty()
     with open(self.fasta(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT)) as handle_left:
         with open(self.fasta(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT)) as handle_right:
             with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
                 kmer.count([handle_left, handle_right], profile_handle, 8, names=['a', 'b'])
     utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts_left, 8, name='a')
     utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts_right, 8, name='b')
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_distribution(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8)) as input_handle:
            kmer.distribution(input_handle, out)

        counter = Counter(utils.as_array(counts, 8))
        assert out.getvalue() == '\n'.join('1 %i %i' % x
                                           for x in sorted(counter.items())) + '\n'
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_get_stats(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8)) as input_handle:
            kmer.get_stats(input_handle, out)

        name, mean, std = out.getvalue().strip().split()
        assert name == '1'
        assert mean == '%.10f' % np.mean(utils.as_array(counts, 8))
        assert std == '%.10f' % np.std(utils.as_array(counts, 8))
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_distance_matrix(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(
                self.multi_profile(8, [counts_left, counts_right, counts_left],
                                   ['a', 'b', 'c'])) as handle:
            kmer.distance_matrix(handle, out, precision=3)

        assert out.getvalue().strip().split('\n') == [
            '3', 'a', 'b', 'c', '0.463', '0.000 0.463'
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_distance_matrix_smooth(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.multi_profile(8,
                                                   ['a', 'b', 'c'])) as handle:
                    kmer.distance_matrix(handle, out, do_smooth=True, precision=3)

        assert out.getvalue().strip().split('\n') == ['3', 'a', 'b', 'c', '0.077', '0.000 0.077']
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_smooth_custom_name(self):
        # See test_kdistlib.test_ProfileDistance_dynamic_smooth
        counts_left = Counter([
            'AC', 'AG', 'AT', 'CA', 'CC', 'CG', 'CT', 'GA', 'GC', 'GG', 'GT',
            'TA', 'TG', 'TT'
        counts_right = Counter([
            'AC', 'AT', 'CA', 'CC', 'CG', 'CT', 'GA', 'GC', 'GG', 'GT', 'TA',
            'TC', 'TG', 'TT'
        filename_left = self.empty()
        filename_right = self.empty()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_left, 2)) as handle_left:
            with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts_right,
                                                 2)) as handle_right:
                with utils.open_profile(filename_left, 'w') as out_left:
                    with utils.open_profile(filename_right, 'w') as out_right:
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_distance_matrix_pairwise_name(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.multi_profile(8,
                                                   ['a', 'b', 'c'])) as handle:
                    kmer.distance_matrix(handle, out, precision=3,

        assert out.getvalue().strip().split('\n') == ['3', 'a', 'b', 'c', '0.084', '1.206 0.084']
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_count_multi_by_record(self):
     counts_by_record_left = [utils.counts(record, 8) for record in utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT]
     counts_by_record_right = [utils.counts(record, 8) for record in utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT]
     names_left = [str(i) for i, _ in enumerate(counts_by_record_left)]
     names_right = [str(i) for i, _ in enumerate(counts_by_record_right)]
     filename = self.empty()
     with open(self.fasta(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, names=names_left)) as handle_left:
         with open(self.fasta(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, names=names_right)) as handle_right:
             with utils.open_profile(filename, 'w') as profile_handle:
                 kmer.count([handle_left, handle_right], profile_handle, 8, names=['a', 'b'], by_record=True)
     for name, counts in zip(names_left, counts_by_record_left):
         utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 8, name='a_' + name)
     for name, counts in zip(names_right, counts_by_record_right):
         utils.test_profile_file(filename, counts, 8, name='b_' + name)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_distance_matrix_pairwise_expr(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.multi_profile(8,
                                                   ['a', 'b', 'c'])) as handle:
                    kmer.distance_matrix(handle, out, precision=3,
                                         custom_pairwise='abs(left - right) / (left + right + 1000)')

        assert out.getvalue().strip().split('\n') == ['3', 'a', 'b', 'c', '0.001', '0.000 0.001']
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_distance_matrix_smooth_name(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.multi_profile(8,
                                                   ['a', 'b', 'c'])) as handle:
                    kmer.distance_matrix(handle, out, do_smooth=True, precision=3,

        assert out.getvalue().strip().split('\n') == ['3', 'a', 'b', 'c', '0.474', '0.000 0.474']
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_distance_matrix_pairwise_expr(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.multi_profile(8,
                                                   ['a', 'b', 'c'])) as handle:
                    kmer.distance_matrix(handle, out, precision=3,
                                         custom_pairwise='abs(left - right) / (left + right + 1000)')

        assert out.getvalue().strip().split('\n') == ['3', 'a', 'b', 'c', '0.001', '0.000 0.001']
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_distance_matrix_pairwise_name(self):
        counts_left = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_LEFT, 8)
        counts_right = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES_RIGHT, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.multi_profile(8,
                                                   ['a', 'b', 'c'])) as handle:
                    kmer.distance_matrix(handle, out, precision=3,

        assert out.getvalue().strip().split('\n') == ['3', 'a', 'b', 'c', '0.084', '1.206 0.084']
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_info(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8, 'a')) as input_handle:
            kmer.info(input_handle, out)

        expected = 'File format version: 1.0.0\n'
        expected += 'Produced by: kMer unit tests\n\n'
        expected += 'Profile: a\n'
        expected += '- k-mer length: 8 (%d k-mers)\n' % (4**8)
        expected += '- Zero counts: %i\n' % (4**8 - len(counts))
        expected += '- Non-zero counts: %i\n' % len(counts)
        expected += '- Sum of counts: %i\n' % sum(counts.values())
        expected += '- Mean of counts: %.3f\n' % np.mean([0] * (4**8 - len(counts)) + list(counts.values()))
        expected += '- Median of counts: %.3f\n' % np.median([0] * (4**8 - len(counts)) + list(counts.values()))
        expected += '- Standard deviation of counts: %.3f\n' % np.std([0] * (4**8 - len(counts)) + list(counts.values()))

        assert out.getvalue() == expected
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_info(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 8)
        out = StringIO()

        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 8, 'a')) as input_handle:
            kmer.info(input_handle, out)

        expected = 'File format version: 1.0.0\n'
        expected += 'Produced by: kMer unit tests\n\n'
        expected += 'Profile: a\n'
        expected += '- k-mer length: 8 (%d k-mers)\n' % (4**8)
        expected += '- Zero counts: %i\n' % (4**8 - len(counts))
        expected += '- Non-zero counts: %i\n' % len(counts)
        expected += '- Sum of counts: %i\n' % sum(counts.values())
        expected += '- Mean of counts: %.3f\n' % np.mean([0] * (4**8 - len(counts)) + list(counts.values()))
        expected += '- Median of counts: %.3f\n' % np.median([0] * (4**8 - len(counts)) + list(counts.values()))
        expected += '- Standard deviation of counts: %.3f\n' % np.std([0] * (4**8 - len(counts)) + list(counts.values()))

        assert out.getvalue() == expected
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_profile_from_file(self):
        counts = utils.counts(utils.SEQUENCES, 4)
        with utils.open_profile(self.profile(counts, 4), 'r') as profile_handle:
            profile = klib.Profile.from_file(profile_handle)

        utils.test_profile(profile, counts, 4)