def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('img1', help=('Image1 - use magnitude')) parser.add_argument('img2', help=('Image2 - use phase')) args = parser.parse_args() images = (args.img1, args.img2) for img in images: try: with open(img, 'rb'): pass except IOError: print >> sys.stderr, "%s could not be opened" % img return 1 img1, img2 = image2array(images[0]), image2array(images[1]) if img1.shape != img2.shape: print >> sys.stderr, "Images should have the same dimensions" return 2 G, H = fft(img1), fft(img2) magG = get_magnitude(G) phaseH = get_phase(H) K = image_from_mag_phase(magG, phaseH) img3 = fft(K, True) plot([img1, img2, prepare_show(img3, False)]) return 0
def main(args): """ Plot job execution times. """ with open(args.fconfig, 'rb') as fp: args_fconfig = utils.dict_to_class(json.load(fp)) utils.plot(args_fconfig) return None
def plot_results(self): """ Plots acquisition results in a new window """ from utils import plot rr_file = "{}.rr.txt".format(self.acquisition_path.encode("utf-8")) tag_file = "{}.tag.txt".format(self.acquisition_path.encode("utf-8")) plot(rr_file, tag_file)
def runLR(x, truth, show=False, X=None, truthX=None): w = train(x,truth) #print "w = " + str(w) prediction = np.sign(,w)) green = x[(prediction == 1), 1:] red = x[(prediction < 1), 1:] plot(green, red, w, show=show, axis=312 if X == None else 323) right = x[(prediction == truth),1:] wrong = x[(prediction != truth),1:] plot(right, wrong, w, show=show, axis=313 if X == None else 325) wrongIn = wrong[:,0].size if X != None: predictionOut = np.sign(,w)) green = X[(predictionOut == 1), 1:] red = X[(predictionOut < 1), 1:] plot(green, red, w, show=show, axis=324) right = X[(predictionOut == truthX),1:] wrong = X[(predictionOut != truthX),1:] plot(right, wrong, w, show=show, axis=326) return wrongIn, wrong[:,0].size, w
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('img', help=('Path of the image to perform the' ' transform')) parser.add_argument('--rmin', type=int, help='rmin parameter', default=23) parser.add_argument('--rmax', type=int, help='rmax parameter', default=48) args = parser.parse_args() try: with open(args.img, 'rb'): pass except IOError: print >> sys.stderr, "%s could not be opened" % args.img return 1 rmin_range = (0, 100) if not (rmin_range[0] < args.rmin < rmin_range[1]): print >> sys.stderr, "rmin should be between %d and %d" % rmin_range return 2 if not (rmin_range[0] < args.rmax < rmin_range[1]): print >> sys.stderr, "rmax should be between %d and %d" % rmin_range return 2 if args.rmin >= args.rmax: print >> sys.stderr, 'rmin should be less than rmax' return 3 aimg = image2array(args.img) freq_ = fft(aimg) shift_freq = fftshift(freq_) center = (shift_freq.shape[0] / 2, shift_freq.shape[1] / 2) distance_array = euclidean_distance(shift_freq, center) mask = (distance_array < args.rmin) != (distance_array > args.rmax) shift_freq_cpy = shift_freq.copy() shift_freq_cpy[mask] = 0 output = fft(fftshift(shift_freq_cpy, True), True) plot([aimg, prepare_show(shift_freq), prepare_show(shift_freq_cpy), prepare_show(output, False)]) return 0
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true") kwargs = vars(p.parse_args()) plt.rcParams["interactive"] = kwargs["interactive"] with utils.plot(__file__): plot(**kwargs)
def gradient_step(i, state, mod): params = get_params(state) mod.prior.hyp = params[0] mod.likelihood.hyp = params[1] # grad(Filter) + Smoother: neg_log_marg_lik, gradients = # neg_log_marg_lik, gradients = mod.run_two_stage() # <-- less elegant but reduces compile time prior_params = softplus_list(params[0]) print('iter %2d: var_f=%1.2f len_f=%1.2f, nlml=%2.2f' % (i, prior_params[0], prior_params[1], neg_log_marg_lik)) if plot_intermediate: plot(mod, i) return opt_update(i, gradients, state)
def train(self): rewardperep = [] for i in range(self.episode): state = self.state_to_index(self.env.reset()) totalreward = 0 for j in range(self.horizon): action = self.act(state, deterministic=False) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) next_state = self.state_to_index(next_state) self.update(state, action, reward, next_state) totalreward += reward state = next_state if done == True: break rewardperep.append(totalreward) plot(rewardperep, 'results/qlambdalearning_traffic_returns.png')
def train(gan, datasets): real_example = gan.input() latent = gan.sample() fake_example = gan.generator(latent) real_logits = gan.discriminator(real_example) fake_logits = gan.discriminator(fake_example) predict = tf.less_equal((fake_logits), 0.5) # p_label = tf.argmax(false_labels,1,output_type=tf.int32) acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(predict, tf.float32)) tf.summary.scalar('acc', acc) g_loss = gan.compute_G_loss(fake_logits, tf.ones(shape=[gan.batch_size, 1])) # d_loss = gan.compute_D_loss(real_logits,tf.ones(shape=[gan.batch_size,1]))+\ # gan.compute_D_loss(fake_logits,tf.zeros(shape=[gan.batch_size,1])) fake_d_loss = gan.compute_fake_D_loss(fake_logits, tf.zeros_like(fake_logits)) real_d_loss = gan.compute_real_D_loss(real_logits, tf.ones_like(real_logits)) d_loss = fake_d_loss + real_d_loss d_op, g_op = gan.train_op(g_loss=g_loss, d_loss=d_loss) summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.ckpt, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) saver = tf.train.Saver() global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() global_step = tf.assign_add(global_step, 1) init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() train_op = [d_op, g_op] with tf.Session() as sess: for step in range(FLAGS.max_steps): utils.load_or_initial_model(sess, FLAGS.ckpt, saver, init_op) a = 0 G_step = 0 D_step = 0 i = 0 if not os.path.exists('out/'): os.makedirs('out/') for step in range(FLAGS.max_steps): data = datasets.next_batch(gan.batch_size) feed_dict = {real_example: data[0]} a, loss_d, loss_g, _, g_step, summary_str = \[acc, d_loss, g_loss, train_op, global_step, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) D_step += 1 G_step += 1 if g_step % 1000 == 0: print(g_step, loss_d, loss_g, a, D_step, G_step) samples = samples = samples[:16] writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=g_step) #, FLAGS.ckpt, global_step=g_step) fig = utils.plot(samples) plt.savefig('out/{}.png'.format(str(i).zfill(3)), bbox_inches='tight') i += 1 plt.close(fig)
def pso_svm(data): # 初始化参数 particle_position_vector = np.array([ np.array([random.random() * 10, random.random() * 10]) for _ in range(args.n_particles) ]) pbest_position = particle_position_vector pbest_fitness_value = np.array( [float('inf') for _ in range(args.n_particles)]) gbest_fitness_value = np.array([float('inf'), float('inf')]) gbest_position = np.array([float('inf'), float('inf')]) velocity_vector = ([np.array([0, 0]) for _ in range(args.n_particles)]) iteration = 0 while iteration < args.n_iterations: plot(particle_position_vector) for i in range(args.n_particles): fitness_cadidate = fitness_function(particle_position_vector[i], data) print("error of particle-", i, "is (training, test)", fitness_cadidate, " At (gamma, c): ", particle_position_vector[i]) if (pbest_fitness_value[i] > fitness_cadidate[1]): pbest_fitness_value[i] = fitness_cadidate[1] pbest_position[i] = particle_position_vector[i] if (gbest_fitness_value[1] > fitness_cadidate[1]): gbest_fitness_value = fitness_cadidate gbest_position = particle_position_vector[i] elif (gbest_fitness_value[1] == fitness_cadidate[1] and gbest_fitness_value[0] > fitness_cadidate[0]): gbest_fitness_value = fitness_cadidate gbest_position = particle_position_vector[i] for i in range(args.n_particles): new_velocity = ( args.W * velocity_vector[i]) + (args.c1 * random.random()) * ( pbest_position[i] - particle_position_vector[i] ) + (args.c2 * random.random()) * (gbest_position - particle_position_vector[i]) new_position = new_velocity + particle_position_vector[i] particle_position_vector[i] = new_position iteration = iteration + 1
def train(model, x_train_data, y_train_data, x_test_data, y_test_data): verbose = 0 if DEBUG >= 2: model.summary() verbose = 1 history =, y_train_data, epochs=EPOCHS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, validation_split=0.05, verbose=verbose, shuffle=True) import utils if DEBUG >= 3: if args['save_config']: utils.plot(history.history, 'train.png') else: utils.plot(history.history) model.reset_states() prediction = model.predict(x_test_data) log = False if DEBUG >= 1: log = True under, over, avg_err = utils.predict_result(prediction, y_test_data, log) # print('{0}>{1}, {2}<{3}, {4:.3f}<0.02'.format(under, len(prediction)/2, over, len(prediction)/5, abs(avg_err))) err = float(np.max(y_test_data)) * 0.006 total = len(y_test_data) result = { 'under': under, 'under_r': under * 100 / total, 'over': over, 'over_r': over * 100 / total, 'avg_err': avg_err } if result['under_r'] > 60 and result['over_r'] < 20 and abs(avg_err) < err:'{0}_lstm_b{1}p{2}_{3:.1f}_{4:.1f}_{5:.3f}.h5'.format( name, BLOCK_SIZE, PREDICT_PERIOD, result['under_r'], result['over_r'], avg_err)) if DEBUG >= 3: if (args['save_config']): utils.plot_predict(prediction, y_test_data, 'predict.png') else: utils.plot_predict(prediction, y_test_data) return result
def __call__(self, modelname, split_rate=.9, seq_length=30, batch_size=8, num_layers=2): train_size = int(self.prices.train_size * split_rate) X = self.prices.X[train_size:train_size + 300, :] X = torch.unsqueeze(torch.from_numpy(X).float(), 1) X_test, Y_test = utils.data_process(X, X.shape[0], seq_length) model = torch.load(modelname + '.model') model.eval() loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() with torch.no_grad(): loss_sum = 0 Y_pred = model(X_test[:, :batch_size, :]) Y_pred = torch.squeeze(Y_pred[num_layers - 1, :, :]) for i in range(batch_size, X_test.shape[1], batch_size): y = model(X_test[:, i:i + batch_size, :]) y = torch.squeeze(y[num_layers - 1, :, :]) Y_pred =, y)) loss = loss_fn(Y_test[i:i + batch_size, :], y) loss_sum += loss.item() print(loss_sum) Y_pred.resize_(Y_pred.shape[0] * Y_pred.shape[1]) Y_test.resize_(Y_test.shape[0] * Y_test.shape[1]) my_pred = pd.DataFrame(columns=['pred', 'actual']) my_pred.head() my_pred['pred'] = Y_pred.numpy() my_pred['actual'] = Y_test.numpy() #/content/drive/My Drive/abc/ my_pred.to_csv('Stock_rnn.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8') utils.plot([Y_pred.shape[0], Y_test.shape[0]], [Y_pred.numpy(), Y_test.numpy()], ['blue', 'red'], 'Time (Days)', 'Price', 'Sample ' + modelname + ' Price Result', ['Prediction', 'Ground Truth'])
def __call__(self, model_name, hidden_size=128, seq_length=30, split_rate=.9, batch_size=8, num_epochs=500, num_layers=2): train_size = int(self.prices.train_size * split_rate) X = torch.unsqueeze( torch.from_numpy(self.prices.X[:train_size, :]).float(), 1) X_train, Y_train = utils.data_process(X, train_size, seq_length) if model_name == 'LSTM': model = SimpleLSTM(self.window_size, hidden_size, num_layers=num_layers) else: model = SimpleGRU(self.window_size, hidden_size, num_layers=num_layers) loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters()) loss_plt = [] for epoch in range(num_epochs): loss_sum = 0 for i in range(0, X_train.shape[1] - batch_size, batch_size): Y_pred = model(X_train[:, i:i + batch_size, :]) Y_pred = torch.squeeze(Y_pred[num_layers - 1, :, :]) loss = loss_fn(Y_train[i:i + batch_size, :], Y_pred) loss_sum += loss.item() optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() print('epoch [%d] finished, Loss Sum: %f' % (epoch, loss_sum)) loss_plt.append(loss_sum), model_name + '.model') utils.plot([len(loss_plt)], [np.array(loss_plt)], 'black', 'Epoch', 'Loss Sum', 'MSE Loss Function')
def main(): EPOCH = 10 MIN_FREQ = 5 SHUFFLE = True trn_texts = open("").read().strip().split("\n") trn_labels = open("trn.label").read().strip().split("\n") dev_texts = open("").read().strip().split("\n") dev_labels = open("dev.label").read().strip().split("\n") print('perceptron') print('-' * 40) print('trn data size:', len(trn_texts)) print('dev data size:', len(dev_texts)) bag_of_words = BagOfWords(True, True, MIN_FREQ) trn_data = bag_of_words.fit_transform(trn_texts, trn_labels) dev_data = bag_of_words.transform(dev_texts) print('min vocabulary freq:', MIN_FREQ) print('vocabulary size:', len(trn_data[0])) print('shuffle after epoch:', SHUFFLE) perceptron = Perceptron(bag_of_words) print('training start\n') start = time() print('data accurary') print_cells(['epoch', 'trn', 'dev'], 9) print('-' * 30) trn_acc = [] dev_acc = [] def epoch_callback(i): trn_acc.append(perceptron.accuracy(trn_data, trn_labels)) dev_acc.append(perceptron.accuracy(dev_data, dev_labels)) print_cells([i, trn_acc[i], dev_acc[i]], 9), trn_labels, EPOCH, SHUFFLE, epoch_callback) print('\ntraining end') print('duration:', round(time() - start)) plot(list(range(0, EPOCH)), trn_acc, dev_acc, 'Perceptron')
def main(): # For custom use, rewrite this section with your own data ################################################################### taskname = "SUMMARIZATION" HJ, model_probs, labels, length_list = get_data() ################################################################### HUSE, HUSEQ, HUSED = calculate_HUSE(HJ, model_probs, labels, length_list) # OUTPUT print("For the task of {}".format(taskname)) print("Overall HUSE score is: {}".format(HUSE)) print("HUSE-Q (just human) score is: {}".format(HUSEQ)) print("HUSE-D score is: {}".format(HUSED)) # Plot saved to {taskname}.pdf plot(taskname, HJ, model_probs, labels, length_list)
def p01e(train_path, eval_path, pred_path): """Gaussian discriminant analysis Args: train_path: path to csv file for training data eval_path: path to csv file for validation data pred_path: path to save predictions """ x_train, y_train = utils.load_dataset(train_path, add_intercept=False) model = GaussianDiscriminantAnalysis(), y_train) x_val, y_val = utils.load_dataset(eval_path, add_intercept=False) y_pred = model.predict(x_val) utils.plot(x_val, y_val, model.theta, "{}.png".format(pred_path)) # Use np.savetxt to save outputs from validation set to pred_path np.savetxt(pred_path, y_pred)
def p01b(train_path, eval_path, pred_path): """Logistic regression with Newton's Method Args: train_path: Path to CSV file containing dataset for training. eval_path: Path to CSV file containing dataset for evaluation. pred_path: Path to save predictions. """ # Train classifier x_train, y_train = utils.load_dataset(train_path, add_intercept=True) model = LogisticRegression(eps=1e-5), y_train) # Validate classifier x_val, y_val = utils.load_dataset(eval_path, add_intercept=True) y_pred = model.predict(x_val) utils.plot(x_val, y_val, model.theta, "{}.png".format(pred_path)) np.savetxt(pred_path, y_pred)
def draw_mobility(countries): FEATURES_VALUES = utils.features_values() value_vars = utils.MOBILITY data = FEATURES_VALUES.melt(id_vars=['Date', 'CountryName'], value_vars=value_vars, var_name='Measures', value_name="Value") data['Measures'] = data.apply(pretty_name, axis=1) for country in countries: utils.plot('line', data.loc[data['CountryName'] == country], 'data_visualization_mobility_' + country, 'Date', 'Value', 'Variation of activity [%]', hue='Measures', legend_pos=None)
def plot_motion_z_position(pool_physics, request): show_plots, save_plots = request.config.getoption( '--show-plots'), request.config.getoption('--save-plots') if not (show_plots or save_plots): yield return from utils import plot_ball_motion as plot yield test_name = '_'.join( [request.function.__name__, pool_physics.ball_collision_model]) plot(0, pool_physics, title=test_name + " ($z$ position)", coords=(2, ), collision_depth=1, filename=os.path.join(PLOTS_DIR, test_name + '-z.png') if save_plots else None, show=show_plots)
def generate(self, sess, feed_dict, index): samples =, feed_dict=feed_dict) fig = utils.plot(samples[0:16, :]) path = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, 'out/') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(path + '{}.png'.format(str(index).zfill(3))), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
def plot_predictions(self, X, filepath=None, title='Predictions'): if filepath is None: filepath = self.results_dir + '/predictions.png' pred = self.predict(X) images = np.concatenate([ np.transpose(X, (1, 0, 2, 3, 4)), np.transpose(pred, (1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) ], axis=0) images = np.reshape( images, (2 * X.shape[0] * X.shape[1], X.shape[2], X.shape[3], X.shape[4])) plot( filepath, title, make_mosaic(images, nrows=X.shape[0], ncols=int(2 * X.shape[1]), clip=True))
def plot_initial_positions(pool_physics, pool_table, request): show_plots, save_plots = request.config.getoption( '--show-plots'), request.config.getoption('--save-plots') if not (show_plots or save_plots): yield return from utils import plot_motion_timelapse as plot yield test_name = '_'.join( [request.function.__name__, pool_physics.ball_collision_model]) plot(pool_physics, table=pool_table, nt=0, t_0=0.0, t_1=0.0, title=test_name + ' (initial positions)', filename=os.path.join(PLOTS_DIR, test_name + '-initial-positions.png') if save_plots else None, show=show_plots)
def main(): for episode in range(NUM_OF_EPISODES): game = env.Easy21() state = game.get_state() action = epsilon_greedy_action(state) is_terminal = False while not is_terminal: new_state, reward, is_terminal = game.step(action) new_action = epsilon_greedy_action(new_state) # Update the visit count. N[state[0], state[1], action] += 1 # Update the Q value. # How much we expect the our current Q-value to be wrong. We estimate the true Q # value by looking at the obtained reward and the next Q value we would pick. error = (reward + get_Q(new_state, new_action)) - get_Q( state, action) # Step-size for the update. Decreases over time, when we visit the state more and # more we are more confident of our value, so we update it less. The fact that alpha # will eventually go to zero is essential for convergence of the algorithm toward # the optimal policy. alpha = 1 / N[state[0], state[1], action] # Update the Q values using Sarsa algorithm. # Q(S, A) <-- Q(S, A) + alpha*( reward + discount*Q(S', A') - Q(S, A) ) # Note that discount is 1 in this case. Q[state[0], state[1], action] = get_Q(state, action) + alpha * error # Move to the new state-action pair. state = new_state action = new_action if episode % PRINT_EVERY == 0: print(episode) #print(Q) #utils.plot(Q) utils.plot(Q)
def gradient_step(i, state, mod): params = get_params(state) mod.prior.hyp = params[0] mod.likelihood.hyp = params[1] # grad(Filter) + Smoother: # neg_log_marg_lik, gradients = neg_log_marg_lik, gradients = mod.run_two_stage() prior_params = softplus_list(params[0]) # print('iter %2d: var1=%1.2f len1=%1.2f om1=%1.2f var2=%1.2f len2=%1.2f om2=%1.2f var3=%1.2f len3=%1.2f om3=%1.2f ' # 'var4=%1.2f len4=%1.2f var5=%1.2f len5=%1.2f var6=%1.2f len6=%1.2f ' # 'vary=%1.2f, nlml=%2.2f' % # (i, prior_params[0][0], prior_params[0][1], prior_params[0][2], # prior_params[1][0], prior_params[1][1], prior_params[1][2], # prior_params[2][0], prior_params[2][1], prior_params[2][2], # prior_params[3][0], prior_params[3][1], # prior_params[4][0], prior_params[4][1], # prior_params[5][0], prior_params[5][1], # softplus(params[1]), neg_log_marg_lik)) # print('iter %2d: len1=%1.2f om1=%1.2f len2=%1.2f om2=%1.2f len3=%1.2f om3=%1.2f ' # 'var4=%1.2f len4=%1.2f var5=%1.2f len5=%1.2f var6=%1.2f len6=%1.2f ' # 'vary=%1.2f, nlml=%2.2f' % # (i, prior_params[0][0], prior_params[0][1], # prior_params[1][0], prior_params[1][1], # prior_params[2][0], prior_params[2][1], # prior_params[3][0], prior_params[3][1], # prior_params[4][0], prior_params[4][1], # prior_params[5][0], prior_params[5][1], # softplus(params[1]), neg_log_marg_lik)) print( 'iter %2d: len1=%1.2f om1=%1.2f len2=%1.2f om2=%1.2f len3=%1.2f om3=%1.2f ' 'len4=%1.2f len5=%1.2f len6=%1.2f ' 'vary=%1.2f, nlml=%2.2f' % (i, prior_params[0][0], prior_params[0][1], prior_params[1][0], prior_params[1][1], prior_params[2][0], prior_params[2][1], prior_params[3], prior_params[4], prior_params[5], softplus( params[1]), neg_log_marg_lik)) if plot_intermediate: plot(mod, i) return opt_update(i, gradients, state)
def gradient_step(i, state, mod): params = get_params(state) mod.prior.hyp = params[0] mod.likelihood.hyp = params[1] # grad(Filter) + Smoother: batch_ind = np.random.permutation(N)[:N_batch] # grad(Filter) + Smoother: neg_log_marg_lik, gradients = nlml = neg_log_marg_lik * N / N_batch print('iter %2d: nlml=%2.2f' % (i, nlml)) if plot_intermediate: plot(mod, i) return opt_update(i, gradients, state)
def main(): """ Main function to drive the simulator. The expected usage is: ./ -c <path to circuit netlist> """ # set up argument parser parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', help='Circuit netlist file', required=True) parser.add_argument('-o', help='Output .wav file', default=None) try: # extract command line arguments args = parser.parse_args() netlist = Netlist(args.c) circuit = netlist.as_circuit() # solve the circuit at every timestamp for the input signal timescale, input_signal, vout = circuit.transient() vout = np.array(vout) t_start, t_end = circuit.timescale() # write data to output wavfile outfile = args.o if outfile is not None: rate = timescale[1] - timescale[0] fs = int(1.0 / rate) max_amp = np.max(np.abs(vout)) sigf32 = (vout / max_amp).astype(np.float32), fs * 100) # wavfile.write(outfile, fs, sigf32) # plot the results plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plot(t_start, t_end, input_signal, title="Input Signal") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plot(t_start, t_end, vout, title="Output Signal") except IOError as e: parser.print_help() print("\nIOError {}".format(e)) sys.exit(-1)
def _plot_and_write(plot_dict, loc, x_label="", y_label="", title="", kind='line', legend=True, moving_average=False): for key in plot_dict: plot(data={key: plot_dict[key]}, loc=loc + str(key) + ".pdf", x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, title=title, kind=kind, legend=legend, index_col=None, moving_average=moving_average) write_to_csv(data={key: plot_dict[key]}, loc=loc + ".csv")
def silence(self): threshold = [-1*int(10*i) for i in range(1, 11)][::-1] precisionArr = [] recallArr = [] FscoreArr = [] for value in threshold: print("threshold: {} being evaluated".format(value)) valueResults = [] for i, filename in enumerate(self.files): print("Executing file {} number {}/{}".format(filename, i+1, len(self.files)), end='\r') audio, sr, channels, _, _, _ = std.AudioLoader(filename=filename)() audio = np.sum(audio, axis=1)/channels _, ret = essStartstopDetector(audio, threshold=value) valueResults.append((filename.replace(self.wavDatasetPath, ""), ret)) print('') valueResults = sorted(valueResults, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, precision, recall = self.evaluateValue(valueResults, "Clicks") precisionArr.append(precision) recallArr.append(recall) FscoreArr.append((1 + Fbeta**2) * precision * recall / (Fbeta**2 * precision + recall)) u.plot("./results/silencethreshold.png", precision=precisionArr,recall=recallArr, Fscore=FscoreArr, x_values=threshold) frameSize = [int(2**i) for i in range(5,10)] precisionArr = [] recallArr = [] FscoreArr = [] for value in frameSize: print("frameSize: {} being evaluated".format(value)) valueResults = [] for i, filename in enumerate(self.files): print("Executing file {} number {}/{}".format(filename, i+1, len(self.files)), end='\r') audio, sr, channels, _, _, _ = std.AudioLoader(filename=filename)() audio = np.sum(audio, axis=1)/channels _, ret = essStartstopDetector(audio, frameSize=value, hopSize=value) valueResults.append((filename.replace(self.wavDatasetPath, ""), ret)) print('') valueResults = sorted(valueResults, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, precision, recall = self.evaluateValue(valueResults, "Clicks") precisionArr.append(precision) recallArr.append(recall) FscoreArr.append((1 + Fbeta**2) * precision * recall / (Fbeta**2 * precision + recall)) u.plot("./results/silenceframeSize.png", precision=precisionArr, recall=recallArr, Fscore=FscoreArr, x_values=frameSize)
def summary(): message = '数据统计' vars = dict(request.vars) labels = [] sizes = [] try: if 'submit' in vars: table_name = vars['table_name'] data_type = vars['data_type'] start_date = vars['start'] end_date = vars['end'] sql = f'select branch_name, {data_type} from {table_name} where open_date between "{start_date}" and "{end_date}" group by branch_name;' table_values = bankdb.executesql(sql) labels = [row[0] for row in table_values] sizes = [float(row[1]) for row in table_values] utils.plot(labels, sizes) except Exception as e: response.flash = sql + str(e) massage = sql return dict(locals())
def draw_death_over_mobility(countries): FEATURES_VALUES = utils.features_values() value_vars = ['{}_15days'.format(mobility) for mobility in utils.MOBILITY] data = FEATURES_VALUES.melt( id_vars=['CountryName', 'ConfirmedDeaths', 'R'], value_vars=value_vars, var_name='Measures', value_name="Value") data['Measures'] = data.apply(pretty_name, axis=1) for country in countries: utils.plot('scatter', data.loc[data['CountryName'] == country], 'data_visualization_death_to_measure_' + country, 'Value', 'R', 'Rt', x_label='mobility', hue='Measures', legend_pos=None)
def plot_history(self, sid: int = None, show_trades: bool = False): """provides a plot of the batl/batb over time""" if sid is None: sid = max(self.batb_history, key=lambda k: len(self.batb_history[k])) fig = plot(sid, self.batb_history[sid], self.batl_history[sid]) if show_trades: fig = plot_trades(fig, self.trade_times[sid], self.trade_price[sid], self.trade_direction[sid]) return fig
def plot_final_positions(pool_physics, pool_table, request): show_plots, save_plots = request.config.getoption('--show-plots'), request.config.getoption('--save-plots') if not (show_plots or save_plots): yield return from utils import plot_motion_timelapse as plot yield test_name = '_'.join([request.function.__name__, pool_physics.ball_collision_model]) events = if events: t1 = events[-1].t if events[-1].T < float('inf'): t1 += events[-1].T else: t1 = 0.0 plot(pool_physics, table=pool_table, nt=0, t_0=t1, t_1=t1, title=test_name + ' (final positions)', filename=os.path.join(PLOTS_DIR, test_name + '-final-positions.png') if save_plots else None, show=show_plots)
def runPla(x, f, w=np.zeros((3)), show=False, X=None): truth = np.sign(,f)) green = x[(truth == 1), 1:] red = x[(truth < 1), 1:] plot(green, red, f, show=show, axis=311) right = np.empty([0,2]) wrong = np.empty([0,2]) count = 0 while right[:].size < x[:].size: prediction = np.sign(,w)) #print "prediction = " + str(prediction) green = x[(prediction == 1), 1:] red = x[(prediction < 1), 1:] plot(green, red, w, show=show, axis=312) right = x[(prediction == truth),1:] wrong = x[(prediction != truth),1:] plot(right, wrong, w, show=show, axis=313) if wrong.size == 0: break w = train(w, x, prediction, truth) count += 1 if show: pause(.1) return count, w
def main(bee_count, move_count, cities_count): all_cities = utils.loadCities(cities_count) super_extra_ultra_special_intergalactic_bee = Bee() bees = [] for i in range(bee_count): bees.append(Bee()) while super_extra_ultra_special_intergalactic_bee.is_not_complete(all_cities): for bee in bees: bee.move(move_count, all_cities) bees = sorted(bees, key=lambda be: be.distance, reverse=False) super_extra_ultra_special_intergalactic_bee = bees[0] max_distance = max(bees, key=lambda b: b.distance).distance min_distance = min(bees, key=lambda b: b.distance).distance middle_distance_difference = (max_distance + min_distance) / 2 recruiters = [] for bee in bees: if bee.distance > middle_distance_difference: bee.change_role(True) recruiters.append(bee) else: bee.change_role(False) for bee in bees: if not bee.recruiter: rndm = rand.uniform(0, 1) selected_bee = Bee() if rndm < 0.5: selected_bee = recruiters[rand.randrange(0, len(recruiters) - 1)] else: selected_bee = super_extra_ultra_special_intergalactic_bee bee.replace_cities(selected_bee.visited_cities[:]) utils.plot(super_extra_ultra_special_intergalactic_bee.visited_cities)
def runPla(x, f, w=np.zeros((3)), show=False, X=None): truth = np.sign(, f)) green = x[(truth == 1), 1:] red = x[(truth < 1), 1:] plot(green, red, f, show=show, axis=311) right = np.empty([0, 2]) wrong = np.empty([0, 2]) count = 0 while right[:].size < x[:].size: prediction = np.sign(, w)) #print "prediction = " + str(prediction) green = x[(prediction == 1), 1:] red = x[(prediction < 1), 1:] plot(green, red, w, show=show, axis=312) right = x[(prediction == truth), 1:] wrong = x[(prediction != truth), 1:] plot(right, wrong, w, show=show, axis=313) if wrong.size == 0: break w = train(w, x, prediction, truth) count += 1 if show: pause(.1) return count, w
def main(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') seed = 1234 np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) parser = arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if osp.exists('../trained_models') is False: os.makedirs('../trained_models') if osp.exists('../predictions') is False: os.makedirs('../predictions') if args.model == 'unet': model = UNet(3, 4) elif args.model == 'resunet_a': model = ResUNet_a(3, 4) else: model = smp.Unet(args.model, encoder_weights='imagenet', classes=4, activation='sigmoid') model_trainer = Trainer(model, loss=args.loss) model_trainer.start() losses = model_trainer.losses dice_scores = model_trainer.dice_scores iou_scores = model_trainer.iou_scores if osp.exists('../results') is False: os.makedirs('../results') plot(losses, name='{}_Loss'.format(args.loss)) plot(dice_scores, name='Dice_score') plot(iou_scores, name='IoU_score')
def cond_samples(f, replay_buffer, args, fresh=False): if fresh: replay_buffer = uncond_samples(f, args, save=False) n_it = replay_buffer.size(0) // 100 all_y = [] for i in range(n_it): x = replay_buffer[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100].to(device) y = f.classify(x).max(1)[1] all_y.append(y) all_y =, 0) each_class = [replay_buffer[all_y == l] for l in range(10)] print([len(c) for c in each_class]) for i in range(100): this_im = [] for l in range(10): this_l = each_class[l][i * 10:(i + 1) * 10] this_im.append(this_l) this_im =, 0) if this_im.size(0) > 0: plot("./save/cond_samples/samples_{}.png".format(i), this_im) print(i)
def shouldExplore(self): return random.random() <= self.epsilon if __name__ == "__main__": actualActionValues = utils.generateActionValues(10); bandit = MultiArmedBandit(10, actualActionValues); agent = AgentEpsilonGreedy(bandit, 10, 0.1); mse = [] for _ in range(0, 10000): agent.learn() mse += [np.mean(np.square(actualActionValues - agent.actionValueEstimates))]; print actualActionValues; print agent.actionValueEstimates; utils.plot(mse); class AgentSoftmax(Agent): def __init__(self, bandit, numberOfArms, epsilon, temperature): Agent.__init__(self, bandit, numberOfArms); self.epsilon = epsilon; self.temperature = temperature; self.armSelectionCount = np.zeros(numberOfArms); def getAlpha(self, arm): return 1.0 / self.armSelectionCount[arm - 1]; def chooseArm(self): choices = [math.exp(q/self.temperature) for q in self.actionValueEstimates ] totalSum = sum(choices)
(d["num_filled"] == num_filled) & (d["num_shells"] >= num_shells_range[0]) & (d["num_shells"] <= num_shells_range[1]) & (d["freq"] == 1.0)] num_particles = num_filled * (num_filled + 1) energy_type = {"ground": "ground state", "add": "addition", "rm": "removal"}[label] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches((4, 3)) for method, case in d.groupby("method"): case = case.sort_values("num_shells") xs = case["num_shells"].astype(int) ys = case["energy"] ax.plot(xs, ys, "-x", label=utils.METHOD_LABEL[method], color=utils.METHOD_COLOR[method]) ax.get_xaxis().set_major_locator( matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.set_xlabel("K (number of shells)") ax.set_ylabel("E (energy)") ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() utils.savefig(fig, "by-num-shells-{num_particles}-{num_filled}-" "{label}-{ml}-{interaction}" .format(**locals())) with utils.plot(__file__, call=plot) as interactive: if not interactive: plot("ground", freq=1.0, num_filled=2, num_shells_range=[4, 15])
def get_reliability(self): # finding sources self.source_finder(image=self.imagename, lsmname=self.poslsm, thresh=self.pos_smooth, **self.opts_pos) self.source_finder(image=self.negativeimage, lsmname=self.neglsm, thresh=self.neg_smooth, **self.opts_neg) # removing sources within a specified radius self.remove_sources_within(catalog=self.poslsm, rel_excl_src= self.rel_excl_src) self.remove_sources_within(catalog=self.neglsm, rel_excl_src= self.rel_excl_src) # add local variance as a parameter if self.do_local_var: utils.local_variance(self.imagedata, self.header, catalog=self.poslsm, wcs=self.wcs, pixelsize=self.pixelsize, local_region= self.local_var_region, savefig=False, highvariance_factor=None, prefix=self.prefix, neg_side=True) utils.local_variance(self.imagedata, self.header, catalog=self.neglsm, wcs=self.wcs, pixelsize=self.pixelsize, local_region= self.local_var_region, savefig=False, highvariance_factor=None, prefix=self.prefix, neg_side=True) # compute correlation if only do_psf_corr = True #and the psf is provided if self.do_psf_corr and self.psfname: utils.psf_image_correlation( catalog=self.poslsm, psfimage=self.psfname, imagedata=self.imagedata, header=self.header, wcs=self.wcs, pixelsize=self.pixelsize, corr_region=self.psf_corr_region, prefix= self.prefix) utils.psf_image_correlation( catalog=self.neglsm, psfimage=self.psfname, imagedata=self.imagedata, header=self.header, wcs=self.wcs, pixelsize=self.pixelsize, corr_region=self.psf_corr_region, prefix=self.prefix) ##TODO verbose vs. logging pmodel = Tigger.load(self.poslsm, verbose=self.loglevel) nmodel = Tigger.load(self.neglsm, verbose=self.loglevel) posSources = pmodel.sources negSources = nmodel.sources npsrc = len(posSources) nnsrc = len(negSources) positive, labels = self.params(posSources, pmodel) negative, labels = self.params(negSources, nmodel) # setting up a kernel, Gaussian kernel bandwidth = [] for plane in negative.T: bandwidth.append(plane.std()) nplanes = len(labels) cov = numpy.zeros([nplanes, nplanes]) for i in range(nplanes): for j in range(nplanes): if i == j: cov[i, j] = bandwidth[i]*((4.0/((nplanes+2)* npsrc))**(1.0/(nplanes+4.0))) pcov = utils.gaussian_kde_set_covariance(positive.T, cov) ncov = utils.gaussian_kde_set_covariance(negative.T, cov) # get number densities nps = pcov(positive.T) * npsrc nns = ncov(positive.T) * nnsrc # define reliability of positive catalog rel = (nps-nns)/nps for src, rf in zip(posSources, rel): src.setAttribute("rel", rf) out_lsm = self.poslsm if self.makeplots: savefig = self.prefix + "_planes.png" utils.plot(positive, negative, rel=rel, labels=labels, savefig=savefig, prefix=self.prefix) return self.poslsm, self.neglsm
sum = 0.0 run = 0.0 while run < runs: f = points2weights(np.random.random((2,2)) * 2 - 1) x = np.insert(np.random.random((N,2)) * 2 - 1,0,np.ones((1,N)), axis=1) testSet = np.insert(np.random.random((N*10,2)) * 2 - 1,0,np.ones((1,N*10)), axis=1) y = np.sign(,f)) testTruth = np.sign(,f)) w = np.zeros(3) green = x[(y == 1), 1:] red = x[(y != 1), 1:] plot(green, red, f, axis=311, show=True) count = 0 while count < 1000: oldW = np.copy(w) element = 0 while element < N: w += lr * gradient(x[element],y[element],w) element += 1 prediction = np.sign(,np.transpose(w))) right = x[(prediction == y),1:] wrong = x[(prediction != y),1:] plot(right, wrong, w, show=False, axis=313)#, xlim=[-5,5], ylim=[-5,5]) #pause(.05) if mag(oldW, w) < 0.01: break
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Generates ../FigureFiles/fig-by-freq-*.svg from the data files. import argparse, itertools, os, sys import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import utils p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true") p.add_argument("-t", "--title", action="store_true") p.add_argument("-int", "--interaction", default="normal") p.add_argument("label", metavar="type", help="ground, add, or rm") kwargs = vars(p.parse_args()) plt.rcParams["interactive"] = kwargs["interactive"] with utils.plot(__file__): d = utils.load_all() num_shells = 10 num_filled = 2 interaction = kwargs["interaction"] label = kwargs["label"] ml = utils.label_num_filled_to_ml(label, num_filled) d = d[(d["method"] != "imsrg[f]+eom[n]") & (d["method"] != "magnus_quads+eom") & (d["interaction"] == interaction) & (d["label"] == label) & (d["num_shells"] == num_shells) & (d["num_filled"] == num_filled) & # filter out higher frequencies because they stretch the plot too much (d["freq"] <= 1.0) & (d["ml"] == ml)]
s2, r, done, info = env.step(a) r = -1 * (0.5 - s2[0]) f = features.get_features(s2) #s = s2 reward += r if done: break total_reward.append(reward) return sum(total_reward)/len(total_reward) env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0') num_action = env.action_space.n num_base_func = 12 nb = num_base_func*num_action+1 sigma = 0.5 #2.5 num_iterations = 10 gamma = 0.999 ep = 0.2 #0.2 num_sampling = 100 features = RBF(env,sigma,num_base_func) if __name__ == '__main__': w,error_list,reward_list = LSPI(plot=True) try: test(w,render=True) finally: print w utils.plot(error_list,reward_list)
aveW = np.zeros((1,6)) show = False for i in range(0,runs): print "Running test # " + str(i) x = np.insert(np.random.random((d,2)) * 2 - 1,0,np.ones((1,d)), axis=1) x = np.append(x, x[:,1:2] * x[:,2:3], axis=1) x = np.append(x, np.square(x[:,1:3]), axis=1) truth = np.sign(np.square(x[:,1]) + np.square(x[:,2]) - .6) noise = np.append(np.ones((d*.9)), np.ones((d - d*.9)) * -1, axis=0) np.random.shuffle(noise) truth *= noise i,o,w = lr.runLR(x, truth, show=show) plotX = np.linspace(-1,1,1000) plotY = np.sqrt(np.square(plotX) * -1 + .6) plotX = np.append(plotX, plotX, axis=1) plotY = np.append(plotY, -plotY, axis=1) green = x[(truth == 1), 1:] red = x[(truth < 1), 1:] plot(green, red, [7,1,7], axis=311, show=show, other=[plotX, plotY,'b-']) pause(.1) wrongIn += i aveW = aveW + w print "Average of " + str(wrongIn/runs) + " wrong in sample per run" fractionWrong = (wrongIn/runs)/d print "%f incorrect on average in sample"%(fractionWrong) print "ave w is " + str(aveW/runs)
def get_reliability(self): # finding sources" Extracting the sources on both sides ") pfile = self.prefix + self.catalogue_format + ".fits" nfile = self.prefix + "_negative" + self.catalogue_format + ".fits" # i need to catch mmap.mmap error here # running a source finder self.source_finder(image=self.negimage, output=nfile, thresh=self.neg_smooth, savemask=self.savemaskneg, prefix=self.prefix, **self.opts_neg) self.source_finder(image=self.imagename, output=pfile, thresh=self.pos_smooth, savemask=self.savemaskpos, prefix=self.prefix, **self.opts_pos)" Source Finder completed successfully ") pmodel, positive, labels = self.params(pfile) nmodel, negative, labels = self.params(nfile) # setting up a kernel, Gaussian kernel bandwidth = [] for plane in negative.T: bandwidth.append(plane.std()) nplanes = len(labels) cov = numpy.zeros([nplanes, nplanes]) nnsrc = len(negative) npsrc = len(positive)" There are %d positive and %d negtive detections "%(npsrc, nnsrc)) if nnsrc == 0 or npsrc ==0: self.log.error("The resulting array has length of 0 thus cannot compute" " the reliability. Aborting.")" Computing the reliabilities ") for i in range(nplanes): for j in range(nplanes): if i == j: cov[i, j] = bandwidth[i]*((4.0/((nplanes+2)* nnsrc))**(1.0/(nplanes+4.0)))"The resulting covariance matrix is %r"%cov) pcov = utils.gaussian_kde_set_covariance(positive.T, cov) ncov = utils.gaussian_kde_set_covariance(negative.T, cov) # get number densities nps = pcov(positive.T) * npsrc nns = ncov(positive.T) * nnsrc # define reliability of positive catalog rel = (nps-nns)/nps for src, rf in zip(pmodel.sources, rel): src.setAttribute("rel", rf)" Saved the reliabilities values.") # remove sources with poor correlation and high reliability, # the values are currently arbitrary if self.do_psf_corr and self.derel: for s in pmodel.sources: cf, r = s.correlation_factor, s.rel if cf < 0.006 and r > 0.60: s.rel = 0.0 if self.makeplots: savefig = self.prefix + "_planes.png" utils.plot(positive, negative, rel=rel, labels=labels, savefig=savefig, prefix=self.prefix) # removes sources in a given radius from the phase center if self.radiusrm:" Remove sources ra, dec, radius of %r" " from the phase center" %self.radiusrm) pmodel = self.remove_sources_within(pmodel) if not self.savefits:" Deleting the negative image.") os.system("rm -r %s"%self.negimage) # Set field Center pmodel.ra0, pmodel.dec0 = map(numpy.deg2rad, self.wcs.getCentreWCSCoords()) return pmodel, nmodel, self.locstep
# Copyright (c) 2015 Jaakko Luttinen from utils import plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == "__main__": plt.figure() plot("pca", 1, maxiter=200) plt.xlim(0, 6) plt.ylim(-7500, -4500) plt.savefig("fig_pca_01.pdf", frameon=False) plt.figure() plot("pca", 2, maxiter=200) plt.xlim(0, 70) plt.ylim(-120000, -70000) plt.savefig("fig_pca_02.pdf", frameon=False) plt.figure() plot("mog", 1, maxiter=200) plt.xlim(0, 3) plt.ylim(-1000, -750) plt.savefig("fig_mog_01.pdf", frameon=False) plt.figure() plot("mog", 2, maxiter=200) plt.xlim(0, 150) plt.ylim(-40000, -32000) plt.savefig("fig_mog_02.pdf", frameon=False)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Sep 09 00:57:33 2013 @author: Tejay Cardon visualize pla """ from utils import points2weights, plot from LinearRegression import runLR import numpy as np from matplotlib.pyplot import pause runs = 10 d = 1000 for i in range(0,runs): print "Running test # " + str(i) f = points2weights(np.random.random((2,2)) * 2 - 1) x = np.insert(np.random.random((d,2)) * 2 - 1,0,np.ones((1,d)), axis=1) truth = np.sign(,f)) i,o,w = runLR(x, truth, show=True) green = x[(truth == 1), 1:] red = x[(truth != 1), 1:] plot(green, red, f, axis=311, show=True) pause(.5)
loads_d = [] for i in loads: loads_d.append(get_num_dict(i)) chord_loads.append(get_50_percent(loads_d[0])) vserver_loads.append(get_50_percent(loads_d[1])) x_values.append(next(get_numbers(f))) plt.figure().set_size_inches(6.5,5) plt.xlabel("#Nodes") plt.ylabel("% of nodes storing 50% of data") from matplotlib.ticker import EngFormatter formatter = EngFormatter(places=0) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) plt.ylim(0,0.5) plt.xlim(0,1000000) out_file = "intro_lb_chord.pdf" d1 = prepare(x_values,chord_loads) d2 = prepare(x_values,vserver_loads) d1['label'] = 'Neighbor Replication' d1['linestyle'] = 'dashed' d2['label'] = "Virtual Servers" plot(out_file,d1,d2)