Exemplo n.º 1
def ephsun(date):
    # Moscow coordinates
    (lat, lon) = (55.7522200, 37.6155600)

    date2 = date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)

    time = "21:00"  #
    sun = ephem.Sun()
    # gatech = ephem.Observer()
    # gatech.lon, gatech.lat = str(lon), str(lat)

    gatech = date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") + " " + time  # ,

    sun1 = [parse_coord(str(sun.a_ra), "ra"), parse_coord(str(sun.a_dec), "deg")]

    gatech = date2.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") + " " + time  # , '%d/%m/%Y'

    sun2 = [parse_coord(str(sun.a_ra), "ra"), parse_coord(str(sun.a_dec), "deg")]
    return sun2, sun1
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: vdb.py Projeto: kharyuk/astro
def handle_date(date, records, catalogue, vphi = 15):
    mdays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
    sun = []
    for i in xrange(len(records[0])):
        sun.append([parse_date(records[0][i]), parse_coord(records[1][i], 'ra'), parse_coord(records[2][i], 'deg')])
    ay = sun[ 0][0][-1]
    by = sun[-1][0][-1]
    if len(date) == 3:
        im = 1 # index of month
        iy = 2 # index of year (in date list)
    elif len(date) == 2:
        im = 0
        iy = 1
    assert (date[im] >   0) and (date[im] <= 12), "Inccorect month value"
    assert (date[iy] >= ay) and (date[iy] <= by), "Selected year is not presented in current sun ephemeris"
    if catalogue == 'V/50':
        fields = ['Name', 'HD', 'Vmag']
        entry_phrase = "Catalogue V50: stars with m <= 6.5"
    elif catalogue == 'VII/239A/icpos':
        entry_phrase = "\nCatalogue VII/239A/icpos: mean position of NGC/IC objects"
        fields = ['NGC/IC', 'Cat']
        print "Unknown catalogue"
        return None
    if date[iy] % 4 == 0:
        mdays[1] += 1
    if len(date) == 3:
        days = [date[0]]
    elif len(date) == 2:
        days = range(1, mdays[date[im]-1] + 1)
    for ind0, row in enumerate(sun):
        if [days[0], date[im], date[iy]] in row:
    print entry_phrase

    for ind in xrange(ind0, ind0 + len(days)):

        ra_interest = str(sun[ind-1][1]) + '..' + str(sun[ind+1][1])
        a = sun[ind-1][2]
        b = sun[ind+1][2]
        if a.f2s() < b.f2s():
            c = a
            d = b
            c = b
            d = a

        phi = coord(vphi,0,0,1,'deg')

        dec_interest = str(c - phi) + '..' + str(d + phi)

        print ra_interest, dec_interest

        ra_interest = ra_interest.replace(' ', '')
        dec_interest = dec_interest.replace(' ', '')

        if ind != ind0:
            prhead = False
            prhead= True
        process_vdb(catalogue, fields, sun, ind, ra_interest, dec_interest, print_head = prhead)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: vdb.py Projeto: kharyuk/astro
def process_vdb(vdbname, gfields, sun, ind, ra_interest, dec_interest, print_coord = True, print_head = True):
    lcol = 12
    fields = [] + gfields
    v = Vizier(columns = fields, catalog = vdbname)
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    result = v.query_constraints(catalog = vdbname, RAJ2000 = ra_interest, DEJ2000 = dec_interest)

    numobjs = len(result[0])
    twelveoc = 12*60*60
    tms = twelveoc*np.array([1., 3., 4.])

    prline = '==========' + '=' + '============'
    prhead = 'Date      ' + ' ' + ' Time       '
    l = len(fields)
    if not print_coord:
        l -= 2
    for i in xrange(l):
        prline = prline + '=' + '='*lcol
        tmp = fields[i]
        if len(tmp) < lcol:
            tmp = tmp + ' '*(lcol - len(tmp))
        prhead = prhead + ' ' + tmp
    prhead = prhead + ' ' + 'Dec distance'
    prline = prline + '=' + '============'
    if print_head:   
        print prline
        print prhead
        print prline
    for i in xrange(numobjs):
        ri = result[0][i].as_void()
        ri= list(ri)
        [ra, dec] = [ri[-2], ri[-1]]
        ra = parse_coord( ra, 'ra', ' ')
        dec = parse_coord( dec, 'deg', ' ')
        t, num = comp_time(sun[ind-1][1], sun[ind][1], sun[ind+1][1], ra)
        t = t.f2s()

        if num > 0:
            t += 2*twelveoc
        tmp = tms - t
        sz = tmp[tmp > 0].size
        if sz == 1:
            idx = ind+1
        elif sz == 2:
            idx = ind
        elif sz == 3:
            idx = ind-1
        t = coord(0, 0, t + twelveoc, 1, 'ra')
        if idx == ind:
            curdate = sun[idx][0]
            tmp = str(curdate[0])
            if len(tmp) <  2:
                tmp = ' ' + tmp
            date = '' + tmp + '/'
            tmp = str(curdate[1])
            if len(tmp) < 2:
                tmp = ' ' + tmp
            date = date + tmp + '/' + str(curdate[2])
            dist = comp_dist(curdate[0], curdate[1], t, dec)

            printer = '' + date + ' ' + str(t)
            stri = [str(x) for x in ri[:-2]]
            if print_coord:
                stri = stri + [str(ra), str(dec)]
            for x in stri:
                if len(x) < lcol:
                    x = ' '*(lcol - len(x)) + x
                printer = printer + ' ' + x
            printer = printer + ' ' + str(dist)
            print printer
Exemplo n.º 4
def aw_main_process(
    code, day_start, day_end, mpf=12, directory=CATLISTDIR, filename=DEFAULTSETTINGSFILE, progressBar=None
    style_string = "font: bold on"
    style = xlwt.easyxf(style_string)

    code_table = loadTableParameters(directory, filename)

    curdate = day_start

    curmonth = curdate.month
    wb = xlwt.Workbook()
    sheetname = curdate.strftime("%h") + " " + str(curdate.year)[-2:]
    sheet_num = 0
    ws = wb.add_sheet(sheetname.decode("utf8"))
    rowx, colx = make_list_header(ws, code, code_table)

    customSimbad = Simbad()
    if len(code_table[code]["columns"]) > 0:
        customSimbad.add_votable_fields("id(" + code + ")")
    if code_table[code]["phi_vec"]:
    customSimbad.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    # additionalSimbad = {}
    # for x in code_table[code]['columns']:
    #    additionalSimbad[x] = Simbad()
    #    additionalSimbad[x].add_votable_fields('id('+x+')')

    all_days = (day_end - day_start).days
    for numday in xrange(all_days):
        objects_per_day = 0
        if curdate.month != curmonth:
            curmonth = curdate.month
            sheet_num += 1
            if sheet_num == mpf:
                filename = code.upper() + "_"
                filename += day_start.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
                filename += "--"
                filename += (curdate - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
                filename += ".xls"
                wb.save(OUTPUTDIR + filename)
                wb = xlwt.Workbook()
                sheet_num = 0
                day_start = curdate + datetime.timedelta(days=0)
            sheetname = curdate.strftime("%h") + " " + str(curdate.year)[-2:]
            ws = wb.add_sheet(sheetname.decode("utf8"))
            rowx, colx = make_list_header(ws, code, code_table)

        vphi = code_table[code]["vphi"][0][1]

        [[ra1, dec1], [ra2, dec2]] = ephsun(curdate)
        if dec1.f2s() < dec2.f2s():
            [c, d] = [dec1, dec2]
            [c, d] = [dec2, dec1]
        phi = coord(vphi, 0, 0, 1, "deg")
        ra_interest = [ra1.f2hd(), ra2.f2hd()]
        dec_interest = [(c - phi).f2hd(), (d + phi).f2hd()]
        query = formulate_query(code, ra_interest, dec_interest)

        result = customSimbad.query_criteria(query)
        if result is not None:
            lenres = len(result)
            print "Day %d/%d finished w/o output" % (numday + 1, all_days)
            if progressBar is not None:
                progressBar.setValue((numday + 1.0) / all_days * 100)
            curdate = curdate + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        for i in xrange(lenres):
            row = result[i]
            [ra, dec] = [row["RA"], row["DEC"]]

            ra = parse_coord(ra, "ra", " ")
            dec = parse_coord(dec, "deg", " ")
                t = comp_time(ra1, ra2, ra)
                print ra1, ra2, ra, row["MAIN_ID"]
            dist = comp_dist(curdate.day, curdate.month, t, dec)
            hdist = abs(dist.f2s() / 3600.0)
            if code_table[code]["phi_vec"]:
                refuse = True
                vmag = row["FLUX_V"]
                if str(vmag) != "--":
                    for [vml, hdl] in code_table[code]["vphi"]:
                        if vml is None:
                            if hdist >= hdl:
                                refuse = False
                        elif vmag < vml:
                            if hdist >= hdl:
                                refuse = False
                if refuse:
                    print "refused: %s" % (row["MAIN_ID"])

            line = [curdate.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), t.__str__(rpar=0)]
            name = row["MAIN_ID"]
            if code_table[code]["use_name"]:
                if name.startswith("NAME "):
                    name = name.replace("NAME ", "")
            alt_names = Simbad.query_objectids(row["MAIN_ID"])
            for colname in code_table[code]["columns"]:
                locid = ""
                for an in alt_names:
                    if an["ID"].startswith(colname.upper() + " "):
                        if len(locid) > 0:
                            locid += " / "
                        lname = an["ID"].replace("NAME", "")
                        locid = locid + lname.replace("*", "")
            if code_table[code]["phi_vec"]:

            rowx, colx = write_row(ws, line, rowx, colx)
            objects_per_day += 1
        curdate = curdate + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        if objects_per_day > 0:
            rowx, colx = write_row(ws, [""], rowx, colx)
        print "Day %d/%d finished" % (numday + 1, all_days)
        if progressBar is not None:
            progressBar.setValue((numday + 1.0) / all_days * 100)
    filename = code.upper() + "_"
    filename += day_start.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
    filename += "--"
    filename += day_end.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
    filename += ".xls"
    full_filename = OUTPUTDIR + filename
    print full_filename