Exemplo n.º 1
from utils import print_sorted_dict
from os import path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    w1 = WebPage(
    w2 = WebPage(

    print "Text Similarity for w1 and w2"
    comparsion = w1.get_text_similarity(w2)

    print "Result: ", comparsion.similarity_result
    print "Important categories:"
    for cat in comparsion.important_categories:
        print cat

    print_sorted_dict(w1.content.categories_membership, "car")
    print_sorted_dict(w2.content.categories_membership, "ipod")

    print("\nMany images:")
    comparsion = w1.get_image_similatiry(w2)
    print "Result: ", comparsion.similarity_result
    print "Pictures with each other:"
    for pair, result in comparsion.image_pairs_results.items():
        first, sec = map(lambda x: path.split(x)[-1], pair)
        print "{} : {} is {}".format(first, sec, result)
Exemplo n.º 2
def process_command(command):
  Processes a command. Valids commands are as follows:
  - `create <name>`
  - `feed <name>`
  - `play <name>`
  - `wait`

  An invalid command will result in an error message "Invalid command." being
  printed to the console; Tamagotchi's that have not been created will cause
  error message "No Tamagotchi with that name." being printed to the console;
  using the `create` command with the name of an existing Tamagotchi will cause
  error message "You already have a Tamagotchi called that." being printed to
  the console.

  :param command: The command to process. Note that this command must be a
                  valid command as specified above. Non-valid commands will
                  result in a variety of error messages being printed.
  :type command: string
  # Start by splitting command into words
  command = command.split()
  # Parse command => identify first word in command
  if command[0] == 'create' and len(command) == 2:
    # If command is create, check if a Tamagotchi with that name already exists
    if command[1] in db.pets.keys():
      # If it exists, check if it is still alive
      if not db.pets[command[1]].is_dead():
        # If not dead, print error message and exit (do nothing)
        print('You already have a Tamagotchi called that.')
    # If it doesn't already exist or is dead, create a new one
    db.pets[command[1]] = Tamagotchi(command[1])
  elif command[0] == 'feed' and len(command) == 2:
    # If command is feed, check if Tamagotchi with that name already exists
    if command[1] not in db.pets.keys():
      # If it doesn't exist, print error message and exit (do nothing)
      print('No Tamagotchi with that name.')
    # If it exists, call feed method
  elif command[0] == 'play' and len(command) == 2:
    # If command is play, check if Tamagotchi with that name already exists
    if command[1] not in db.pets.keys():
      # If it doesn't exist, print error message and exit (do nothing)
      print('No Tamagotchi with that name.')
    # If it exits, call play method

  elif command[0] == 'wait' and len(command) == 1:
    # If command is wait, do nothing and pass time

    # Print error message and exit (do nothing)
    print('Invalid command.')

  # After the command has been processed, display current state of all
  # Tamagotchi's in NAME SORTED ORDER and increment time
  # Start by printing the pets sorted by alphabetical order

  # Call increment time method on all Tamagotchi's
Exemplo n.º 3
from glob import glob
from os import path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ad1 = AnalizedDocument.from_file("./data/test_doc")
    ad2 = AnalizedDocument.from_file("./data/test_doc2")

    print "Text Similarity for ad1 and ad2"
    comparsion = ad1.compare(ad2)
    print "Result: ", comparsion.similarity_result
    print "Important categories:"
    for cat in comparsion.important_categories:
        print cat

    print_sorted_dict(ad1.categories_membership, "test_doc")
    print_sorted_dict(ad2.categories_membership, "test_doc2")

    print "Two images:"
    im1 = Image.open("./data/red.jpg")
    im2 = Image.open("./data/pom.png")
    print compare(im1, im2)

    print "Many images:"
    first_group = glob("./data/test_a/*")
    sec_group = glob("./data/test_b/*")
    creator = lambda x: (x, Image.open(x))
    comparsion = compare_many(map(creator, first_group), map(creator, sec_group))

    print "Result: ", comparsion.similarity_result
    print "Pictures with each other:"