def setPlayerLabel(self): """ Setup label to represent communicate info about and to active player """ self.playerVar = Tkinter.StringVar() self.playerVar.set("Player %s has %d moves left"%(self.playerColor.title(), self.turnNumber)) Tkinter.Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.playerVar).grid(row=2) self.playerOptions = utils.redOptions() if self.playerColor == 'red' else utils.blueOptions() self.playerOptions = [x.title() for x in self.playerOptions] self.playerOptions.insert(0, "Choose Move") self.var = Tkinter.StringVar() self.var.set(self.playerOptions[0]) drop = Tkinter.OptionMenu(self.frame, self.var, *self.playerOptions, command=self.optionCallback) drop.grid(row=3)
""" Start a new game in terminal/commandline mode """ print "\nChoose a Player Color." playerColor = raw_input("Red or Blue? ").lower() try: self.newPlayerCtrl(playerColor) except utils.ServerException, e: print e self.newRawGame() turnNum = 4 while turnNum != 0: nextMoveMsg= "\nPlayer %s you have %d moves left.\n" \ "Pick your next move." print nextMoveMsg%(playerColor.title(), turnNum) playerOptions = utils.redOptions() if playerColor == 'red' else utils.blueOptions() playerOptions = [x.title() for x in playerOptions] playerMove = raw_input("%s "%playerOptions) try: responce = self.submitPlayerMove(playerMove) except utils.ServerException, e: continue print "%s Player picked %s"%(responce.get('computerColor').title(), responce.get('computerChoice').title()) print "Red: %s\nBlue: %s"%(responce['score'].get('red'), responce['score'].get('blue')) turnNum += -1 if __name__ == "__main__": ctrl = Controller()
""" Start a new game in terminal/commandline mode """ print "\nChoose a Player Color." playerColor = raw_input("Red or Blue? ").lower() try: self.newPlayerCtrl(playerColor) except utils.ServerException, e: print e self.newRawGame() turnNum = 4 while turnNum != 0: nextMoveMsg= "\nPlayer %s you have %d moves left.\n" \ "Pick your next move." print nextMoveMsg % (playerColor.title(), turnNum) playerOptions = utils.redOptions( ) if playerColor == 'red' else utils.blueOptions() playerOptions = [x.title() for x in playerOptions] playerMove = raw_input("%s " % playerOptions) try: responce = self.submitPlayerMove(playerMove) except utils.ServerException, e: continue print "%s Player picked %s" % (responce.get('computerColor').title( ), responce.get('computerChoice').title()) print "Red: %s\nBlue: %s" % (responce['score'].get('red'), responce['score'].get('blue')) turnNum += -1 if __name__ == "__main__": ctrl = Controller()