Exemplo n.º 1
    def parse(self, node):
        parse a tileset element and return a tileset object and properties for
        tiles as a dict

        a bit of mangling is done here so that tilesets that have external
        TSX files appear the same as those that don't
        import os

        # if true, then node references an external tileset
        source = node.get('source', False)
        if source:
            if source[-4:].lower() == ".tsx":

                # external tilesets don't save this, store it for later
                self.firstgid = int(node.get('firstgid'))

                # we need to mangle the path - tiled stores relative paths
                dirname = os.path.dirname(self.parent.filename)
                path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, source))
                    node = ElementTree.parse(path).getroot()
                except IOError:
                    msg = "Cannot load external tileset: {0}"
                    raise Exception, msg.format(path)

                msg = "Found external tileset, but cannot handle type: {0}"
                raise Exception, msg.format(self.source)


        # since tile objects [probably] don't have a lot of metadata,
        # we store it separately in the parent (a TiledMap instance)
        for child in node.getiterator('tile'):
            real_gid = int(child.get("id"))
            p = parse_properties(child)
            p['width'] = self.tilewidth
            p['height'] = self.tileheight
            for gid, flags in self.parent.mapGID(real_gid + self.firstgid):
                self.parent.setTileProperties(gid, p)

        image_node = node.find('image')
        self.source = image_node.get('source')
        self.width = int(image_node.get('width'))
        self.height = int(image_node.get('height'))
        self.trans = image_node.get("trans", None)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_properties(self, node):
        read the xml attributes and tiled "properties" from a xml node and fill
        in the values into the object's dictionary.  Names will be checked to
        make sure that they do not conflict with reserved names.

        # set the attributes reserved for tiled
        [ setattr(self, k, types[str(k)](v)) for (k,v) in node.items() ] 

        # set the attributes that are derived from tiled 'properties'
        for k,v in parse_properties(node).items():
            if k in self.reserved:
                msg = "{0} \"{1}\" has a property called \"{2}\""
                print msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, k, self.__class__.__name__)
                msg = "This name is reserved for {0} objects and cannot be used."
                print msg.format(self.__class__.__name__)
                print "Please change the name in Tiled and try again."
                print v
                raise ValueError
            setattr(self, k, types[str(k)](v))

        # hack
        self.properties = parse_properties(node)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def parse(self, node):
        parse a tileset element and return a tileset object and properties for
        tiles as a dict

        a bit of mangling is done here so that tilesets that have external
        TSX files appear the same as those that don't
        import os

        # if true, then node references an external tileset
        source = node.get('source', False)
        if source:
            if source[-4:].lower() == ".tsx":

                # external tilesets don't save this, store it for later
                self.firstgid = int(node.get('firstgid'))

                # we need to mangle the path - tiled stores relative paths
                dirname = os.path.dirname(self.parent.filename)
                path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, source))
                    node = ElementTree.parse(path).getroot()
                except IOError:
                    msg = "Cannot load external tileset: {0}"
                    raise Exception, msg.format(path)

                msg = "Found external tileset, but cannot handle type: {0}"
                raise Exception, msg.format(self.source)


        # since tile objects [probably] don't have a lot of metadata,
        # we store it separately in the parent (a TiledMap instance)
        for child in node.getiterator('tile'):
            real_gid = int(child.get("id"))
            p = parse_properties(child)
            p['width'] = self.tilewidth
            p['height'] = self.tileheight
            for gid, flags in self.parent.mapGID(real_gid + self.firstgid):
                self.parent.setTileProperties(gid, p)

        image_node = node.find('image')
        self.source = image_node.get('source')
        self.trans = image_node.get("trans", None)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def set_properties(self, node):
        read the xml attributes and tiled "properties" from a xml node and fill
        in the values into the object's dictionary.  Names will be checked to
        make sure that they do not conflict with reserved names.

        # set the attributes reserved for tiled
        [setattr(self, k, types[str(k)](v)) for (k, v) in node.items()]

        # set the attributes that are derived from tiled 'properties'
        for k, v in parse_properties(node).items():
            if k in self.reserved:
                msg = "{0} \"{1}\" has a property called \"{2}\""
                print msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, k,
                msg = "This name is reserved for {0} objects and cannot be used."
                print msg.format(self.__class__.__name__)
                print "Please change the name in Tiled and try again."
                print v
                raise ValueError
            setattr(self, k, types[str(k)](v))
Exemplo n.º 5
import logging
import time
from utils import parse_properties

app = Flask(__name__)


### S E T U P

app.logger.info("Setting up the chaos...")

settings = parse_properties("settings.properties")
app.logger.info("Loaded settings: " + str(settings))
app.logger.info("%d settings loaded" % len(settings))

### R O U T E S

def route_index():
    # status = request.args["status"] if "status" in request.args else ""
    return render_template('index.html', settings=settings, args=request.args)

@app.route("/settings", methods=['POST', 'GET'])