Exemplo n.º 1
	def next_step(self, things,t):
		if self.life < self.vida :
			if self.next_move == 'move':
				action = self.next_move
				target = tuple(random.choice(emptyPlace(self,things)))
				self.next_move = 'heal'
			elif self.next_move == 'heal':
				action = self.next_move
				target = self
				self.vida = self.life
				self.next_move = 'move'
				self.next_move = 'move'

			target = getClosestZombie(self,things)
			if (canAttack(self,target)):
				action = 'attack'
				action = 'move'
				target = closest(target,possible_moves(self,things))
			name = target.name
			name = target
		self.status = str(action)#, str(name)#, self.weapon.max_range
		self.vida = self.life
		if action:
			return action, target
Exemplo n.º 2
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        if self.life < self.vida:
            if self.next_move == 'move':
                action = self.next_move
                target = tuple(random.choice(emptyPlace(self, things)))
                self.next_move = 'heal'
            elif self.next_move == 'heal':
                action = self.next_move
                target = self
                self.vida = self.life
                self.next_move = 'move'
                self.next_move = 'move'

            target = getClosestZombie(self, things)
            if (canAttack(self, target)):
                action = 'attack'
                action = 'move'
                target = closest(target, possible_moves(self, things))
            name = target.name
            name = target
        self.status = str(action)  #, str(name)#, self.weapon.max_range
        self.vida = self.life
        if action:
            return action, target
Exemplo n.º 3
    def next_step(self, things):
        '''Zombies attack if in range, else move in direction of players.'''
        action = None

        # possible targets for movement and attack
        humans = [thing for thing in things.values()
                  if isinstance(thing, Player)]
        positions = possible_moves(self.position, things)

        if humans:
            # targets available
            target = closest(self, humans)

            if distance(self.position, target.position) < self.weapon.max_range:
                # target in range, attack
                action = 'attack', target
                # target not in range, _try_ to move
                if positions:
                    by_distance = lambda position: distance(target.position,
                    best_position = sorted(positions, key=by_distance)[0]
                    action = 'move', best_position
            # no targets, just wander around
            if positions:
                action = 'move', random.choice(positions)

        return action
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_t is None:
            self.start_t = S.tick

        result = None
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        #elif player.life < 40:
        #        result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(
                    [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target,
                                      player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_t > self.timeout:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        return result
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_t is None:
            self.start_t = S.tick

        result = None
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        #elif player.life < 40:
        #        result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_t > self.timeout:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        return result
Exemplo n.º 6
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        """Zombies attack if in range, else move in direction of players."""
        action = None

        # possible targets for movement and attack
        humans = [
            thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Player)
        positions = possible_moves(self.position, things)

        if humans:
            # targets available
            target = closest(self, humans)

            if distance(self.position,
                        target.position) < self.weapon.max_range:
                # target in range, attack
                action = 'attack', target
                # target not in range, _try_ to move
                if positions:
                    # move
                    best_position = closest(target, positions)
                    action = 'move', best_position
                    # if blocked by obstacles, try to break them
                    adjacent = sort_by_distance(target,
                    for position in adjacent:
                        thing = things.get(position)
                        if isinstance(thing, (Box, Wall)):
                            return 'attack', thing
            # no targets, just wander around
            if positions:
                action = 'move', random.choice(positions)

        return action
Exemplo n.º 7
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        '''Zombies attack if in range, else move in direction of players.'''
        action = None

        # possible targets for movement and attack
        humans = [thing for thing in things.values()
                  if isinstance(thing, Player)]
        positions = possible_moves(self.position, things)

        if humans:
            # targets available
            target = closest(self, humans)

            if distance(self.position, target.position) < self.weapon.max_range:
                # target in range, attack
                action = 'attack', target
                # target not in range, _try_ to move
                if positions:
                    # move
                    best_position = closest(target, positions)
                    action = 'move', best_position
                    # if blocked by obstacles, try to break them
                    adyacents = sort_by_distance(target,
                    for position in adyacents:
                        thing = things.get(position)
                        if isinstance(thing, (Box, Wall)):
                            return 'attack', thing
            # no targets, just wander around
            if positions:
                action = 'move', random.choice(positions)

        return action
Exemplo n.º 8
def emptyPlace(self,things):
	return possible_moves(self,things)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def next_step(self, things, t):
     self.status = u"wii wi wiii"
     moves = possible_moves(self, things)
     if moves:
         return "move", random.choice(moves)
Exemplo n.º 10
def emptyPlace(self, things):
    return possible_moves(self, things)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def next_step(self, things, t):
     self.status = u'wii wi wiii'
     moves = possible_moves(self, things)
     if moves:
         return 'move', random.choice(moves)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_tick is None:
            self.start_tick = S.tick

        if self.map is None:
            self.map = GoalDistanceMap(self.goal, things)

        result = None
        done = False
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        elif player.life < 50:
            result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

                        # target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        # if target is not None:
                        #     if utils.distance(target, player) <= 1.5:
                        #         result = ('attack', target)

                        # if result is not None:
                        #     moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
                        #     random.shuffle(moves)
                        #     for pos in moves:
                        #             #print pos, g[pos], current
                        #             if g[pos] < current:
                        #                 winner = pos

                        #     if winner:
                        #         result = ('move', winner)
                        #     else:
                        #         target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        #         if target is not None:
                        #             if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        #                 result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            done = True
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_tick > self.timeout:
            done = True
        return result, done, "Rush(%s)" % (self.goal,)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def next_step(self, things, t):
     self.status = u'wii wi wiii'
     moves = possible_moves(self, things)
     if moves:
         return 'move', random.choice(moves)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        # action = random.choice(('move', 'attack', 'heal'))
        if self.life <= self.MAX_LIFE * .4: #max_heal_threshold(self):
            self.status = "I'm dieing!"
            return 'heal', self
        zombies = [thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]
        closest_zombie = closest(self, zombies)
        players = [thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Player)]
        other_players = set(players) - set([self])
        zombie_locations = [position for position, thing in things if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]
        moves = possible_moves(self, things) 
        if moves and len([1 for move in moves if move in zombie_locations]) == 3:
            assert len(moves) == 1
            self.status = "I'm surrounded!"
            return 'move', moves[0]
        #if closest_zombie and len(list(filter(lambda z: distance(self, z) <= 3, zombies))) > 5:
        #    self.status = "I'm surrounded!"
        #    return 'attack', closest_zombie
        if other_players and closest_zombie and len(list(filter(lambda z: distance(self, z) <= closest_zombie.weapon.max_range, zombies))) > 1:
            avgx = int(sum(player.position[0] for player in other_players) / len(other_players))
            avgy = int(sum(player.position[0] for player in other_players) / len(other_players))
            moves = astar(self.position, (avgx, avgy), closed=set(things.keys()) - set([(avgx, avgy)]), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(core.HEALING_RANGE))
            if moves:
                self.status = 'This is a little overwhelming'
                return 'move', moves[0]
        players.sort(key=lambda x: x.life)

        if closest_zombie:
            moves_left_predicted = distance(self, closest_zombie) - closest_zombie.weapon.max_range #self.weapon.max_range
            moves_left_predicted = 9999

        if moves_left_predicted - 1 > 0:
            if not closest_zombie:
                players_to_heal = players
                players_to_heal = list(filter(lambda p: (distance(self, p) - core.HEALING_RANGE) < moves_left_predicted, players))
            if players_to_heal:
                player_to_heal = players_to_heal[0]
                if player_to_heal.life <= max_heal_threshold(self):
                    self.status = 'healing ' + player_to_heal.name
                    if distance(self, player_to_heal) < core.HEALING_RANGE:
                        return 'heal', player_to_heal
                        moves = astar(self.position, player_to_heal.position, closed=things.keys(), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(core.HEALING_RANGE))
                        if moves:
                            return 'move', moves[0]
                            self.status = "Healing (can't reach " + player_to_heal.name + ')'
                            return 'heal', self
                    if self.life < min_heal_threshold(self):
                        self.status = "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!"
                        return 'heal', self
                        self.status = "If it bleeds, we can kill it..."
                        if closest_zombie and distance(self, closest_zombie) <= self.weapon.max_range:
                            return 'attack', closest_zombie
                            if closest_zombie:
                                moves = astar(self.position, closest_zombie.position, closed=things.keys(), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(self.weapon.max_range))
                                moves = []
                            if moves:
                                return 'move', moves[0]
                                self.status = "Healing (can't attack)"
                                return 'heal', self

                if self.life < min_heal_threshold(self):
                    self.status = "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!"
                    return 'heal', self
                    self.status = "WE'RE INVINCIBLE!"
                    if closest_zombie and distance(self, closest_zombie) <= self.weapon.max_range:
                        return 'attack', closest_zombie
                        if closest_zombie:
                            moves = astar(self.position, closest_zombie.position, closed=things.keys(), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(self.weapon.max_range))
                            moves = []
                        if moves:
                            return 'move', moves[0]
                            self.status = "Healing (can't attack)"
                            return 'heal', self
            self.status = "DIE!"
            return 'attack', closest_zombie
Exemplo n.º 15
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_tick is None:
            self.start_tick = S.tick

        if self.map is None:
            self.map = GoalDistanceMap(self.goal, things)

        result = None
        done = False
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        elif player.life < 50:
            result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(
                    [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target,
                                      player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

                        # target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        # if target is not None:
                        #     if utils.distance(target, player) <= 1.5:
                        #         result = ('attack', target)

                        # if result is not None:
                        #     moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
                        #     random.shuffle(moves)
                        #     for pos in moves:
                        #             #print pos, g[pos], current
                        #             if g[pos] < current:
                        #                 winner = pos

                        #     if winner:
                        #         result = ('move', winner)
                        #     else:
                        #         target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        #         if target is not None:
                        #             if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        #                 result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            done = True
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_tick > self.timeout:
            done = True
        return result, done, "Rush(%s)" % (self.goal, )